1979 Summer Camp Meeting

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Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom 

This set of ten messages below by Lee Ellenwood below deals with the cleansing of the church. Are you looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus? There is a purging of His the people in the Holy Place. God is beginning his work of perfection. He is preparing a people for His next move that will involve the coming of the Lord and the final destruction of the enemy by binding the strongman and spoiling his house. The book of Revelation is a book of the Second  Coming. He is unveiling and uncovering truths, and this book prepares us for his coming. What is the consummation of this age? When is the tribulation coming? What is the last trumpet? When is Jesus coming for the First Fruits people? When will we be changed and when will we be caught up? When is the falling away coming? Who is the man of sin? When are we going through the veil into the Holy of Holies? Answers to these and many other questions will help you to come closer to the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ!

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom 

79LHCD6-0  – Lee Ellenwood – BINDING THE STRONGMAN (1-of-10)
In the supernatural realm, our planet is completely shrouded with a black covering because satan is the de facto ruler or prince on Earth, although his reign is soon to end. Satan has built up a hierarchy that completely surrounds this planet. There is a prince over every political division and nation on Earth. When we are worshipping God, we are punching holes in that black shroud. We are tearing it asunder to release Earth into the condition that God had created it originally. Matthew 12:29, Jesus says, “How can one enter into a strongman’s house and spoil his goods unless he first bind the strongman, and then he will spoil his house?” Paul and his companions bound the beasts over Ephesus, and that city was released unto the blessings of God. Over every city, over every community, over every neighborhood there is a satanic force. It is possible to bind these strongmen and release our cities, states and nations unto the blessings of God. At this present day God is going to use His anointed people to rise up and bind these strong powers that are over our cities and deliver those who have been taken captive by the enemy. Bind those strongmen of darkness and trample them under your feet.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gifts

I’m not finding a file description for this message in our cassette catalog for some reason. Kevin, LHBC staff.

The anointing of the Lord has placed within every believer the potential for the fullness of God’s Word to become a reality.

David Bunch Sr.
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-3 – David Bunch, Sr. – MANCHILD COMPANY
The Jews missed the Messiah because of tradition. In these last days of separation, we must remain tender before the Lord, willing to hear and follow His voice, leaving traditions behind.

79LHCD6-4 – David Bunch, Sr. – PETER, CALLED OUT
Beautiful description of Peter getting out of the boat as it relates to the Manchild company. A picture of what deliverance is bringing us into!

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom

79LHCD6-5 – Lee Ellenwood – OUT AND INTO GOD (2-of-10)
Brother Ellenwood begins by reminding us to stay alert to these areas of concern to the Church: 1) John 1:35 “Looking upon Jesus…Behold the Lamb of God.” Those of us who want to move on in end-time things must come back constantly to the Blood of Jesus. We need to turn one another over to the Lamb of God. 2) There is a Jezebel spirit in the Church today that is determined to usurp the place of the Lamb and manipulate and dominate others. We need to get rid of it. 3) Regarding ministry, there’s nothing that takes the place of a person with another person. Lost and hurting people need someone to put their arms around them and kneel with them in prayer. When Jesus ministered to those in need, He often invited them to His “sitting down place” for that day. He poured out everything He had to them. Right now Jesus is preparing a place for those who will make the ultimate sacrifice and consecration unto Him. People are polarizing and choosing where they are comfortable in the Tabernacle. The “called out ones” can only be comfortable in the Holy of Holies. Jesus is in His “sitting down place” in the bosom of the Father, calling out His own whose heart’s deepest desire is to move into God.

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-6 Win Worley – Where Is The Lord God Of Elijah.
Win emphasizes that we need to understand that the Lord God of Elijah is waiting for the Elishas. God is moving anywhere where He can find people who will do what He says.  Where are the Elisha’s – those who will pick up and carry on after other powerful anointed saints have gone on to be with the Lord?  One must also be willing to count the costs before embarking on the mission – especially when it comes to the deliverance ministry. The summary to this message is being written in 2020 because there was never one done before.  It is amazing that so much of what he relates that was going on in 1979, is what is going on in the world today – only much, much worse!  But God is still on the throne and continues to set His people free from demonic strangle holds.  Mention is made of certain dated prophecies in this message. Though many never came to pass, it affirms that God does not usher forth His judgments without first speaking through His prophets. He is always looking for repentance, not judgment and God’s people can and have often prolonged or deflected judgment by repenting. God seems to continue to honor His Word in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  There is still work to be done in the prayer closet!  Throughout the message he weaves strategies for victory over the devil throughout this message, i.e. what mind occult is, deliverance as being a necessary part of the church program because it puts the men in gear.  What a glorious body of believers it would be in a church where the enemy has no friends!

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gifts

Things that have been kept secret from the foundation of the world are now being unfolded. When we are taught of the Kingdom, both new and old treasures are constantly flowing and there is a well of understanding available to those who will partake.

