Children, Youth, Young Adult Deliverance

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Various Teachers
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Subject Series
Children, Youth, and Teen Deliverance
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Messages are taken from various camp meetings at LHBC, and from a variety of speakers. By clicking on each speaker it will also take you to many other messages of speakers in their own directories too.

Bo & Jean Fisher
Deliverance Ministry

08LCCD2-6 – Jean Fisher – LOVE PEOPLE!
The Kingdom of God is all about relationships. Jean begins with a personal testimony of how the walls around her life kept her afraid of the close relationships that all Christians need. Acts 2:44 – the work of the Holy Spirit is to bring all together in unity in Jesus. The Kingdom of God comes in the flow of God’s love. Matt 22:34-40. The whole message of God is to love God and love your neighbor. Matt 18:15. God is after a place where we don’t secretly have resentments against each other so we can go out and be witnesses of God’s love. Luke 6:27. Love your enemies who hate, abuse, and curse you. The chains of evil have to stop somewhere. It takes one person saying, “NO!”, to let God’s love rule. We have to be real. Confess and be honest with one another. We must go to Jesus. He puts a whole new perspective in our life of the way He sees our problems. God is not shocked or offended to find out you are a sinner. Jesus is so gracious. We need to be this same way to each other. Jesus lives inside of each of us. This is such an awesome thing. We have to forgive everyone. It has got to be real. God places the lonely in families. You are supposed to live in the church and go to the world; not live in the world and go to church. In conclusion, Jean offers a commission for God’s people. She recommends you be submitted to a covering; one who you respect and who you cannot control. Go and love your neighbor, go, and love your enemy. Go and wash the feet of the person who has been ugly to you. Her prayer is that Jesus gives us the courage to go home and deal with the broken relationships in families, churches, homes, or wherever they are. Jean closes with prayer for an anointing to go out in the love of Jesus to the world about us.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 –  2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 –  2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2020
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Does this sound like you or someone you know? Nobody loves you, you feel inferior, no good, no identity, have hurt feelings, feel alone, don’t fit in, can’t receive goodness, feel like you are always imposing on others, sad, oppressed, depressed, abandoned, have a death wish, sorry you were ever born and many more manifestations of this destructive spirit. It is a curse that touches everybody. It is the curse of the bastard. Once it is established it remains in families until someone begins to break the curse. In the Old Testament, it called for a literal separation from the congregation. In the New Testament, it means a lack of discipline. You never know what is in your bloodline. Carla tells of dreams of being abandoned as a child. Her marriage and children were not the fulfillment of happiness she was seeking. Deep depression set in. Her husband did not know what to do for her. When she got to the end of herself Jesus appeared to her. He revealed His love to her. Once you understand what the spirit of the bastard is and what it does you are ready for deliverance from it because that curse and spirit alienate you from God.

Steve Bell
Deliverance Ministry

Very good illustrations of Old Testament examples for modern-day deliverance principles. There were giants in the land that had to be dealt with before God’s people could go in and possess the land. We have giants in our land that need to be exterminated. Deliverance helps to prepare us for God to set up His kingdom on this earth. Our own bodies. We are that earth. Renunciation prayers, breaking curses, and deliverance ministered at the end of the service.

Why are we getting delivered? Is it not so that the nature of Jesus might be made more manifest in us – that His Kingdom might come forth in us? Listen up! The primary obstacle looming in front of many is bitterness – and for some even bitterness towards God. Bitterness is tied to infirmities in the body. God allows us to be proven and tested in the “bitter water” of experiences that we might rise above and overcome. Bro. Bell deals with the basis of bitterness found in Matt. 5. Ministry towards unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment is included at the conclusion of this teaching. Enter right into the ministry and get delivered under this anointing that breaks the yoke.

