1980 Summer Camp Meeting

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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

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Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime

The ministry of LHBC’s Christian Book Store also provides a unique source of classic Christian books, including deliverance and spiritual warfare – many of which you will not find in your local Christian bookstore. View our new secure book & media catalog is at https://lhbcshop.com/


 The following is this camp meeting in podcast format.

These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.

They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space and add more audios.

1980 Summer Camp Music
Click above to listen to the music


1980 Summer Camp Meeting

Maxwell Whyte

Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

80LHCD6-1 – Maxwell Whyte – I WILL RESTORE
Restoration is a very positive message for God’s children. He is fully restoring the Church to the point of it being without spot or wrinkle, and when we are fully restored we won’t even recognize ourselves! Restoration is found in Luke 21 and Joel 2, and Bro. Whyte expounds on both.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
80LHCD6-2 – John Boney – ISAIAH, GOD’S VINEYARD (Very poor audio.)
An overview of the message of Isaiah to the people of God today. God is preparing a people who are going to say, “Behold your God!” This will be a remnant who are not walking in the mind of man, but who are reflecting the true and living God. Excellent end-time message for the Church.

Maxwell Whyte

Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

80LHCD6-3 – Maxwell Whyte – RESTORATION
God is in the process of restoring His church. Deliverance plays a vital role in the consummation of this restoration.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
80LHCD6-4 – Norman Parish – Can a Christian Have a Demon?
The answer to this question must be settled in our minds. The answer to demons is deliverance – the answer to the flesh is crucifixion. Unfortunately, the flesh can’t be cast out, nor the demons crucified! Study this recording with your Bible in hand.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Saints of God, the door has been opened by the Blood of the Lord Jesus for you to press in beyond the veil. Understand that the time is upon us to enter into His fullness, to behold the Beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His Temple. 

Maxwell Whyte
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

80LHCD6-6 – Maxwell Whyte – OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S LAWS
This is an outstanding practical teaching that any Christian seeking God’s highest will find beneficial. Unfortunately, a strange resistance to truth develops when you touch on things that people don’t want to do. However, exercising faith without obedience does not work; even Jesus had to learn obedience. 

There was no #7 cassette master? – No listing online either
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

80LHCD6-8 –  Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (1-of-4)
The Song of Solomon is a musical drama and is highly stylized. It was probably enacted and sung in King Solomon’s Court. It is presented in terms of The Bride in the Holy Place, and expresses our dependency on Jesus. In the drama there are three main characters, a Shepherd, a type of Jesus Christ, the Shepherdess, in our context a type of the Body of Christ Church, and the King, Solomon himself. The Shepherd and Shepherdess are in love with each other. The King tries to break up the romance because he wants her for himself. God is telling us our love for Him is going to be tested. We must thirst and hunger after Jesus, desire Him, our heart will cry out for Him, just Him. The King prepares a feast for the Shepherdess and adorns her with the finest jewels. He compliments her great beauty and says he will make her the Queen of the realm. She politely declines his offer and returns to the countryside and her Shepherd. The devil drove Jesus into the wilderness to tempt Him with the material world, and he tries to allure us with covetousness. But when the sweet fragrance of the Lord comes to us and we are filled with His presence, those things mean nothing. Home is not a place, it is a person.

Not finding #80LH6-9 audio cassette in our catalog

Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages. 

80LHCD6-10 – Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (2-of-4)
Lee Ellenwood reviews the placement of the furniture in the Tabernacle, and the significance of the Outer Court, the Holy Place and the Holy Holies. Right now God is preparing His Overcomers to judge the Body of Christ Church in the Holy Place then the Outer Court. The Song of Solomon belongs in the Holy Place. It has to do with our relationship with Christ now. The Shepherdess makes her consecration to her Shepherd. She says, “I will be happy if I can just be with Him.” We want our love to be for Jesus Christ alone. The Shepherdess did not know about the wealth of her Shepherd. Jesus, our Shepherd, wants to know if we love Him just for Himself or for what He can do for us. We go through testings and strippings so the Lord can find out if we still love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. The love of the Shepherdess is tested again when she is brought back to the King’s court. Looking through the lattice she hears the sweet voice of her Beloved. Solomon 2:10-11. He says to us, “Rise up, come away, my Beloved” into the Holy of Holies. The Lord is encouraging us in these days to lift up our faces to Him. He wants to hear our voices. The new day is beginning to breathe.

