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Tom & Dianne Stone


03LHCD9-6 – Dianne Stone – UNFORGIVENESS
Sister Stone shows the necessity of forgiving others and self to obtain deliverance, healing peace and protection from demonic attack. By forgiving and not taking offence, you release both yourself and others from captivity. Through Scripture she establishes how unforgiveness causes a root of bitterness which defiles your body with disease – arthritis, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, cancer and others. She then outlines the scriptural path to freedom. Don’t miss reaching your potential in God because of unforgiveness.


04LHCD5-10 – Tom Stone – BE YE CONVERTED
Matt 3:2 “For He is like a refiners fire and like fuller’s soap” Brother Stone details the step by step refining process that is employed to perfect the Saints so that they emerge as pure gold – refined in the fire seven times. Then they are a vessel fit for the Master’s service.

James 3:2 “For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.” Sister Stone reviews the power of the tongue to both bless and curse, and the Scriptures showing that the poison of vipers and adders are under our lips. The origin of the cockatrice spirit is discussed and its’ power to control the tongue to bite and devour brethren. She reviews many things that give this spirit power to cause pain. Deliverance prayers are included at the end of this teaching.

04LHCD9-7 – Tom Stone – REMIT
Remit is defined as to forgive or pardon sin, to refrain from executing or inflicting punishment, or to send in payment. Brother Stone explains from Scripture, why it is necessary to remit of forgive sin. He also shows that in remitting sins or offences committed against you, you do not wish for the person(s) causing you pain or hurt to have to be punished for the offence. He shows that sometimes it is necessary for you to ask forgiveness, even if you don’t feel at fault. Deliverance and healing prayers follow this teaching.

04LHCD12-4 – Tom Stone – GOD’S FOOTSTOOL
1 Chron 28:2 “Then David the king stood up upon his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and my people: As for me, I had in mine heart to build an house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and for the footstool of our God, and had made ready for the building:” David worked to build a house of rest for the Ark of the Covenant and for the footstool of our God. In 2 Chron 9:18, the throne of Solomon has a footstool attached to the base before the 6 steps up-ward to the throne. At the footstool you leave all abominations such as pride, lying tongues, murder, deceit, mischief, false witness and gossip. (Prov 6:17-19) There is where you come to worship at the throne of grace and receive help in your time of need. (Heb 4:16) Also available on CD in Treasures on CD’s.


06LHCD7-8 – Tom Stone – WE NEED TO BE SAVED
1 Tim 2:3-4, “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” This message begins by showing that salvation begins with being born again in the Spirit. He then shows that God wants all men to be saved and presents them with the opportunity to receive Him and believe on His name. He draws us in to the choice with cords of love. Once we make the choice then we must continue to follow Him and grow in salvation. This is an excellent teaching on continuing in the grace of God to become perfected and made whole.

Tom begins with Exodus 20:3 saying that the Ten Commandments were given to generation after generation even now to this generation and to the next generation. He then asked the question “How many have been oppressed, suppressed and compressed?” He says we can get out from underneath all 3 of these by reading the Word of God. He tells us from Job 27:13 about the oppressor and says if you are an oppressor, this is what can happen to you. The best way out of a situation is to release it to God. Psalms 54:3 tells the position of the oppressor. Tom says the oppressor breeds oppressors. It’s a “round robin”. He gives scriptural references and explanations of oppressors and being oppressed. In Isaiah 3:13, 14:2, Tom gleans that we need to get in our closet and pray. Prayer is the way you rule over your oppressors. Using Isaiah 16:4, he says we need to find out how to watch for peoples souls; we come between oppressors and accusers. God says we must be stayed in Him to weather the storm. God is our resource. Tom closes with prayer and deliverance with the congregation about some oppressions.

