2016 Spring Camp Meeting

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Published on: September 22, 2017

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We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a track. Audio is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

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DVD Video

The 2016 Spring Camp Meeting

Order # 16LHMP3CD3 – All 8 full messages of the 2016 Spring Camp Meeting in MP3
format on 1 CD disk – Donation $10.00

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see all there other audio messages.

Carla starts basic deliverance by teaching us how to break generational curses as well as other demonic assignments. This puts us into position to receive all that God has for us. It is written in Matt 12:29 and Mark 3:27 that we each have a strongman, a demonic force sent by the enemy to have rule over our life. We bind that strongman and break his power so we can eradicate his influence and spoil his house. The Keys to the Kingdom, as named in Matt 18:18, belong to us so we can live a powerful Christian life. Carla comes against idolatry and death curses in our lives. John 11:44 “Lazarus was dead, bound head and foot with grave clothes and came forth. Nehemiah 1:5 is a cleansing prayer of repentance to break generational curses of sin and death. Carla leads the congregation in prayers of confession and continues to break generational curses, evil soul ties, and death curses which include aging, a slow, gradual diminishing of life. The death curse is the ruler of all infirmities. Psalm 91:3 speaks of a “noisome pestilence, meaning “any ill smelling, infectious, contagious disease or virus. Receive your healing, the finished work that Jesus Christ accomplished by His stripes and death on the Cross.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see all there other audio messages

A Grasshopper Spirit is someone who does not know who they are in Christ. They live in fear and confess the facts of what they see, but instead they need to state the truth of what Gods Word says. Numbers 13:25 tells about a troubling report of giants in the land of milk and honey. We saw ourselves as grasshoppers in their sight. Joshua and Caleb responded, But the Lord is with us fear them not! Follow the Lord fully so you and your children will possess the land. We must live an overcoming, sanctified life. The giants in our land are anger, addictions, perversions,  bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, infirmities all those things we have to overcome so we can possess our land. A person with a Grasshopper Spirit is in constant turmoil and never enters Gods rest. They see themselves as worthless and little in lifes difficult situations. They want to quit and run every time there is a problem. The Grasshopper Spirit can come in through fear of man if you grow up with angry, raging parents. Jesus says, Come unto Me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. It is a picture of yielding to the leading and control of the Holy Spirit. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Kernaa & Jean Williams 

Click on their name to see all there other audio messages

16LHCD3-3 – Jean Williams – A RISE OF THE HORSEMEN
God showed Jean a dream about a brown, reddish horse. He began to reveal the meaning of this dream to her. She went to Habakkuk 2:3. We are in the season and the time of the brown horse, unmasking hidden sin and hidden agendas. God demands holiness in His people, so take the veil off your face and come clean. God expects us to apply these Scriptures to our life today. We must continue to yearn after holiness and take our purification seriously. Heavenly horses represent dramatic judgment for violent purification in His people. The horse represents power and strength in fleshly carnality. God wants to take that carnal flesh and purify it today. The horse also means strength, authority and power in battle. Natural characteristics of the horse: his first defense is to flee, he lives in a herd where there is security and protection, he is a social animal, a creature of habit, has special needs and he submits his own will and learns the ways of his master. Our Master will provide us with supernatural characteristics of consecration, obedience and fellowship with Him so He can pour forth His glory into us. His perfect will for us is to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Kernaa & Jean Williams 

Click on their name to see all there other audio messages

16LHCD3-4 -Kernaa Williams  – THE 4TH SPIRIT BEAST
Daniel 7:7 Behold a Fourth Beast. God is raising up watchmen in this hour to warn His people. They are unafraid to speak because, My times are in Thine hands. There is a plan to destroy the Constitution of the United States and its Constitutional form of government. America is in danger of losing her freedoms. Kernaa has some startling information to share about the agenda and strategies of the New World Order, the shadow government working behind the scenes to destroy this nation. You can see the acceleration of the 4th Beast Spirit that is moving through America. Jeremiah 18:7-9 If that nation turns from their evil, I will repent of the evil I purposed to do to them. Sadly, many are under the influence of post-hypnotic mind control because of the media. We all must fast and cry out in travail unto our God. Shadow Government written by Grant R. Jeffrey, opened Kernaa’s eyes about government and military manipulation and surveillance of our general population. We are battling demonic entities violent, brutal, cruel, vicious, savage Beast Spirits, Demon Destroyers. In Jesus Christ’s Name engage in warfare against this 4th Beast, anti-Christ spirit. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching

Nickie Pinson 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

16LHCD3-5 – Nickie Pinson – A GREAT MYSTERY
Ephesians 5:32 is about the mystery of the relationship between Christ and His Church. God the Father is looking for a Bride for His Son. The work of the Holy Spirit is to prepare the Church to be His Bride. Esther 2:2 is about the purification and beautification process of selected young virgins of their land to see who would qualify to be the wife of the king. Maidservants were assigned to assist in their purification. God will give us maidservants to help us with our preparations. The purification and beautification process is a lonely and difficult task and must be undertaken with detail and effort. John 6:44 Right now is the time and it is our purpose to be drawn unto Him. Preparing the Bride of Christ involves those whom the Holy Spirit has called to an intimate fellowship as in marriage where two become one flesh. The Coming of the Lord is about the Marriage of the Lamb. We are to desire Him in marriage, live with Him and be one with Him throughout eternity. He is our reason for living. Our only real destiny, our one purpose in life is this, The Bride has made herself ready. John 14:1 I will receive you unto Myself, that where I am there you may be also. Personal ministry follows.

Kernaa & Jean Williams 

Click on their name to see all there other audio messages

America uses the Gregorian calendar. This teaching is about its naming of multiple gods and goddesses. January was named after the Roman god Janus. Belial is its ruler spirit. February is named after the Roman god Februra, the god of the dead and of satanic human sacrifices. The ruler spirit is Leviathan. Valentines Day is paganism, Church. March is named after Mars and falls under the rule of satan himself. April is connected with Aphrodite, the goddess of love. May comes from the Greek goddess, Maya, a goddess of fertility. Its ruler is Lucifer, the bearer of light. June comes from the Roman God, Juno, and is connected with the Queen of Heaven and Baal Berith. July is named after Julius Caesar. The ruler spirit is Beelzebub. August is named after Caesar Augustus Octavious and is ruled by Asteroth. September means seven and is ruled by Tamuz. October means eight and is ruled by Baal. Read II Chronicles 23:17. November means nine and is ruled by Osmodeus. December means ten. The ruler spirit is Moloch. Due to time restraints, Kernaa encourages us to research the Hebrew calendar ourselves, to study and discover its fascinating, prophetic arrangement of months, tribes and purposes..

Carla Butaud – DVD Video and CD

Geri McGhee – DVD video and CD

Jean Williams DVD Video and CD

Kernaa Williams DVD Video and CD

Nickie Pinson – DVD Video and CD

**  New mp3 Audio This Month  **

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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

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