Kyle Nees

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16LHCD11-3 – David Nees – REFINED IN OUR FIRE
God is going to bring you through your trials, not away from your trials. You will be changed in the midst of trials, despite the circumstances. These fiery trials purify us and shape us into the image of Christ. Turn off the fear-mongering TV. God wants to silence all that and deal with your heart today. Minister to others out of the love of God and His light that shines within you. Hear Him pleading with your heart. As God refines you in the fire, get strength when you fix your eyes on Him at the Cross. He will be with you even to the end of the age. If you are not getting set free, maybe you need to stop playing games with God. You need to crucify the lust of the flesh daily if you want to get set completely free. You need a pure heart in order to not crumble under the pressure of the enemy and the pressures of this world. Only a pure heart is useful for His purpose, broken so you can be poured out. When you can say you desire nothing in the earth more than Him, then He can be glorified in you. Personal ministry followed this teaching.


11LHCD9-1 – Kyle Nees – HIDDEN PLACE
God is the hidden place for us. Being hidden changes things. The hidden place is the key to breaking heavy yokes off your life. It brings us to a place of protection. His faithfulness is our shield. Learn to tarry in His presence. In God, in Christ, we are not out in the open and exposed, but you cannot get there without the cross. It crucifies the flesh. His presence brings His anointing into your life and makes you an ambassador for Christ. People are watching you – especially your family. Take up your cross, follow Him, be hidden in Him and that anointing will break every yoke.

11LHCD9-4 – Kyle Nees – TAKE MY YOKE
God wants us released from every yoke of oppression. This is Jesus’ invitation to you. “Take My yoke upon you.” Be willing to release your children from your yoke to His power in the heavenlies. He is about making your life a thing of His glory. We have need of the ministering angels. To take Jesus’ yoke we need a brokenness. Jesus clears the fog of loneliness and deep despair. Run into His presence in the hidden place. It produces perfect love – for there the love of Christ controls us. We need the spirit of reconciliation. We also need the spirit of truth. A tree of life brings healing, a spirit of praise and of thanksgiving. Your King calls you from your Lodebar. Take His yoke, learn of Him.

Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith not fail. Jesus helps our faith grow so we can help others. Jesus accomplishes all things if we have faith. Resist the enemy when your faith needs to be enlarged. Accomplished means “realized in our lives” so we have a story to tell. It is already a finished work. God has a table spread for us in the presence of our enemies. Claim what is yours. God gives us keys to unlock our bondages of fear and stubbornness. Jesus on the cross said, “It has been accomplished.” Faith comes by the Spirit of Truth. Apart from this spirit we remain in darkness. Faith brings liberty. God’s secret weapon is prayer. Pick up the pace. Time is short. Ask for a spirit of truth and faith – a fresh infilling. This will lead you to prayer. Now walk it out. God has a work He wants you to finish.

Receive the Holy Spirit and cut off the yoke and bondage of fear. The enemy’s purpose is to beat you down and keep you discouraged over something that happened in the past. He sneers: ‘You failed, you always fail, you are a failure.’ Do not let your whole life be ruled by a sense of failure. Do not be the slave of a tormented mind, living in fear and bondage, listening to the wrong voices. The spirit of fear will rob you of your identity in Christ. Living the lie is missing the dream. The Holy Spirit will lead you into Sonship. God wants you to press in and be persistent and cry out for His Holy Spirit which brings sanctification into your life. The Holy Spirit will bring love, power and a sound mind. It brings total transformation. Pray for that. Make a new commitment to Christ. He will take you out of the fog of confusion so you can be filled with His love and compassion for others. This message is followed by prayer to receive the Holy Spirit.

When we find ourselves in a cave, swallowed up by our circumstances, what do we do? There will likely be many voices there but God wants us to listen for His voice. Caves can change you. David became a king. He heard and heeded God’s voice. He’ll show us the next step needed for our coming out. In addition, He gives conviction, courage and the boldness to step out. Jn 7:37 tells us that from our innermost being will flow rivers of living water and that is the work of the Holy Spirit. Js 5:7,8 says that we must be patient. If you want a deep well with pure clean water, you will have to give up some of the access and control of your land. Receive the mind of Christ and begin to think like a son. God wants to release in you a flow of living water. He produces the well and the Holy Spirit is present to bring it forth. Prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit concludes the service. Excellent Message!

Let’s awaken the dawn.  Get the lyre and tambourine and remove all the trappings of self and let Him infuse us with His power.  God doesn’t need what we can do. He just needs a vessel He can pour Himself through.  Let us be a people who will be found early and often blessing His name. When we bless Him we bring His rule, authority and dominion into what He has given us to possess.  Sing praises even with your soul, as David did.  Others are dependent on what comes forth from your life. Those who rise to awaken the dawn are those who have their hearts and faces fixed toward God.  Get your game face on and get serious. God is going to use you, so get over yourself.   God wants to work you through an experience in the face of your enemies.  You have to walk it out with Him day by day. He wants to remove from us our self-centeredness and learn to hear His voice say to us, “This is the way, walk in it.”  God wants to replace and overtake our fears and inabilities with His ability.   In that way we will not be ruled and driven by those fears.  Our life will be marked by His voice. If you want His benefits, learn to bless Him early and awaken the dawn with Him.

