2009 Passover Camp Meeting


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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

It was established by the Lord in the early 1970s, to be a place where families could come for prayer and to receive spiritual help. 

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The 2009 Passover Camp Meeting



Order # 09LHMP3CD4
Better audio: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

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Book & Media Catalog at

Below is our podcast messages

Our podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space and add more audios.

C.R. Oliver 

09LHCD4-1A – C.R. Oliver – THE PLACE OF THE SAINTS 1-of-2
09LHCD4-1B – C.R. Oliver – THE PLACE OF THE SAINTS 2-of-2
Brother Oliver shares nuggets from his books. Solomon’s Secrets was given over 20 years of study. Sons of Zadok, was given from Ezekiel and Zachariah, and teaches the difference between the clean and unclean, etc. It is time the believers know who they are. En Punto, is about knowing where you ought to be. The gap is closing on understanding the truth. Listen to the voice of God. The Regal Pair, tells about what a Pharisee really is. We will see the Kingdom of God explode in our churches or they will die. Ministry is doing exactly what the Holy Ghost tells you to do when, where, etc. The Greek word for Holy and Saint is the same. Sealed Unto His Coming, is a commentary on every book in the Bible. Rev. 13:6-7 – you are a target in this war. Realize, there is a place in God where you cannot be overcome. There is power in being a Saint. Called to be Saints, title came from Romans 1 and 1 Cor in which the same words are used. Limiting the Holy One of Israel is the primary sin of the modern church. The Saints will judge the world. It is time the world saw a saint in action. We need to give God what He paid for.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017


Spiritual nakedness is a shame we do not know as much about as natural nakedness. Rev 3:14-21 spiritual nakedness is shown here. Geri tells us what we need to be clothed with: Gal 3:27 – Christ; Psa. 96:9 – Holy attire; Isa. 23:18 – choice attire; Jer. 2:32 – Bridal attire; Rev 7:9 – white robes and white attire; Rev. 3:5, Matt. 22 – Wedding clothes; Rev 19:8 – fine linen; Luke 24:49 – power from on High; Ps 132:9 – righteousness; Prov. 31 – scarlet and purple; II Cor. 5:2 – dwelling from on High; Ps 132:16 – salvation; Ezek. 16:10; embroidered cloth; Isa 52:1 – beautiful garments. She shares ways we can lose our wedding clothes; spiritual adultery, spiritual harlotry. Geri shares negative clothing with scripture references. She gives the causes of spiritual nakedness such as demon possession, spiritual adultery, sexual sin, etc. You are not under the law until you disobey God’s Word. I Tim 1:8 – the law is not made for a righteous man. Geri shares the characteristics of spiritual harlotry with scripture and closes with prayers asking God to reveal sins in our life and clothe us in righteousness, and leads the congregation in repenting of the sins.

09LHCD4-2 – Geri McGhee – ROOTS OF PRIDE
Geri begins with the testimony of her eyes and ears being healed and how this thrust her into the Word of God. If you have a physical problem, do a word study on the body part affected. Sickness is a curse; you must find the root. The most important thing you can do is get in the Word of God. Geri shares many definitions and symptoms of pride, being proud, and arrogance such as holding a high opinion of yourself, self-importance, being bold to excess, etc. Pride cast Lucifer out of heaven. It’s the first sin to enter men’s heart and the last to leave. Pro 6:16 – haughtiness means to lift oneself up. The eyes are the index of the mind. Watery eyes come from a haughty look. God sent His Word to heal us. A patient spirit is better than a haughty spirit. Those “turkeys in your face” are just mirrors of unresolved childhood issues with your parents. I John 2:16 the first consequence of pride is eye problems. Pro 21:4 – shows about pride and consequences. Geri share many scriptures concerning the consequences of a prideful, arrogant heart from Prov. and Psalms, etc.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 –  2009 – 2012

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 –  2013 – 2014

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2020 Till Now

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015


These sexual demons are moving on and on – generation after generation. They must be broken off of you so that your seed will be clean. There are multitudes of people on each side of the family when two come together. So it is not just you two that brings junk to the marriage. The area satan would have us keep secret are the areas we need help with to get free. Satan cannot do anything without a body. These generational curses are deposited on us and we don’t want them. Carla shares some of the evil spirits we battle; Pornography, masturbation, familiar spirits, Jezebel, Ahab, incubus, succubus, and the spirit of the bride of satan with explanations and examples of each. These are connected to sexual sins. Carla shares personal experience throughout this teaching to give understanding. She explains that when these spirits come to you or your children in dreams, etc. you must cast them out – they are demons. Knowledge is empowering. In closing, Carla receives questions and answers on these spirits.

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015.

