2022 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

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Published on: June 29, 2022

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These exact messages now posted on Lake Hamilton Bible Camps YOUTUBE channel.
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Deborah Vails
Deliverance Ministry

22LHCD5-1 – Deborah Vails – LET THE FIRE BURN
Sister Deborah opens her teaching with a fiery, fearless rebuke of the enemy of our souls. I Corinthians 3:16-17 Know ye not that your body is a holy temple of God. The fire of the Holy Spirit will continually cleanse and purify God’s temple from carnal defilement.  Let God’s fire burn in you.  Romans 12:1-2 Be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. It is our responsibility to maintain daily cleansing by exposing ourselves with humility to God’s Word. Be persistent, prevail, and pray without ceasing. Confess your sins to God and thank Him for His mercies and favor. True worship will usher in the presence of God and His cleansing fire. Allow the fire of His glory to transform you.

Randy & Callie Richey
Deliverance Ministry

22LHCD5-2A 1-of-2
22LHCD5-2B 2-of-2
NOTE: – This exact audio is now posted on LHBC YouTube channel.
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Randy & Callie Richey – REPENTANCE & DELIVERANCE
A subtitle to this could be Deliverance 101 with a strong emphasis on being quick to repent and quick to forgive. The devil does such a good job that he’ll get people to blame God. Our Father in Heaven is not the problem. The problem is our agreement with the devil, with our own flesh by us and by others. Our Father is the answer, and He is worthy, and He loves us. The ones who keep changing are the ones who resist the enemy. Don’t ever ignore the enemy. Randy strategically inserts deliverance ministry after each point he makes.  The Holy Spirit leads him to plow through untilled ground, uncovering sin after sin, demon after demon, plundering the enemy’s camp and taking back what has been stolen from God’s people.  Why wait till the end when you can have it now!  An excellent session for newbies and oldies concerning deliverance ministry.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 and beyond – Deliverance Ministry

Deliverance Ministry

22LHCD5-3 – Geri McGhee – DOORWAYS
This exact message is also now posted on LHBC’s YouTube channel.
Geri begins by sharing briefly about a new insight she has received as to why we don’t get our prayers answered.  God is trying to align us with His Word, show us things we don’t see and use our problems to help purify our lives.  In her almost sixty years of receiving deliverance, most of it has come through repentance over the Word of God.  Basically, sin is the doorway to our problems.  And behind most sin is a need for deliverance.  In this message, Geri lays out Scripture after Scripture that identifies various doorways in our lives that need to be closed so more of Jesus and His Holy Spirit can take up residence.  Newsflash!  It requires repentance and turning from willfulness.   Prayers for deliverance conclude this wonderful teaching.

Kernaa & Jean Williams – Deliverance Ministry

Kernaa & Jean Williams – 2020 and Beyond

Click above to see their other audio messages

22LHCD5-4B Kernaa Williams – THE VISION OF THE WOMAN
This exact message is also now posted on LHBC’s YouTube channel.
(Jean) In our individual lives and throughout the entire world we are experiencing dramatic, catastrophic changes. Everything that does not line up with the Kingdom of God will be shaken to its foundations and removed. We all must be transformed, a process of being changed completely.  We are not to be conformed to this world but must desire to think and be like Jesus, to be transformed into His image and yearn after His character. But if you no longer have a hunger, thirst, and desire for the presence of Jesus Christ, change is urgently needed. Thankfully, every time we are transformed in an area, our innocence comes back, and we become free from guilt and sin. So let’s examine our hearts. (Kernaa) Revelation 17:1-6  The time has come for the doom, sentence, and judgment of the great harlot, the woman seated on a beast, intoxicated with the blood of the saints and martyrs. A nuclear-armed bear has a hatred of the harlot, the idolatress, the woman seated on many waters. Rausch…Russia is on the rise. A multi-headed dragon who also has a deep hatred for the harlot is lashing his tail in the spiritual and military realms. China is Sabre rattling. Chinese and Russian generals are boasting on TV that they want the harlot to burn. Iran is the leopard who also has a satanic hatred for this woman. In this scriptural teaching, Kernaa reveals the mystery of the harlot’s identity.

