Randy & Callie Richey 2018-2019

Published on: January 22, 2021

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2018 – 2019

18LHCD3-1A – Randy Richey – THE SPIRIT OF OFFENCE 1-of-2
18LHCD3-1B – Randy Richey – THE SPIRIT OF OFFENCE 2-of-2
The enemy uses offenses as bait to lure us into a lifetime of bitterness, resentment, failure to forgive, and even hatred. When we allow the spirit of offense to come in it becomes a hindrance and a stumbling block to us. It causes us to stumble in our walk with God. You can start to be offended over the littlest things and when you’re not healed, those little things that should mean nothing turn into mountains. There is a place in God’s kingdom where we can walk and not be offended. Randy examines different aspects of the offense. If you’re easily offended there’s good chance selfishness is involved. There can be insecurities. David is a good example of one not easily offended – so was Jesus. We have to be determined to not be offended. Pray for those who offend you the most! It’s good to say, “Lord, if I’m offended, show me where.” Extensive deliverance ministry concludes this very practical teaching.  

Randy speaks for the first 20 minutes on the door of hope and ministers to the people on hope deferred. Jehovah Witness and Latter Day Saints is a continuation of his series on “Many Will Come”. Randy states the root of Jehovah Witness is buried in Freemasonry. And though one has no knowledge of any Jehovah Witness in their lives or their bloodline, there is a great possibility the line contains Freemasonry. The falsehoods of Jehovah Witness and how it compares to the Bible are revealed in this message. Many people think Jehovah Witness is just another Christian group. But they have a totally different character they put the name of Jesus on. Discerning of spirits is what we need to know the difference between what is God and what calls itself God. Mormons lure people in by claiming to be a Christian organization and family oriented. Their friendly masquerade is one of kindness and love. The Mormons are very powerful in the world today because of their wealth. Be watchful about sending your DNA in for ancestry testing. Extensive prayer for renunciation and deliverance of both Jehovah Witness and Latter Day Saints is included with this message.

18LHCD5-1A – Randy Richey – GRACE 1-of-2
18LHCD5-1B – Randy Richey – GRACE 2-of-2
Randy shares extensively on what grace means, concluding with his definition – “God’s power in our lives that accomplishes God’s will for our lives.” It is a gift that has to be received by faith to accomplish anything. Grace gives us the ability to receive the fullness, breadth and depth of God’s love. It is NOT a license to sin. By the grace of God we can be dead to this world and alive unto God. Throughout this entire message Randy stops at strategic times to lead the congregation in specific prayer concerning forgiveness, repentance, revealing of individual sins, ancestral sins, etc. Grace is extended to help us forgive. It takes God’s grace for every detail of our lives. Randy asks the questions, “How much of your life are you living in your own strength?” “How much of your life is spent doing works that are good but not God breathed?” Perhaps we should be asking the Lord, “Do You have a better way than what I know to do?” We want to be God-sufficient, not self-sufficient! Much repenting and deliverance takes place within this message, paving the way for a deeper relationship with our God.

18LHCD5-3A – Randy Richey – TRAUMA 1-of-2
18LHCD5-3B – Randy Richey – TRAUMA 2-of-2
Randy begins his message on trauma with deliverance prayers. Before he begins praying, he admonishes us to be sure we are saved and then to repeat the prayers after him. Randy then led us in prayer, emphasizing the power and willingness of God to carry out the deliverance. He says, passivity kills….that we must fight, resist the enemy, put our flesh to death and make God our #1 focus. Each area that he touches on in prayer, he then commands evil spirits to leave. We must learn to tear down these strongholds, the lies in our mind, and put in the truth, which is what God says. The description of trauma is a life event that may render one helpless or fearing for life. It may not be in your conscious mind…buried but still doing it’s damage. Sometimes it causes amnesia or delayed recall, and some have replay over and over as happens in wars, prison experiences and concentration camps. Sometimes it’s temporary and sometimes it’s blocked out forever. It can range from slight depression to complete stupor. Regardless of the cause, we mustn’t allow unholy judgment to take up residence. Take accountability, forgive, give it over to the Lord and be freed. Confusion, betrayal, insecurity, openings for sexual abuse, domestic violence, addiction and the list goes on – whether it is the source or the result, there is one remedy and that is our Lord’s love, forgiveness and deliverance. Randy gives many more examples and more prayer.