06LHCD12-17 – Tom Stone – BLOOD COVENANTS
Tom begins by telling us this is a divine appointment to get a nugget from God. The blood was shed for you. But now you need to move on to your calling and do your job properly. Jesus says search and you will find. Seek and I will answer. We have to submit to His Spirit. God is good and real and He wants a lifestyle of communicating with Him. We need to be ministers in our families. They have a blood covenant with us. We must pray for those who are unlovable. The storms make you strong. A lying spirit brings fear of man, fear of judgment and fear of rejection. Listen, pray, dismiss it because you carry false burdens if you don’t release them. This is called fibromyalgia. Listen to the spirit. Get a hold of His Word. We can’t hear because we are walking in fear. That small still voice will turn away wrath. God is our defender. Tom shares that in I Corinthians 5 a story is conveyed in the first part of this chapter of a wound from incest. This will erase the blood covenant of Jesus if not confessed. This curse lasts 10 generations which is 400 years. He says secret sins are a blood covenant that keeps you from the other blood covenant. Pray for people that come against you. “If the Lord be with you who can be against you.” Tom wants everyone to receive the real blood covenant. Jesus made the way. He closes with prayer breaking evil soul ties and blood covenants.


07LHCD5-8 – Tom Stone – EXAMPLES
Tom begins this message with Jesus, who is our example to set the captives free. He prayed, “God, open our ears to change our ways.” He tells that children are for a reason – we are their examples and they are our pruning shears. He asks the question, “Are we a New Testament church?” You have the power to reject offense. God knows you. If you test God, guess what? He has the valve to turn up the heat. The Holy Spirit is continually working something in you and out of you. He asks, “How many have been down to Lodebar? That means barren – can’t hear from God. One reason is anger. It affects you mentally, physically and spiritually because you gave your peace away – the result can be headaches. The message concludes with a prayer for wisdom and for a spirit of discernment in order to be good examples of and for Jesus.

07LHCD12-6  – Tom Stone – CONFUSION
Tom begins this teaching with Lev 18:1. He shares a word of knowledge for a closet where the door has never been opened. The Holy Spirit does things to draw you. As soon as you come under Jesus blood there the battle begins. The battleground is the mind. If you have had blood transfusions you need to break all soul ties. Tom read God’s rules for sexual conduct as told by God to Moses for us. God is concerned for His children. We can repent of our ancestors’ sins. We can be forgiven for our sins because of Jesus blood. God can set us free and restore things. Using a personal illustration, Tom spoke of being delivered from anger, saying it took more than once and it will with you too. A vagabond spirit – not feeling welcome any place; you may be spewed out of the land. God condemns sin but loves you and does not want you cast out. Jesus wants people who believe in Him and love Him. He brought us out of Egypt and now He is getting Egypt out of us. Relying on the Holy Spirit helps us live in an abundant life and helps a lot of people get free. Tom closes with prayer for breaking generational sins, binding religious spirits and many more.

07LHCD12-15 – Tom Stone – SOUL TIES
Tom begins by saying it is not who we are but who God is. He said a prophet flew over this area and said it would be a safe place and to remember that. He recaps some of the week’s teachings and includes personal testimony, which leads to the subject of soul ties. Soul ties in the Bible are like Jonathan and David, they knitted their souls together and they loved one another. We need somebody to war for our souls. There are 2 or 3 ways we can make soul ties as we walk down through our lives. One way is just to look into someone’s eyes. But if you get in a confrontation with them, that is an evil soul tie. Gal 6:2 – bear one another’s burdens to fulfill the law of Christ. Soul ties represent a bonding of persons together, agape love. Eph 5:31 – this is a soul tie that is honored by God. There are 2 kinds here; one is come together in love, in one accord, a good soul tie. The other is an unhealthy one no unity, anger and wrath with your spouse. By breaking evil soul ties and submitting to the word of God you can restore families. The act of submission is emptying yourself out. You can’t break a good soul tie but you can break an evil soul tie. Tom shares examples from personal experiences. In a divorce there is great trauma and there are soul ties that need to be broken. I Sam 18:1- a good soul tie. Gen 44:20, a good soul tie is formed with a child and parent. Eph 4:16 – the church forms a good soul tie so that we can watch for one another’s soul. Good soul ties between parents provide security throughout the child’s life. Soul ties formed in the body of Christ are not only desirable but necessary. For they enable the body of Christ to mature and to fulfill it’s calling. We need to be able to come together and pray for one another and form these proper soul ties. But if we jump the fence we are making evil soul ties. Sometimes ministers need to break soul ties with people they pray for because their garbage can get on them. It’s a bad soul tie during deliverance but a good one right afterward. Good soul ties are founded upon love. Demonic soul ties are founded upon lust or anger or bitterness. Tom concluded with prayer and proclamation and deliverance to break soul ties.


