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70ONCD9-2 – Don Basham – Baptism Of The Holy Sprit & Instruction
This is a basic teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Don begins by telling us that when we study our Lord’s ministry on earth we can divide it into 4 major thrusts or segments; He came as Savior, as Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and Deliverer. There is a ministry in each one. He points out in the Scriptures starting with Luke 4: 14 at the beginning of Jesus ministry. Jesus outlines these 4 ministries also in the last chapter of Mark verses 15-18 and the book of Acts. The one Don is speaking about today is Acts 8, the baptism in the Holy Spirit. One of the questions a lot of people ask is I thought I received the Holy Spirit when I received salvation. Speaking from the book of Acts, there are 2 encounters with Jesus; one is to know Him as Savior and the second is to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. There are 5 passages in the book of Acts that describe the Holy Spirit being poured out; chapter 2, 8, 9, 10 and 19. Conversion is an experience for a non-Christian and the baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience for the Christian. God never intended us to minister without the baptism in the Holy Spirit. When you talk to someone about receiving the baptism, say this is what God has done for me, not this is what you need. Some teachers have left us with the idea you have to be good and get rid of sin to receive the baptism. They say He won’t come into an unclean vessel but He will because that is the only kind we have. Now when He gets in there things will change. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire will cleanse you. Don shares some steps to receive the baptism and he gives some illustration and teaching about tongues. He says it will be different for everyone. But receiving the baptism is not about emotions although some may get emotional, others may not. In closing Don gave more examples and said it takes an act of faith on the part of the one receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is a part of your heritage as a Christian and sooner or later you will have to come to it because you will never live the victorious life God intends for you to live without the fullness of the Spirit into which we begin to move through the doorway that we call the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Don gives everyone opportunity for receiving the baptism and speaking in tongues with words of instruction for the act of receiving the Holy Spirit and the evidence or act of manifesting what you received. He tells us when you ask for it and receive it you know you got it because God’s Word is not a lie.

70ONCD9-8A Don Basham & Darrell Hon – The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 1-of-2
70ONCD9-8B Don Basham & Darrell Hon – The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 2-of-2
Don begins by saying he is going to share about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the relationship of tongues because it is one of the points of confusion that often plague Spirit baptized people. It has become clear that those of us baptized in the Holy Spirit need to know how to teach, interpret, explain and answer questions of those who are getting interested in it. He says people usually have the same set of questions. Lots of things have to be untaught. There are no single point answers. He has come up with 37 questions and answers in his book, A Handbook on Holy Spirit Baptism. These questions and answers, in the book, deal with the Holy Spirit Baptism, experience of the baptism and tongues in relationship to the baptism. Holy Spirit baptism should be a doorway experience. We are supposed to move to other manifestations and gifts the same way we receive the Holy Spirit, which is by faith. Read Corinthians on what to do after you receive the baptism. Remember Paul was talking to spirit filled Christians not non-Christians. There are two major uses of tongues; as a gift for interpretation to the church for the up building of the church and after the baptism in the Holy Spirit you receive tongues which are a supernatural ability to pray. They are like a possession of your own, personal. This is the will of God that you earnestly desire the higher gifts which can be used to edify and build up the church. Don tells of his personal experience when he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit as an illustration of the timidity of God’s people. In I Thessalonians 5 Paul says despise not prophesying. Don says when you first begin interpretation and prophesying it may be small, just a scripture, but interpretation of tongues edify, exhort and comfort. He gives illustration about a word of knowledge and word of wisdom. In I Corinthians 14:25 Paul says it’s a body ministry. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and trust God in faith to operate in the gifts. When you feel God wants to use you for interpretation in prophecy you are going to have to act on it. It is like a child learning to walk, he may make mistakes but it is ok. The important thing to remember is there is no condemnation and there is no progress in the Christian life except in faith. He gives examples in experiences and scripture. The principle he wants to get across in this teaching is you have to move out in faith if you want interpretation and prophecy to happen. In this teaching, he just shared some of his insights, not to say they set in stone. One way to get prepared is to store up the scriptures in your heart and mind. Prophecy for you personally should be confirmed in your own spirit and by 2 or 3 others. He gives a personal illustration of a prophecy given to him that did not happen for some 15 years. Prophetic words are to be used with caution. Don closes saying we must move out in faith trusting that God will not let you down. There is no progress without faith.

70ONCD9-8B – Darrell Hon – The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 2-of-2
Having received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at age 12 and being 55 at the time this was recorded, Bro. Hon, adds seasoning to the message delivered on 8A by Don Basham. He shares practical advice concerning the quickening of the Holy Spirit and timing for the message in tongues to be delivered. He gives personal testimony of when the Holy Spirit gave him a message in tongues and he felt to sit down and write out the interpretation. After it concluded he realized it was given to him for a board meeting he was to attend in about 20 minutes. He explains the gift of the word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits. His experiences serve to confirm God’s divine order concerning the moving of the Holy Spirit.

