2013 Memorial Camp Meeting

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Published on: October 7, 2017



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2013 Memorial Camp Meeting

13LHMP3CD5 – All 8 messages in MP3 format on 1 disk (Donation – $10.00 plus $3.50 postage) – This is the entire 2013 Memorial Conference which will play on a Personal Computer or any CD/DVD player that supports MP3 audio. For regular CDs, DVDs and pricing, see individual listings below.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Any of these messages below are also available on

DVD Video


13LHCD5-1 – Geri McGhee – FEAR
When we fear God we won’t fear anything else. Perfect love casts out fear, and to overcome fear we have to lay down every idol. Some of our big idols are, “I have to succeed, I have to be perfect, I can’t fail, I have to find somebody to love me, I’ve got to be accepted by other people, I have to be noticed.” If we expect other people to meet these needs, we will be angry because they can not deliver. Anger is connected to a hot wire that is connected to an idol in our life. When the fear comes, take your idol up the mountain and lay it on the altar. Ask God to bring glory to Himself through it. You have to give up every idol in your life to glorify God. So be it. We ask one thing, that we please God. Keep on repenting until all fear, anger and pride are gone. Fear is faith in what the devil is telling you. It is trusting in the wrong god. It is a yoke of slavery. Then the demon has a legal right to take us into bondage in whatever area we are dealing with. Job is our example of fearing God and dealing with pride. Finally he repented of pride in sackcloth and ashes. Fear and that whole nasty mess will leave when you really mean it. The testing of our faith will produce endurance and trust in Him.


Kyle & David Nees

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


God alone is our refuge. He’s our defense, the rock on which we can stand. Ps 6:21 We must learn to wait on Him. There is a sound to the salvation that God gives to us but we must wait and listen for Him until we hear. Waiting on God will set you free from shame and timidity. Ps 25:3 We don’t have to allow the enemy to torment us. Keep going to God with your problems and wait.. in the waiting there is patience.. and He’s worth the wait. He wants to expose our fears so we can be set free. We see in Ps 23 and Mk 4:35 that He brings peace when He is present..leads us to quiet places, quietens the storm. We can be victorious over things that come to take our minds off our Father. We need not be moved by what we see, feel or hear. Keep looking and waiting for Him. Today is a new day, a day for us to allow God to carry out His plan for our life… for our good and His glory. Let the nearness of His presence reveal how much He loves you.


Jim & Alberta Landry

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


We must all walk in accordance to God’s word. We may have needs but we must be obedient and open also to exhortation and correction. Even in the Old Testament, God commanded His people to do deliverance. Jer.22:3 It is part of His order – a divine command. God is raising up a kingdom of priests with a fullness of servanthood and He did not give us an option. We are to be getting delivered and doing deliverance. Notice that Jesus took the ones that were with Him and knew Him and sent them out to do as He was doing. Luke 16:15-18 There must be replacements for the deliverance ministers of the past and we are chosen for this time. Someone needs our help and we have been assigned. We are called to be soldiers but we need to humble ourselves and begin to march to the command of our Superior.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


13LHCD5-4A – Geri McGhee – ORNAMENTS OF PRIDE 1-of-2
13LHCD5-4B – Geri McGhee – ORNAMENTS OF PRIDE 2-of-2
It is said that more people are set free by breaking evil soul ties than for any other reason. Anywhere you violate the Word, evil soul ties are formed. God is ironing out the wrinkles in the lives of His people. We either have on His ornaments or the ornaments of pride. Prov. 1:8,9 tells us that if we obey father and mother, there is imparted to us an ornament of grace. His ornaments are also imparted by Godly wisdom. Understanding is the truth that sets us free. This comes thru His Word. One of the ornaments is a meek and quiet spirit. We need to fear the Lord and avoid evil. What are we covered by? It is necessary to put on the Lord Jesus. And we are accountable for all that we are shown. We need God’s strength as we are unable to win these battle on our own. We can trust Him. Some examples of ornaments are obedience, praise, salvation, righteousness, joy, etc. An example of a way to lose God’s ornaments is found in Ex 33. This talks of being stiffnecked and how God responded. But Eze. 16 shows that God will wash away the pollution of our lives and give us His ornaments. We can’t trust in our looks, money, intellect, etc. Let’s choose God’s way. Deliverance follows.


