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The 1989 Winter Camp Meeting

Miscellaneous Speakers

89LHCD12-1 – Earline Moody, Collean Blades, Zelma Walker & Linda Sutter – TESTIMONIES – These handmaidens of the Lord report marvelous testimonies of what God is doing all over the world. Perhaps the mentality of American Christians would undergo radical adjustments were they to witness the dedication of people who are living under conditions where it illegal to gather and worship God.

There was not a #2 cassette in our tape catalog.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2
Founders of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp
LHBC DVD list in PDF format New

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

Rape – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter

Perfecting Love – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter.

 A Wise and Understanding Woman – A
Also Listed in the Deliverance Manual

How Not To Do Deliverance – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter

Gene & Earline Moody/Glen & Erma Miller – DELIVERANCE 1-of-2
Gene & Earline Moody/Glen & Erma Miller – DELIVERANCE 2-of-2
This message focuses primarily on an angle of deliverance not often appropriated – How NOT to do deliverance! These two teams present helpful insights, gleaned from approximately 35 years of deliverance ministry, on avoiding many common pitfalls. The bottom line for successful deliverance is forgiveness and changing the way you think and act. Ministry for casting out evil spirits is included with this message.

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

Glen & Erma Miller
Founders of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp

Linda Sutter

89LHCD12-5 – Linda Sutter – REJECTION
Jesus can identify with your rejection. He was familiar with this enemy from before His birth to His death. He gave His life for redemption from all rejection. Linda emphasizes that fullness of life comes as we concentrate on our union with Christ and His provision. Guard against feeding on the negative aspects of what rejection has done to you.

Miscellaneous Speakers
Glen Miller

89LHCD12-6 – *James Clough – **Glen Miller – THY KINGDOM COME
*Bro. James shares the importance of keeping “your wells unstopped.” He reminds us that Jesus’ first comment about the kingdom of God was “Repent.” Daily application of that advice will keep the anointing flowing in your life and will bring forth the kingdom. **Bro. Glen ministers some thoughts from his notebook for us to ponder concerning the kingdom of God and His purposes for creation and eternity.

Glen & Erma Miller
Founders of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp

89LHCD12-7 – Erma Miller – A RUSHING MIGHTY WIND
Be encouraged and motivated by this exhortation to be “filled with the Spirit.” Having the Holy Spirit is more than just tongues – it is a filling. Being filled with the Spirit is not an option; the Word of God commands it. Repentance is in order for our disobedience in that area. At the conclusion of this message several were released into a more fluent prayer language.

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

89LHCD12-8 – Gene Moody – RAPE
This is a lesson that will touch the lives of many people and be especially helpful to women. It ministers encouraging insight for the victim, who has too long been named the criminal in these situations. Many were surprised to hear that the Bible has so much to say on the subject of rape. The church has failed miserably in her responsibility to teach these things and because of this, a degeneration of morals has taken place in the world. Deliverance ministry concludes this message.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom
Click above to see his other audio messages

89LHCD12-9A 1-of-2
89LHCD12-9B 2-of-2
“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus, so walk ye in Him.” It’s true for most of us that our revelation exceeds our walk, however, revelation produces life as we walk out the reality of that revelation. It’s line upon line, precept upon precept, ultimately bringing us to the place where it will be automatic to walk in the nature of God

There was not a #10 cassette in our tape catalog.

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry
Click above to seehis other audio messages

89LHCD12-11A – Earline Moody – PERFECTING LOVE 1-of-2
89LHCD12-11B – Earline Moody – PERFECTING LOVE 2-of-2
If you’ve ever questioned why it is so difficult for people to love, this message will provide you with the answers. Topics include the greatest hindrance to giving and receiving love, various degrees and maturities of love, and knowing the One who can teach us to really love. Be challenged not to settle for less than God’s perfect love. It’s never too late to reach for it.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Click above to see their other audio messages

89LHCD12-12A – Chuck Flynn – THE STRATEGY OF GOD 1-of-2
89LHCD12-12B – Chuck Flynn – THE STRATEGY OF GOD 2-of-2
God’s strategies are victorious and prevail to the pulling down of strongholds. Jesus is the strategy of God and the culmination of His ministry is found in the authority that His Name gives us over satan. Satan knows he is defeated, and oh, how miserable it makes him when the people of God speak in the authority and knowledge of God and remind him daily of what Jesus did to him and what the cross accomplished. The gift of tongues within you will be ignited as you listen to what this speaker has to say about the various levels of “tongue anointing.” Give yourself to the development of these anointing and see the creative ability of God come forth in your life to His glory. You will see that the releasing of the gifts brings a releasing of the fruits. At the conclusion of this message many were ministered to with personal prophetic words.

There was not a number #13, or 14 cassette master in our catalog.