83LHCD9-9 – Steve Bell – REJECTION
God is teaching us how to love one another. Love is a decision – and you decide that you are going to love no matter what comes against you. Perfect love casts out all fear and love covers a multitude of sins. A primary tactic of the enemy is to bring division – a house divided cannot stand. There are areas in most of our lives where rejection is resident. This hinders us from loving one another to full potential as God has ordained. Deliverance for rejection has ministered after this message.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

85LHCD5-6 – By Erma Miller – The Occult
Christians, take heed! If you have never had any prayer to release you from the occult powers which you have dabbled in yourself (usually in ignorance to what the Word of the Lord says), or your ancestors have practiced, by all means, listen to this message. The Word of God expressly prohibits going to a fortuneteller, consulting Ouija boards, reading horoscopes, being hypnotized, and many other occult activities. You are living under a curse and need to be set free and come out from under these powers. Understand and recognize that all occult involvement is considered a sin and must be renounced and repented of. Many, many occult practices are called out as spirits in this service, and deliverance from these powers of darkness has ministered. Divorce, strife in the home, indifference, extreme fears, nervousness, and suicide are only a few of the numerous symptoms of occult oppression and bondage.

Norman Parish
Click above to see his other messages

91LHCD11-3A – Norman Parish – THE CURSE OF THE OCCULT 1-of-2
91LHCD11-3B – Norman Parish – THE CURSE OF THE OCCULT 2-of-2
THIS IS A STRONG WARNING TO EVERY CHRISTIAN IN EVERY HOME, FELLOWSHIP, AND CHURCH! We would call this a classic. In these last days, with perilous times coming, we need to understand more about the occult. We need discernment of spirits in order to recognize those that the Bible says will come to beguile the saints. Satan has come to bring confusion, destroy peace, rob, and destroy the work of God. Jesus has come to destroy the works of the devil. The Jesus in you, the Holy Spirit in you, the God in you, wants you to rise up with the gifts of the Holy Spirit resident in all of us, and then begin to do the ministry of Jesus. Don’t miss this!

Dr. William Null
Click above to see his other messages

97LHCD7-6 – Dr. William (Bill) Null – THE OCCULT PART 1: WITCHCRAFT
Dr. Null defines several terms for the various divisions of the occult, then focuses on witchcraft – the use of supernatural power obtained through evil spirits to control people or events. He shows how witchcraft can operate in the workplace, the family, and the church, illustrating how those in a position of strength control through domination or intimidation, while those who are weaker control through manipulation. Deliverance prayers conclude the service.

97LHCD7-12 – Dr. William (Bill) Null – THE OCCULT PART 2: SORCERY
After reviewing the definitions given on 97LHCD7-6 this teaching focuses on the division of the occult in which supernatural power is exercised through the use of drugs, music, talismans, spells, charms, potions, etc. Deliverance prayers conclude the service.

97LHCD7-18A – Dr. William Null  THE OCCULT PART 3: DIVINATION 1-of-2 
97LHCD7-18B – Dr. William Null  THE OCCULT PART 3: DIVINATION 2-of-2  Divination involves obtaining supernatural knowledge through a familiar spirit in order to control people or events. Dr. Null covers a number of ways in which people participate in divination. The only spirit through which a Christian should receive supernatural knowledge is the Holy Spirit! Deliverance prayers follow the teaching.

97LHCD7-21 Dr. William (Bill) Null
Dr. Null concludes this series of teachings by examining the roots of involvement in the occult, its results in our lives and the lives of our descendants, and what our response should be. Deliverance prayers are included.

Chris Simpson
Deliverance Ministry

Immensely practical teaching exposing Satan’s tactics to destroy unity—which brings a release of God’s power—by destroying relationships. Using the story of Adam and Eve’s temptation in the garden (Gen. 3), he identifies the root causes of every relationship problem. Let’s dig them out!

