2015 Men’s Conference

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Published on: September 29, 2017


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DVD Video


Order Disk # 15LHMP3CD10
MP3 – 15LHMP3CD10M – All 6 messages of the 2015
Men’s Conference in MP3 format on 1 CD disk
(Donation $10.00 plus $3.50 postage)

Howard Pittman 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

15LHCD10-1 – Howard Pittman – THE COMING WAR
This teaching is based on 40 years of Brother Pittman’s historical research and study of the Scriptures. He warns that all Biblical prophecies are pointing to these days as being the last before the return of Jesus Christ to Earth. He believes that a war of great devastation is coming very soon. He begins his teaching with Ezekiel 38 and Zachariah 14, and shows us Israel’s path of migration down through the centuries. The trail begins in Genesis 48:15 when Jacob (Israel) passed his name on to Ephraim and Manasseh. This has prepared the way for the events which have brought our world to the brink of utter annihilation. Israel is the target and the key to this great tribulation. Pittman teaches us that God has scattered the true Israelites throughout the world. He keeps them hidden in plain sight. God will bring His people forth in these last days. This war which is about to break out in the Middle East will continue throughout the world. Muslims intent is jihad to completely eradicate Christianity. This is the time of Jacob’s Trouble, but God will save him out of the fire. Be confident in this we are saved when we confess Jesus Christ as Lord, the only Door that leads to the Father.

Howard Pittman

 Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

The purpose of Pittman’s message is to rightly divide the word of truth concerning some perceived conflicts in the Bible. What is important to God is what is in our heart, the context of what we really believe, our real intention. When an imperfect man tries to reflect a perfect law, he has to deal with conflicts. There is a difference between the letter and the spirit of the law. The letter kills but the spirit brings life. The law was not to be man’s executioner, but his friend and his guide. We need the life-giving spirit of the Rhema word to operate in conjunction with the Logos of God, the letter of the law. Rhema means a specific spoken word. Everything was created with the Rhema word. This is the only way for a miracle to occur. The Rhema word does not violate Logos, it simply sets it on the side. Logos means the natural law, the driver and conductor of time and has no provision for a miracle. For example, every child of God is created by the specific spoken Rhema word of God when we come through the fountain of Jesus blood and become born again. God set in place the principle of toleration to deal with man’s failures in relationship to His perfect law. The Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth.

Gene & Earline Moody 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

15LHCD10-3A – Gene Moody – OVERVIEW OF DELIVERANCE 1-of-2
15LHCD10-3B – Gene Moody – OVERVIEW OF DELIVERANCE 2-of-2
Brother Moody begins by exhorting the men to enter the arena of spiritual warfare and teaches them a powerful warrior’s prayer. Then he gives an overview of deliverance and explains the sequence of demonization. (1) Sins of the ancestors (generation curses) (2) Conception in sin, spirits active when you were conceived (fornication, adultery, lust, bastard, incest (3) Rejection in the womb (unwanted, fear of abortion, death curse (4) Birth (anesthesia, cutting of the flesh, surgery, trauma (5) Before the age of accountability, sins against the innocent child (6) After the age of accountability, sins by accountable adults. Sit down and write a spiritual history to determine demonization, a list of events that have taken place in a personal life that cause problems in the spirit, soul and body. These can include traumatic events, sins, anything that would open the door for a demon to come into a person’s soul or body. Every demon in you has a legal right to be there. Repent, forgive, renounce as appropriate, break demonic ties and bondages. Now you are ready to cast out demons and pray for healing. Moody teaches us how to use the deliverance manual to pray for ourselves and others. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Nickie Pinson 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

15LHCD10-4A – Nickie Pinson – THE POWER OF RECKONING PT 1 – 1-of-2
15LHCD10-4B – Nickie Pinson – THE POWER OF RECKONING PT 1 – 2-of-2
Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves (not someone else) to be dead indeed (completely, totally) unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. When you are dead indeed unto sin you are beyond its reach so that it cannot have dominion over you and it cannot reign in your mortal body. Does your heart cry out to be loosed from the reign of sin, even your secret sins? Only because of what Jesus Christ has done for you, by the power of His death and resurrection, are you able to reckon yourself dead indeed to sin. You have legal ground here, but until you have repented, there is no real authority for you to be alive unto God. You must decide to have nothing more to do with sin and that temptation that has been bothering you so long. Whatever it is, get rid of it. Look the other way. Put it down. Rebuke it. Flee from it. Refuse to take ownership of the thoughts the devil puts in your mind. Declare that for the rest of your life you are never going to do that sin again. Teaching, preaching, reading the right books, visions will not change you, but you will be changed as you behold Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit in you, and by the inward revelation of Him. Personal ministry follows this teaching.

Gene & Earline Moody 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Brother Moody deals with the big picture of sexual sin and its consequences. He mentions that there are 35 different types of sexual sin listed in the Deliverance Manual. We need to be aware that there are curses working in our lives because of sexual sins committed by our ancestors. These sins were never taken to the Cross so the descendants are cursed. The curse of the bastard and the curse of incest are active for ten generations. Consider that in ten generations you have 1024 ancestors on your mother’s side of the family and 1024 ancestors on your father’s side. We also must deal with our own sexual sins such as the curse of the bastard, incest, adult pornography, child pornography, rape, women and men as sex objects, child sex offenders, sexual lust, sexual perversion, bestiality, fornication, masturbation, premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, sodomy, lesbianism, divorce, soul ties, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion, sex with evil spirits, Incubus, Succubus, astral-projecting soul travel sex with a witch or warlock, cyber sex, sexual addiction. Brother Moody teaches about some of the consequences of sexual sin and concludes the teaching with a question and answer session with the men in the congregation.

Nickie Pinson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

15LHCD10-6 – Nickie Pinson – THE POWER OF RECKONING – PT 2
Paul had the will to do what was right but he could not find the strength to do right. We also are involved in this fight between good and evil. We discover that something besides the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us. The law of the renewed mind and the law of sin and death continue to war inside of us. We will never cast the law of sin out of us, nor can we reform it, but by appropriating the law of the spirit of life in Christ we can overcome sin. Be confident of this very thing, He which has begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus will watch over His Word. Still, something continues to war against God’s work in us. We must never stop confessing and repenting of our sins with a broken and contrite spirit before God. He will forgive us and cleanse us. We must put on the whole armor of God and always be ready for the conflict between good and evil within us. The Kingdom of God is inward therefore the fight is inward. It is Christ living in us that is the answer. True salvation is when we give up our life and let God live His life through us. Let us reckon ourselves dead to sin, let God have control of our life and be conformed to the image of Christ.


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