2022 February Zoom Audio Messages

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Published on: April 7, 2022

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2022 February Zoom Audio Messages

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Deborah Vails
Deliverance & Holy Spirit Ministry

22LHMP3CD2Z-1 – Deborah Vails – Defeating the Spirit of Python
The enemy would like to squeeze the very life out of us.  In this message Deborah shares seven important signs we must be aware of that might indicate we are under the attack from this spirit.  Number four in this list is: [A weak prayer life.  Python will squeeze the life out of your prayer time & Bible reading.  The key to spiritual life is to inhale the Word of God and exhale with prayer.  The Bible is the inspired Word of God.  It is God breathed.  When you read the Bible you breathe in your spiritual life.]  Remember, pythons move slowly.  Satan wants to gradually extract the breath of the Holy Spirit and the anointing of God out of our lives and the church.  Don’t let the devil steal your breath!  How do you do that?  You speak the Word of Life over yourself, not death.  God’s Word will keep you hydrated.  She then points to five ways to break these attacks.  This awesome word will deeply stir you in your belly and your soul to say, “Yes” to the Lord!  You will be encouraged to finish your race.  Powerful commands towards the eradication of the python spirit in the name of Jesus are given at the conclusion of this message.  

Kernaa & Jean Williams – Deliverance Ministry

Kernaa & Jean Williams – 2020 and Beyond

22LHMP3CD2Z-2A Jean Williams – Enduring Afflictions 1-of-2
22LHMP3CD2Z-2B Kernaa Williams – Month of Adar 2-of-2
Kernaa Williams – Kernaa shares a bit about “Having a prophetic encounter with God’s Voice through numbers”,  and some background on the Hebrew calendar before going into his main topic.  We are in the month of Adar.  In the Hebrew it means, “denotes strength and power.”  Adar runs from Feb thru March, 29 to 30 days.  Adar is the 12th and last month on the Hebrew calendar.   The number 12 means apostolic government – seeing the restoration of apostles and prophets. (Eph 2:20) God is realigning the “Church” church according the the five-fold ministry laid out in Eph 4:11. The month of Adar is a joyful month, a prosperous month that aligns with prayer and fasting.  This is the month you are to have joy in Jesus Christ. (Esther 9:17)  Ps 37:13 God laughs at the wicked.  Laughing is healthy. Joy is a weapon.  Month of Adar is a dangerous month.  Esther 3:13 – Haman – prayer points – pray against secret hidden agendas to cause mass extermination in America – pray against the spirit of Haman – an ancient benevolent spirit manifesting itself today – pray against anti-Semitism against the Jewish people.  There are 3 ruling principalities that are major strongholds affecting America right now – python, jezebel & baal.  They need to be torn down over this nation.  In the time of Adar you let the joy of the Lord be your strength and your power!  This is the Hebrew month you ask the Lord to help you to move into your true identity in Jesus Christ.  Kernaa shares numerous aspects surrounding the month of Adar.  Deliverance prayers and ministry conclude both of these teachings.

Jean Williams – What Is God Saying in 2022 / Kernaa Williams – Sea Beast
Kernaa Williams – Kernaa shares a dream in which he saw that many people are being programmed to accept the anti-christ system.  Many are in voluntary acceptance mode and are not hearkening to the sound of the trumpet. [Jer 6:17] As a watchman he brings an awareness to every believer listening to this message. [Luke 21:36]  There is a reason Kernaa states, “The beast system is forming and taking shape right before our eyes.”  And as a result of this statement he has learned to 1) Evaluate our circumstances and confrontations in light of God’s Word; 2)  At times, God will use people to confirm His voice and we might even encounter confrontational people who will distract us from hearing His voice.  He then proceeds to share another dream based on Rev 13:1-8 which is the foundation of the title, “Sea Beast”.  The word, “sea” is symbolic in the Bible representing the humanity of people.  Here a beast comes out of the masses of humanity. The whore sits on the waters that were seen. [Rev 17:15] Rev 18:9 talks about an end-time whore.  Rev 17:1-2 “Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”  Rev 13: 4 identifies the dragon (satan) as the one empowering the beast.  The Greek word for beast is “therion” [2342] which means a dangerous animal or venomous wild beast.  Rev 13:11 talks about a land beast.  Follow along with Kernaa as he unravels, Scripture after Scripture to reveal the progression and unveiling of the character and nature of the anti-christ, beast man.  Beast spirits are on the rise and they are going to intensify.  Keep in mind, the encounter Jesus had with satan (the empowering dragon) was defeated by, “Get thee behind Me, satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.” [Luke 4:5-8] Significant deliverance prayers and deliverance concludes these two very timely messages.

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