Maxwell Whyte
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

80LHCD6-12 – Maxwell Whyte – THE WORKING OF MIRACLES
Faith will arise in your heart with this look at the spiritual gift, “the working of miracles.” This message unfolds the principles involved in the working of miracles and the explanation of what a miracle really is.

Maxwell Whyte
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages. 

80LHCD6-13 – Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (3-of-4)
There is a word of warning in Solomon’s love story. Song of Solomon 2:15 Beware (seize and strangle) the little foxes (whatever offends the Lord) that spoil our vine of tender grapes. The time of the pruning is come, right down to the stump, so we will bring forth much fruit, and there is the making of litter. Foxes love this litter and make their nests there, so we need to burn that litter. Meanwhile, in the high altitudes of the Hills of Lebanon the King makes another play for the love of the Shepherdess. She feels awkward in the court of the King (the world and its temptations). There was so much beauty in her the King offered to make her his Queen. But her heart belongs to her Shepherd. He has followed her and comes along to remind her they might not ever have material wealth. She tells Him that there is nothing in the world she wants more than Him. He reminds her of his deep love for her, that she has dove’s eyes, meaning she is faithful. He speaks to her of her perfection and her dignified posture. She has ravished his heart with just a glance. That is how Jesus loves us. He wants to ravish us with His love. We are His “garden enclosed”. He wants us for Himself. Let Him in completely and fully.

80LHCD6-14 – Maxwell Whyte – THE POWER OF THE BLOOD
A message on the practical use of the blood of Jesus Christ today. Application of these truths will result in transformed lives.

Not finding a #15 cassette master

80LHCD6-16 – Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (4-of-4)
The Shepherd comes to visit the Shepherdess one evening but she says, “I’m too sleepy, go away.” She changes her mind, but by the time she gets to the door, He is gone. This reminds us that our relationship with the Lord is very sensitive. She describes Him to her friends in Chapter 5:10-16 with this ‘photograph’: A man of war, a standard bearer, the chiefest of 10,000, God and man in one, altogether lovely. Let us be more about the revelation of Jesus Christ than anything else. He thinks of us as His garden, and the Tabernacle can be taught in these terms…almond trees, wheat, a river of water, olive trees…a garden for beauty, fruit, shade, fragrance. Every spirit-baptized assembly should be a beautiful garden, but it has to be pruned, weeded, spayed for insects and blight…it needs the deliverance ministry. So the Shepherdess goes through her ‘pruning’, her personal wilderness, and becomes beautiful with what the Shepherd has imputed unto her. She learns to be submitted, not to take things in her own hands but lean on the arm of her Beloved. Her declaration, “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine,” matures to, “I am my Beloved’s and His desire is toward me. In the end, it’s all about Him and what He wants.

Maxwell Whyte
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

Allow the Holy Spirit to penetrate you with the revelation of what the Word of God actually is. Message concludes with ministry for deliverance to the people.

80LHCD6-21 – Maxwell Whyte – SECOND EXODUS OF ISRAEL (1 of 2)
These two messages refer to the exodus of spiritual Israel from the ways of Egypt and Babylon. The church is moving on toward the ultimate that God has in mind for His purposes. Are you willing to go for all He has ordained for you?

80LHCD6-23 – Maxwell Whyte – SECOND EXODUS OF ISRAEL (2 of 2)
Continuation of 80LH6-21. These two messages refer to the exodus of spiritual Israel from the ways of Egypt and Babylon. The church is moving on toward the ultimate that God has in mind for His purposes. Are you willing to go for all He has ordained for you?

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.

Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. 

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!

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