May 2021 Zoom Meeting

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May 2021
Zoom Meeting

Deborah Vails

21LHCD5Z-1- Deborah Vails – STAND
This message will encourage you to stay in the race! We all know what it means to stand. But sometimes standing on the Word of God and standing for God means to take a position. Part of standing is maintaining. Excellent instruction for this is found in Galatians 6:9 (Amplified) “And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.” Additional Scriptures include Eph 6:13-14 and 2 Cor 4:8-9. In learning to stand we must not give in to weariness. Have you ever been on a track, doing what you knew was right, but grew weary because of trials, persecutions, or misunderstandings? Weariness began to take over because you took your eyes off Jesus, and instead, started focusing on the situation. Deborah states she believes that’s why Peter sank – because as long as he had his eyes on Jesus, the storm wasn’t affecting him. In order to reap in the appropriate season, we must not faint or grow weary. If you give up when that season comes, you won’t be reaping because you are not in the season. It’s just like a seed going into the ground. When it’s time for that seed to come up, and if everything is in order, nothing can prevent that seed from coming up through the ground. There is a time! Everyone is in a season. Some are complaining, some want to jump off into something else because they think the grass is greener on the other side. But you don’t have what it takes to get over there because God’s got you where you are now to learn what you need to learn so that when you get over there you can stand. We must surrender to God in the season we are in so His harvest can come forth. Don’t despise where you are. Don’t rush your season, your training. Let God take you through so He can really equip, make, form and fashion you after His image. And don’t tell God how to do it! If you are on the potter’s wheel, you can’t tell the potter how to make you. Deborah shares various ways to “not grow weary”. Don’t give in to the enemy – fight him. The Holy Spirit will give you the battle plan. God has had a lot of experience fighting the enemy! Let Him show you His way to defeat him. After this powerful message, Deborah turns the deliverance portion over to Kernaa Williams to pray. He ministers, perhaps the most thorough deliverance we’ve ever heard against diabetes as well as much more. God moved by His Holy Spirit and set many free, Praise the Lord!

Kernaa & Jean Williams – Deliverance Ministry
Kernaa & Jean Williams – 2020 and Beyond

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Jean Williams – The Characteristics of an Eagle Christian – Kernaa Williams – Understanding Dreams and Visions.
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Jean Williams – The Characteristics of an Eagle Christian – Kernaa Williams – Understanding Dreams and Visions.
Jean – It’s time to rise up like eagles and quit running with the birds! The word, characteristics, means “A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place or thing, serving to identify it.” In Exodus 19:4, God likens Himself and His children to an eagle. “Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings and brought you unto Myself.” God is revealing some characteristics of His nature toward the eagle. Genesis 1:27 it says that God created man in His image, therefore it is safe to say we also have eagle attributes. In this powerful message, Jean Scripturally breaks down various similarities between the majestic eagle and our potential as Christians. In this summary, we highlight a couple of examples. 1) The eagle’s strength comes from the diet of what he eats, and it is living food. It does not rely on what it finds, it finds what it needs and wants. As Christians, a poor spiritual diet results in weak, poor spiritual health. We need to learn to discern the spiritual value of what we put into our spirit man. We are to feed on the “living” Word of God! 2) When eagles are put into captivity their entire personality changes. They are born to fly freely, soaring in the heavens, riding the currents of the wind. As Christians, especially during this pandemic, we have been put into captivity that has changed the course of many lives. Jean illustrates rich Kingdom of God principles throughout this message. We encourage you to hear all of it to reap the benefits that cannot be adequately shared in this short summary. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Kernaa – Pro 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out a thing.” We are in a time when we need to understand the Voice of God speaking to us through dreams and/or visions. We are in a time of increased manifestations of dreams and visions to hear the voice of the Lord – to bring direction, warnings, callings, commissions, identify encouragement, etc. You don’t have to be a prophet to have dreams and visions. He answers the questions of “What is the prophetic ministry and what is the prophetic anointing?” The Gifts of the Spirit are not limited to operate only in the daytime. They can also operate when you’re sleeping. In 1 Kings 3:5-15, God and Solomon carry on a conversation in a dream with God bestowing His gifts upon Solomon. God can also speak to unbelievers through dreams. (Gen 20:3 & Mt 27:19) Angels can visit in a dream (Mt 1:20-21) God used a dream to warn of Herod’s intent to murder Jesus. (Mt 2:12-13) Dreams can also come from the demonic realm. (Zech 10:2 & Jer 23:25-27 Amp) If holy angels can visit the dream realm, rest assured the demonic spirits can also pay a visit. Discernment is critical. Dreams can also be chemically induced via medications as well as physiological through hormones, disease, etc. How do you analyze your dreams? Kernaa advises you to keep a notebook beside your bed so you can document the dream or vision and prayerfully consider its source. He lays out some questions that you should ask regarding the dream. All roads lead to alignment with God’s Word. Mighty deliverance service follows these wonderful messages with special emphasis on marriage breaking and related spirits.