08LHCD3-3 – Tom Stone – COMMANDMENTS
John 1:1 – Tom starts with “in the beginning was God”. Deut 6:25, John 1. Tom asserts God spoke in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament. All came from God. Tom says he believes the kiss of God to be deliverance. The Old Testament commandments lead to a longer, healthier life. Deut 15:5 – Know and listen to the Holy Spirit in the days ahead. We need to know the heart throb of God. Sin messes with your immune system. Sin causes us all many tribulations. We need to know what God says in His Word to us. We need to learn to do warfare in our sleep. When awake at 2 am, it may be God calling us to pray warfare. Once you name the name of Jesus you have entered into warfare. We need to change our vocabulary. Ps 103:18. We refuse to believe God’s promises and gifts are true. Ps 112:1, Ps 119:19. Delight in His commandments. God blesses the strangers – even more so us. Tom gives two personal testimonies. Matt 15:9, Isa 11:2 – gifts of God’s character. He gives us the ability to do what He asks us to do if we have Godly principles in us. Heed to what He says. Mark 7:7 – we have laid down His commandments for the traditions of men. John 14:21 Jesus says he who keeps My commandments is he who loves Me. Check out your reactions – are you praying for your enemies? Col 2:22 – to perish is to go with the doctrines of men. John 4:6 walk in love for life and more abundantly. Tom closes with some don’ts; don’t eat blood, drink alcohol and others. Deliverance prayers follow.

Ex 12:1 – the beginning of Passover. Jesus died and His blood should be put on the mantels of our hearts or heads as it was put on the doorposts. And He puts His seal on us that even the demons of hell can see. Tattoos form blood covenants with the person who administered the tattoo. Ear piercing forms a covenant with the world. Luke 22:15 is the first place the Passover was shown before Jesus went to the cross. God wants to have communion with us with His love and His passion. He wants to pull us into the Holy of Holies. He deserves to hear our hearts. Tom asks “have you heard His voice?” He will get your attention. Rev 6:8 – we see the pale horse of death but God’s people had the blood on the doorposts. We will not see the death angel. We need to pull down anger. Someone has to say, I refuse to get angry, in Jesus name; cast down vain imaginations. Tom shares a personal testimony of a wreck that involved time, patience and lots of forgiveness that resulted in a preacher going to Israel, preached in the name of Jesus and 500 souls were baptized in Jesus Name. Salvation comes by listening to the voice of the Lord. Do we respond to discernment by judgment or mercy? Say, Father, explain what you are trying to tell me. God wants to talk to us. You need money? Pray “God give me a job”. A key for problems is forgiveness so we can be healed. God has forgiveness for us so we can receive healing in our hearts. Sometimes we can respond with a spirit of bitterness. We need to take responsibility for our self, forgive and be forgiven. We do this the way the Holy Spirit says. The do’s and don’ts will mess with you and your stuff. He will free us when we hear the voice of the Lord and obey. Let the wine press, press us. Tom closes with testimony of an illness from the result of being judgmental. God told him to let it alone. Tom said “Listen quickly to a doctor then go home and start repenting. Corporate deliverance prayers follow.

08LHCD5-2 – Tom Stone – REPENT QUICKLY
Tom begins by giving 2 testimonies. One is about “bull knats with long teeth” and the other about “take care of your keys”. God wants us to repent quickly because everything we do and say affects us. Prov 18:21 – what kind of appetite do you have; to bless people or to curse people, especially children. We better be careful about the fruit we like to eat, in our mind, will and emotions. Matthew 12:36, 37 – if we condemn people what will boomerang back to us? What do you think would cause an ear ache? Anger in the household between spouses can cause it. Also hernias and varicose veins are caused from anger and rage. Matt 16:19 – if you live in fear it will manifest in you. Matt 6:9-15 – “in earth” means in us, forgive ourselves and our debtors. Matt 7:1, 2 – how much weight can we carry? II Tim 2:24-26 – the key is to repent and recover yourself. Take ownership of our sins and faults and repent. You can be healed of anything that has ever attacked you. Tom shares many more scriptures concerning getting to the root of the problem, fear and anger. Prov 14:30 – envy and jealousy causes arthritis, osteoporosis, bone cancer. He closes this teaching with prayers of deliverance.

