1985 Winter Camp Meeting

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The 1985 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

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1985 Winter Camp Meeting

There was not a #1 cassette master listed in our cassette catalog.

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

Perfect Family With A Perfect Relationship To God – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter

85LHCD12-2 – Gene & Earline Moody – FAMILY RELATIONS (1 of 3)
Based on their own family experience, God gave them this message to help others, Outline of the responsibilities God has ordained for husband/father, wife/mother, and children. Includes problems that arise when parents neglect their ordained roles and the difficulties that children have when the family structure is out of order. If someone does not stop the pattern of living in the curse, the conflicts carry on from generation to generation.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

85LHCD12-3 – Tommy Cook – WHERE IS THE BEAST?
David said, “I was as a beast before thee.” That same beastly nature we also contend with; it opposes God, exalting itself, striving to destroy the maturing of the Christ nature within us. The enemy’s kingdom prevails in our carnal mind “to wear out the saints of the Most High.” This is where victory must come! “Awake, awake, shake thyself from the dust.” There are people who are putting off the old and putting on the new! It’s not enough to teach or know these things; we are responsible to walk them out! Wonderful deliverance teaching!

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

Basic Deliverance – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter.

85LHCD12-4 – Gene & Earline Moody – FAMILY RELATIONS (2 of 3)
The study of how to have perfect family relationships unto God continues with basic deliverance teaching. Basic deliverance consists of setting a person free from three common demon families: rejection, bitterness, and rebellion. The most important key in setting a person free is to have them forgive anyone who has hurt them! Deliverance prayers, renunciations, getting instruction on how to get delivered make this entire series on family relations a must for you, your family, home Bible study group, and pastor.

There was also not a #5 cassette listed in our hard copy catalog either.

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

Deliverance from Grief and Bitterness – A
Also Listed in the Deliverance Manual.

85LHCD12-6 – Gene & Earline Moody – GRIEF
A walk through the lives of those who experienced the sudden, accidental loss of their only son at the young age of twelve; the devastation, trauma, anger, and withdrawal that eventually brought them to know Jesus as Lord. Grief became their excuse and a weapon against each other, a ruler over their lives. It was bitter and kept them tied up within themselves. What God brought them through is today serving to help others be free in similar areas. Deliverance ministry for many bound in grief concludes this message. A Wonderful message!

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

 Mass Deliverance – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter.

85LHCD12-7 – Gene & Earline Moody – FAMILY RELATIONS (3 of 3)
You won’t have a happy family without counseling, teaching, deliverance, and discipline. Husbands are the best ones to minister to wives and parents are the best ministers to their children. These messages defy Satan’s ploys and plots to destroy the family. It should be listened to in every Christian home! The teachings are practical, organized, and simple to follow. The majority of this  message is a actual mass deliverance, with many lives being set free. The Holy Spirit “put the finger” on many demons.

There was also not a #8 cassette listed in our hard copy catalog either.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

Important for today are these gifts and ministries, to glorify God and build up the Body of Christ. Visitations of this nature from the Lord are to be cherished add respected. Praying in the Spirit, God begins to reveal Christ in you! “God has set” – not man. If you haven’t been set, don’t try to make something happen! Skilled instructions with “how-to’s” of operating in the Holy Spirit make this a classic for your library.

There was also not a #10 cassette listed in our hard copy catalog.

Joe Poppell
Healing Ministry

85LHCD12-11 – Joe Poppell – THE WORD OF TRUTH
Many think that healing and miracles passed away with the early church. That’s not the testimony of the multitudes who were ministered to in this service! When the Word of God goes forth it does not return void. It’s not a “dead letter” Word; it’s Jesus the Living Word! The face of your mountain may not appear to be changing but as you speak the Word of God to that problem, the Word is hammering away (Jer. 23:29) on the backside, making it weaker and weaker until the day comes when it crumbles and you walk over the re-mains shouting, “Victory in Jesus!” Migraine headaches, deafness, the curvature of the spine, thyroid problems, and gapped teeth were among those ailments that were miraculously healed by the power of Jesus. The anointing for healing rests upon this message.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

85LHCD12-12 – Tommy Cook – OVERCOMING
Those who do His commandments – that’s the “bottom line” to being an overcomer. It’s dangerous to remain in the outer court when you have the knowledge to go on in! We must first conquer ourselves if we’re to rule and reign over the nations. The “overcomer” is within you – Jesus overcame the world and He is our pattern. There’s life in this message!

Joe Poppell
Healing Ministry

85LHCD12-13 – Joe Poppell – SIRS, WE WOULD SEE JESUS
Time and again Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole.” The life that was ministered by this word came through faith in JESUS. He is the topic of this message. Miracles of healing are not to be scoffed at. Jesus is our healer today. Demonstration of this healing power was made manifest to many who received prayer.

There was not a #14 or #15 cassette master listed in our catalog

Gene & Earline Moody

Earline’s Testimony About Her Deliverance – A
Also Listed in the Deliverance Manual.

85LHCD12-16 – Gene & Earline Moody – CHILD ABUSE & DELIVERANCE
The “victim spirit” advertises to be beaten, robbed, molested, etc. It is very common in people who have suffered abuse. Based on first-hand experience, having gone through abuse herself, Earline shares the process of deliverance that the Lord took her through. If you have been abused or have been an abuser, your life will be changed with this helpful message, and a time demoted to ministry at the end. Listen and receive from the Lord!

There was not a #17 or #18 cassette master listed in our catalog either

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

01. Holidays  A

02. Christmas – Pagan Or Christian Holiday? – A A

03. What’s Wrong With Valentine’s Day? A

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

85LHCD12-19A – Gene & Earline Moody, Glen & Erma Miller 1-OF-2
85LHCD12-19B – Gene & Earline Moody, Glen & Erma Miller 2-OF-2
The climax in deliverance during this camp meeting came following these teachings. The response of parents and teenagers was phenomenal. For many, it was the first they’d heard that Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and many other traditional holidays, are an abomination and stench to God. Erma explained about the “powers” of darkness that come into us after participating in sin, and how these “powers” cause us to do and think the way we do – against God’s ways. God’s mighty presence was in our midst, to bring resident demons of hell to the surface and to force them out of God’s children!  

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Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
See the donation link on the home page.
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Gene & Earline Moody, Glen & Erma Miller 1-OF-2
Gene & Earline Moody, Glen & Erma Miller 2-OF-2
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