Bo & Jean Fisher
Click above to see more of their messages


Brother Fisher gives a systematic in-depth presentation of how the New Age with its roots in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese Mysticism has gained popularity in modern society. He gives an in-depth exploration of the belief system behind many alternative or complementary therapies, Acupuncture, Acupressure Reflexology, Shiatsu, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Aromatherapy, Iridology, Macrobiotic Diet, Applied Kinesiology, Homeopathy, Biomeridianism, Tai Chi, Feng Shui, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Prona, Ayurveda, Yoga, and Transcendental, Meditation These and many others are rooted in eastern religion i.e. idolatry – an evil root. A Bad (evil) tree bears bad (evil) fruit. Matthew 7:17.

Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:” Beginning with Sarah’s rejection of Ishmael, Jean traces the sin of rejection through Isaac, Esau, and Jacob, then to Jacob’s favoritism of Joseph and Benjamin. She shows how God worked in both Joseph and his ten brothers to bring forgiveness and reconciliation to end the familiar curse of rejection – to God’s Glory. This resulted in saving the family unit and continuing God’s plan for Israel. Excellent teaching!

Deborah Raiees Dana
Deliverance Ministry

10LHCD5-2L – Deborah Raiees-Dana – REPENTANCE IS A GIFT
When we hear the word, “discipline”, how do we feel? Our past experience influences our reaction. Knowing God as Father is inseparable from His discipline. Pro 3:12,13:1, 15:5. Discipline does not equal punishment. It does prepare me to receive God’s gift of repentance. Mt 4:17, 1:14,15 We get an overview of men in a position that called for repentance – Reuben and David – and their different responses. Whether we fall on our faces or try to fix it tells whether we have truly repented. If we trust God, we will have a true view of what He sees, which brings forth true repentance. Service ends with a time of repentance and Communion.

Derek Prince
Click above to see more of their messages

Derek Prince Deliverance Ministry – Recorded by Glen Miller Including, Don Basham, and Kathryn Kuhlman messages that are also listed on this site. Glen Miller founder of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp was authorized by the Full Gospel Business Mans fellowship from 1963 to 1978.

71CFOCD8-6 – By Derek Prince – Youth & Children Deliverance
This message qualifies as a treasure in the vein of deliverance ministry. The title indicates specific ministry to children and youth, however, the message and ministry is a MUST for every age group. Many problems that Christians deal with originated in childhood. There are untold numbers of deliverances that have resulted from listening to Bro. Prince’s ministry to this group of young people.

Frank & Ida Mae Hammond
Deliverance Ministry

78LHCD12-13 – Frank Hammond – Conditions For Deliverance
This message is classic in its subject matter. It has been instrumental in setting hundreds of people free from the captivity of Satan. As a Christian, you must know what former, and sometimes current, involvements have opened you to demonic influences.

Linda Sutter
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

Because of the response to the article in the May-June 1990 issue of “Voices From His Excellent Glory” Sis. Linda spoke on the spirit of Asmodeus, going into greater detail than was given in the magazine. Asmodeus is a ruler demon and spirit of this age that, in addition to many other evils, breaks up marriages, prevents others from marrying at all, and is the spirit behind the women’s rights and gay rights movements. Deliverance prayer and ministry are given at the conclusion of the teaching.  Spirit of Asmodeus – By Linda Sutter Free PDF.

90LHCD12-9.mp3 – Linda Sutter – HOW CAN SATAN HAVE RIGHTS
We need to learn to recognize the darts that Satan hurls at us, particularly in the area of the occult. We must also be aware of the things that cause “kinks in our armor” which allow the darts to penetrate. Prayer for deliverance from the occult concludes the service.

God wants to reestablish your foundation and rebuild your house so that it will be greater than anything you knew or were in the past. When God reestablishes you, it will be right on the site of your old failures. He will make you stronger and give you a greater anointing than before. Satan will tell you that you can’t be all God intended if you have failed once, but you don’t have to believe that lie any longer! A wonderful, encouraging message!