08LHCD5-8 – Tom Stone – SOUL TIES
“I’m afraid to let my guard down” is a bad soul tie with yourself. We need to stop and change gears where we are. The first thing we ask for is love with protection. God is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him. God is the author and finisher of our faith. We need to make a firm soul tie with Him. Gal 6:2 is a good soul tie. How do you bear one another’s burdens? You listen to the request and bring it before the Lord. James 2:8 – love people, love yourself, this is a good soul tie. Eph 5:31 – marriage is a good soul tie. Matt 19:3-6 – this was supposed to be a good soul tie. God’s Word was built on relationships. The ultimate good soul tie is with Him. Tom gives 10 classifications of soul ties, 4 good and 6 evil with scriptures and explanations of each. 1) Marriage – a good soul tie 2) Friendships – good soul ties 3) Child/parent – good soul tie 4) Between Christians – Eph 4:16 – good soul ties 5) Demonic soul tie with a harlot – I Cor 6:16 6) Anger, rage with our self – evil soul tie 7) Perverse relationships – Rom 1:26-27 8) Inordinate affections – Gen 2:20 – with animals treating them like they are human beings – evil soul tie. Col 3:5 – an evil soul tie amounts to idolatry 9) Evil companions – I Cor 15:33, Pro 22:5 – a froward mouth – someone who is always accusing of something. Vs. 24, 25 – “loose lips sink ships”. Ex 20:12 – a death curse when you turn it around. Tom prayed to break this curse over all present. 10) Soul ties with the dead – Gen 50:10. Center your thoughts on Jesus. Tom closes with named deliverance prayers over all people present.

08LHCD9-11 – Tom Stone – BITTERNESS
God will sustain you but you will have tests. Tom gives us a prelude scripture to the message, using Pro 13:3 and asks the question “How many want to live?” Pro 18:21 We can fall into unwanted situations real quick. Tom shares some personal experiences. If a spirit of bitterness stands there it will manifest and grow. Matt 12:36 Sometimes we have a Pandora’s Box and we gather up all the words and they go into our hearts. If we keep these words they will cause bitterness. John 20:23 – we need to walk in this Word. Tom asks everyone present to repeat corporately, “I Choose To Remit Your Sins!” The key is the Holy Spirit speaking the word to you. And He will give you the right key at the right time. Matt 6:9-15 Forgive and He will also forgive you. Forgiveness has power and protection. Who wants to walk in the kingdom of God? Forgive. Don’t forgive and walk in the kingdom of flesh. Matt 7:1 when does judgment come? When you refuse to forgive. Pro 7:21-23 is talking about hepatitis from sexual sins. I John 3:14, 15 – beware folks, of hating anybody. It is the act of murder. The spirit of bitterness is serious. The gall of bitterness sets up and will eat you alive. Tom closes with prayers of deliverance over all present.

08LHCD11-3 – Tom Stone – SOUL TIES
Tom explores ten classifications of soul ties that can be operating in our lives as a result of various situations and relationships. Examples he touches on are with teachers, churches, false doctrines, marriages, not loving yourself, being determined to get your own way and many more. He talks about rejection, abandonment and gives practical advice for living an overcoming life. He concludes with prayers of healing, breaking of curses and deliverance.

08LHCD12-18 – Tom Stone – Judgement Starts in the House of the Lord
Prov 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Matt12:36-37 We can speak life or death on ourselves. We will be held accountable for every idle word. How you apply your mouth is how you travel your walk. John 20:23 to walk in the Kingdom of Heaven – forgive! We have the keys to death hell and the grave. Matt 7:1-2 Judgment in the house of God. The tormentor can be anything about your body, from head to feet. Turmoil causes physical problems. Judge not lest you be judged; our choice. Rom 2:1 we condemn ourselves. The power of God can do some things but we have to be in the right frame of mind; the compassion of Jesus. I John 3:14 hate cannot be in the body of Christ. Hate and anger are the things that control the person. James 1:13 it is always pride or lust of the world that tempts. II Chron 16:9 God shows Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is toward Him. Jesus says My yoke is easy (Psalms 26:2) and my burden is light. Try the reins of my heart. God is the Healer Prov 26:2.