18LHCD5-8A – Randy Richey – WEAPONS OF WARFARE 1-of-2
18LHCD5-8B – Randy Richey – WEAPONS OF WARFARE 2-of-2
The final service of this camp meeting contains quite a few “bonuses” as Randy put it. We won’t list them all in this summary. The power of words, as a weapon of warfare, is given serious consideration in this message. If you really want some understanding, go to Proverbs and highlight every time you see “words” or “speech” and read how much God has to say. You will be amazed. After he completes the lesson on words, he makes the statement, “if you’re words don’t change, your life doesn’t change.” The greatest weapon of warfare that we have is obedience to God. On it, hinges the success of all remaining weapons. When you have a problem that besets you, get into agreement with believers who will stand with you to see you through to victory. Sometimes the victory comes by doing something different. For example, if you have a problem with pornography don’t open your computer without there being someone else in the room that you can be accountable to. Other weapons of warfare are the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus. Never hide from your sin – repent and apply His blood. This message would make a wonderful booklet!

18LHCD7-1A – Randy Richey – WITCHCRAFT & OTHER SNARES 1-of-2
18LHCD7-1B – Randy Richey – WITCHCRAFT & OTHER SNARES 2-of-2
Randy lays a Scriptural foundation for this teaching on witchcraft and other snares. People are looking for power. They are looking for something real. Sad to say for the most part, God’s people have failed to display the power of God. The enemy is trying to mold his character into us and he uses all available resources he has. Children are being taught the power of darkness through movies, video games, television, school, etc. It is the responsibility of a parent to discern the source of what their kids are watching. It’s not easy being a parent today but you are not your child’s best friend – you’re their mommy or their daddy! There are only 2 kinds of supernatural power in this world – if it’s of God it is good. If it is of the devil it is not. Randy shares a plethora of information to instruct us, and help us understand and discern the cloaking devices the enemy uses in his efforts to fill us and our children with his supernatural powers. Deliverance ministry is included. (The Visual over head illustrations are not shown on the DVD. Our video camera is focused on making the speaker the clearest).

18LHCD7-3A – Randy Richey – RETURN OF THE DAYS OF NOAH 1-of-2
18LHCD7-3B – Randy Richey – RETURN OF THE DAYS OF NOAH 2-of-2
We’re not going to stop what is written – the Bible. What we’re doing is fighting the enemy in the meantime for the sake of those who don’t know Jesus. Randy’s sub-title for this message is “Alien Scientists and DNA Altering the Image of God in Man.” Eccl 1:9 “… there is no new thing under the sun.” He states that everything that is going on has happened before. Using Gen 6:1-8, he shares his views on fallen angels, giants on the earth, Nephilim, sons of God and how they are connected. Many other Scriptures are provided in this lesson referencing giants found throughout the Bible. His research shows archeological structures that even today, with modern technology, would be impossible to construct. Search for “world governments preparing for aliens”. It brings up current news that might surprise you. There’s a reason these stories are about aliens. Randy uncovers the set-up and what’s behind the schemes. If you’re born again you have nothing to fear but you need to know who you are in Christ. The world is being set up to believe these things are our creators and will be what save mankind. Schools and colleges are already using this information to teach your children. So what’s the point of all of this? Why should we know and what should we do? Get the teaching. (The DVD does not include any of the pictures referred to in this study.) Randy provides more than adequate material for you to do you own research.