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry

This message begins with a description of the nature and operation of demon spirits, so that we may readily identify them. Win says demons are personalities without bodies and they want to use yours and mine. Demons are persistent, recurrent, and dominating. They drive, harass, and torment. They manifest as anger, pride, fear, jealousy, or self-pity and are often thought to be just “how we are”. In actuality, they are demon spirits – allowed in because of generational curses. When the curse is broken, they can be cast out. Win often zeroes in on men and this message leaves no exception. He talks of the damage done to our men – saying if we “get them fixed”, our family, churches, and country would follow. He says our men have been taught wrongly about emotions – for instance, that “real men” don’t cry or love each other, causing a generational decline in male ability to give or receive love. He says because fathers did the damage, it will take fathers or father images to break it. Deliverance ministry concludes this message.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
Click above to see more of their messages

82LHCD4-24SAT – Erma Miller – Moab-Incest
Erma says this teaching came out of an experience with a Moab spirit which is incest. It is so rampant in the US that it has to be dealt with publicly in the sanctuary. It is in every class of society. Incest can be between a father and daughter, a mother and daughter, a brother and sister, a grandfather and granddaughter, a grandfather and grandson, the teenage boy and his aunt. It is everywhere because sin is rampant in the nation. Gen 19:30 Lot and his 2 daughters committed incest. Both became pregnant. The firstborn son of the eldest daughter was called Moab, the father of the Moabites. The firstborn son of the younger daughter was called Benammi, the father of the children of Ammon. In Deut. 23:2, 3 – God put a curse on them. Israelites were to marry inside their tribe but not relatives and it is a law today in the US that you can’t and should not marry a relative. You can no longer do this because now you have heard it as being wrong. Men with lust in them and little girls who have a spirit of incest in them come together because the demons ally together and cause problems, so beware of that. The spirit of shame is of the devil. This is what Satan wants. God wants us to be set free but are we willing, to be honest with the Lord. Any of us who have had any background of 400 years of incest in us will have problems with sexual misdemeanors, masturbation, lewdness, sensuality, adultery, fornication, perverseness, whoredoms, being frigid, torment, and fear, etc.; all come with this. But God says He will deliver us; whoever calls upon the Lord shall be delivered. I Cor 5:1 taking your father’s wife is incest. Paul is reprimanding them because of fornication. Going to fortune-tellers is whoring after other gods which is spiritual fornication or adultery. I Cor 6:9-20 – these shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Erma gives an example unless we are in the Spirit and clean ourselves those things can transfer onto us. We are in the world but we are not of it. We must submit ourselves to God. She closes with a prayer of repentance to the Lord for our forefathers and for incest, fornication, adultery, etc. Glen Miller prays in breaking the curses also.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
Click above to see more of their messages

82LHCD5-6 – By Glen & Erma Miller – God’s Sexual Laws/Deliverance
Tremendous information on sexual cleanness and uncleanness. God is coming for a church without a spot or wrinkle and this is one area He commands us to be holy in. God established all these laws for good reason, but man has rejected this wealth of information. As we begin to walk in these truths, the change will come forth physically and spiritually.


83LHCD12-20 – Charlene Fite & Erma Miller
Charlene shares the first half of this message on the Power of Tobacco. It’s history and the demonic bondage within her family. She ends with deliverance prayers. Erma Miller – DELIVERANCE: IT’S IMPORTANT – Erma’s testimony is also given on this message concerning tobacco, cigarette, and pipe smoking and the root of idolatry coming from the Indians. Deliverance service concludes this message with ministry specifically for addictions.


Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Carla begins with the statement, “Children will take you places you don’t want to go,” then gives personal illustrations from her life and the comfort she received from God as three of her children took her through painful, embarrassing situations. During each trial, God answered her prayers with Scriptures illustrating her circumstances and showing the eventual outcome. She then outlines a program to enable you to stand and avoid deep hurt. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

05LHCD12-16 – Carla Butaud – SECRET SINS
Deut 28:15 “But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:” Carla lists almost fifty different fruit which may manifest in your life or your children’s lives if your family is under the curse of abortion. She shows how this curse can pass down the family line and is the result of secret sin. She then shares her personal testimony of how the abortion curse from her grand-mother’s attempted abortion of her mother, affected her mother, herself, and her children. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