08LHCD12-4L – Dianne Stone – The Woman’s Part in Marriage
Prov 18:22 “a good thing” – strong, kind, pleasant, agreeable and finds acceptance with the Lord. Gen 1:26 God gave dominion over all them. Gen 2:20 are we the help meet for our husband’s benefit or are we demanding our needs be met? Gen 3 a man is to leave his Father and Mother. Marriage is symbolic of the spiritual relationship in the church. Do we care more about our husband’s needs than our own? We are one flesh with him. As we do it God’s way the family will come together. Deut 22:13-20 this is God’s perfect will. He expects us to be virgins when we marry. Sexual sins bring a curse of 10 generations. These sins and curses must be broken off. You can stop the buck in your generation. Dianne shares testimony of how living what God’s plan is and the Eph 5:22 results of having a Godly husband. Eph 5:33 we cannot be concerned about the husbands part, we are to do our part and reverence him. Gal 5:19-21 other ways the enemy can come against your marriage; soul ties, etc. have to be broken with any sexual contact and blood covenants. John 8:44, Exod 1:15. Stand up, repent and be satisfied with being a good help meet. The end result will be that your husband and your family is Godly.


09LHCD4-6 – Tom Stone – GOD’S LAW
God wants to share His power and His glory with the church today. Doing things our way leads to idolatry. Come out of the church into the Kingdom; but you cannot come without forgiveness. No forgiveness, no salvation. Put down your selfish desires. If the righteous are barely saved, where are the rest. This is serious war! Lev 11:1 God is speaking. Lev 18:1-30 – list of incest related sins. Every family has situations in ancestry. Sin messes with your immune system. Keep teaching God’s ways from the cradle to the grave. Look in the mirror, see your faults, sins, etc. and deal with them. That is how to be an overcomer. Every voice in this pulpit is breathing out life to you. Prov 19:19 a man of great wrath must be delivered many times. Witness means you were there. What kind of witness do you have? Teach, preach, show the Christ that is in you. Come up higher and live. Deliverance prayers and ministry conclude this message.

09LHCD5-9 – Tom Stone – THE LAW
We are dragging around baggage – our old self. There will be no old trunk or baggage in heaven. Mark 7:6 we are judge, pronouncer of the laws over us. We need to confess and renounce generational curses and be free. Repent, Jesus wants to make you whole like the one leper who returned to Jesus. We need a heart transplant. If you get free of anger and bitterness don?t go back and pick it up again. After a gall bladder is removed, the bitter gall remains and must be purged out to be made whole. What does your life put out? Murmuring and negative speech? The pride of life, lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes are killers. God’s Word is here to bring us into a personal relationship with Him. Repent of every little thing you have done. If you don’t deal with the person, or your problem, God will send you 10 more just like them or worse. Bind, loose and forgive. Tom shares a personal example of a childhood injury that resulted in anger and a physical problem. God keeps saying “grow up”, get on with the program. Today is a start of walking into the kingdom. Lev 17:10, Lev 17:1-15 ? blood made atonement for sin. Eating of blood – makes beastly violent behavior, opens to demons in the physical and Lupus. Lev 18:1, 5, 9, 30 – laws concerning the family. Through repentance, forgiveness, deliverance, you can be set free. Abstinence is the best answer concerning sexual sins. Meditate on God’s Word. A deliberate sin is iniquity. Repent, break covenant with all sin. Tom shares a personal experience of prayer for a house and casting out a demon of suicide that polluted the land and tormented the lady who moved in there. Keep God’s statutes and judgments and we will live and not die. Deliverance prayers follow.

09LHCD7-9 – Tom Stone – OBEDIENCE
It is important to not only know what God requires, but to do what His Word commands. There is grace, mercy and forgiveness available for repentance but sometimes we have to deal with the issues. It is easier to deal with the triggers than to reap the result after the fruit has come forth. In strife, the Holy Spirit departs. When we fight against God, we’ll always lose. God wants to look at us and see His own reflection. The kingdom of God is real and we can live there – now. Deliverance prayer follows.