Kernaa & Jean Williams – Deliverance Ministry

Kernaa & Jean Williams – 2020 and Beyond

Click above to see their other audio messages

This exact message now posted on Lake Hamilton Bible Camps YOUTUBE channel.
Jean Williams – BESETTING SINS
Kernaa Williams – THE MONTH OF TAMMUZ (Jean Williams)
This teaching unmasks what a besetting sin is.  It is one that is set up in a person’s life, family to destroy him or her. It’s like a competitor thwarting a racer in every direction.  It is a force of sin that surrounds a person’s life and is constantly present to attack the believer.  It is always present. It follows a person’s life to the end if it is not dealt with. Jean covers how they come in, how they attack, and how they keep lingering over and over again.  She offers Biblical solutions to bring transformation and change.  Practical teaching to help us in our walk with the Lord.
(Kernaa) – Tammuz is a season of judgment and a call to repentance.  It is the fourth month on the Hebrew calendar and runs from June to July. Kernaa answers the question as to why the Hebrews would adopt the name of a pagan god for their calendar.  It was adopted from the Assyrian and Babylonian calendar, but they have different definitions and meanings. Tammuz aligns himself with the tribe of Reuben. This ties into blind spots and the need for us to ask God to show us our blind spots and issues. It’s time to pray for Godly choices to be made in our lives.  Kernaa is fired up by the Holy Ghost to preach this message of revival!

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 and beyond – Deliverance Ministry

Click above to see her other audio messages

When we get saved God sets out to retrain us.  God begins to reset the demonic defaults – how we were set at the factory (the way we were raised).  If we were trained up in a good way we have good defaults – but if not, there are bad and oftentimes demonic defaults.  If you say, for example, “I’ve always been poor,” you need to have that default broken.  Geri has a way of explaining these things so we can prevent “taking a nosedive” whenever these defaults are operational.  Praise God these defaults can be broken!  This could be overwhelming but it’s not – every time you let the sun go down on your anger you give a foothold to the enemy.  Geri concludes leading the listener in repentance and deliverance.

Deborah Vails
Deliverance & Holy Spirit Ministry
Click above to see her other audio messages

In 1991 the Lord gave her a message entitled, “Has America become modern day Sodom?”.  She held onto that message until 2015.  We were not seeing in 1991 what we are seeing today.  Sin is running rampant in the church and in the world.  God is clear in His Word that no sin will stand before God. Whenever you connect with someone in this way, you don’t know what their past is but now their past has become yours. Whatever doors they opened it’s now trafficking in you until you get delivered from it. We must come out of fleshly sin, and live holy and clean before the Lord. Children need to see and hear the Truth because there is so much confusion in this realm and what they are being taught and exposed to in the classrooms.  Prayer concludes this needful and timely message.

Randy & Callie Richey
Click above to see their other audio messages

Deliverance & Holy Spirit Ministry

22LHCD5-8 – Randy & Callie Richey – CONFESSIONS & WEAPONS OF WARFARE
Randy affirms that we are ready for a new beginning. We know we must submit to God and resist the devil and allow ourselves to be transformed God’s way. We tolerate so many things because we don’t actively oppose darkness in the power of God. Break the default system in your heart and mind.  Make your emotions conform to the image of Christ. The Beatitudes help us to understand God’s will for our life.  Callie brings life experiences and Scriptures to teach us practical ways to maintain marriage. She leads the congregation in a clear and effective prayer to decree and declare the Word of God to the enemy of our marriage and family.

Next – Camp Meeting – Coming

Audio by Camp Meetings – New Menu

Audio by Camp Meeting Music

Audio by Zoom Meetings

The Deliverance Manual – Main Menu
By Gene & Earline Moody

Free LHBC video messages also on YouTube

Deliverance Ministry Books – CD – DVD – MP3
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