2019 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

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The 2019 Memorial Day Camp meeting
is also available on 9 DVDs for $45.00

The following are the same messages but only in the FREE podcast format.
Our podcast format is: 24kbps at 24Hz single track mono.”
They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space.

Minister web-sites for this camp meeting
Geri McGhee – Abiding Life Ministries
Kernaa & Jean Williams – FireAndGloryEndTimeDeliveranceMinistries/
Randy & Callie Richey – ChristOutreachOklahoma

Randy & Callie Richey
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

19LHCD5-1A – Randy Richey – AGAPE LOVE 1-OF-2
19LHCD5-1B – Randy Richey – AGAPE LOVE 2-OF-2
Jesus loved us so fiercely that He took nails for us – He cared that much! After speaking a bit on the various applications of the Blood, he leads the congregation directly into some deliverance, clearing the way for them to receive God’s love and to be a better vessel of His love toward others. To grow in grace, Randy suggests you take 1 Cor 13 and use it as a mirror and say, “How do I compare to this, Lord?” If you love the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself you’re going to obey all the other stuff! One of the things we need to get a hold of is that it’s not about us (me). In our weakness He is made strong. He helps us love the un-loveable – if we cry out for His help. Love is the first one listed in the fruits of the Spirit. Where there is fruit, there is God! The measure of where we are in our Christian walk (how Christ-like we are) is how we deal with those who don’t agree with us. For Christ to be formed in us, His type of unconditional love has to be received and pursued and given. Agape love is unconditional – it loves no matter whether the other person agrees with us or not. Jesus committed to the cross because we are worth it. He sees value in us and we need to see value in each other. When you commit to pray for the unholy, wicked, evil person that rubs you the wrong way, it will change your attitude towards them. You exchange unholy judgment for the love, grace and mercy of God. Remember, there by the grace of God go I (we). You can go through repeated deliverance and not walk in love, and your soul and body will be a revolving door for demonic oppression. Randy also shares hindrances to walking in love. Randy is a faithful deliverance minister, moving also as an evangelist and teacher to equip the saints. He concludes this message with more extensive deliverance ministry.

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

After Jean prays, she begins her teaching. We learn how a deaf and dumb spirit operates and the effect it has on us. First, we hear of how it affected her life, beginning when she was a young girl being bullied at school, causing her to refrain from speaking because of embarrassment. That was a stronghold…and she gives a very thorough description of how a stronghold works. Then we get scripture Eph. 6:11-12 instructing us to put on the whole armour of God which enables us to do battle and win. It’s vital that our ears are hearing what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to us. Mt. 13:43, Jesus says ‘Who has ears to hear, let him hear’. We are called and given authority to confront and evict demon spirits. The enemy’s job is to rob you of your calling. In Mk. 9:25, Jesus commanded the deaf and dumb spirit to come out…and we see in vs. 26, it obeyed. This spirit is connected to learning disabilities, A.D.D., concentration, spiritual and physical deafness. We have ears but we are not hearing. Is. 42:18-20 we see that even with eyes and ears, we may be blind and deaf. She gives a personal example of her husband saying one thing and she would hear something different. Communication issues are prevalent in marriages, which is a focus of our enemy. Jer. 5:21 speaks of eyes and ears but no understanding. Jean lists and explains with scriptures, the causes and description that allow this spirit to enter…trauma, addiction, infirmity, etc. She also lists manifestations. God gives us the authority and the strategy to win this battle! The good news is that God is a restorer! Ps. 23:3 He restores my soul. Deliverance follows.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