Randy Richey – UPROOTING THE ENEMY 1-of-2
Randy Richey – UPROOTING THE ENEMY 2-of-2
Randy begins this session with a testimony of how he became acquainted with the deliverance ministry and ultimately Lake Hamilton Bible Camp. He goes on to point out that this is not a ‘one shot deal’…that deliverance is a progressive lifestyle.  He also emphasizes that it all starts with repentance.  He begins his message with Jeremiah 1:8-10 where the Lord is talking to the young prophet.  Randy says this scripture is the pattern for deliverance.  We are to “root out, pull down, destroy and throw down”…this dismantles the enemy.  Then we replace the work of our enemy with truth which sets us free.  We still need healing…the wounds from past experiences.   If we get delivered but not healed, we still have a problem.  We may not have as many demons but there are still some areas that need attention, so now we build and plant”.  Then we get a blueprint for deliverance.  He begins with forgiveness and repentance, both individual personal as well as identification and goes from there, pointing out that it all must begin in the heart.  Mark 1:14,15.  John 3: We must be born again. Jesus said we must be born of water and the Spirit.  Randy continues to lay out a pattern for deliverance and to walk us through it, giving scripture and declarations and ending in mass deliverance.

Randy begins by reminding us of how even going to God for repentance is an act of faith and when that’s finished, we are not to look back. The reward for repentance is cleansing. There’s no progression while looking back. Once we are forgiven, we must change our ways…thus changing our future. If we continue to lament our past, we’ll repeat it. We make headway when we forgive our enemies, and pray for those that despitefully use us. We waste time by thinking about the past. We must get it in our mind that His blood is enough! We’ve been cleansed and each time we go forward being more loving, we’re being polished. Our heart change causes us to desire to do what Jesus says and little by little we begin to resemble Jesus. If we behave because we love Jesus and want to please Him, we’ll be free, but if we behave because we don’t like the consequences, we’ll not be. Our check list is 1st Corinthians 13. Randy says that the deliverance part is easy but then you must walk it out…hear and obey. Love causes that to happen. First we receive it from God and then we pass it on. The fruit of the Spirit is the result. Galatians 5: tells us what love looks like. The love that we receive from Him is what enables us to keep His commandments. John 14:15, 23, Luke 10:27, John 13:35. He gives us the ability to love as He commands. John 17:26 Jesus prays, “that the love wherewith thou {GOD} hast loved me {Jesus} will be in them and I {Jesus} in them”. Randy uses many other scriptures, did deliverance and then Callie, his wife came up and led us in declarations.


19LCCD2-3 – Callie Richey – THE SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY
Callie begins by first telling us that she has known  this spirit quite well – naming it the angry eyed monster that was a  raging fit-thrower. Numbers 5:14 talks about what happens when we become  jealous for no cause.  It is an evil spirit.  She shows us that this  spirit works together with envy.  There are ways that we can open doors to  envy and jealousy.  It can be lack of trust because of a particular  experience with someone or simply insecurity because of our past. She  gives a very personal example of jealousy of the relationship of her  husband and his son.  She wanted all the attention. We get a very thorough  list of symptoms of jealousy…some that we’ve all surely felt including  grudges, suspicion, betrayal, competition, anger, hatred and many  more…sometimes toward your self, sometimes toward others. Jealousy  doesn’t have to make sense. Insecurity usually is resident, causing an  aggressive drive for self gratification.  We believe this is who we are and always will be, having no idea that it is an evil spirit that can be  cast out.  We get precise descriptions of jealousy and envy and it’s all  about “self”…“I want what you have and I don’t want you to have  it… don’t want to share either.”  We are given examples of jealousy or envy in Is. 14:12-14 where Lucifer was jealous of God, wanting to be  bigger and more powerful. Then we go on to Ezek. 28:12-15 where we find the  description of the anointed cherub –  perfect –  until iniquity was found  in him…envy and jealousy.  Then we look at Eve in the garden with the  serpent who tells her that she can be as God… if she goes against what  God told her.  Envy was at the door and she let it in.  This is just a  small sample of the content of this message.  Mass deliverance ministry follows.

