1984 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

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The 1984 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

Doc Agan
Gospel of The Kingdom

Art and Lily Johnson and Steve Bell briefly greet the people prior to Doc speaking. Be challenged by the Word of God! Paul says we are not all going to die. Our inheritance is not in heaven but on the earth. The key is, to be alive and remain! The saints of God are going to take the Kingdom and possess it forever. It’s in the Word and three men have already walked in it. God is preparing a company that will put the last enemy underfoot!

Art & Lilly Johnson
Gospel of The Kingdom – (Types & Shadows)

84LHCD5-2 – Lily & Art Johnson
*Lily Johnson – AND IT CAME TO PASS
If at some point in your life you’ve said to the Lord that you want to go all the way with Him, you need to hear this message. The text is taken from 2 Kings 2, and we see new dimensions of Bethel, Jericho, and Jordan to be applied to our own lives. No experience that we have in the Lord should be debased, but don’t stay camped in that experience. The key statement in this message is “If you can be stopped, you will be stopped.” Lord, increase our determination to follow You! **Open your heart and your life to the processing of the Lord. He wants to work on each of us as lively stones to polish us so that we can be a reflection of Jesus Christ that we can truly be made in his image and after his likeness.  **Art Johnson – THE PROCESSiING OF THE LORD – If at some point in your life you’ve said to the Lord that you want to go all the way with Him, you need to hear this message. The text is taken from 2 Kings 2, and we see new dimensions of Bethel, Jericho, and Jordan to be applied to our own lives. No experience that we have in the Lord should be debased, but don’t stay camped in that experience. The key statement in this message is “If you can be stopped, you will be stopped.” Lord, increase our determination to follow you! **Open your heart and your life to the processing of the Lord. He wants to work on each of us as lively stones to polish us so that we can be a reflection of Jesus Christ that we can truly be made in his image and after his likeness..

Steve Bell
Deliverance Ministry

There is tremendous need for restoration of the order of God and the principles of God, first in the home and then in the church. This message was taught primarily to men for instruction on what not to be, using Ahab as an example. Leadership in the home was not meant to be in the hands of the children, yet many children rule the home. A message that should be heard by all and one that will help wives pray for their husbands.

84LHCD5-4 cassette master was unusable.
The static in recording was just awful.
Kevin, LHBC staff.

Doc Agan
Gospel of The Kingdom

84LHCD5-5 – Doc Agan – WE WON’T ALL SLEEP
God is our example – not a man! Scriptures that you have read time and time again will take on new meaning as you listen to these messages on life. They’ll turn you around in your thinking and tear down some more of your traditions. It’s a truth that is working in this man’s life and he lays it out for all who would like to partake. Deut. 30:11, “For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it?” There’s something here for all to get hold of.

Steve Bell
Deliverance Ministry

84LHCD5-6 – Steve Bell – JEZEBEL
Part of what is considered the counterfeit church system lies with the problem of female dominance. This is known as the Jezebel spirit. Not only is this a problem in the Church but in the home and nation as well. Surprisingly, it is found not only in women but in men also. It is a treacherous spirit and one that everyone needs to recognize and deal with. A message that both men and women should hear.

Art & Lilly Johnson
Gospel of The Kingdom – (Types & Shadows)

*Lily Johnson – BY MY SPIRIT
(both messages are on this one audio file) *God doesn’t teach and show His people something that He’s not going to bring them into. Whatever truths the Lord would teach you He will illuminate and will bring revelation on them. It takes the Spirit of the Lord to bring understanding. Wonderful exhortation on the Spirit of the Lord. **This message on the greater eagle will challenge you to soar in the heavenlies with Christ Jesus. It is a message to those who are desiring to be overcomers. The Lord has anointed this story and it will help you hunger for a higher realm of walking with the Lord.

Art & Lilly Johnson
Gospel of The Kingdom – (Types & Shadows)

84LHCD5-8 The Johnsons
*Lily Johnson – There Is A Place
**Art Johnson – Cedars of Lebanon
*”The stones of it are the place of sapphires; and it hath dust of gold.” Job 28:6. The place is the secret place of the Most High and the dust of pure gold is our pulverized hearts. Hearing this will increase your appreciation of the Lord’s dealings in your life. **Extraordinary blessing will be yours as you listen to Bro. Art explain about the life of the cedars of Lebanon, and how that applies to our lives as Christians. Tremendous truths revealed concerning the oil that passes through the trees and how storms generate more oil to flow, which keeps the trees from breaking. Wherever you are in your Christian walk this message will minister to you.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

84LHCD5-9A 1-of-2
84LHCD5-9B 2-of-2
*Glen Miller – GOD’S BALANCE **Erma Miller – CALLED, CHOSEN & FAITHFUL – *A study into the areas of curses that are affecting our lives and how God requires us to deal with them. A distinction is made using the Word of God to show which curses are put upon us from God because of disobedience to His Word. We are taught much in today’s churches about God’s mercy and grace, but little is mentioned about His judgments and wrath. He is a God of balance. **It could be said that unfaithfulness is one of the most common sins found in the body of Christ today. People are unfaithful to the Word of the Lord, to the church, to their employer, to their financial obligations, and – sad to say, but very common – to their spouses. Allow the Holy Spirit to deal with your heart as you listen to this needful message and then enter into deliverance as it is ministered. Much deliverance ministry takes place at the conclusion of these two messages and you can enter right in as you listen.

Art & Lilly Johnson
Gospel of The Kingdom – (Types & Shadows)

**Art Johnson – HE LEADETH ME
(both messages are on this one audio file) *Should we not all desire what this title implies? But are we willing to go through what it takes to bring forth these rivers of compassion, deliverance, healing, kindness, generosity, etc.? There’s a price to pay for the overflowing life. It’s those experiences the Lord takes us through that fill our cups. **Be attentive as you listen to this teaching. It’s like a good book that you can’t put down until you finish it. Pay special attention as Bro. Art describes the different experiences the sheep must contend with and how the skilled shepherd cares for and protects his flock. There is much to be learned from these vivid illustrations. You will gain new insight and appreciation for Psalm 23.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

84LHCD5-11 – Glen Miller – TRADITIONS & CURSES
There are many things yet hidden in the Word of the Lord, and as our hearts become more hungry for truth then the Lord will pour out more revelation upon us. Three types of curses are examined: curses that we have put upon ourselves through our own disobedience curses that others have spoken or pronounced against us, and ancestral curses. Various traditions that we participate in bring curses upon us and Glen touches on many of these.

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Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
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Lily & Art Johnson
The Johnsons
84LHCD5-9A 1-of-2
84LHCD5-9B 2-of-2
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