19LHCD5-3A 1-OF-2
19LHCD5-3B 2 of 2
Applying and appropriating the truths of this message will help change your life! It all boils down to good seed and bad seed. Deut. 22 says you shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seeds, lest the produce of the seed which you’ve sown and the increase of the vineyard be defiled. In other words, the bad seed will destroy the good. If you’ve ever had a garden, you know you have to take care of the good plants. If you don’t, the weeds will overtake the good plants. It’s the same with the Word of God and seeds that are not of God. When the Word of God goes forth we should embrace it. If we don’t we are anti-Christ, because Jesus is the Word of God. We were all born with a garden full of junk. Our sins have planted things in our garden. Other people plant things in your heart. How you know what is planted is by looking at the fruit. If you let the sun go down on your wrath you have given the devil a foothold in your life. Whatever your problem is, God is trying to tell you that is the next thing He wants to fix. Ask Him what it is He wants you to learn. We are sowing every day of our lives. Many of us are sowing bad seed by the things we are saying about ourselves, our circumstances, etc. We need to quit speaking death and start speaking life. Geri grew up hearing, “God helps those who help themselves.” This was “planted in her heart”. It made her feel guilty and she would pray, “God, I can’t help myself.” God doesn’t want us to do it ourselves – He wants us to stay yielded to Him. Geri believes that one of the biggest sources of sin in our lives is our mouths. She encourages the congregation to not think too badly of themselves. God’s not going to “chuck” you and throw you away, saying “you’re too bad.” Everyone can be fixed by the Lord! Sanctification takes a lifetime. The Bible says, “Faith purifieth your soul.” There is so much richness to share concerning this message and not enough space to do it. We encourage you to get this and listen to it through to completion. Deliverance ministry is included, however, asking God to help you change the way you think and speak is what is needed.

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

19LHCD5-4A- Kernaa Williams – TIMES OF VISITATIONS 1-OF-2
19LHCD5-4B – Kernaa Williams – TIMES OF VISITATIONS 2-OF-2
Kernaa begins by going to Joel 22:28 which says, You shall decree a thing and it shall be established. We want our words to stir and activate what is in the atmosphere. He uses Micah 7:15-20 as a basis for the word spoken to be decreed. We see in Gen 20 that Abimelech was warned in a dream that Sarah was Abraham’s wife…a visitation which served as a warning. Gen. 41, Joseph interpreted dreams of 2 men concerning Pharoah as meaning the same…confirmation. Kernaa then told of a dream he had about Donald Trump 2 nights in a row…confirmation. He says we are in a kairos time when God is speaking clearly BUT we are not listening. He points out that Gen. 41:32 says that when there is confirmation, a thing is established. He points that according to Job 33:14-15, God speaks to us in dreams and visions as we sleep. Vs 16 says He also speaks words of instruction, that we can know His way. We need to learn to apply the Word of God by action…making ourselves vessels that God can use…first to listen and hear…then follow thru with intercession, etc. Another amazing dream is spoken of in Mt.1:20 where an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream giving the fact that the baby would be a boy and His name would be Jesus. Jesus promised greater works. At this point Kernaa begins to declare and prophesy a place of power, dominion, authority and influence that is coming in and to God’s people in this time, operating in the spiritual realm. Believers are to be demonstrating the kingdom of God. We are then told of 4 dreams that he has received and the interpretation of them. Deliverance follows.

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

19LHCD5-5 – Kernaa Williams – MENTAL PASSIVITY
Listen up, Christians, as Kernaa takes us into deeper deliverance. Bluntly put, Satan is after the minds of believers. He’s playing for keeps. Kernaa doesn’t sugar coat this. It’s really a matter of life and death. Opposite the mind of Christ means your mind is full of demonic mind-control. If Jesus is not Lord of your mind, your mind can be under mind-control, mind-binding and blocking type spirits that you aren’t even aware of. Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus. This message focuses on mental passivity in professing believers. Many, many Scriptures are shared concerning the mind – both spiritual and carnal. One of the definitions Kernaa gives of mental passivity is to put your mind in neutral, thus having no control. We must bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (God’s Word). If it doesn’t line up with the mind and heart of God, it will get us in trouble. If it’s not a fruit of the Spirit it is a work of the flesh. Our minds cannot be passage ways for demons to come and go. We must guard our thoughts. Television, the internet and sad to say, many churches are portals for the enemy to enter your mind. Some churches disregard holiness. They either embrace or tolerate the occult (mind-altering drugs), eastern religions (Yoga), fornication (and most sexual sin) and have compromised the Truth of God’s Word. We, as Christians, cannot just assume that everything that goes on in the Church is God. We must seek His Truth for ourselves and not be gullible and give the enemy a foothold or stronghold in your life. Deliverance is not to be played with. It is very real that, after deliverance, you can become seven times worse if you go out and start sinning again in the same area you were just set free from. Kernaa takes the congregation in much deliverance at the conclusion of this excellent message.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