Callie begins by saying probably all of us have been controlled or have controlled others.  She calls it a Saul spirit. We know that how we see our earthly father affects how we see God, our heavenly Father.  Some have not been able to recognize God as a father because we were taught to revere and to fear Him which keeps our relationship distant and/or formal.  In Rom. 8:15 we read that we have not received a spirit of bondage but a Spirit of adoption so we can cry Abba Father. Gal. 4:6 says because we are sons, God sent His Spirit to our hearts crying Abba Father.  Abba is an Aramaic word that can be translated as daddy, a common word used to address their earthly father.  This is a word that means there’s someone looking out for me, taking care of me and really loves spending time with me and can’t bear the thought that he would be upset with me but know he will forgive me and is proud of me and given me his name.  This is the kind of relationship our Father God wants to have with us. Now we are going to investigate a wounded spirit damaged by a Saul spirit. The story of Michal, Saul’s daughter is recorded in 1st & 2nd Chronicles clearly illustrates the pain of a damaged spirit caused by an angry, impatient, controlling father. Saul used his daughter to destroy David.  His plan didn’t work and David eventually deserted Michal to get away from Saul who then gave her to another man. Later David returned to claim Michal as his wife, taking her unwillingly from her present husband.  The whole story makes it easy to understand her anger and disapproval of his dancing in the streets as he brought the ark to the tabernacle.  She was hurt and angry, having been used by her father and by David.  At this point, forgiveness was the necessary medicine but was not used.  She reminds us again of our good father, God. The rest of the message details the Saul spirit and the one who is controlled by that spirit.  It’s very possible to find yourself in one or both. Deliverance follows.

19LHCD4-1A – Randy Richey – THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 1-of-2
19LHCD4-1B – Randy Richey – THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 2-of-2
Randy begins with prayer for God to touch each one in whatever area is needed. He goes on to say we are all here for the purpose of becoming more free…that it is a continual pursuit – a Journey … from glory to glory. Just know that we are not battling alone. Our Father GOD is with us! We are not to be passive – go into battle swinging your sword, knowing that we have the Almighty on our side and His promises are “yes and amen”. Randy then begins to detail eight R’s that are necessary for our freedom beginning with Recognizing the problem, taking Responsibility and Repenting eventually ending with Rejoicing and Restoration. Next, we go into some detail on sexual sin and soul ties…what God’s Word says. We are given scripture after scripture … verses that give very specific guidelines for our sexual activity … marriage, adultery, fornication, pornography, abortion, etc. This teaching gives many references in both the Old and New Testament concerning our moral behavior as well as what happens when we disobey. He notes that when we continue to disobey God’s word, we’ll be given over to a reprobate mind…that we’ll believe that we are ok and our land will be defiled … individually then corporately. He describes what happens when souls are knit together, how it can happen, that there are good as well as bad soul ties and especially the effect that the evil ones can have on us. This message is packed full of needed information beginning and ending with prayers of deliverance.

19LHCD4-2 – Callie Richey – REJECTION
Callie’s husband, Randy, prepares the ground for her to teach by taking the congregation through submission, warfare, and declaration prayers. Rejection can be a great hindrance to healing. It is one of satan’s most effective forms of oppression and is the root to many problems. Callie encourages everyone to purpose to allow the Lord to deal with sources of where problems came in – even if it is painful. When a child doesn’t experience the love of a father or mother, they oftentimes have trouble grasping the love of our Father God. This results in a need for healing of those childhood wounds. Many of God’s people have experienced “identity theft”. They don’t know who they are in Christ. Callie shares relevant Scriptures to help one be established in the Lord. And with that, the statement can be made, “If I will renew my mind with the Truth of the Word of God, my identity will become anchored in Jesus. When that happens, I will not be made smaller by the enemy when I fail at something. Neither will I become puffed up when I succeed because all Glory is His. I will no longer need to defend territory.” We have to reach the point that what negative things others might say about us or the enemy tries to make us think about ourselves doesn’t affect us, because we know what God says about us. Turn the choice to be offended into an opportunity to pray for that person. They must have problems or they wouldn’t behave that way. There is a realm of personal deliverance that comes when you can do this! She goes on to profile the rejection spirit, which can make one feel valueless or worthless because of the sense of being thrown away. One important thing to remember about rejection – it doesn’t matter if it is real or imagined. It becomes real to the person, even when it is imagined. This entire message contains valuable truths to help understand and be free from rejection. Don’t think because you have heard other messages on rejection that you don’t need this one! You are missing out on some fundamental truths if you pass this one by. Deliverance ministry is shared at the conclusion.

