Randy & Callie Richey 2014 – 2015

Published on: January 22, 2021

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14LHCD11-3 – Randy Richey – UNHOLY JUDGMENT
Three factors combine to form unholy judgment: 1) fault-finding, 2) accuser of the brethren, 3) the spirit of religion. The Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment can be counterfeited as unholy judgment. Stop judging or you will be judged by the standard with which you judge others. Instead, be blessed as a peacemaker, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. We clearly see right from wrong, but how do we handle those situations? We are to do battle and not agree with the darkness. If we speak evil over people we are agreeing with the enemy. We are to be intercessors, stand in the gap for others and love them. Randy lists many synonyms to help us understand what it means to be a judgmental, fault-finding religious Pharisee. We have to guard against giving place to that self-seeking lust, because it invites a demonic spirit that specializes in inspiring a person to find fault with every one and every thing they encounter. That person becomes unteachable and dissatisfied and will never walk in the goodness of God without repentance and deliverance. Those who have this spirit must be stopped by prayer and godly counsel or they will spread havoc. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

This teaching is not against Masons. They can be good, nice people who love their families. The purpose is to expose the anti-Christ religion of Freemasonry. 1) Freemasonry says Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation, but simply by living a good and moral life you can go to Heaven. 2) It is gnostic in nature. 3) It claims you are saved by knowledge, and you can thereby attain higher levels of purity. 4) The sin of partiality favors fellow masons in business and the courts 5) Vows bring death if violated. 6) It is a hidden, fraternal order, a system of morality. Randy describes in great detail the demonic symbols and meanings of the craft whose roots go all the way back to Babylonian, Egyptian and Baal worship. Masonry mixes the Bible, idolatry, paganism, the occult, gnosticism, kabala, fertility cults, satanism, and spiritualism to come up with the Masonic religion. It is not of God, it is a harlot of Babylon and it is a lie. The truth is that Freemasons worship Lucifer. This deep and thorough teaching will prepare us to repent and receive our much needed deliverance from bondage to this false religion. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Audios files below taken from
The 2015 Ladies Camp Meeting

The controlling spirit personified in Saul has violated many families personally, emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically. If a father operates in the spirit of Saul, he can evoke responses of anger, resentment, and rejection of God in his children because they have not known a kind, caring, earthly father. They have a distorted view of the Heavenly Father’s love. Many people experience an emotional or mental block when they try to call God, “Father”. They think God is remote and harsh, so they settle for a formal relationship with Him, not understanding the depth of the love He has for us. The damage done by the Saul spirit in an earthly father causes a wounded and broken spirit and sorrow of heart in a child who spiritually becomes an abandoned orphan. The Saul spirit is a controlling, manipulating schemer, impatient, insecure, and explodes in fits of anger. God, our Father, longs to renew us and restore us with the healing power of His love…nurtured, celebrated, loved, wanted, good, and valuable. If this speaks to you, admit where you are in this and what is being done in you or by you. Renounce, forgive, be forgiven, and be set free. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

15LCCD2-6A – Callie Richey – JEZEBEL – ROOTS, EFFECT & REMEDY 1-of-2
15LCCD2-6B – Callie Richey – JEZEBEL – ROOTS, EFFECT & REMEDY 2-of-2
The Old Testament Jezebel was a wicked, evil, adulterous, controlling woman. Jezebel of the New Testament is described as a prophetess, a false teacher, an immoral woman and an idol worshiper. God warns us even now, not to tolerate this spirit in ourselves or others. God gives Jezebel time to repent, but it is a fierce battle for the soul. The Jezebel spirit is undergirded by rejection, rebellion, fear, anger, control and fear of losing control. If we can get to the roots of why someone has a Jezebel spirit, we may be able to help free them from that overpowering influence and help them to recover. One such root is inadequate parenting and a chaotic home life. The result is a loss of physical and spiritual protection. When this covering is gone, life seems out of control and hurtful to a child. They will go into a mode of self-protection, learning ways to control their environment to avoid further pain. Abandonment, abuse and neglect of a child will open doors to spirits of rejection, bitterness and rebellion. Nevertheless, the cruel and vicious spirit of Jezebel must be eliminated from our lives. The only remedy is the love and delivering power of Jesus Christ. Extensive deliverance prayers follow this teaching. This is the most thorough teaching we have ever heard on the topic of Jezebel.

Audios files below taken from
The 2015 Labor Day Camp Meeting
9th month

Randy leaps into the void and teaches about his conviction that gigantic creatures existed on Earth in ancient times…human beings mixed with fallen angels…aliens who troll the universe even today. Thousands of encounters with such alien creatures have been reported recently by Christian pastors. When these demonic entities begin to openly manifest among us, they will say they are our creators, sent by God to rescue us from our calamities. They are unredeemable deceivers, full of lying wonders, false Christ’s, false prophets, and if possible they will deceive the very elect. They will manifest as glorious men, not as freaky monsters. Randy believes the anti-Christ will be a mixture of a human and one of these creatures. This will be the Answer Man. DNA manipulations have been developed which mix human beings with animals. It’s all about altering and defiling the image of God in man. We also need to know about the hidden symbolism, images and statues in Freemasonry which empower demons and bring Babylon to our present reality. As children of light, we must bring to light the hidden things of darkness. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