“The LORD is long suffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgressions; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquities of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations (Num. 14:18 NKJ). The LORD is slow to anger and rich in unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. Even so He does not leave sin unpunished, but punishes the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations (Num. 14:18 NLT) Carla begins this teaching by listing over fifty major fruit which result in you and your children from the sin of abortion in your past family line. She gives examples from her family and ministry of the fruit which results from various hidden sins. She then explains how to break the cycle of sin and problems and bring deliverance to your family (Gal. 3:18). Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see more of her messages

08LHCD3-6A – Carla Butaud – THE SPIRIT OF ABORTION 1-of-2
08LHCD3-6B – Carla Butaud – THE SPIRIT OF ABORTION 2-of-2
Carla starts by reading a list of manifestations of a demon, saying there will be some of these you may think do not apply to you. She shares a testimony of tormenting thoughts as a child; fears of murder, abandonment, rejection, false guilt, and many more. She was given insight into the generational causes of all these manifestations. We in America are under the curse of abortion. This applies to men and women. A spirit of illegitimacy comes in when the baby is not wanted. At that time a spirit of death comes into the womb that even if future babies live some are affected by this spirit. Carla shares a personal testimony of a sexual curse coming down her family line from great grandmother to grandmother, to mother, to Carla and her daughter ending with forgiveness, healing, and deliverance. This spirit runs closely with the bastard spirit. The upcoming abandoned children will be an awful generation. Carla says by her experience she knows how prevalent this spirit is in the world. It also causes men not to love their children. She closes with a prayer of repentance for the group present and for the sins of our country. Prayers for deliverance set many free.

Carla Butaud
Carla begins with, “Children obey your parents so you will live long on the earth.” Deut 21:18-20 tells us how God feels about rebellion; by law, they were stoned. Thank God for Jesus. God has put the order in the home like Jesus is in the church. We tend to do the same things our parents did and make the same mistakes. Our responsibility is to raise up the children to have a relationship with God. Young men are to be the head of their households. Job 1:1-5 – Job tried to cover his grown children. Fear and faith are opposites. Rebuke fear, an evil spirit that will cancel your faith. Ex 30:14 at the age of 20 and up they were required to give an offering. Num 1:20; 14:29 – at the age of 20 children should be out of the nest. If you are still trying to parent (Ps 27:10) your adult children, you are playing God and you will be accountable. Matt 10:21 – children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. Carla shares testimony from the past of how the enemy comes against parents, children, and families to destroy God’s order, His church. Give your kids to God; Luke 15:11-20. Satan will also try to discredit you in the community. If you have judged – repent and be forgiven; she uses the story of the prodigal son. Whatever you receive deliverance from always go and break it off your children too. If we go out and rescue them we are asking for great agony. Consequences will bring you back to the right path. Sometimes we have pride and wonder what people will think of what kind of parent we have been. Rom 4:20 – hope against hope, being fully persuaded that God can perform what He has promised. Carla closes with prayer for the parents and the children.  This is an excellent message for both parents and children.

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 –  2009 – 2012
Click above to see more of their messages

There are hindrances that prevent the Body of Christ from understanding their authority. “All things have become new.” “New” means not formerly known or experienced. Jesus describes how we are new in Him. Not knowing who you are leads to confusion and depression. Sometimes we get like Mephibosheth who was lame, depressed, and had a low opinion of himself. The truth is Jesus’ worthiness is our worthiness. All the land of Saul was restored. All of our land can be restored, too. Possess your land. You are the rightful heir. Otherwise “someone else” will. From the days of John the Baptist, the world suffereth violence and the violent take it (the Kingdom of Heaven) by force. “Force” means to go after it and not stop till you get it. Jesus has given that power to us. The fear of man and religious spirits keep us from exercising that power. “So send I you.” We are to be His representatives – ambassadors – on earth. Know your authority and use it correctly. We have authority over all demons and all sicknesses. Go and do His work. The Kingdom of God is at hand.