08LHCD9-11 – Tom Stone – BITTERNESS
God will sustain you but you will have tests. Tom gives us a prelude scripture to the message, using Pro 13:3 and asks the question “How many want to live?” Pro 18:21 We can fall into unwanted situations real quick. Tom shares some personal experiences. If a spirit of bitterness stands there it will manifest and grow. Matt 12:36 Sometimes we have a Pandora’s Box and we gather up all the words and they go into our hearts. If we keep these words they will cause bitterness. John 20:23 – we need to walk in this Word. Tom asks everyone present to repeat corporately, “I Choose To Remit Your Sins!” The key is the Holy Spirit speaking the word to you. And He will give you the right key at the right time. Matt 6:9-15 Forgive and He will also forgive you. Forgiveness has power and protection. Who wants to walk in the kingdom of God? Forgive. Don’t forgive and walk in the kingdom of flesh. Matt 7:1 when does judgment come? When you refuse to forgive. Pro 7:21-23 is talking about hepatitis from sexual sins. I John 3:14, 15 – beware folks, of hating anybody. It is the act of murder. The spirit of bitterness is serious. The gall of bitterness sets up and will eat you alive. Tom closes with prayers of deliverance over all present.

09LHCD11-3 – Tom Stone – SEXUAL SINS
God’s requirements do not change. He requires a holy people – which means we must be a repentant, obedient, forgiving, people. We deal with not only our personal sins but the sins of our ancestors which, in sexual sin can be 400 years. We want to be free and see our seed free and God has a way. He wants us free! We are His temple. 1Cor 3:16. We must forgive, then break curses and walk in obedience to His Word. Deliverance follows.

09LHCD12-3 – Tom Stone – FREEDOM
Are we walking in the kingdom of God or are we walking in the church realm. God wants to have control of our lives. He will change us a little at a time. He wants us to walk in the love that comes from Him: Love God, love our self, love our neighbor. There’s freedom in that! Unforgiveness is one of the things that keep us bound and in addition, it brings physical issues. If we want to be free in all areas of life, we must relinquish our hold on our life.

Sexual sins are cutting our nation off from God’s blessings. They cause confusion and insanity. We perish for lack of knowledge. Sin breaks down the immune system and opens us up to illness. Confess, repent and get free. How serious is it? God wants to bless us and free us from the curses. However, we must hear and obey His word in order for Him to bring life abundant..

09LHCD12-1LA – Dianne Stone – ARE YOU IN THE SECRET PLACE? 1-of-2
09LHCD12-1LB – Dianne Stone – ARE YOU IN THE SECRET PLACE? 2-of-2
Ps. 91. The secret place – shelter. You’re hidden, can’t be seen. In these last days, we can be sheltered from danger – .. if we make Him – God – our secret place. What keeps us out of the secret place? Disobedience – refusing to meet His requirements. God has reasons for His laws. This teaching is full of Scripture references and examples. There is a price to pay if we are rebellious but the Secret Place is reward for the obedient.


10LCCD2-3 – Dianne Stone – WOUNDED SPIRIT
Lev 17:11 The life of the flesh is in the blood. Your soul is in the blood. Prov 14:30 Sin in your body causes sickness and death. But Neh 8:10 says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Prov. 18:14 tells us that a wounded spirit will manifest in our body. The blood of Jesus will set us free from all the old wounds. There is a secret place where we can dwell that is a safe haven – Ps. 91. Dianne gives many examples of problems in our lives and the results. However, Prov 4:23 says to keep our heart with all diligence. Are you preoccupied with your past? Jesus came to set us free. We no longer have to be victims! Deliverance follows.

10LCCD2-6 – Dianne Stone – IMAGINATIONS
We first are reminded to keep our priorities straight – God being first, then our spouses, children and church. We can stay in Him – in the secret place in the midst of all that seems wrong around us. Can our family see something of Jesus in our life? We must keep our eyes on the goal – the higher place. Don’t look back and take a chance on being crystallized like Lot’s wife. Neither can you daydream about the future. Live in the “now.” Stop imagining. The trials are for our benefit if we walk with Jesus. We lose when we quit. Count it all joy! Our imagination can take us where we think we want to go but the end may not be for our good.

