2019 Spring Camp Meeting

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Deborah Vails – web site – Set Free Outreach Ministries
Geri McGhee – web site – Abiding Life Ministries
Randy & Callie Richey – web site – ChristOutreachOklahoma

FREE – LHBC camp meeting video messages on YouTubeNew

Order – 19LHMP3CD4
All 8 messages of the 2019 Spring Camp Meeting in MP3 format are on 1 CD disk.
These are CD-quality audio messages at: 
128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, stereo, mp3

Also, a set of DVD’s are available
for the 2019 Spring Camp meeting too
Order – DVD Set Here
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The following below are some messages but only in the FREE podcast format.
Our podcast format is: 24kbps at 24Hz single track mono.”
They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space.

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Randy & Callie Richey
Click above for their other audio messages

19LHCD4-1A – Randy Richey – THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 1-of-2
19LHCD4-1B – Randy Richey – THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 2-of-2
Randy begins with a prayer for God to touch each one in whatever area is needed. He goes on to say we are all here for the purpose of becoming freerthat it is a continual pursuit – a Journey … from glory to glory. Just know that we are not battling alone. Our Father GOD is with us! We are not to be passive – go into battle swinging your sword, knowing that we have the Almighty on our side and His promises are “yes and amen”. Randy then begins to detail eight R’s that are necessary for our freedom beginning with Recognizing the problem, taking Responsibility and Repenting eventually ending with Rejoicing and Restoration. Next, we go into some detail on sexual sin and soul ties…what God’s Word says. We are given scripture after scripture … verses that give very specific guidelines for our sexual activity … marriage, adultery, fornication, pornography, abortion, etc. This teaching gives many references in both the Old and New Testament concerning our moral behavior as well as what happens when we disobey. He notes that when we continue to disobey God’s word, we’ll be given over to a reprobate mind…that we’ll believe that we are ok and our land will be defiled … individually then corporately. He describes what happens when souls are knit together, how it can happen, that there are good as well as bad soul ties and especially the effect that the evil ones can have on us. This message is packed full of needed information beginning and ending with prayers of deliverance.

Randy & Callie Richey
Click above for their other audio messages

19LHCD4-2 – Callie Richey – REJECTION
Callie’s husband, Randy, prepares the ground for her to teach by taking the congregation through submission, warfare, and declaration prayers. Rejection can be a great hindrance to healing. It is one of satan’s most effective forms of oppression and is the root to many problems. Callie encourages everyone to purpose to allow the Lord to deal with sources of where problems came in – even if it is painful. When a child doesn’t experience the love of a father or mother, they oftentimes have trouble grasping the love of our Father God. This results in a need for healing of those childhood wounds. Many of God’s people have experienced “identity theft”. They don’t know who they are in Christ. Callie shares relevant Scriptures to help one be established in the Lord. And with that, the statement can be made, “If I will renew my mind with the Truth of the Word of God, my identity will become anchored in Jesus. When that happens, I will not be made smaller by the enemy when I fail at something. Neither will I become puffed up when I succeed because all Glory is His. I will no longer need to defend territory.” We have to reach the point that what negative things others might say about us or the enemy tries to make us think about ourselves doesn’t affect us, because we know what God says about us. Turn the choice to be offended into an opportunity to pray for that person. They must have problems or they wouldn’t behave that way. There is a realm of personal deliverance that comes when you can do this! She goes on to profile the rejection spirit, which can make one feel valueless or worthless because of the sense of being thrown away. One important thing to remember about rejection – it doesn’t matter if it is real or imagined. It becomes real to the person, even when it is imagined. This entire message contains valuable truths to help understand and be free from rejection. Don’t think because you have heard other messages on rejection that you don’t need this one! You are missing out on some fundamental truths if you pass this one by. Deliverance ministry is shared at the conclusion.