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Kernaa Williams – RACISM IS DEMONIC 2-of-2
Jean – “A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body, but envy, jealousy, and wrath are like rottenness of the bones.” (Pro 14:30 Ampl) Perhaps it is worth considering if you are suffering with any kind of bone problems to bring potential sins of envy, jealousy or wrath before the Lord and repent so healing can begin. God is looking for us to have confidence in who we are in Him so there is no time or room for any jealousy in our lives. In this “meaty” message Jean navigates through the depths of competitive jealousy, envy, covetousness andcompetition. We are reminded of the deadly impact jealousy had with Cain and Able, the estrangement between Jacob and Esau as well as the deception that arose with Joseph’s brothers. Jealousy will deceive you and deception blinds you from
seeing what God has prepared you to be. Sadly, jealousy operates extensively throughout all areas in ministry. This spirit will compel you to criticize others in order to make yourself look better. If guilty hearts refuse to acknowledge or deal with it in their lives it can develop into full blown witchcraft! God did not intend for you to compare yourself with false images. Competitive jealousy gives you a false corrupt image which this world promotes. We are formed and created to be in His image and likeness only. Know who you are in Him and there will be no need to compare yourself to anything or anyone. That is ultimate freedom! Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. It will cripple and kill you. Jean shares seven Kingdom of God instructions to help the listener overcome this treacherous spirit of competitive jealousy. If applied, this message will help you grow to be a better Christian!
Kernaa – Get your Bible out and follow along as Kernaa lays out a solid Scriptural foundation to confirm that racism is demonic and originates from the devil. Satan is the architect and innovator behind it. (John 8:44; 1 John 3:15) Unfortunately most people operate in the natural, wrestling against flesh and blood, and aren’t dealing with the demonic force that is driving this hatred. (Eph 6:12 Ampl) It’s not who we are fighting, but what we are fighting! The battle against racism isn’t merely warfare against an individual or governmental system of legislation. A person’s heart has to change through the transforming work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! That man or woman has to become a transformed non-conformist. Kernaa explains that Jesus was aware of racism and He conquered it with love and compassion. (Mt 15:22-28) Jesus had nothing to do with racism. (John 14:30-31) Within the demonic structure of racism is a strong ruling principality of pride. (Isa 14:12-14; Ezk 28:17 & Job 41:34) Satan is the hater to be pulling down – not our brothers and sisters who are being manipulated by demonic powers. God shows no partiality. (Job 34:19; Rom 2:9-11; Lev 19:15-16; Acts 10:34; 1 Tim 5:21; James 2:1,8-9) The greatest weapon to defeat racism is found in 1 Cor 13:4-8. Pro 6:16-19 in the Amplified – “These six things the Lord hates, indeed, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look [the spirit that makes one overestimate himself and underestimate others], a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that manufactures wicked thoughts and plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who breathes out lies [even under oath], and he who sows discord among his brethren.” These two awesome messages conclude with much deliverance ministry and prayer against the spirit of jealousy, it’s related demons, as well as pride and many other families of demonic strongholds. It also includes a prayer of repentance for prejudice.

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