19LHCD4-5 – Callie Richey – FEAR
This message is about what fear does to our bodies. If we can “get this” a lot of diseases, unnecessary anxieties and worries will be gone! Scattered throughout this teaching, Callie shares her own testimonies of the massive impact fear has had on her life physically, and the many healings she has experienced in the process of being set free. She talks about what fear is, how it works and how to defeat it. As she shares an extensive list of fear’s characteristics, she instructs the listener to repent when they relate to one or more of the attributes. The purpose is to begin to come out of agreement with it. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Unholy manifestations of fear in a human’s life can include psychological problems, i.e. anxiety which is a direct result of fear. This produces its own set of related issues such as panic attacks, phobias, etc. That leads into the arena of physical problems which are directly and/or indirectly a result of fear. Some of these can be stomach problems, feelings of choking, smothering, shaking, tremors, faintness, and dizziness. Jealousy, persecution, paranoia, heart disease and various physiological systems of the human body are discussed here. The impact that fear has on the organs and systems of our bodies is astronomical. We are created to walk in divine health and victory, but fear has been craftily working behind the scenes to cripple and deteriorate us, serving up both disease and death. The good news is that “we are fixable” in Jesus! Dig into the deliverance offered at the conclusion of this message. Your destiny does not have to be riddled with disease and drugs. Callie is a living example of that. 

We begin by going to 1 Cor 13 which needs to be our mirror. Randy then led us in a prayer for God to grant us Godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Prov. 18:21 tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” One of the reasons to revisit our past is for a testimony. We must be sure that our words agree with God’s word. When we truly repent, we will change what we say. Decide what is truth by comparing it to what God says. Love is a fruit of the Spirit and when it is working, our character begins to change and love begins to multiply. Then, as with any fruit, it will feed others. We then discuss the different types of love and learn that the love that is the fruit of the Spirit is God’s love – agape – unconditional love, that loves no matter what the situation or whether you’re loved back or treated badly. Only God’s love works like that and we can do that if it’s the fruit of the Spirit. Then we touch on other fruit…joy that may sometimes have to be cultivated…work at it…then peace with God, with others and yourself…patience, long suffering, gentleness, faithfulness, kindness, self-control, goodness, temperance. The closer we are to God, the more we will think, act and live more fruitfully. Jn 14:15, Jesus said “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Vs 23 says if we love Him and keep His commands, He and the Father will come and live with us. Lk 10:27, says we are to love God with all our heart, soul and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. The greatest of these is love. If we love Him, we’ll do what He says. Jn. 13:35, By this, men will know that we are disciples, if we love one another. Lk. 6:35, love your enemies, Lk 6:27 love enemies and do good to those which hate you. Several more scriptures are given that emphasizes the necessity of sharing the love of God with others as well. He closed with prayers of repentance and deliverance.

19LHCD5-1A – Randy Richey – AGAPE LOVE 1-OF-2
19LHCD5-1B – Randy Richey – AGAPE LOVE 2-OF-2
Jesus loved us so fiercely that He took nails for us – He cared that much! After speaking a bit on the various applications of the Blood, he leads the congregation directly into some deliverance, clearing the way for them to receive God’s love and to be a better vessel of His love toward others. To grow in grace, Randy suggests you take 1 Cor 13 and use it as a mirror and say, “How do I compare to this, Lord?”  If you love the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself you’re going to obey all the other stuff!  One of the things we need to get a hold of is that it’s not about us (me).  In our weakness He is made strong.  He helps us love the un-loveable – if we cry out for His help. Love is the first one listed in the fruits of the Spirit. Where there is fruit, there is God!  The measure of where we are in our Christian walk (how Christ-like we are) is how we deal with those who don’t agree with us.  For Christ to be formed in us, His type of unconditional love has to be received and pursued and given. Agape love is unconditional – it loves no matter whether the other person agrees with us or not.  Jesus committed to the cross because we are worth it.  He sees value in us and we need to see value in each other.  When you commit to pray for the unholy, wicked, evil person that rubs you the wrong way, it will change your attitude towards them. You exchange unholy judgment for the love, grace and mercy of God. Remember, there by the grace of God go I (we). You can go through repeated deliverance and not walk in love, and your soul and body will be a revolving door for demonic oppression.  Randy also shares hindrances to walking in love.  Randy is a faithful deliverance minister, moving also as an evangelist and teacher to equip the saints.  He concludes this message with more extensive deliverance ministry.