09LHCD4-3 – Carla Butaud – KINGDOM ECONOMY – PART 5 of 8
(This is the 5th message in Carla’s series on the Kingdom) – Economy is defined as a systematic arrangement. Matt 6:19-24 The Kingdom of heaven is here. You cannot serve God and mammon. God wants us to trust Him – press into the Kingdom. Vs. 33 – seek, Mark 10:17, Luke 12:15 not self-sufficient but trust in God; Kingdom principle – Jesus is Lord over all our life. Prov. 3:1-9, Gal 4:16; the 90% after the tithe goes further than the whole amount. Mal 3:7 robbing God of the tithe brings a curse. I Pet 5:8 take God at His Word, His covenant with you. Mal 3:16 it’s time for us to tend to the things of the Kingdom because the world has nothing for us. Luke 6:38, 16:1-8 – be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. Are you a good steward of what God has put into your hands? Heb. 11:1, 6, Eph. 2:8.

C.R. Oliver 

09LHCD4-4 – C.R. Oliver – SAINT’S PRAYERS
He is coming in great power any way He chooses. The shepherds are not pleasing to God. God is dealing with holiness. Be on time. If you don’t pray, there are things in the spiritual that will not be done. We are to pray continually before the throne from within. The prayers, circling the earth, cause creation to take place; makes the highway of our God. Rev 5 – give us direction so our words mean something. The perfume of heaven is the Saint prayers. Rev 8:1-6 the incense is the prayers of all the saints. Mingle your prayers with all of theirs. We have got to change our prayer life. It is not what you say or how you say it, it is the deep desires of the heart; the language heaven understands. Rom 8:26-28, Eph 6:10-17, Jude 20, Daniel 4:17, Col 1:24-29. The book of Acts is the acts of the saints.

C.R. Oliver 

Praying is an entering in process. Saints live on a different level. We pray for one another – the Holy Spirit prays through the saint. Putting on the armor of God means to pray and do warfare in prayer. Sometimes we need to ask God to repair the track ahead of the train. Col 4:2,3. Saint power, plus God gives us a word from Him. Prayer is labor as Paul said in Col 4. We need to get saint thoughts in our minds. Saints must abide in strong, knowledgeable, worthy, quality prayers so they can mingle with the prayers of Moses, Elijah, etc. I Peter 4:7 is a word for us today. Take a moment with God in prayer, and He will see you through. C.R. shares many scriptures on prayer. The difference in saint praying is: being in prayer with other saints, praying in line with the prophetic, praying with the mind of the huge saint pool, and it brings attention in heaven.

Tom & Dianne Stone

09LHCD4-6 – Tom Stone – GOD’S LAW
God wants to share His power and His glory with the church today. Doing things our way leads to idolatry. Come out of the church into the Kingdom, but you cannot come without forgiveness. No forgiveness, no salvation. Put down your selfish desires. If the righteous are barely saved, where are the rest? This is a serious war! Lev 11:1 God is speaking. Lev 18:1-30 – list of incest-related sins. Every family has situations in ancestry. Sin messes with your immune system. Keep teaching God’s ways from the cradle to the grave. Look in the mirror, see your faults, sins, etc. and deal with them. That is how to be an overcomer. Every voice in this pulpit is breathing out life to you. Prov 19:19 a man of great wrath must be delivered many times. Witness means you were there. What kind of witness do you have? Teach, preach, show the Christ that is in you. Come up higher and live. Deliverance prayers and ministry conclude this message.

Miscellaneous Speakers 

09LHCD4-7 – Don Davis – TESTIMONY
Don begins with “God inhabits the praises of His people.” Magnify His name. God breathed into Adam His breath, His DNA into man. Don shares his life testimony beginning with his birth in 1935. He tells of having warts that led to an introduction to witchcraft, but how God healed him. The Holy Ghost later gave him diverse kinds of tongues. Other highlights include being an associate pastor in a dysfunctional church, he and his wife ministering in other countries, etc. Don shared how expressing the love of God caused God to show up with healings, miracles, freedom from demonic forces, salvation, and filling with the Holy Ghost. He shares of a conference in Lima, Peru, and closes with Gal 5:16, 17 – walk in the Spirit. Pray in the Holy Ghost every day. Keep your heart and life before Jesus Christ.

Richard Tate

09LHCD4-8 – Richard Tate – COMMUNION
The 14th day of the first month was Passover. Exod. 12:6-8 lamb with bitter herbs was eaten. Vs.12-14 there is no fear of God in the church today. Passover was not observed for generations until the book was found. It is all about God; reverential fear. The devil would like to kill us but all he can do is neutralize us. II Cor. 5:10-11 knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. Phil 2:12 work out your salvation with fear and trembling. II Tim 1:7 this fear has to do with our conduct. Any church you are in, you are either a part of the solution or part of the problem. At Passover, the blood protected them from God. Lev 23:1-4, 27, Sabbath days are discussed. In every church, there are people who will respond to God. I Cor 1:10-13; 3:1-4, 11:17, 20. Communion was an afterthought. As today, there was no fear of God. It’s something we do. Vs. 21-27 – Repent – God give us Godly sorrow. Change us and we will be changed. The Lamb is mentioned 26 times in Revelation.

Any of these messages above are also available on  DVD Video
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Book & Media Catalog at
Or call the LHBC Office at:
501-525-8204 For Patti King

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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

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both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

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