70ONCD9-5A Don Basham – The Four Ministries Of Jesus – Deliverance 1-of-2 70ONCD9-5B Don Basham – The Four Ministries Of Jesus – Deliverance 2-of-2
The ministry of Jesus on the earth was divided into four major thrusts: 1) Salvation, 2) Healing, 3) the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and 4) Deliverance. In Mark 16, these same commissions were given to the disciples and are also ordered to the believer today. This message primarily deals with the aspect of Jesus, deliverance ministry. It is an outstanding teaching, packed to the brim with straight-forward counsel. He points us to the basic premise of the war we are in the middle of, between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He came to establish the Kingdom of God in the midst of the forces of evil which had been rampant on the earth ever since Satan was cast out of heaven. The Scripture tells us the reason the Son of God was manifest was to destroys the works of the devil. The deliverance ministry is real, powerful and has a tremendous impact, but it is not the answer to everything. One of the problems with deliverance is when people begin to experience the change it brings to their lives, thy want to oversimplify and lump all their problems into deliverance. That is not what deliverance is for. All the provision of God is for specific need, healing because we are sick. Baptism of Holy Spirit because we lack power, salvation because we are lost, deliverance because evil spirits must be cast out. But, not all of our problems are the result of demons. When you apply the New Testament approach, you get New Testament results! Citing Luke, chapter 4, he points out how demons have supernatural knowledge, wills, and personalities. Here was a man who had been worshipping in the
synagogue, possibly for many years, and when Jesus shows up, He pressures that evil spirit out of hiding, and it wails out an accusation against Jesus. Jesus spoke neither to the congregation nor to the man, but spoke directly to the spirit. The enemy knew and still knows Jesus and His authority. The speaker relates testimony of how God introduced him to the fact that Christians can have demons. Anytime you seek supernatural help outside of Jesus Christ, you can only go to one other source, and that source is Satan. He addresses, in a non complicated way, how an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit can both reside in the same vessel. It is important to remember that Satan is a bully. He is mean and nasty. But at core of things, he is defeated. Once he is exposed, and you stand on your rights and the authority of Jesus, he has to leave. He addresses the question of, How do I know my problem is a demon and not something in the flesh? The commission to cast out devils is not predicated on the gift of discerning of spirits. It is based on the authority of the name of Jesus. Discernment is helpful, but is not a prerequisite. The deeper we go in Him, the more of these things will be revealed that have been hiding for generations. He concludes this anointed teaching with a prayer of the renunciation of the occult, a prayer of forgiveness, and a prayer for deliverance.


Don begins by telling us he has 4 principles that he will be dealing with in this teaching. 1. God has a plan for every one of our lives and He shows us that plan only 1 step at a time. 2. There is no progress in a person’s life without faith. 3. Where God guides He provides. 4. Guidance is like the rudder on a great ship. It often takes hold only when the ship begins to move. Don continues explaining that he is going to have a Bible study about the 15th and 16th Chapter of Acts by reading out of the scriptures and then relating experiences from his own life that illustrate these principles he is talking about. He then starts by picking up the story that has to do with the Jerusalem conference at Acts 15:36. This is the first time all the elders and apostles got together because of a problem that arose between the Gentiles and the Jewish Christians. These Jews thought it necessary for the Gentiles to keep the law. Don believes this constant opposition was Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”. He doesn’t believe for a moment it was a physical thing. Plurality of government and principles of submission is a beautiful picture portrayed in Acts. In this conference, the mind of the Holy Spirit was that certain laws of the Jews were to be kept by the Gentiles in order not to offend the Jews. Because of the Holy Spirit, Paul very graciously submitted to this fact. He probably would not have on his own. Don explains each principle with personal illustrations throughout this very informative teaching.


Can A Christian Have A Demon – By Don Basham We hope this study will prove helpful and encouraging to those who are coming in contact with Satan’s cunning and disruptive attack upon God’s People, and that the Scripture discussed and the experiences shared may serve to dispel some of the confusion and controversy which surrounds a vital and dramatic ministry.

A Handbook On The Holy Spirit Baptism By Don Basham Don Basham answers the most frequently asked questions about receiving and ministering the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Here are solid, biblically based discussions about many vital aspects of this important subject. Experience a new power to witness and more power in prayer as you find the Scriptures coming alive to you.

Deliver Us From Evil – By Don Basham  Don Basham clearly tells how deliverance is more than freedom from evil; it is delivery into health and well-being.  This introductory classic on deliverance has sold over 275,000 copies.

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Baptism Of The Holy Sprit & Instruction
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 1-of-2
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 2-of-2
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 2-of-2
The Four Ministries Of Jesus - Deliverance 1-of-2
The Four Ministries Of Jesus - Deliverance 2-of-2
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