Miscellaneous Speakers
Click above to see their other audio messages

89LH12-15A 1-of-2
89LH12-15B 2-of-2
One of the things we must see before the coming of the Lord is a “fathering” revival as recorded in Malachi 4:5-6 – a full restoration of divine order. Part of the reason we are not seeing the glory of the Lord in our churches is because we do not have the divine order and government of God in our homes or churches. We are hearing much concerning the ministry of Jezebel today, though little was heard about her twenty years ago. Be encouraged, that is a good sign the Elijah ministry is on the horizon! Men, accept the challenge to be what God expects of you and see God’s glory revealed in your families!

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Click above to see their other audio messages

89LHCD12-16A – Chuck Flynn – THE SPRINKLING OF THE BLOOD 1-of-2
89LHCD12-16B – Chuck Flynn – THE SPRINKLING OF THE BLOOD 2-of-2
The Word will be enriched to your heart as you put your ear to His heart and hear the truth of the many things that the blood of sprinkling speaks of. Absorb new truths concerning the value, authority, and anointing of His Blood. Bro. Flynn details the pause in the resurrection, various aspects concerning retrieving the blood, the significance of the 30 pieces of silver in relation to the bride of Christ, and the marvelous truth connecting the blood of sprinkling to the ashes of the red heifer.

Glen & Erma Miller
Founders of Lake Hamilton Bible
Click above to see their other audio messages

89LHCD12-17 – Glen Miller – INHERITED CURSES
There are about 1,023 people involved in ten generations. Chances are someone in your family has committed sins that were never repented of, causing the iniquity of the fathers to travel down through your bloodline, making you a likely candidate for deliverance from demonic powers which have come into your life from inherited curses. Idolatry and sexual sins are just two of the many sins covered on these messages.

Howard Pittman
Click above to see his other audio messages

89LHCD12-18A 1-of-2
89LHCD12-18B 2-of-2
In this extraordinary testimony of his “audience with God,” Bro. Pittman reveals the truth behind the Lord’s statement, “I never knew you.” Multitudes of Christians are receiving startling doses of reality as God continues to send this messenger around the world, warning the church they must change! This is a sobering word and will bring many who hear it to the “Valley of Decision.”

There was not a #19, or 20 cassette master in our hard copy catalog.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Click above to see their other audio messages

89LHCD12-21A – By Chuck Flynn – Worship And Warfare 1-of-2
89LHCD12-21B – By Chuck Flynn – Worship And Warfare 2-of-2
In the midst of learning the truths accompanying this message you will find yourself caught between the complicated and the simple. The opposition has set out to confuse the simplicity of Jesus by infiltrating our minds with the gods of this world, thereby creating a watered down form of worship and warfare. Bro. Flynn uses Paul as a graphic illustration of what not to do.

Glen & Erma Miller
Founders of Lake Hamilton Bible
Mary Die messages are mostly in Miscellaneous Speakers
Click above to see their other audio messages

89LHCD12-22 – *Mary Die – HOLD THE FORT **Glen Miller – FAITHFUL
*A young boy grew up in a home where his father encouraged him to fight. His attitude towards life began to change through the influence of a young girl and ultimately he learned to overcome by returning good for evil. **God desires to manifest His faithfulness in us, first unto Him, and then to our families, work, etc. Faithfulness is worked in us gradually. In the natural as well as the spiritual, God does not give promotion to one who is not faithful. We have no reason to fear the future if we are faithful.

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see their other audio messages

(This is a companion study to 89LHCD12-8 lesson on RAPE ) It further defines sexual harassment, abuse, assault, and violence and lists warning signs in a child’s behavior which indicate that abuse is occurring. This lesson goes beyond identifying the problem and provides solutions on how to become a wise and understanding woman – one who deals with the effects of abusive acts and learns to experience the healing and restoring power of Jesus Christ. We especially recommend that fathers listen to this message. How they relate to their children will set the stage for how their children relate to God. Ministry for deliverance concludes this service

Linda Sutter
Deliverance and ministry of the Kingdom
Click above to see her other audio messages

89LHCD12-24 – Linda Sutter – THE YEAR UZZIAH DIED
This is a message that will challenge you to search your heart to see if there are any Uzziahs residing there. God has been doing a cleansing and purifying in the lives of His people and, as we allow Him to continue, our spiritual senses will be opened to begin to hear His voice in a new capacity to know His will. The admonition is that we must let our Uzziahs die before we can see the Lord in the way He wants to reveal Himself to us. The last part of the message includes the communion service, with Glen presiding.

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Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
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89LH12-15A 1-of-2
89LH12-15B 2-of-2
89LHCD12-18A 1-of-2
89LHCD12-18B 2-of-2
Worship And Warfare 1-of-2
Worship And Warfare 2-of-2
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