2013 Summer Family Camp

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Published on: October 7, 2017



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The 2013 Summer Family Camp

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Kernaa & Jean Williams

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Kernaa opens this message by engaging the enemy with prayer declaring freedom from demonic powers. The devil has transferred warfare into the waters and the battles are intensifying. The church has been asleep concerning water spirits. Revelation 12:12 “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the seas.” Marine spirits are destructive demonic powers in the waters. They have a great influence upon the earth. Marine spirits are extremely vicious and cruel, conceited, evil, merciless, mean and stubborn. They try to control and manipulate every aspect of life, trade and commerce, even the marriage, the family and the Church. Prolonged grief over the loss of a loved one can be a demonic portal. This marine spirit kingdom is also responsible for demonic winds. It’s time that we attack these demonic powers. Forbid anyone to draw demonic power from water spirit worship. Use the hook of the Lord and the sword of God to punish Leviathan, the spirit of pride, who sits in the heart of the seas. We must exercise the authority given us by Jesus Christ who lives in us. Deliverance ministry concludes this service.

Kernaa & Jean Williams

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD7-2 – Jean Williams – WHAT IS THE ANOINTING?
The anointing is the power of God, a divine enablement to accomplish God’s plan on this earth. As we begin to obey God’s perfect will and consecrate ourselves to Him, we are set apart and strengthened to do things we alone cannot do. The anointing equips us with the miracle power of God to cast out devils. As we begin to obey God’s perfect will, He will entrust us with the anointing more and more. People can recognize it operating in us. You have to have a consecrated life, according to the Word of God. Once the anointing is activated, it begins to produce fruit. Jesus begins to show and prove Himself, that He is God. There are true and false anointings. Judge by the lifestyle of a person. Imposters, seducers, deceivers, false leaders and anti-Christ glory seekers have gone out into the world. He wants us steadfast with daily Bible reading, prayer, and fasting. The price of the anointing is to spend time in God’s presence and get to know Him. Do not hinder the anointing with a bad attitude. Cease strife and worry. Be a partaker of the divine nature of Jesus Christ. Deliverance ministry concludes this service.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


13LHCD7-3 – Carla Butaud – THE TWO PATHS OF LIFE
God’s plans for us are good, the kind we hope for and long for. The Word of God helps us find God’s path for us. Two paths are before us – the path of God and the path of satan. Jesus comes that we have an abundant life. The devil comes for one purpose, to destroy us. God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We’ll have a wimpy spirit man if we don’t read the Bible. The world wants to pull our children away from the Word of God and righteousness. Parents need to read the Bible to their children right in their homes every day. We need to feed our Spirit Man just like we need to feed our bodies. Otherwise we will have nothing but destruction and trouble in our life. Children have one commandment or rule. “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right, that life may be well with you and you may live long upon the earth.” But satan wants us to be rebellious and foolish and wicked. It is a form of worship of satan to do the things he wants us to do. He wants you to think bad things are really cool. Be wise and choose to worship God with obedience to His Word.

Kyle & David Nees

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

“The one who does the will of God abides forever.” I John 2:17 Fellowship with God is the essence of eternal life and will cause you to do is will. We cannot stay on the fringes, on the outside looking in, isolated, avoiding intimacy with God. We must read the Word of God daily. That is when faith takes place and gives direction. We are a slave of whose will we obey. It is that simple. We can become self-deceived, self-absorbed and self-consumed. Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, the enemy prevails over that place. Quit thinking about yourself so much. Quit trying to think your way to God. Abide in Christ…it speaks of fellowship. Get away from the instruments of man’s correctness, to make yourself something and somebody, self-serving and perfect. We are too busy honoring our prideful and stubborn selves. But the Word causes us to think like a Son. It’s the difference between a funeral song and a graceful waltz. Be careful of worrying about your image and the things you love in this world. The Holy One will develop His will in us as we fellowship in His presence.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Geri has been seeking healing for her eyes and has been repenting of haughtiness and pride. She is learning that a haughty spirit is connected with eye problems. “Pride” is a feeling but “haughtiness” is a thing that lifts itself up. It is a principality over pride. If we exalt ourselves we put God down and make ourselves great, wanting to be noticed, being a blabbermouth. If we want to be honest, we have all been haughty. God gives us the grace to make the right choice to be patient and humble. It’s hard to admit that our haughtiness is rooted in pride and rebellion, stubbornness and witchcraft. Do not allow Python, Leviathan, Jezebel or any anti-Christ or divination spirit block us from hearing what it is God wants us to hear. We keep thinking and saying the same wrong things because that is what is in our hearts. A haughty spirit is condescending and finds it difficult to tolerate other people’s character flaws. Being critical, sarcastic, scoffing, insolent and a slanderer reveals a haughty spirit. Humble yourself and ask God to reveal to you the root cause of haughtiness and pride in your heart then thoroughly repent and set out to be delivered of all that corruption. Deliverance ministry concludes this service.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008 