(There were 11 services but 14LHDVD5-2 (<– Click this link) recording of Kyle Knees is only on DVD because of technical difficulty with the WAV file.) The DVD how ever came out very good.)   The prayer to begin this meeting is that God would enable the spirit so that the righteous might go free. Where the Spirit of God is present, there is liberty … liberty from walls of bondages, spirits of fear, etc. God calls us to purity. Mt 5:8 says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” … be able and fit for relationship with Him … to comprehend Him in a deeper way. This is a word for God’s people. There are things to be done in our lives in conjunction with deliverance. It’s not all about getting something cast out. 2 Tim 2:19 gives instruction to those who name His name. We are to depart from iniquity. Next we are told to purge ourselves from youthful lusts. Sometimes we need to change our mind, choose to think on what we’ve been instructed to do. Vs 22 says to follow righteousness, faith, love and peace with others of pure spirit. Do not be distracted … focus, stay in step with Jesus. Like spirits locate each other .. good or evil. Don’t forget Adam in the garden. He hid from God because of disobedience. The object of our journey is to ‘see’ God, and when our heart is pure, we’re comfortable in His presence … free. There is prayer at the end for a heart to receive truth, to not be deceived by lying spirits, illusions, counterfeits, but see the truth of God’s word, that we would come into the peace and freedom that God’s presence brings. (No CD for this service)

Think of a time in your life when God saved you for a purpose, for his plan and vision for you…to see Jesus for who He is. We need God’s presence more and more…an increase in His Holy Spirit within us. He is calling us to the wedding feast. The spirit of God makes His Word alive. His purpose for our life is the feast He is preparing for us. What does it take to make us worthy to be invited to His feast and honorable in His sight? If we are on the guest list but for some reason we refuse to come to His feast, we are not worthy. Psalm 23 tells us there is a comfort Jesus wants to bring us to. The table he has prepared for us is the rest of God in the midst of all the mess, anguish, and confusion of our lives. He gives us His rest in the presence of our enemies. The table requires your presence in a way that you are not attentive to anything else. It needs to be important enough for you to be there. Instead, we want Jesus to come to our table and be part of our lives so we can have a good life. It is vitally important that we make it a priority that we make peace with Him and come to His table so goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

14LHCD5-9 – Kyle Nees – A PLACE OF PRAYER
This is a word of encouragement for our prayer life. Jesus invites us into His life and it is only found in a place of prayer. The greatest deliverance to be had is in a place of prayer. It is a place of real power. It is a seat of rest and repose where we can contemplate and reflect on the goodness of the Lord. Prayer hastens the promises and changes the outcome of things because it is the place of an open heaven. A house of prayer is an open heaven where God makes promises to you and from God’s house to God’s face. Prayer changes the outcome of every situation. God searches to and fro throughout the earth seeking those whose hearts trust in Him. He is looking to show His arm strong in our behalf. Our life is made better with a stronger bond, and greater communion with Him. He wants soundness in our life with well balanced thinking, and that comes through a life of prayer. If we are not careful, we can get self-righteous by having much knowledge of truth without a life of prayer. Prayer connects the Word to our heart and makes it come alive. Prayer sets in motion and executes the promises of God. Express your heart to God, be thirsty for living waters, and do not give up. Trust the Lord.

Prayer activates God’s power and ability which allows us to play offense and vanquish the works of the enemy. The spirit of unbelief is the greatest foe of the church today. Believing faith happens when we pray. It is the key to encouragement in our life. It comes from the proving ground of the place of His presence. Let’s sing our song of prayer to Him with feeling and heart. Luke 18:1 “Men ought always to pray and not faint.” We must not give up, but persist, overcome, and continue in prayer. A vigorous faith is committed to incessant asking. The enemy will try to heap the spirit of dread on us, but God wants us smiling at the future because of Who we know and because of the limitless power that is ours because of Him. Jabez had boundless faith. He asked God to enlarge his boarders and God did it. Prayer in His presence proves God’s power because there our faith is increased. In that place of prayer our faith is validated. Boldness in prayer gains us the necessary advantage to play offense. The strongman of the anti-Christ spirit of unbelief is a stubborn, proud and lying spirit that resists God’s Word. Ask God to impart the spirit of prayer to us. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching. 

14LHCD8-11 – Kyle Nees – A FOG IN NEED OF A TOWER
Jesus is saying, “Pray, ask fervently, take the offensive, speak it out, find some boldness for God’s presence, and get a voice with which to speak.” Ask God to increase your desire for Him. He wants you to implore with fervency, but you are also going to have to play some defense and hold on to whatever ground God has given you. Be careful of living in one dimension … what you see, the Word you think you know. God wants to speak to your heart when you read the Bible. He wants you to know His love so you can move in His power. His light will illuminate His word like a prism. There is a thick fog that we need to pray against … the fog of discouragement and confusion. II Chronicles 7:14 We need to communicate with the tower. We need to learn to overcome the fog ourselves. It is dangerous to think that all you have to do is to get your favorite deliverance minister to pray for you. It is important to realize that when we pray, God’s divine power, grace and peace will be expanded and multiplied in the knowledge of Him. Bind the prism of our own thinking, bind that fog of confusion against us, and bind from us the hindering power of the enemy and his thoughts..

16LHCD11-3 – David Nees – REFINED IN OUR FIRE
God is going to bring you through your trials, not away from your trials. You will be changed in the midst of trials, despite the circumstances. These fiery trials purify us and shape us into the image of Christ. Turn off the fear-mongering TV. God wants to silence all that and deal with your heart today. Minister to others out of the love of God and His light that shines within you. Hear Him pleading with your heart. As God refines you in the fire, get strength when you fix your eyes on Him at the Cross. He will be with you even to the end of the age. If you are not getting set free, maybe you need to stop playing games with God. You need to crucify the lust of the flesh daily if you want to get set completely free. You need a pure heart in order to not crumble under the pressure of the enemy and the pressures of this world. Only a pure heart is useful for His purpose, broken so you can be poured out. When you can say you desire nothing in the earth more than Him, then He can be glorified in you. Personal ministry followed this teaching.


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