Randy & Callie Richey 2021

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Published on: July 28, 2021

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Randy & Callie Richey

2021 January Zoom Meeting

21LHCD1Z-1A – Randy Richey – IDOLATRY 1-OF-2
21LHCD1Z-1B – Randy Richey – IDOLATRY 2-OF-2
Director Merrill Miller greets the attendees and shares for a few minutes before Randy begins this session. Prior to sharing on the message of idolatry, Randy spends a little time speaking on the need for healing in our land and what born-again Christians can do to help.  This wise message is for those who will have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying.  It is for the overcomers.  God’s people have to act like God’s people and our standard is the One who was crucified.  An invitation to participate in prayers of repentance and forgiveness is given and Randy takes the listener through them.  He then proceeds, full steam ahead, into an expose of idolatry beginning with a definition and Scripture identification of what God considers idolatry.  With regard to idolatry, he covers the hidden backgrounds and deceits and deceptions of certain monuments, ethnic backgrounds, false religions, cultures, sports, pastors, children, husbands/wives, money, and a whole lot more.  The truth is you can make an idol out of anything and that includes yourself! There’s a day coming when these things that have been worshipped as gods are coming out and they are going to be seen. God hates idolatry.  Grace will save a man but it won’t save his idols!  Randy prays, Lord, help us to be difference makers, that Your Kingdom would advance, that Your Light shall shine into the darkness. Deliverance happens when we come into agreement with the living God. Deliverance prayers and ministry conclude this needful teaching.

21LHCD1-Z2 – Callie Richey – FEAR
This is thorough teaching on what fear is, how it works and how to defeat it.  Fear is rampant in our country. Nothing has changed the truth of God’s Word.  He has NOT given us a spirit of fear! (2 Tim 1:7)   Who are we going to listen to?  Are we going to trust the world or God?  Callie is very transparent in this teaching, relating many of the fears she has dealt with through her life and the deliverance and healing that has, and is, still taking place.  She encourages the listener to be repenting if they recognize anything in them as she dives deep into this message. We don’t want to partner with anything that comes from the family of fear!  Continual agreement with fear is disastrous and falls far short of what Jesus died for and accomplished for all of His children.  The many faces of fear can include symptoms such as stress, agitation, torment, tension, stewing, phobias, tremors, dread, anxiety disorders, and much more. Callie uproots a plethora of physical, emotional, and psychological problems that have their roots in fear. One example comes from Luke 21:26, “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” She also incorporates self-hatred into this lesson and shares how in her own life, it resulted in auto-immune disease.  How do we defeat fear?  With the Truth, deliverance, weapons of warfare, and the blood of Jesus. She shares corresponding Scriptures for all of these methods of defeating fear and then leads in prayers of repentance and forgiveness. After that she invites her husband, Randy, to come and pray for deliverance and casting out of evil spirits.  He breaks the 3-fold cord of doubt, fear, and unbelief.  Approximately 30 minutes of this session is devoted to the deliverance ministry and setting the captives free.  There is no freedom if you are justifying behavior that doesn’t line up with God’s Word.  Repent and cast out the justifying spirit!  Fear is a liar.  Wonderful teaching and deliverance service.

21LHCD1Z-2 – Callie Richey – FEAR
This is thorough teaching on what fear is, how it works and how to defeat it.  Fear is rampant in our country. Nothing has changed the truth of God’s Word.  He has NOT given us a spirit of fear! (2 Tim 1:7)   Who are we going to listen to?  Are we going to trust the world or God?  Callie is very transparent in this teaching, relating many of the fears she has dealt with through her life and the deliverance and healing that has, and is, still taking place.  She encourages the listener to be repenting if they recognize anything in them as she dives deep into this message. We don’t want to partner with anything that comes from the family of fear!  Continual agreement with fear is disastrous and falls far short of what Jesus died for and accomplished for all of His children.  The many faces of fear can include symptoms such as stress, agitation, torment, tension, stewing, phobias, tremors, dread, anxiety disorders, and much more. Callie uproots a plethora of physical, emotional, and psychological problems that have their roots in fear. One example comes from Luke 21:26, “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” She also incorporates self-hatred into this lesson and shares how in her own life, it resulted in auto-immune disease.  How do we defeat fear?  With the Truth, deliverance, weapons of warfare, and the blood of Jesus. She shares corresponding Scriptures for all of these methods of defeating fear and then leads in prayers of repentance and forgiveness. After that she invites her husband, Randy, to come and pray for deliverance and casting out evil spirits.  He breaks the 3-fold cord of doubt, fear, and unbelief.  Approximately 30 minutes of this session is devoted to the deliverance ministry and setting the captives free.  There is no freedom if you are justifying behavior that doesn’t line up with God’s Word.  Repent and cast out the justifying spirit!  Fear is a liar.  Wonderful teaching and deliverance service.


Below is taken from the
2021 July Zoom Meeting
Randy & Callie Richey
Deliverance Ministry

21LHCD7Z-1 – Randy Richey – LOVE
We can’t belittle the mess this world is in but we must magnify God.  Randy takes some time to share some fundamental things going on today – not to derail anybody but to emphasize the fact we don’t have to be afraid.  Don’t be afraid to live!  This dialogue works to capture the necessity for the level of God’s love it is going to take in us to be vessels fit for the Master’s use – to be prepared to pray for those He is calling out to come into the family of God.  It is not for us to condemn, for thereby the grace of God go we.  We must pray.  It takes the love of God to have compassion on the sinner (and the saint!).  Jesus did not come to condemn, He came to save.  Randy shares on the premise that he loves you enough to speak what he believes to be the truth as it lines up with the Word of God.  Living a holy life but not loving people is not a holy life. Mk 12:30-31 “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, There is none other commandment greater than these.”  There is a separation from those who are truly born again, who love God first and then man, from those who are just in a religious camp.  This is a wonderful Scripturally-based teaching on the many aspects of love.  Randy concludes with confession, repentance, renunciation, casting out demons, and praying for healing.

21LHCD7Z-3A – Randy Richey – SPIRITUAL ORDER 1-OF-2
21LHCD7Z-3B – Randy Richey – SPIRITUAL ORDER 2-OF-2
Randy begins by giving an invitation for anyone who is not saved to come to Jesus.  Man is made of 3 separate parts.  Like our Creator, we are 3 in one – with each part different but inseparable from the whole – made in the image of God.  We are spirit, soul, and body.  The Tabernacle is the pattern for us today.  Only we are now the dwelling place and not the tent.  Randy breaks down the comparisons of Outer Court, Holy Place, and Holy of Holies to body, soul, and spirit.  He uses slides to illustrate the points of the message.  Looking at what a life in order looks like, covered in the blood of Jesus, has the Holy Spirit as head; under that is our born-again spirit which agrees with God, then the soul which must be transformed and last the body which must die daily.  He then proceeds to illustrate what a life in disorder looks like and more extensively explains spirit, soul, and body.  When our lives are in order Rom 8:2, Matt 7:16-17 become apparent in our lives and other people will see the Fruit.  As we make the proper choices to believe God, study His Word, choose life and not death we are in the correct spiritual order.  We can live our lives in Jesus and He will show Himself to others through us.  This life is impossible except by the Grace of God with Holy Spirit empowerment.  Randy concludes with a prayer for deliverance. 

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