Jim & Alberta Landry

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


13LHCD5-5A – Jim Landry – MASS DELIVERANCE  1-of-2
13LHCD5-5B – Jim Landry – MASS DELIVERANCE  2-of-2
Mass deliverance is so simple you might think it could not even work but it does. We have received curses from our own sins, from other people, and from our ancestors. We may not have had a very good start in life, but now we have a chance to break curses off ourselves so that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can have a better chance than we had. The first area we have to plow down and get rooted out is unforgiveness. We must forgive those who have hurt and disappointed us or we will be cut off from communication with God. This is how we take away the legal rights of the enemy. Also we need to be informed about the occult. Deuteronomy 18:9 mentions the abominations of witchcraft which the Lord hates with a holy hatred. We shall have no other gods before the Lord our God. No idolatry! Every contact with the occult carries a death penalty as well as curses for four generations. This teaching details many areas of occult involvement. Break those curses, destroy the enemy’s legal grounds, submit to deliverance and live the abundant life. Mass deliverance prayers conclude this in-depth teaching on unforgiveness and the occult.


Kyle & David Nees

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


When we find ourselves in a cave, swallowed up by our circumstances, what do we do? There will likely be many voices there but God wants us to listen for His voice. Caves can change you. David became a king. He heard and heeded God’s voice. He’ll show us the next step needed for our coming out. In addition, He gives conviction, courage and the boldness to step out. Jn 7:37 tells us that from our innermost being will flow rivers of living water and that is the work of the Holy Spirit. Js 5:7,8 says that we must be patient. If you want a deep well with pure clean water, you will have to give up some of the access and control of your land. Receive the mind of Christ and begin to think like a son. God wants to release in you a flow of living water. He produces the well and the Holy Spirit is present to bring it forth. Prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit concludes the service.


Merle Schroeder

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD5-7 – Merle Schroeder – GENERATIONAL PRIDE
This teaching is “breaking news” for God’s people. Merle exposes the strategies of many previously unidentified demons. He attacks spirits of pride, Jezebel, and the political spirit of Herod and many goddesses as well as charismatic witchcraft and Wicca. Hundreds of spirits are identified and you have an opportunity to cooperate with the repentance and deliverance prayers and get set free in a marvelous way. Merle calls out the spirits that nourish the system of pride in us. Until pride is dealt with, Jezebel and Ahab and their nest of horrors will flourish. Think about this approach to how idolatry has been allowed to enter – we all have to get at our Catholic roots! Generationally speaking, we have all been Catholics from before the Reformation. The reason the enemy can work in us so freely is primarily because of idolatry and the worship of saints. We have to ask the Lord for forgiveness and go after deliverance to get rid of whatever is tormenting and defiling us. Deliverance is not an event, it is a walk and a lifestyle. Enter into the prayers of this teaching. Repent, renounce and begin to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Prayers for deliverance conclude this teaching.


Richard Tate

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD5-8 – Richard Tate – RESTORATION
God is concerned with our attitudes but He won’t change them. However, if we are cooperative, He will walk with us in the process and the enemy will be forced to give ground. God has a plan for this time and you and I are part of it. Things will probably not be the way we have imagined. He chose Jeremiah to be born at a certain time to carry a particular word to His people. But He told him ahead of time that it would not be a popular word and the people would not receive it. However, Jeremiah’s part was to give the word. He was not responsible for their response .. only for his obedience. God has a plan for our restoration and also for future generations. We have allowed God’s gift and promises to fall through the cracks. But God has not forgotten and we are still responsible to hold to His word. Acts 15:16 tells us that David’s tabernacle will be restored. Our freedom from the past is paid for. Liberty = forgiveness and freedom from our past. Deliverance = freedom from demonic oppression. The way has been made for restoration for ourselves and future generations and we are part of His plan to bring the kingdom to our children and our children’s children. Jer 34:17 talks of God’s wrath but Is 58:6 reiterates .. Is this not the fast I have chosen…? It’s time.



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