2015 Memorial Camp Meeting

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Published on: September 28, 2017



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Order #  15LHMP3CD5 – All 8 messages of the 2015 Memorial Camp Meeting in MP3 format on 1 CD disk (Donation $10.00 plus $3.50 postage).


Carla Butaud – DVD Video and CD

Debra Vails – DVD Video and CD

Geri McGhee – DVD video and CD

Nickie Pinson – DVD Video and CD



Any of these messages below are also available on

DVD Video


Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

15LHCD5-1A – Carla Butaud – THINGS THAT UNCLOG OUR WELL 1-of-2
15LHCD5-1B – Carla Butaud – THINGS THAT UNCLOG OUR WELL 2-of-2
Genesis 26:15. The Philistines filled the water wells of the Israelites with dirt. We must keep our ‘spiritual wells’ clear, clean, fresh and flowing. Living in strife and opposition will clog our ‘spiritual wells’. We will not get past the spiritual law that says our trespasses will be forgiven in the same measure with which we forgive the trespasses of others. The ministry of deliverance helps with forgiveness because it teaches us to separate demons from the person being used by the devil like a puppet. Judging people is a clog in our well. We will be judged for that very same thing and with that same judgment. A self-righteous Pharisee will see the mote in someone else’s eye which is simply a reflection of the beam that is in their own eye. Powerful deliverance prayers unclog our wells from generational curses and the familiar spirits that accompany them are released. Carla ministers to those who have participated in abortion and murder, prays to restore fragmented souls and breaks off curses of death. Also dealt with are death curses which come from practicing witchcraft, from not honoring our parents, from committing adultery, incest, and a host of sexual sins. Unclog those spiritual wells.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

Why is pride the greatest sin? Because everything pride does is “I, me, my”. Pride causes you to live just for yourself. If you do not allow Jesus Christ to conform you to His image, you will become a bitter fool. If you submit to Jesus through your trials, His yoke will produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit in you. Let Him as the Potter fashion you into what He created you to be. A Pharisee or legalist will have to perform for God but will just wear themselves out. These are some synonyms of pride: a high opinion of yourself, of one’s dignity and importance, superiority, taking pride in your outward behavior, bragging, disdainful, lofty, arrogant, dictatorial, overbearing, dominant with an air of contempt, manifesting a haughty air or walk, having to be the star of everything, putting on airs, being aloof, having audacity, bluster, conceited, conspicuous, egocentric, high-minded, insolent, rude, overbearing, pompous, presumptuous, scornful, self-important, self-love, smugness, vanity. The proud haughty scoffer acts with insolent pride. Those who exalt themselves hate the Lord. Humble yourself and let Him produce His character and nature in you. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Deborah Vails 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.


Isaiah 59:1-5 and Luke 10:19 give us insight into how much the Lord hates sin. He has given us power, authority and the right to walk in His strength to tread on our enemies. Every time God frees us, we have more authority to go on the offense against the devil…that slick, sly, cunning, intelligent creature. The devil works on our minds. He is relentless in his schemes to entice us to break God’s commandments. The sting of the scorpion means to pierce by stinging with his tail. That sting opens a wound and is an entry point for the enemy to inject deadly venom into his victim. The intent is to destroy that person by way of temptation, deception, accusation and destruction. Satan tempts us through our senses and imagination. Portals open wide when we yield to sin. Deborah exposes many defiling strongholds of the enemy. The stings of the scorpion are hostile to all virtue. So forgive everyone, renounce and repent of every sin and surrender to God completely. Allow God moment by moment, day by day, to cleanse our lives and keep us obedient, pure, holy and walking in His Holy Word so that when we rebuke the enemy, he has to flee. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.



Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

15LHCD5-4A – Sandy Hutchinson – HEALED OF ASTHMA, ALLERGIES & COPD 1-of-2
15LHCD5-4B – Sandy Hutchinson – HEALED OF ASTHMA, ALLERGIES & COPD 2-of-2
Sandy tells how God healed her of debilitating diseases. God changed the way she thought about her health. We are to quit having faith in our sickness so we can have faith in what God says about our health. There are many ways to be healed. One way is through the gift of healing. Some people get healed instantly that way. They need to learn how to keep that healing. Another way to get healed is through a word of knowledge and it can also come through deliverance. Through seed time and harvest is another way to release Gods power working in you. Also, we have to change the way we pray over our food, because we are eating food out of cursed ground. Read Exodus 23:25, Psalm 103:5, Mark 16:18. God gave her a deeper revelation about how she was putting word curses on herself. Angels and demons also hearken to our words. What we decree with our words will be established. Relationships have to be made right by forgiving one another. And certainly you cannot expect God to heal you if you are carrying around hidden sins. Believe what God says in Exodus 15:26. Diligently hearken to God no disease. That’s what the Word says. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.



Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.


15LHCD5-5A – Vann Hutchinson – STRESS – THE ROOT OF MANY DISEASES 1-of-2
15LHCD5-5B – Vann Hutchinson – STRESS – THE ROOT OF MANY DISEASES 2-of-2
Everybody who comes into the Kingdom of God is a soldier, but not every soldier is a warrior. We are on a “seek and destroy” mission…the “mop up” stage for the King of Glory. If you read the Word you know the promises of God. The condition to receive those promises is to be willfully obedient. The law of sowing and reaping is the major way God moves. Spiritual laws govern sowing and reaping. 1) Sow in the flesh and you will get sickness, poverty, destruction, and dissatisfaction, 2) The seeds you sow determine the fruit you will pick, 3) Everything you do is sowing in one kingdom or another, 4) You cannot take a day off from the battle because demons never stop trying to destroy you, 4) That which is insufficient for man can be multiplied into abundance by God, 5) Seeds must be sown in the right season. Do not wait until it is too late, 6) Keep your enthusiasm and do not allow yourself to grow passive in this fight. Do not give up before the victory comes. If we sow in the flesh will reap wrong emotions. Fear, anxiety, depression, malice, bitterness, anger and strife will cause stress in our body and soul. Stress is the root of many horrible diseases named here. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.


The sanctification process takes a lifetime and requires much prayer. “To be made holy” requires that we forgive our offenders. If we can easily forgive, it is not a heart issue. Otherwise, we need to go for the root, an issue stemming from our childhood. Geri teaches us how to forgive our mother and father and sever cords of control linking their soul and human spirit to our soul and human spirit. Until we forgive our parents for not nurturing us adequately, we will reap the same difficulties everywhere we go in our daily lives. How we see our mother and father is how we see God. It creates a perverted image of God and that is how a fainting spirit comes in. When trials come, we easily faint away and give up. Ask God for the Father’s Glory to come to us. Geri prays Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 as a way to strengthen our belief in our Heavenly Father’s complete and eternal love for His children. She teaches about curses that come because of sexual sins, generationally and our own: the illegitimate child (a ten generation curse), incest, bestiality, pornography and prostitution, to name a few. Powerful prayers break curses and soul ties with every person we have encountered sexually. God cleanses us from all defilement.

Nickie Pinson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.


15LHCD5-7 – Nickie Pinson – ANSWERS FROM HEAVEN
The enemy’s agenda is to destroy everything the Lord has given to us, but the devil does not take away anything from us that God does not allow him to take. We must combat this enemy according to scriptural principles. David did not go to war until he heard from the Lord. The Lord must be in the midst of us or nothing will go well, no matter how hard we try, so we must keep “our camp” holy. If we do what we are supposed to do, God will rebuke the devourer for our sakes and give back to us what the enemy has stolen, or perhaps something different and better. We must meet His conditions, such as: ask and keep asking, pray and keep praying, forgive others, confess your faults one to another, pray for one another that you may be healed, remember that faith is a choice, be willing for God to get the glory out of our difficult situations, do not be double minded, do not limit God, allow the Gifts of the Spirit to operate in your life and pay attention to details when God shows you something. Say and do only what the Holy Spirit gives you by revelation. Without a prophetic word we will not have “the goods” to do the works of Jesus. By the power of God and His Word, He will send to us His answers from Heaven.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.


Some demons came into us when we were born, some come from our own actions, some because the devil is a bully and wants to make sure we do not have a positive influence in the Kingdom of God. Each time you are set free from the control of an evil spirit, you will still be tempted, but you will have more power over that demon than it had over you. You will have many opportunities to use that power and say, NO! In the name of Jesus! Then set your mind on something else. It will require continued, rigorous, violent discipline of your mind. Satan wants you to hate yourself, so he will come and project to your mind thoughts of self-hatred. Just start praising God for the opposite of what the devil is trying to put on you. He tempted Jesus. He will tempt you. That’s his job. He’ll be back. He’ll try again, and again. Take those thoughts of doubt and unbelief captive and bring them into the obedience of Christ and stand your ground. The ark is a type and shadow of Jesus Christ where we can run into and be safe. He is drawing all men unto Him. But there is a day coming when the ark will be shut and there will be no more entrance. Multitudes are standing in the Valley of Decision. Choose whom you will serve.


Carla Butaud – DVD Video and CD

Debra Vails – DVD Video and CD

Geri McGhee – DVD video and CD

Nickie Pinson – DVD Video and CD


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