Does this sound like you or someone you know? Nobody loves you, you feel inferior, no good, no identity, have hurt feelings, feel alone, don’t fit in, can?t receive goodness, feel like you are always imposing on others, sad, oppressed, depressed, abandoned, have a death wish, sorry you were ever born and many more manifestations of this destructive spirit. It is a curse that touches everybody. It is the curse of the bastard. Once it is established it remains in families until someone begins to break the curse. In the Old Testament it called for a literal separation from the congregation. In the New Testament it means a lack of discipline. You never know what is in your bloodline. Carla tells of dreams of being abandoned as a child. Her marriage and children were not the fulfillment of happiness she was seeking. Deep depression set in. Her husband did not know what to do for her. When she got to the end of herself Jesus appeared to her. He revealed His love to her. Once you understand what the spirit of the bastard is and what it does you are ready for deliverance from it because that curse and spirit alienate you from God.

Carla Butaud
Click above to see more of her messages

Carla Butaud – The Far Reaching Effects Of Pornography – Part-1
Pornography is affecting people everywhere in the world regardless of the socio-economic bracket, gender, race, age, nationality or occupation. Porn is high-level witchcraft and is as addictive as cocaine. The purpose of pornography is to arouse sexual excitement and lead people into sin. First, you look, then you desire, then you crave you must have what you see. Once satisfied it gives a false sense of peace. False peace is an idol. Sin, when finished, brings forth death. Walking after the flesh brings condemnation. Get rid of the sins tormenting you. Bring them to the light and let Jesus set you free. Carla tells about a boy who said he was born as a homosexual. Before his father and mother were married, his father had watched pornography. The evil spirits that entered him at that time were still operating after he married. Those unclean spirits were passed on to the baby boy before he was born. Satan will make you believe that perversion is better than God’s real blessings. The devil wants you for himself. Satan will claim you as his bride. Pornography is everywhere and is destroying families. Children are losing their innocence early. In this end-time, he wants to destroy marriage and gender identity. His plot is to destroy the family and thereby destroy the church. Whose side are you on? Deliverance prayers conclude this message.

Carla Butaud – The Far Reaching Effects Of Pornography – Part-2A
Carla Butaud – The Far-Reaching Effects Of Pornography – Part-2B
We have become tolerant of many evil things. We have become agreeable with them. Sexual sins make one worthy of death. Pornography is about rousing sexual desire and perversion. Fornication is sex between a man and a woman not married to each other. Sex is meant for the marriage relationship when you become one. Each partner is connected to the other by soul ties. Glorify God in your body. Pornography gives a perverted view of what sex is. When perversion is brought to the marriage bed, it is defiled. Ye are the temple of God. Be ye holy. The Old Testament command stated Thou shall not commit adultery. In the New Testament Jesus taught, If you lust with your eyes you have already committed adultery in your heart. Could adultery be the root of a fatal, incurable disease? The stupid stuff we have done and forgotten about have left seeds in us that sprout and yield consequences. A ten generation curse affects 1,022 people down the line of one person’s sin of sexual perversion. We have all learned a lot of bad habits. Read the Scriptures to change those habits. Also, be on guard against familiar spirits that are attached to books and objects. Familiar spirits attract like-minded spirits. You have to forgive. Love and forgive that person, including yourself, and hate the demons. Carla concludes with deliverance prayers for all spirits named and their consequences.


Kernaa & Jean Williams
Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see more of their messages

13LHCD7-1Y – Kernaa Williams – THE BOOGIEMAN
This was a youth meeting. Kernaa teaches about the “boogieman”, a nickname for the devil. When Kernaa was a child, his parents told him that if he misbehaved, the boogieman would get him. Without meaning to, with that spoken word curse they opened a demonic portal to tormenting fears, trauma, and the paranormal. Individual young people give testimonies about their own personal experiences with demonic beings and imaginary playmates. Demonic manifestations include objects moving around by themselves, objects being moved to different locations, objects coming from nowhere, knocking, banging, objects flying around the room, religious articles disappear or are destroyed, animal sounds, scratching sounds, a foul odor, orbs, furniture moving on its own, vaporous apparitions, dark shadows, odd-looking creatures, electrical appliances being turned on and off, spontaneous fires, glass breaks for no reason, sudden temperature changes, feelings of being watched, disturbances when you attempt to pray, levitation. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Both parents and children receive prayers of deliverance.