The title of this message basically means to yield to God. I choose His way over my way – His plan over my plan – His attitude over my attitude – His Word over my word. So you have to know God’s Word. If we remain the clay and continue to yield to the Potter then the Potter takes out all our junk. When you are abiding in Christ the Fruit of the Spirit – His character and nature – is manifested in your life. When we yield to God, sometimes we have to suffer in the flesh. Geri quotes another minister as saying, “Your ‘cross’ is where your will crosses God’s will. When you are under God’s yoke, you can’t be under someone else’s yoke or you will be conformed to their image and likeness and not God’s. Geri shares several benefits of abiding in Christ. We don’t obey to be saved, we obey because we are saved! Obedience is a fruit of salvation. Geri leads the congregation in prayers of repentance and deliverance.

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

Jean said she believed her message is for this time because she could see a lot of people weighed down…not knowing how to experience our Lord…and it’s time to get free! Many are still stuck in Lo-debar. She begins by telling us about Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, and the grandson of Saul. 2nd Sam 4, tells us of an accident that left him lame. Some of us have been crippled by someone else’s mistake and are wondering if we are ever going to get free. Lo-debar means without pasture, no communication or direction…depressed. She points out that it’s not our fault if we were molested or abused as a child or if you had no parents or had to raise ourselves. King David learned of Mephibosheth and desired to bless him because he was the son of his friend Jonathan. When we’re in Lo-debar, we’re hopeless and don’t believe things will ever change…but GOD! He says it’s time to come out! He will send deliverance from Lo-debar. He desires for us to dine with Him but we don’t know how to have a friend. We feel unworthy but God will make a way to get thru to you. Jean gave a very moving testimony as to how He got thru to her. Eph. 2:6 tells us that God has raised us up and made us sit together in heavenly places. He desires that we be together with Him. In Is. 55:1, God calls out to those who are thirsty. He’s got the answer but we must choose to respond. Joel 2:25,26 says God will restore what has been taken from you. Deliverance follows.

Randy & Callie Richey
Click above to see their other mp3 audio messages

Before Randy gets into teaching on Freemasonry, he reminds us how important it is to not only be saved but to be baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Next, he reminds us that there’s nothing new under the sun. Then he begins talking about angels, saying according to Gen. 6:2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men and took them for wives. Vs. 4 says there were giants in the land and evil got so bad that God regretted that He had made the man. He says that the technology before the flood was far more sophisticated than what we have today. There’s a saying in the cultic realm, ‘As above, so below.’ Whatever is going on in the heavenly is also on the earth. Randy goes on to explain the problems of Freemasonry beginning with the meaning of the signs…one being if you just live a good life, you can go to heaven…without Jesus. The G is supposed to stand for God. He tells us about their belief that man is evolving into Godhood. He talked about partiality and how Freemasonry influences businesses and government, mentioning the ring, handshake, and the square. He goes on to name famous people who are or were Masons. Randy tells us that there is a certain Masonic degree that pledges to serve allah with a hand on the koran…some know they’re serving lucifer. We end by removing all that is connected to a masonic vow and Randy prays for deliverance.

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19LHCD5-3B 2 of 2
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