LHBC Audio by Zoom Meetings

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for our main web site at

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Audio by Camp Meetings 
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Messages on our YouTube channel

The Deliverance Manual – Main Menu
By Gene & Earline Moody

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LHBC DVD list in PDF format – updated

How To Get Set Free Listening Online

Recommended Speaker Web Sites


Our mp3 podcast format is:
“24kbps at 24Hz
Helping us conserve hosting space we’re paying for.

Next – Camp Meeting – Coming

Due to the COVID Virus, we started having online ZOOM Meetings.

We hope in 2022 we can start having camps again on the LHBC campground. Till then these zoom meetings allow anyone in the USA to join these online meetings while at home. Even on your phone. Still, there is nothing like having anointed hands laid on you in a group setting.

These are all full audio messages. Plus, any ministry at the end is left on as well. Follow along with the minister and get some spiritual freedom right where you’re sitting.

Maybe in time, life can go back to normal, and Christian folks can physically travel and meet here at the LHBC campground to have a normal camp meeting in the LHBC Chapel. Still hoping in 2022. Till then these free online ZOOM Meetings are helping anyone in the world to freely enjoy them.

We’ve noticed with Zoom Meetings the audio quality is very clear. We really like this new way of meeting. Each minister will have a time of teaching and a time of ministry, too. Follow the minister and do what he/she says. There have been times when the speaker opens it up online for people to ask questions too.
Once these camps are posted. They stay online.

These are all full audio messages
Plus, any ministry at the end is left on as well.
Follow along with the minister and get
some spiritual freedom right where you’re sitting.


2022 February Zoom Messages


Carla Butaud – 2021 and Beyond

2021 January Zoom Meeting

2021 February Zoom Meeting

2021 April Zoom Meeting

2021 May Zoom Meeting

2021 July Zoom Deliverance Meeting

2021 September Zoom Meeting

2021 November Zoom Deliverance Meeting


2020 December Zoom Meeting

Back To Audio by Camp Meetings – Main Menu
Please prayerfully consider donating to this audio ministry. 
See the donation link on the home page

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially, or with just prayer support.
We never take God’s provision for granted.
Thank You!

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