Sin – whether it be yours or ancestral, messes with your immune system. Lev. 18 talks about sexual sin – incest in particular. God forbids any kind of sexual sin, including homosexuality and bestiality and there will always be a price to pay. Even if we are ignorant of the laws, we are going to suffer the consequences. However, God has made a way of escape – called repentance – whereby we may be free of the curse. We are to be a holy people. Deliverance from ancestral sexual sins follows teaching.

10LHCD5-11 – Tom Stone – GOD’S LOVE
How we’re treated as children has much to do with how we relate to God. If we have angry parents, we think God is angry. When we are neglected, we’ll think that God will not meet our needs. However, if we are nurtured by our parents, we can easily believe that God loves us. Our heavenly Father’s love is far greater than even the best parent’s. Ps 91 describes a secret place where we can dwell with God. Once we find that place, we will know what God’s love entails. It’s pleasant and comfortable. We are covered, protected, surrounded, and shaded by One who loves us unconditionally. Deliverance prayer follows message.

10DELTRCD-3 – Tom Stone – SONS OF GOD
Who is your God? Ex 20:3 We are commanded not to have any other Gods before HIM. We can appreciate the creation and the blessings that God pours out on us, but He must first and foremost be our GOD. When we have other gods, we open the door to the enemy. Sometimes it may be sickness, sometimes fleshly weakness and sometimes we may see the results of our sin in our bloodline. But we can be sure, our sin will surface. Tom gives examples of those in scripture that sinned against God and reaped accordingly. Lev.18, 1-30. Deut 28 gives us the blessings that come when we do what God asks of us. We know also that our love for God is measured by our obedience to His word. We apologize that DVD audio difficulty prevents us from making a DVD of this service available..

One of the ways a person is uncovered is to be unwanted. A child is aware of what is being said, even in the womb. But we need to know and understand that God ordained our birth and that we are wanted – by HIM! Jer 1:5 – We must renew our minds to that truth, forgive, remit sins and be reconciled. Unforgiveness keeps us bound to that relationship, keeping it strained and puts a barrier between us and the Lord also, keeping that relationship with Jesus distant. Much deliverance followed this teaching.

09LHCD11-6 – Tom Stone – A MANUAL FOR THE BODY
We have learned that God desires to heal us. Provision has been made. It was never God’s will that we were dependent on doctors and hospitals. The saints of God are needing to ascend into a higher place. The question is posed, “Are we part of the church or part of the kingdom of God?” There are no impossibilities with Him in His kingdom. We are limited by our unbelief and lack of knowledge. Is 11:2 Deliverance follows..

Tom says we were all born in witchcraft – in darkness, in Egypt, disobedience, rebellion – and we need to be drawn out just as Moses was drawn out of the water – Ex.2:10. Rebellion grieves God. Heb 3:17, Judges 10:16. If God was grieved with His people then, how must He grieve over this land today? We are all guilty of areas of unbelief today. We can be changed. We can be free of the past, free of the fear of tomorrow, free to be all Jesus has called us for, because He has already paid the price. Deliverance prayer follows.

We are never without hope when we’re trusting God. The weapons of our warfare are supplied – and they “are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” 2 Cor 10:4, We are to be “bringing into captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ.” Even if there is incest between parents & children or between siblings or any other sexual indiscretion, we can be free. There are repercussions but there are also biblical remedies that we can access. No matter what our past has been, we have recourse. Stay clean and pure and “repented up.” Jesus came to set us free. Deliverance prayer follows. The DVD has some audio problems at the beginning.


11LCCD2-5A 1-of-2
Dianne Stone  The Ten Commandments in The New Testament 1-of-2
11LCCD2-5B 2-of-2
Dianne Stone  The Ten Commandments in The New Testament 2-of-2
Dianne begins with Ex. 20 – The 10 Commandments and then Mt. 7 – where Jesus is continuing His instruction on how to honor God and treat others. We are in this battle together, one body. She begins to connect the teachings of Jesus with the O. T. commands going back and forth between the old and New Testament. This is God’s work and it WILL be done His way. Dianne gives many, many scriptures defining the commands in the Word and telling us how vital it is to obey God. We are commanded to not only obey, but to obey with a pure heart and right attitude. She also points out the consequences to rebellion and disobedience. Be thankful to God because He is on your side. Love is the fulfilling of the Law. We obey Him because we love Him..