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD7-6 – Carla Butaud – JUDGING
Wisdom is to take knowledge and apply it. Judgment means “to distinguish, to decide, to condemn, punish, damn, go into law with, call into question.” Even a thought can be a judgment. This is a spiritual law – judge and you will be judged. It is like writing a purchase order. Watch out for self-righteousness, which is a Pharisee spirit, a religious spirit. That spirit sees itself as sinless. That is what makes it so horrible. In this Christian walk we will be wrongly judged by people we thought were our friends, family members, even from Christian brothers and sisters. They will speak evil judgments against us. Learn to ignore the accusations of the enemy. Jesus told us offenses must come. Stop being shocked and appalled when it happens. They mocked Jesus, chose a murderer over Him, and killed him. We will have things like that done against us. Like Jesus, we must say, “Father, forgive them.” Let that be our heart. Scripture teaches us to have our behavior honest before men in the world, that with well doing we may put to silence foolish men. We are to refrain from evil and seek peace. If a man endure wrong and suffer for Christ, it is well. If we suffer for righteousness sake, happy are we.

Kernaa & Jean Williams

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD7-7 – Kernaa Williams – THE BOGIEMAN
Kernaa adds more details to the subject he spoke on at the Youth Meeting. The bogieman is an oppressor of children. The bogieman is an imaginary being used by adults to frighten children into compliant behavior. Kernaa tells about his own early childhood experiences with the paranormal. He has found out that spoken word curses can open up demonic portals to allow the paranormal to manifest in a child’s life. Even though parents do not mean any harm, words have power and authority and there are demonic entities ready to go into action by the release of our words. If we lead children to believe in pagan fantasy creatures such as the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus we are setting them up for demon infestation. Legends, fables, myths and old wives tales lead people away from absolute trust and confidence in God. These are lies, falsehoods, imposters, imitators, counterfeits and anti-Christ deceptions. Revelation 21:8 “All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death.” Speak truth to the children. Close the doors to the occult. We have missed the mark in this matter. It is time to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children. Deliverance ministry concludes this message.

Youth Services (Y).

Kernaa & Jean Williams

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD7-1Y – Kernaa Williams – THE BOGIEMAN
Kernaa teaches about the “bogieman”, a nick-name for the devil. When Kernaa was a child, his parents told him that if he misbehaved, the bogieman would get him. Without meaning to, with that spoken word curse they opened a demonic portal to tormenting fears, trauma and the paranormal. Individual young people give testimonies about their own personal experiences with demonic beings and imaginary playmates. Demonic manifestations include objects moving around by themselves, objects being moved to different locations, objects coming from nowhere, knocking, banging, objects flying around the room, religious articles disappear or are destroyed, animal sounds, scratching sounds, a foul odor, orbs, furniture moving on its own, vaporous apparitions, dark shadows, odd looking creatures, electrical appliances being turned on and off, spontaneous fires, glass breaks for no reason, sudden temperature changes, feelings of being watched, disturbances when you attempt to pray, levitation. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Both parents and children receive prayers of deliverance.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD7-2Y – Geri McGhee – SOUL TIES
How do you know what God wants you to do if you don’t read the Bible? Whenever you violate the Word of God you open the door for the devil to attack you. Then God lets the powers of darkness whip up on you until you get in line with God’s Word. When we sin against God, we form a soul tie with the person we sin with. A soul tie is a connection in the spirit realm. It causes a person to act like the person they have a soul tie with. Soul ties occur when there is a lack of God-centeredness in your friendships. You can have hundreds and thousands of soul ties. You get a part of someone and they get a part of you. You also get familiar spirits – their mental problems, their sexual perversions, their bad habits and addictions. We have to get rid of soul ties and familiar spirits in order to get healing and deliverance. Don’t go to bed angry because it opens you up to the devil’s traps. It is so important to forgive everyone and repent of our sins by sundown and cleanse ourselves of ungodly soul ties at the end of each day. God tells us to guard our hearts, our spiritual gardens.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008 

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

An adult shares with the young people about how she was deceived by a well-meaning friend and allowed herself to be covered with tattoos. The relationship with Jesus she had cherished, began to fade away. Finally she received prayer here during the camp meeting and felt the demons leave. She concludes her testimony by warning the children and youth to never get a tattoo, because they have no idea what serious damage is being done to them in their souls. Carla calls the children and youth to repent of evil, hurtful and hateful words they have spoken. She encourages them to ask the Father in the name of Jesus to forgive them for every time they have agreed with the devil by sinning with their tongues. She teaches them how to bind the lying spirit and the spirit of perversity. The children need to remember these words when the devil comes so they will quickly say, “No! You shut up and go in the name of Jesus!” That’s where the power of God is. We can command iniquity, words of death and the power of the enemy to come out. Break every word spoken curse against yourself and others. Angels can knock down every evil word curse ever spoken so that it will not come to pass. Loose the blessings of God to be in your mouth and on your tongue so that the words that you speak will bless people and not curse them. We pray this seed will drop way down into the young peoples hearts, take root and bear fruit in their lives.



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