13LHCD7-7 – Kernaa Williams THE BOOGIEMAN
Kernaa is speaking to the adults now. He adds more details to this subject that he just spoke on first at the Youth Meeting above. – (13LHCD7-1Y).

Carla Butaud
Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see more of her messages

This message is geared toward family, but especially men, husbands. In Num. 11 Sam. 9, we see David searching for someone from the house of Saul. He finds that Jonathan has a son in Lodebar who is crippled in his feet. David sent for Mephibosheth, welcomed him, restoring all that had been taken from him. Mephibosheth questioned the goodness of King David, calling himself a dead dog. Sometimes we allow our inheritance or our position to be taken from us, seeing ourselves as unworthy or incapable, etc. Because Mephibosheth didn’t take his place, someone else took it from him – those who were supposed to be his servants. Lodebar was where Mephibosheth had dwelt. The meaning of Lodebar was pastureless. A pasture provides feeding, sustenance, and life….no flock = no provision. He was the grandson of King Saul and was the heir but he had allowed all to be taken from him. Then we switch this scenario over to the family because many men see themselves as Mephibosheth saw himself. Their position has been taken away. Most men are not aware of their place in the family, in the church, nor their worth in God’s eyes. God ordained family even before He ordained the church. Eph. 5:23, talks about the husband being the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. So, the husband is the savior of the family, like Jesus is the head and Savior of the church. Carla goes on to teach about the responsibilities and the results of the order in the family.  Deliverance prayer follows.

13LHCD12-3 – Carla Butaud – BETRAYAL
Carla recounts the story in 2 Samuel 13 about Tamar and her unfortunate, devastating experience with her half-brother Ammon. Tamar was betrayed and made desolate. Recently Carla has been asking God why so many beautiful, available young Christian men and women of today are living lonely and desolate lives. Could it be that the sins of the fathers are being visited upon these sons and daughters? Generationally inherited effects of sin come down our bloodline. These demons are known as familiar spirits. That means we will have manifestations in our lives as though we had committed those sins. We become desolate…the hated, the blamed, betrayed, shamed, and shunned. We are taken captive by demons…swallowed up, made prisoners of war. A stupor comes upon a child who has been severely traumatized and betrayed by those they trusted to provide for and protect them. They fail to develop emotionally, often resulting in arrested development, multiple personality disorder, and repeated failures in relationships. You will be astonished as Carla describes many consequences in the spirit realm assigned to a person who has been betrayed. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Carla starts basic deliverance by teaching us how to break generational curses as well as other demonic assignments. This puts us in a position to receive all that God has for us. It is written in Matt 12:29 and Mark 3:27 that we each have a strongman, a demonic force sent by the enemy to have the rule over our life. We bind that strongman and break his power so we can eradicate his influence and spoil his house. The Keys to the Kingdom, as named in Matt 18:18, belong to us so we can live a powerful Christian life. Carla comes against idolatry and death curses in our lives. John 11:44 “Lazarus was dead, bound head and foot with grave clothes and came forth.” Nehemiah 1:5 is a cleansing prayer of repentance to break generational curses of sin and death. Carla leads the congregation in prayers of confession and continues to break generational curses, evil soul ties, and death curses which include aging, a slow, gradual diminishing of life. The death curse is the ruler of all infirmities. Psalm 91:3 speaks of a “noisome pestilence”, meaning “any ill smelling, infectious, contagious disease or virus.” Receive your healing, the finished work that Jesus Christ accomplished by His stripes and death on the Cross.