Deborah Vails
Click above for their other audio messages

Deborah points out that homosexuality is a sin but it is only one among many sexual sins. She shares that when we love Jesus, we must be truthful…even when it’s not politically correct…no compromise! One of the ways that we’ve been held in bondage is through the works of the flesh. That in itself is not necessarily demons but it can be an open door for them to enter. Gal 5:19-21 are some examples of the things fleshly. Mt 5:28 says if we look at someone with evil desires, we’ve committed adultery. In God’s eyes, we are guilty even though we have not physically done this. Pornography is an example of this. It becomes a stronghold. Galatians 5:16 says if we walk in the Spirit, we’ll not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. We have a choice. 1 Cor. 6:18 says to flee sexual sin for it is sin against our own body. 1 Thess 4:3-5, Col.3:4-5, 1 Peter 2:11, James 1:14,15 are all used to clarify what God is telling us and how to respond. Next Deborah turns to scripture on sexual immorality. 1Cor 5:9-11 talks about who we keep company with. We must have boundaries. 1 Thess. 4:3-7, Rom 12:1,2. Then she gives many scriptural reasons why gay and sexual sin is unacceptable before God. Genesis 5:2 says clearly, “Male and female created He them.” Mt 9:4-6, Eph.5:22-33, 6:1-4, and many other references are given. She points out that animals know their gender. After this very thorough teaching, she does deliverance.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above for their other audio messages

19LHCD4-4A – Geri McGhee – THE LAW FOR THE LAWLESS 1-of-2
19LHCD4-4B – Geri McGhee – THE LAW FOR THE LAWLESS 2-of-2
When we are in obedience we are in God’s refuge. When we sin we are out from under His umbrella. That’s when it’s time to ask God what am I doing wrong? The lawless are the rebellious. We are in rebellion every time we walk counter to God’s Word. That’s why every time you align yourself with God’s Word you are going to get freer and freer. This message is loaded with “teaching tidbits” – pearls of wisdom that she has learned over her many years of serving God. She is a living testimony of walking in divine health and it’s only because she goes to God when issues start to come up and deals with whatever sin God shows her. Her testimony is not founded in boasting but in giving all the Glory to God, so people might learn to practice repentance! “…so you may not do the things you please…” Paul said he died daily. When you walk in the Spirit you produce the life and character of Jesus. When you walk in the flesh you are producing the character and nature of satan. The real battle is in making the right choices – those that align with God. That is when the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of sin and death. We expose ourselves to the execution of the law when we step outside the law. It is only when you are traveling above the posted speed limit that you become a target for a ticket! Message concludes with deliverance ministry. 

Randy & Callie Richey
Click above for their other audio messages

19LHCD4-5 – Callie Richey – FEAR
This message is about what fear does to our bodies. If we can “get this” a lot of diseases, unnecessary anxieties and worries will be gone! Scattered throughout this teaching, Callie shares her own testimonies of the massive impact fear has had on her life physically, and the many healings she has experienced in the process of being set free. She talks about what fear is, how it works and how to defeat it. As she shares an extensive list of fear’s characteristics, she instructs the listener to repent when they relate to one or more of the attributes. The purpose is to begin to come out of agreement with it. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Unholy manifestations of fear in a human’s life can include psychological problems, i.e. anxiety which is a direct result of fear. This produces its own set of related issues such as panic attacks, phobias, etc. That leads into the arena of physical problems which are directly and/or indirectly a result of fear. Some of these can be stomach problems, feelings of choking, smothering, shaking, tremors, faintness, and dizziness. Jealousy, persecution, paranoia, heart disease and various physiological systems of the human body are discussed here. The impact that fear has on the organs and systems of our bodies is astronomical. We are created to walk in divine health and victory, but fear has been craftily working behind the scenes to cripple and deteriorate us, serving up both disease and death. The good news is that “we are fixable” in Jesus! Dig into the deliverance offered at the conclusion of this message. Your destiny does not have to be riddled with disease and drugs. Callie is a living example of that. 

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above for their other audio messages