11LHCD7-13 – Tom Stone – BEGUILE
Beguile means to charm, to divert. This is the method of the enemy, to entice by falsehood, maybe not a total lie but just to color the truth enough to mislead. Sometimes this happens in relationships, friendships, marriage. We have been given power over the “liar” and we must use it in order not to be deceived. In addition, it is necessary to not only discern the truth, but to forgive when necessary. Otherwise we become bitter and angry, opening ourselves up to diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Prov. 19:19 says a man of great wrath will be put in prison ? not a natural prison but we’ll be bound to the lie and the liar as well. Another issue we may deal with is pride, which according to Prov. 16:18 goes before destruction. Deliverance ministry follows at the end of the message.

11LHCD9-3 – Tom Stone – BEGUILE
The definition of “beguiled” is to influence, intentionally mislead, even to pass time pleasantly. Are we eating of wrong teachings? Are we being beguiled? Spend time with your children and have them tell you what they are being taught. Speak life to them when they come in from school. Speak life to each other. If there is hurt and disappointment in your children’s lives they will hurt other people. Command the evil forces to leave. Anxiety, fear and stress are companions to anger. We all have hot buttons that God wants to defuse. Anger allows a spirit of witchcraft to enter us. Holding on to the gall of bitterness may be a cause of gall bladder and liver problems just as mental disorders can come from generational sins. Evil words of betrayal spoken by angry family members can cause physical problems in us, even while these family members attempt to beguile us into believing all is well between us. God wants to set us free from all these things. We do not have to be in prison in our minds, sick or disabled. God is real and He forgives all. Deliverance ministry concludes this message.

11LHCD11-1 – Tom Stone – Mind Wars 
Brother Tom shared his testimony. About 20 years ago, Jack Harris was ministering here at LHBC and the anointing of the Holy Spirit fell. Bro. Harris began to quote large passages of scripture. Tom was encouraged to ask for prayer and God healed and delivered him from an alcoholic spirit that day. God changed him and He can change us so we can go to war. He wants to put a yearning in us to become His “battle axe.” The battlefield is the mind. If we do not repent and go to war we will turn back and get into witchcraft. Forgive and be restored. Service ends with deliverance prayers.

If you were to die today could you stand before God with what you said or did last night? We need to be prayed up, repented up, ready. We must get all sin out of our lives. Let’s put away our aggressive attitude – the anti-Christ spirit. We have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Hear what the Spirit says and speak God’s Words. Check to see if you have a religious spirit. If you do, there will be no fruit in your life. Jesus wants to see His image in us. Let’s get the beginning of a plan to start walking in the Spirit. “You shall have no other God’s before Me.” No graven images, no lust, no strong drink. These are idols. To get mad at a parent brings a death curse. As a Christian it is our responsibility to tell our nation: “Thou Shalt Not”. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Deliverance prayers conclude this message.


Be aware of your motives for getting deliverance. If you are really hungry for God your motives will be pure, not self-serving. In order to get out of your prison you can’t just go to a fellow-Christian and ask them to get the discernment of the Holy Spirit for you. YOU ask the Holy Spirit what is keeping you from moving on in God. Be compassionate when you try to understand what is keeping another person locked up. Could it be rejection, criticism, hurt, abuse, being lied to, molestation in mind or body. It all puts you in a prison that is almost impossible to get out of. Once in a while a well-meaning fellow-Christian will try to help you get out of your prison. They will be eager to tell you what demons you have. That comes from a spirit of judgment … the third eye. It is witchcraft. None of us is without sin. Do not be afraid to repent. Repentance stops the death angel from snatching you. Know His Word. Build up your faith in the Holy Ghost so what we say is not our words but His words. We are without excuse. We have within our bodies the ability to cause diseases or to be healed from them. Don’t sit down and entertain judgment. Learn to pray through. Get caught up in the presence of Jesus where time has no meaning. If you don’t like your life, ask God to recreate it. He will get you out of your prison.

LHBC Audio by Camp Meetings – Main Menu

Judgement Starts in the House of the Lord
The Woman's Part in Marriage
Mind Wars 
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