Frank & Ida Mae Hammond
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78LHCD12-13 – Frank Hammond – Conditions For Deliverance
This message is classic in its subject matter. It has been instrumental in setting hundreds of people free from the captivity of Satan. As a Christian, you must know what former, and sometimes current, involvements have opened you to demonic influences.

78LHCD12-19.mp3 – Frank Hammond – The Family Unit
A very fierce battle is going on for the home. Every member of the family is involved, to some degree, in that battle. God wants families in His Kingdom and never before has Satan been so determined to destroy the family unit. Important guidelines are laid for a sturdy foundation whereby a strong family unit can be built.

79LHCD9-3 – Frank Hammond – Cursing Or Blessing
A study that evolved out of this brother’s own desire to have a better Scriptural understanding of curses, how they operate, and the effects they have on the believer. He goes into the origin of curses in the Old Testament and reconciles them to the curse-breaking power of the Lord Jesus in the New Testament.

79LHCD9-6 – Frank Hammond – Rejection
Destruction comes to many Christians due to rejection. Until they are delivered from this spirit, their lives are a merry-go-round of attempts to grasp for true love. Hidden deep within the Christian, this monster works on its prey, trying to gratify it with perversity, insanity, or whatever means it can use to block the victim from truly getting a hold of God’s love. Deliverance service concludes this message.

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Deliverance Ministry
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04LHCD12-15 – Dr. William Null – CHILDREN’S DELIVERANCE
Dr. Null begins this teaching on deliverance for children with a background discussion on the spirit, soul, and body, and clarifies what changes occur at salvation and how the effect of them on small children differs from saved adults and older children. Familiar spirits have claims on children and parents need to know how to cancel these claims. Examples are given on how to minister to small children. The message concludes with instructions on binding and loosing and deliverance ministry.

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see more of his other messages

80LHCD5-6A – Win Worley – Hindrances to God’s Choice Blessings – PART-1
80LHCD5-6B – Win Worley – Hindrances to God’s Choice Blessings – PART-2
(This message used to be called “God of New Starts”  online.  However, I noticed on Glen Miller’s reel tape master years later for this audio number it was originally called as above. So changed it back. Kevin, LHBC staff.) 
Two major areas that block God’s best blessings, allowing the devil to slow these down to a trickle or to stop them, are unforgiveness and the occult. Forgiveness is not optional, but is required and is a matter of will, not emotions. (Mt. 6:12,14,15 & Luke 11:4). Bitterness and resentment are close allies of unforgiveness. These three spirits open the door for spirits of arthritis and cancer. All involvement with the occult is condemned in Deut. 18:9-14. The occult is an illegitimate channel for super-natural power and knowledge, which constitutes spiritual adultery. A person can be involved with the occult intentionally, ignorantly, or through inheritance (e.g. see Deut. 5:9). Pastor Worley shares how pierced earrings, tattoos, and abominable objects (zodiac symbols, Mexican sun gods, owls, etc.) can cause occult bondage. Win relates how Charles Manson is leaving his prison cell by astral projection (soul travel) and putting spirits such as violence, hatred, and murder into Christians who have been involved with rock music, alcohol, and drugs. Win leads the congregation through prayers of forgiveness, confession, and renunciation to destroy the legal footing of Satan. Then he began to cast out various families of spirits. Excellent massage! [Demons were crying with loud voices and came out of believers all over the building]. This message includes info on soul ties, ankh, Italian horn, pictures and artifacts from the Orient and Mexico, TM, yoga, mind control, incense, incense burners, cuckoo clocks, acupuncture (Chinese witchcraft), martial arts, Rock Music (some spirits have the same name of rock artists, Eastern religions.


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The Occult
Youth & Children Deliverance
Conditions For Deliverance
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The Far Reaching Effects Of Pornography – Part-1
The Far Reaching Effects Of Pornography – Part-2A
The Far-Reaching Effects Of Pornography – Part-2B
Conditions For Deliverance
Cursing Or Blessing
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