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The 1984 Spring Camp Meeting

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1984 Spring Camp Meeting Music
Listen to the camp meeting praise & worship

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom
Click above to see his other audio messages

84LHCD4-1 – Jack Harris – Barefoot Ministry of The Sons of God – (Part 1) 
A new dimension in the bond of sonship and deliverance is unfolded in this teaching on the barefoot ministry. If you believe you are called to be a son of God it is necessary for you to learn to walk before the Lord barefoot. Paul calls it “circumspectly,” which means most exact, diligently, perfectly. This training takes place in three realms, those being in the areas of leadership, warfare, and worship. The text is taken from the lives of Moses, Joshua, David, and Esther, to name a few. This message approaches the leadership aspect of the barefoot ministry. Part of the Word of the Lord ministered this night: “Hear, O house of the Lord, and know that this is the year, yea the Lord shall begin to release the Spirit of deliverance. Yea, a Spirit of deliverance shall come unto thee. Therefore the Lord would say unto thee to walk softly, be very careful, yea, and yield to the leading of the Spirit of the Lord and the Lord shall lead you into a great victory. Yea, that the Lord thy God may pour out His Spirit upon thee and teach you the ways of Zion.” The Lord uses Bro. Harris in a unique way to minister the gift of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus, which is the Word of God.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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84LHCD4-2 – Michael Newland – THE SHIELD OF FAITH
With the same freshness and vitality that is projected in his singing, Bro. Newland brings forth the Word of God in glory and majesty. He exhorts us to not become satisfied or complacent towards the moving of the Holy Spirit but to welcome its availability whenever there is an opportunity. He expounds on what he considers to be one of the most vital parts of the armor of God – the shield of faith. That faith must be directed only towards the Lord Jesus.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
Click above to see their other audio messages

84LHCD4-3 – Glen Miller – TRADITIONS
Perhaps the greatest enemy of Christians today is tradition. Many of these traditions are deep-rooted and carry with them demon spirits, from which we need deliverance. Glen touches on traditions such as the translation of the word “Jew”, the meaning of the word “Gentile”, the phrase “pleading the Blood”, Valentine’s Day, and Easter, just to name a few. It is necessary to forsake these traditions in order to really go on with God in the fullness that He desires for us to have.

Jack Harris – Gospel of The Kingdom
Click above to see his other audio messages

84LHCD4-4 – Jack Harris – Barefoot Ministry of The Sons of God – (Part 2)
This night Bro. Harris communicates walking before the Lord barefoot in warfare and worship. We each must inquire before the Lord to see if we are walking in this ministry. Part of the Word of the Lord ministered this night: “For yea, great is the destiny of His people, and the Lord would have us know that He has chosen us and called us, and has gathered us from many walks of life. A brutish man knoweth not, neither does the fool understand this, that when the wicked spring forth and the rulers of iniquity abound, it is so that they shall be destroyed forever.” It is this sensitiveness towards the leading of the Holy Spirit that brings victory against the efforts of Satan. In these perilous times, it is mandatory for us, as sons of God, to be walking in this realm of walking softly before the Lord our God that we may hear His voice and put the enemy underfoot.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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84LHCD4-5 – Michael Newland – PRAISE, WORSHIP & TESTIMONY
This is the testimony of the call of God on this Scotsman’s life and the faithfulness of the Lord in developing him into a vessel fit for the Master’s use. The Lord uses him and his entire family in a dynamic way to minister in music and the anointing of the Lord is heavy upon them.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
Click above to see their other audio messages

84LHCD4-6 – Erma Miller – HIM WILL GOD DESTROY
The text for this message is taken from 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 6:9. There is much we can do for ourselves to eliminate the spiritual and physical decay that occurs in our lives because of disobedience to the Word of God. If we are to walk in the newness of life as the Bible says we are to do, there is a need to get out from under these confining shackles that are keeping us bound. First, we must be aware of what we are doing that is wrong. Erma points out numerous areas where change may possibly need to take place. Mass deliverance and casting out of evil spirits has ministered at the conclusion of this message.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
Click above to see their other audio messages

84LHCD4-7 – Glen Miller – BIBLICAL CURSES
We hear much about the blessings of the Lord, but we hear very little of how we arrive at those blessings. IF we do not keep the commandments of the Lord then we will automatically receive the curses. Perhaps this seems like a hard saying, but the Word of God says it. There is much yet to be understood about curses but as we learn and continue to apply what the Lord reveals, then He will give us more. The blessings of Abraham are ours but we must become obedient to the Word of the Lord in order to receive these blessings. This is an in-depth Bible study on just some of the curses that we know to be real. Deliverance ministry follows with the breaking of curses over our lives.

Miscellaneous Speakers
Click above to see their other audio messages

Do we want to pay the price and be willing to break through the hosts of the enemy, to touch the anointing of God? To dwell in that abode with Him requires giving up in the realm of the flesh. It involves all that we have that we might live for Him. Many suggestions are brought forth in this message addressing areas that need our attention.

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Barefoot Ministry of The Sons of God – (Part 1) 
Barefoot Ministry of The Sons of God – (Part 2)
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