1988 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

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The 1988 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

Tommy Cook
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Jack Harris 
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*Tommy Cook – A NEW SONG **Jack Harris – UNDER THE ROD 1-OF-2
*Tommy Cook – A NEW SONG **Jack Harris – UNDER THE ROD 2-OF-2
*Those that will sing the “new song” as proclaimed in Revelation 14 will be blood washed, yoked to Jesus, and sealed by the Father in their souls. They will be abiding in the rest of God. **”Have you passed under the rod of God?” is the question repeatedly asked, and it deals with dedication and discipline. Whatever passes under God’s rod is considered holy unto Him. The rod is not always a corrective device. In Psalm 23 it is our comfort. The rod commands submission to every chain of command and with that comes divine protection. Those who pass under the rod are welded to His covenant and come out having the life of God! On your way to the throne room there is a cross, and it is going to cancel out all humanity. A wonderful spirit of revelation was upon this service.

Bill Smith
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88LHCD5-2 – Bill Smith – AWAKE, O BARREN
“Oh, that I might know Him!” is the cry coming out of the heart of the Father into the depth of the heart of man. As David said of old, “I’ll not be satisfied until I awake with His likeness.” Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and He is bringing us to the Father. God is tearing down the old church order to bring His divine order into the earth. Don’t grow weary of the shaking, the stripping, the pressure. It is part of His purpose and plan to bring us into new heights of His glory. Travail in birth until Christ is formed in you.

Blanche Reynolds
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88LHCD5-3 – Blanche Reynolds – GENERATION MAN
We are being called out of death into life, to stand in the Glory of God’s presence in this end-time hour to set captivity free. Jesus has brought the generation of Life that cancels the past generations of death. However, we must be willing to face ourselves, our sins, our thoughts, our emotions, etc. There are things that must be dealt with that we have inherited from the death realm, from bloodline bondages, and ancestors past. Some are sins that have never been repented of by any previous generation! A glorious deliverance service follows this teaching with many, many curses being broken. Enter into what the Spirit of the Lord is doing in this hour.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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88LHCD5-4 – Garlon Pemberton – I AM A DEBTOR TO THE WORLD
We are debtors to what God is and has been doing in our lives. He has called us to be ready and not ashamed to proclaim his works! As we yield to Him, allowing Him to pour himself out through us others will see him and be blessed. Freely you have received – freely you shall give. God is calling many to simply pour themselves out faithfully in the ministry of intercession. No where in the kingdom of God are we to follow after delusions of grandeur – but to daily take up our cross and follow Him.

Jack Harris
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88LHCD5-5 – Jack Harris – THE TREE OF LIFE
God’s plan for man has always been the same – to have a people in the earth, in His image, that will have dominion over His works. Basic kingdom of God principles are proclaimed as we focus on Jesus, who is the Tree of Life. Admonitions for the overcomers transcend previous messages given through this man of God.

Blanche Reynolds
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88LHCD5-6 – Blanche Reynolds – THE GLORIOUS GENERATION
The generation of Jesus Christ is coming forth in fulfillment of that which the prophets of old longed to see and experience! This new generation man will not be bound with the limitations of the carnal mind nor the bloodline bondage of death. The Glory of God will flow through them with no restrictions! The religious façades are dropping off and we are becoming like Him! He is bringing us to that position where the enemy can find nothing in us—where there is no longer any attraction to what Satan has to offer. We must plough through in faith, believing God that Jesus bore all of our iniquities on His body and the end of sin is in sight! Deliverance ministry concludes this service.

Tommy Cook
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88LHCD5-7 – Tommy Cook – MIDNIGHT
We are not called to run from Satan or his tactics. Throughout the Scriptures, God had purposed for man to be aggressive against the enemies of their land. The people of God are experiencing great distress and storms, but God is allowing it for preparation, to train and equip his saints to move into His more excellent ministry. In the midst of the darkness, His glory will shine through a people that have yielded to His grooming. Jezebel and Ahab are controlling spirits in the church, the family, and the land. God is bringing them to naught. Excellent expose on these two spirits. When midnight comes there will be a people that will stand against whatever confronts them because they will have His mark.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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88LHCD5-8 – Ben Buchanan – GOD’S PURPOSE
God is working towards the overthrow of all rebellion; of all evil; the destruction of principalities and powers, so He can re-establish His own government in the hearts and lives of His people. The Holy Spirit brings into perspective how Jesus destroys evil and the works of the enemy in our lives and how we can apply and appropriate that work. Ascend into new heights of glory, as Kingdom truths are unveiled. Many who have heard numerous messages on the Kingdom of God said this message brought everything into proper perspective. We are called to a commitment to view the works of darkness as a personal enemy and to begin to give yourself to the destruction of these things you know are working against you.

Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2
Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2
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88LHCD5-9 – *Erma Miller – ANGELS **Glen Miller – CURSES
*Angels play a significant, unseen role in spiritual activity. They are sent to the heirs of salvation to assist, do warfare, and protect. There are many Scriptural accounts of angelic activity, but we must always remember that we go through Jesus to ask for help from angels. **We are reaping the harvest of our ancestors’ disobedience to God’s laws. The Bible refers to over seventy curses that God places upon His people because of their disobedience to His Word. We are in many ways the victims, laboring under the consequences of past wrongdoings as these activities have snowballed, perpetuating themselves from generation to generation. The good news is that Jesus is seated at the Father’s right hand, far above all principalities and powers of darkness and in the authority of His Name, these bondages that have been levied against God’s people from centuries past are being cancelled. Suicide, death, cancer, drug addiction, witchcraft, sodomy, incest and any other work of darkness has to bow to the authority of Jesus’ Name! Anointed deliverance service to participate in and be set free!

Miscellaneous Speakers
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Blanche Reynolds
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88LHCD5-10 – Garlon Pemberton – SIMEON, A DEVOUT MAN
Simeon’s character received honorable mention, and he was accredited a just and devout man. Christians are being scrutinized from every viewpoint and those who preach holiness have a responsibility to live holy lives. This message mandates the Christian to examine their principles, priorities and motives. Oh, the marvelous workings of God that are demonstrated throughout the Scriptures. Noticeably, many events that transpired happened because “the Holy Ghost was upon him” or “it was revealed to them by the Holy Ghost.” The aftermath of those statements reveals tremendous glory and truth about God and His workings.

88LHCD5-11 – Blanche Reynolds – KEEPING YOUR DELIVERANCE
We are being equipped for God’s end-time hour and now is the time to move on in Him. As good as your experiences have been, you can’t camp there and expect to come into the fullness of what God is doing! Many fail to move on because they are content with what God has already done, and become unwilling to embrace more intensified dealings of the Lord in their lives. After deliverance, you must set your mind to keep yourself in the love of God. The enemy will try to catch you unawares, but if you determine to set yourself apart from the world and walk in obedience to God’s Word you will be victorious in His Spirit.

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