19LHCD4-6A – Geri McGhee – HOW TO HAVE A STRESS FREE LIFE 1-of-2
19LHCD4-6B – Geri McGhee – HOW TO HAVE A STRESS FREE LIFE 2-of-2
Geri opens in prayer. She begins by telling us that God showed her that stress is simply fear. We may call it tension, worry, pressure, strain, or anxiety, but in actuality it is fear…which is faith in what the enemy says rather than what God says. We are looking to something to make us happy or satisfied. It might be food, alcohol, other people…all idols. God wants us to look to Him for refuge. We know we have idols if we are angry if we don’t get it or if we lose it. John 12:24 says unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone. Mt 6:25-34 says we are not to be concerned about our lives because our Father knows what we need and will supply but He says we are to seek Him first. Geri references scripture, in Luke 13:6 speaking of a fig tree that had no fruit and the master was ready to cut it down but was willing to give it more time. 1 Cor 3:9 says we are God’s building, a spiritual garden, the vineyard of the Lord. Is our vineyard producing good fruit? In John 15, we see that if we are producing fruit, He prunes so that we may produce more fruit. He saved us to become good fruit producers. Jesus says God is glorified when we bear more fruit and prove to be disciples. 2Peter1:3 says that we have been given through Jesus all things that pertain to life and godliness. We are safe if we stay on the potter’s wheel. When the trees are producing good fruit, the hedge is protecting us. An example of the hedge being down is found in Proverbs 24:30-34. When we obey Him, we’re protected by His hedge. We want the Master to be pleased with what comes forth from our vineyard. If we are dependent on someone or something other than God to satisfy us, we are being disobedient and are giving demons open doors. She compares the True Vine with the vine of Sodom which is satan in Deut. 32:32. There is a warning here. Know that when we are abiding in the True Vine, stress, fear etc vanishes but if not, we are vulnerable to our enemy and unprotected by God. Geri ends with prayer and deliverance.

Deborah Vails
Click above for their other audio messages

19LHCD4-7 – Deborah Vails – FIGHT, WAR, AND WIN
The subtitle to this message could be, “A Call to Battle”. This summary is going to mostly be statements Deborah made to educate the listener on the importance of the title of this message. We must fight! We can’t give up. Don’t give in to the uprisings of the enemy. We must learn that we are above and not beneath and the head and not the tail. We must think what the Word of God says, we must say what the Word of God says and we must do what the Word of God says. When you understand that the Word of God is the most powerful weapon you can have, you will be more determined to keep your Sword sharp. As believers, we are all called to fight. Even in the fight, we are overcomers. No fight is for naught. God will instruct you and see you through to the final outcome. Jericho was defeated because Joshua followed God’s instructions with complete obedience. We must stay “fight ready” because there could be surprise attacks. We have to live right and stay right with God to be an effective warrior. The devil should be afraid of you! Stay humble, no matter how God uses you. Deborah profiles weapons of warfare that we must equip ourselves with every day. It’s time to arise, fight, war and win. When you find yourself in the midst of a fight, seek God and His direction and be quick to obey Him in all that He says. When you obey God you are a WINNER! “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Don’t stop, don’t quit, don’t slow your roll.

Randy & Callie Richey
Click above for their other audio messages

We begin by going to 1 Cor 13 which needs to be our mirror. Randy then led us in prayer for God to grant us Godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Prov. 18:21 tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” One of the reasons to revisit our past is for a testimony. We must be sure that our words agree with God’s word. When we truly repent, we will change what we say. Decide what is truth by comparing it to what God says. Love is a fruit of the Spirit and when it is working, our character begins to change and love begins to multiply. Then, as with any fruit, it will feed others. We then discuss the different types of love and learn that the love that is the fruit of the Spirit is God’s love – agape – unconditional love, that loves no matter what the situation or whether you’re loved back or treated badly. Only God’s love works like that and we can do that if it’s the fruit of the Spirit. Then we touch on other fruit…joy that may sometimes have to be cultivated…work at it…then peace with God, with others and yourself…patience, long suffering, gentleness, faithfulness, kindness, self-control, goodness, temperance. The closer we are to God, the more we will think, act and live more fruitfully. Jn 14:15, Jesus said “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Vs 23 says if we love Him and keep His commands, He and the Father will come and live with us. Lk 10:27, says we are to love God with all our heart, soul and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. The greatest of these is love. If we love Him, we’ll do what He says. Jn. 13:35, By this, men will know that we are disciples, if we love one another. Lk. 6:35, love your enemies, Lk 6:27 love enemies and do good to those which hate you. Several more scriptures are given that emphasizes the necessity of sharing the love of God with others as well. He closed with prayers of repentance and deliverance.

Audio by Camp MeetingsMain Menu

Deborah Vails – web site – Set Free Outreach Ministries
Geri McGhee – web site – Abiding Life Ministries
Randy & Callie Richey – web site – ChristOutreachOklahoma

THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 1-of-2
THE EIGHT R’s and SOUL TIES 2-of-2
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