15LHCD9-7 – Randy Richey – THE SPIRIT OF TRAUMA
Randy and David Nees enact a scene which demonstrates how to respond when the devil throws fiery darts and lies. We are to rebuke demons with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, or those darts will stick. Then Randy proceeds to teach on the Spirit of Trauma. Demons can cause traumatic events and then take advantage and enter us because of the weakened state of our will. Trauma is an overwhelming life event that renders one helpless and fearing for his or her life. It is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, physical, emotional, sexual, or verbal abuse, shock, violence, a natural disaster or war, and often remains in the subconscious mind. Immediately after such an event, shock and denial are typical reactions. Amnesia, complete obliteration of memory is a defense against the horrors of trauma. As you hear this message and you begin to remember, repent if you are aware of anger, hatred and bitterness because of these events. Otherwise you will be in a “fight or flight” mode the rest of your life. Often trauma is revealed by the Holy Spirit with words of knowledge and wisdom from the Lord on how to minister deliverance. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Audios files below taken from
The 2015 Thanksgiving Camp Meeting
11th month

15LHCD11-2 – Randy Richey – ARE YOU BROKEN HEARTED?
This comprehensive teaching reveals to us how a person with a broken heart lives in inner misery and cannot ever fully receive cleansing and holiness. Abandonment, abuse and betrayal are life events that cause your heart to break. Unforgiveness and bitterness are the glue that holds the pain there. You need to know your Heavenly Father as your Abba, your Daddy, the one you run to for protection because He loves you, celebrates you, provides for you and gives you identity. When you know your Daddy loves you, it does not matter what freight train the devil sends you. But when your heart is broken, negative thoughts fester, like anger, rage, resentment, depression, worry, anxiety, frustration, fear, excessive grief, guilt and shame. Based on what your brain thinks, chemicals in your body produce electromagnetic waves and actions. The negativity of a broken heart poisons you, and your body will develop ailments such as: heart disease, depression, multiple personality disorder, ADD, ADHD, chronic bronchitis, epilepsy, extreme anxiety, sleeplessness, panic attacks, extreme fear, thyroid issues, blood disease… Dwell on the goodness of God and His Word. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

15LHCD11-3 – Callie Richey – THE SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY
Before Callie received deliverance, the spirit of jealousy brought an unbearable feeling of hopelessness to her. Many times she tried to take her own life. Jealousy was cruel to her and caused her to be cruel to other people. She was in bondage to it. In this teaching she defines jealousy and envy, and reminds us of historical events where the spirit of jealousy triumphed. Lucifer’s fall, Cain slayed Abel, Esau was jealous of Jacob, Joseph’s jealous brothers tried to eliminate him, Korah and Miriam rose up in fiendish jealousy against Moses and Aaron. God’s spirit left Saul and the evil spirit of jealousy entered him. He became insanely jealous of David, but the Lord was with David. To the jealous person, there does not have to be a real threat, merely a perceived threat. Callie insightfully describes the characteristics of jealousy and its negative consequences. Jealousy is always about fear of being displaced. I Cor 13, Phil 2:3; 4:8-13, James 3:16 and Pro 27:4 help us overcome and dominate demons. She and Randy share how spirits of jealousy and anger almost destroyed their marriage. God showed Randy how to respond as Priest of his home. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

15LHCD11-5 – Callie Richey – THE SPIRIT OF PYTHON
What is the Python Spirit? How does it attack and gain entry? How do we overcome this demonic power? We begin with the ancient city of Delphi and the Greek gods to establish historical facts and Biblical foundation regarding the Spirit of Python. 1) In the shrines of ancient Greece, a Pythoness, a priestess, would reveal hidden knowledge. She was a diviner, a soothsayer, a fortune teller, a prognosticator, a witch. The Spirit of Python works with the spirit of Jezebel to set the stage for false prophets of Baal. The Book of Acts 16:19 tells of the girl with the spirit of divination or Python. Soothsaying is the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit’s gift of Prophecy. Deut 18:10-14 forbids all forms of witchcraft as an abomination to the Lord. 2) In the natural, a python crushes its prey to death by suffocation. In the spirit, Python attacks by control, pressure, and manipulation. It achieves spiritual apathy, suffocating the breath of God from your life. It crushes your hopes, your drive, your motivation, and your fight. 3) The only way to kill a Python is to cut off its head. Bring every thought to the obedience of Christ. Refuse to be in agreement with Python. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

15LHCD11-7A – Randy Richey – ROCK & ROLL & THE MYSTERY CULTS 1of2
15LHCD11-7B – Randy Richey – ROCK & ROLL & THE MYSTERY CULTS 2of2
Rock and Roll is dangerous. It affects your eye gate and ear gate. If God is delivering you out of drugs, alcohol, disaster, and sexual sin, but then you dabble in the wrong music and watch witchy or sexual programming on TV, you are going to fall. “Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life.” Occult music and dancing originated in ‘Mystery Cults’, a term used to refer to religious organizations that flourished in ancient Greece and Rome. They were not associated with the state religions but were extremely secretive and exclusive by nature. Randy goes into great detail in exposing the horrors of these abominable occcultic religions and their satanic rites. He names many demons that continue to afflict God’s people today, one of which is the spirit of Kundalini, two snakes running up and down the backbone. Voodoo rites use the beat of the drums to stir the blood with ecstasy, enthusiasm, and wild dancing. Even in church satan can put you in an ecstatic state to make you think what you call praise and worship is from God. Money, magic, and music operate together to accomplish satan’s objectives. Always ask, “Holy Spirit, is this of You?” Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

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