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The 1989 Labor Day Camp meeting
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Two speakers, and their cassette tape masters we’re removed out of our library by our founder, Glen Miller many years ago. These we’re cassettes #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7, #10, #11, #12, #15, #18, #22, #23, and #24.
Kevin, LHBC staff.

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry

78LHCD12-6 – Win Worley – Good Soldiers
Though Jesus defeated satan at the cross, the demons are still fighting!  We need to meditate on the fact that the devil is whipped and defeated!  We have to learn to be as persistent against the enemies as they are against us.  When they harass you, harass them right back.  God needs an army of believers that are determined to be obedient to Him, believe in the authority Jesus has given over demons, and fight the good fight.  In order to hold our ground, we have to quit being selfish and sissified.  We need men, filled with the spirit and power of Elijah to tie into the enemy, to not back off, to realize the war is not won by great masses of people but small groups and even single individuals – people like Job who said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”  That’s the group of people the enemy can’t stop because their lives have already been forfeited to God.  He’s calling us out to endure hardness, as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.  You don’t have to be afraid of death, it’s the doorway into Heaven.  You’ve got to learn to whip the enemy that is living on the inside of you.  Some will say, “Well, I’ve been up for prayer for deliverance and they prayed and it didn’t work.”  There could be many reasons but one is that God doesn’t want you to be afraid of any demon that walks on the earth.  He wants you to be able to whip them on the inside when they are in their strongest position.  Then you’ll never fear them when they come back and attack you from the outside because they are infinitely weaker when they do that.  They are much stronger when they are inside than when they are outside.  Win testifies there are 3 people in his church who are free from schizophrenia.  He says that alone makes it worthwhile to be in the deliverance ministry.  Win dissects the profile of Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 and addresses those various attributes as to how we can be tripped up in our journey to be good soldiers.  Our only ambition should be to be like Jesus. A call to salvation is given at the conclusion of this message.

78LHCD12-8 – Win Worley – Our Great High Priest
Throughout the message, this legendary deliverance minister articulates his allegiance and dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Citing Hebrews 4:14-16 which identifies Jesus, not only as our high priest, but as the only one to whom we can go for mercy and grace in the time of need.  “For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.” [Ampl]  Satan will reinforce your whining, pity party and complaining that nobody understands “my special problems”. Anyone can be set free if they cooperate with the deliverance workers and the Holy Spirit.  On the flip side, deliverance is a team effort.  There are no “stars” but Jesus!  In verse 14 we are told to “hold fast”.  Win
admonishes to not let the devil chase you on that.  We have a high priest
that has passed into the heavenlies to the very throne of God – the seat
of power.  If God had not given to us the power to overcome the
principalities and powers He would never have put us in conflict with
them.  We are told to “Quit being afraid of the battle!”  When you are
commanding a particularly stubborn demon, call him to attention and remind him you are seated with Christ in heavenly places and tell that demon that puts you and the authority you operate in above satan.  Jesus is
identified as the greatest prayer warrior there has ever been and He
continues in that capacity to this day, ever living to make intercession for us. An interesting comment was made regarding praying in tongues. We tend to pray soulish prayers, but if we will “patch in” to praying in tongues, the Holy Spirit corrects our prayers and lines them up with the will of God.  An added bonus comes when the Holy Spirit turns the search light on our hearts to correct the issues that might be causing us to pray amiss, i.e. criticism, judging, etc.  We are reminded to hide the Word in our hearts to give the Holy Spirit plenty to feed on.  Three hallmarks listed:  1) God is reasonable – the devil unreasonable; 2) God leads – the devil pushes; 3) Holy Spirit convicts – the devil nags.  There are too many useful instructions given in this message to include in this summary. Suffice to say it is worth listening to.  The final 15 minutes is anointed praise and worship.

Frank & Ida Mae Hammond
Deliverance Ministry

78LHCD12-9A – Frank Hammond – WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE 1-of-2
78LHCD12-9B – Frank Hammond – WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE 2-of-2
A deeper appreciation for the ministry of deliverance comes as our understanding of spiritual warfare is enlarged and we become better equipped to tear down Satan’s kingdom in the power and authority of the Name of Jesus.

78LHCD12-13 – Frank Hammond – Conditions For Deliverance
This message is a classic in its subject matter. It has been instrumental in setting hundreds of people free from the captivity of Satan. As a Christian you must know what former, and sometimes current, involvements have opened you to demonic influences.

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry

78LHCD12-14 – Win Worley – CURSES
Why do we need to break curses?  Because they hold demons in us!  The breaking of curses destroys legal ground.  Win takes a look at some of the curses common to the believer that make you say, Why couldn’t I have seen that years ago! What a difference it would have made!  Worley was indeed gifted in arming Christians to blow the enemy away.  How can you battle on the ground when the war is in the heavenlies?  The demons cannot be crucified – they have to be cast out.  There is always an underlying reason why they won’t budge and the answer will be found in the Word of God.  We must dig it out, find the key.

If our eyes were fully opened to see the spirit world around us, it would probably scare the daylights of us! That’s what happens to the alcoholic, when they are in DT’s, they are actually seeing the spirit world with an unprotected mind. It can be enough to drive you insane. Drugs, especially the hallucinogenic ones, do the same thing. The mind, under the blood, is able to see into the spirit world without it becoming unhinged. But even then, you have to be careful because you can easily get caught up with the idea of seeing spirits and the next thing you know you get fascinated by it, drop your caution and your protection and get spun out of shape. Word to the wise – when you are fasting you are opening doors to the spirit world, both from God and from the enemy. Try the spirit carefully. No one is immune to deception. That doesn’t mean you live in fear and panic. Num 13 is given as one of the examples where spirits transfer. Win gives numerous practical suggestions to help the believer walk in victory and does a good job of exposing religious facades that the enemy so skillfully tries tripping us up with. If you’re only serving God in your spare time? the devil will see to it that you don’t have any!

Frank & Ida Mae Hammond
Deliverance Ministry

78LHCD12-17 – Frank Hammond – SCHIZOPHRENIA
What is schizophrenia? How does the schizophrenic come out of his tangled mess? There is help available and God has given the Hammonds a specific revelation to aid the deliverance minister in dealing with this common, but oftentimes unsolved, problem. The three main areas to conquer are rejection, rebellion, and the root of bitterness.

78LHCD12-19 – Frank Hammond – The Family Unit
A very fierce battle is going on for the home. Every member of the family is involved, to some degree, in that battle. God wants families in His Kingdom and never before has Satan been so determined to destroy the family unit. Important guidelines are laid for a sturdy foundation whereby a strong family unit can be built.

78LHCD12-20 – Frank Hammond – Husband’s Headship
JOHN 17 – The family will never be truly effective and function as it ought to for God unless it is in God’s divine order. The husband must be the head and the wife in submission to him (but not dominated by him) and the children must honor the parents and be in obedience to them.

78LHCD12-21 – Frank Hammond – Not So Good Wife Relationship
New avenues of spiritual growth were discovered as they applied the principle that the husband sanctifies the wife with the washing of water by the Word.

78LHCD12-25 – Frank Hammond – Spiritual Growth & Warfare
Physical growth as well as spiritual growth becomes stronger with resistance. As greater maturity in the Lord comes, the more aggressive we become against Satan’s kingdom.

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation. Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. See the donation link on the home page. Thank You!

Good Soldiers
Our Great High Priest
Conditions For Deliverance
The Family Unit
Husband’s Headship
Not So Good Wife Relationship
Spiritual Growth & Warfare
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