Before Randy gets into teaching on Freemasonry, he reminds us how important it is to not only be saved but to be baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Next he reminds us that there’s nothing new under the sun. Then he begins talking about angels, saying according to Gen. 6:2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men and took them for wives. Vs. 4 says there were giants in the land and evil got so bad that God regretted that He had made man.  He says that the technology before the flood was far more sophisticated than what we have today. There’s a saying in the cultic realm, ‘As above, so below.’ Whatever is going on in the heavenlies is also on the earth.  Randy goes on to explain the problems of Freemasonry beginning with the meaning of the signs…one being if you just live a good life, you can go to heaven…without Jesus.  The G is supposed to stand for God.  He tells us about their belief that man is evolving into Godhood. He talked about partiality and how Freemasonry influences businesses and government, mentioning the ring, handshake and the square.  He goes on to name famous people who are or were Masons.  Randy tells us that there is a certain Masonic degree that pledges to serve allah with a hand on the koran…some know they’re serving lucifer. We end by removing all that is connected to a masonic vow and Randy prays deliverance.

19LHCD7-1A – Randy Richey – IDOLATRY 1-of-2
19LHCD7-1B – Randy Richey – IDOLATRY 2-of-2
God says we are going from glory to glory.  That means something has to change to put us at that next level.  Generally, that something has to do with us changing!  God’s goal for us is to be made into the image and likeness of Jesus.  God loves us just as we are but He loves us too much to leave us there! We are to live the life God puts before us – not someone else’s life.  Our number one enemy is ourselves – our flesh.  Number two enemy is satan and demons.  Our third enemy is the world’s system. The thief commeth to steal, kill and destroy.  Why would we want to help him?  Be quick to repent and quick to forgive.  We are spirit, soul and body.  Freedom only comes when we are walking it all out.  Just casting the demons out doesn’t solve all your problems.  That flesh is still going to have to be crucified.  You are going to have to do something else with your body that is different from what you have been doing.  Randy makes the comment, “If everything that we have been doing was working, we wouldn’t be here!”  Randy covers a whole plethora of potential idols in our lives and most of them are not false religions. Whatever you choose to do that is contrary to God, you are literally bowing down to that.  The question is: “Do we take idolatry as serious as God does?”  There is a reason He lists it as the first Commandment [Exodus 20:3] “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”  Randy concludes with extensive prayer and ministry for deliverance.

19LHCD7-5 – Randy Richey – SPIRIT OF TRAUMA
Randy begins by reminding us how important our words are and that if we would read a Proverb a day, it would change us.  He then leads us in deliverance over some Proverbs reminding us to be agreeing with God’s words and repenting when we aren’t obedient to them. There was a disturbance at one point in the service that had to be dealt with and prayer was the weapon of choice.  Randy then goes on with the service reminding us that we must respond, not only with prayer but with forgiveness.  We must not hate or be in fear.  Moving into his subject of trauma, we learned that it may come in various ways … accidents, any type of abuse, wartime experiences… anything that overwhelms us outside the range of normal experience. Firemen and policemen see things on a regular basis that may be a cause of trauma.  We may not remember but it remains in our mind, sub-consciously causing emotional or even physical symptoms.  Fear, anger, stupor, anxiety, agitation and stress can all be resident with trauma.  We must battle to agree with God, fighting the lies, facing facts, but not allowing our emotions to control our life.  The goal is that we get free and continue to walk in that freedom.  He talked about rooms in a house … Jesus may own the entire house – but the rooms might not all be cleaned out yet. The anger and fear rooms may be clean but the rejection room is still occupied. So we asked God to shine His light on anything hidden.  We still need healing of the trauma after we get the deliverance. There can only be total deliverance when we deal with the obvious and the hidden and walk out the requirements.  However, it is ultimately our choices that decide the outcome.  Do we choose God’s way or our own?  Randy prays throughout the message and continues to pray deliverance at finish of message.

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GRACE 1-of-2
GRACE 2-of-2
TRAUMA 1-of-2
TRAUMA 2-of-2
THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 1-of-2
THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 2-of-2
 IDOLATRY 2-of-2
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