Joe Williams
Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-8 – Joe Williams – SIN: SATAN’S GROUNDS
Deep repentance brings deliverance. Satan has legal rights because we have given them to him, we have submitted to him, and allowed him mastery over us. Jesus is the way out. He is the only answer to set you free from the powerhouse of sin. Victory is when we get to the place where all we want is Jesus. Don’t be afraid to confess your sin – humble yourself before God.

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom

79LHCD6-9  – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #1 (3-of-10)
The next great thing God is going to do is purify His Church. In Isaiah 1:25-26 God says, “I will thoroughly purge away thy dross.” He is going to take away the “tin”, the alloy, impurity, mixed in the gold of God. In the end-time book of Judges, we learn that for hundreds of years the judges were relentless in cleansing the land of idolatry and the temple of its filth and corruption. The Temple had been defiled, desecrated and vandalized by rebellious Israel. Right now God is doing a new thing. He said He will restore Judges, ‘shaphat’, as before. He is raising up a company of people, Zion people, Covenant people, Overcomers, whom He will empower and anoint to discern between the righteous and the wicked. God has chosen them to be the agency of cleansing in the Body of Christ. These are ‘Yashah’ people, people of action, and passion. They have transitioned from mild and gentle sheep into fierce and aggressive lions. They understand militancy. If we are faithful and press on into the fullness of God, His reward is bringing us up into a new state of being, a body completely redeemed.

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry

This message begins with a description of the nature and operation of demon spirits, so that we may readily identify them. Win says demons are personalities without bodies and they want to use yours and mine. Demons are persistent, recurrent, and dominating. They drive, harass and torment. They manifest as anger, pride, fear, jealousy or self-pity and are often thought to be just “how we are”. In actuality, they are demon spirits – allowed in because of generational curses. When the curse is broken, they can be cast out. Win often zeroes in on men and this message leaves no exception. He talks of the damage done to our men – saying if we “get them fixed”, our family, churches and country would follow. He says our men have been taught wrongly about emotions – for instance that “real men” don’t cry or love each other, causing a generational decline in male ability to give or receive love. He says because fathers did the damage, it will take fathers or father images to break it. Deliverance ministry concludes this message.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gifts

After Moses was in the presence of the Lord he was faced with the overwhelming degradation of the sins of the children of Israel. God is desiring those who are dedicated to His purposes to bring forth leadership.

David Bunch Sr.
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

This is the season of the end times. Be attentive as he unfolds the events of the end time and how they fit in with the whole plan of God.

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom

79LHCD6-13 – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #2 (4-of-10)
In this last hour, the kings of the earth in the evil realm of satan are gathering themselves against us. They are sorcerers, witches, reprobates. Cain slipped in (doesn’t like the way of the cross), Korah came in (rebellion), then Baalam (has ministry for sale). Jezebel, a spiritual adulteress joined the church. Her children in the Holy Place cannot or will not cleanse themselves, so God will get it done. Eglan, the King of Moab, brought the corruption and defilement of literal and spiritual adultery into the Holy Place of the Temple of God. That spirit of Moab has set up his throne today in the Body of Christ Church. Judge Ehud had a message from God for Eglan a two-edged sword of destruction that he plunged into his fat belly. You’ll never be in the Yashah people and be able to plunge that sword unless you hate satan and all the enemies of God with a perfect hatred. God is preparing a company of simple, humble people to destroy the headship of the satanic kingdom and go through the ranks of the enemy. We do not have weapons…we ourselves are the weapons of God, weapons of a new dimension. We are His battleaxes, Ehud people joined unto God. Be led of the Spirit. Let God do what He wants to in your life.

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-14 – Win Worley – SOUL TIES
(This message begins with a Medley of 6 /chorus/songs) Win starts off by telling us there is such a thing as a tie between the souls of people. Soul ties can act much as curses do, keeping people from becoming free of demonic powers. He mentions references that will give you the background of the idea of a soul tie as in I Samuel 18:1-5. A soul tie was established between David and Jonathan. Good soul ties are strengthening and edifying and bad ones are bondage. He says he will speak primarily about the bad ones in this teaching. There can even be soul ties to Lucifer. Soul ties are established with close relationships and Win give examples of good and bad. Any relationship that brings about interplay of your mind, your will and emotion with another person will develop a very tangible and intangible soul tie and it will remain in place long after you have forgotten about it. A soul tie acts like an umbilical cord tying into your mind. Distance has no effect on spiritual matters. The occult will seduce you into passivity. He gives very explicit explanations on passivity. And he recommends Evan Roberts book “War on the Saints” out of the Welch Revival that explores religious passivity. But remember God has built in safeguards for His people. Such as a “check in your spirit” given when you become a born again Christian. Let God develop it. Other safeguards include the Word of God, the Holy Spirit and direct prayer. There are 3 things to be warned about here; Beware of those who call for your mind and your will to be brought into total submission to them or some group. Beware of those who seek to control all details of the private lives of the people. Beware of those who teach that the leader alone can hear the voice of God. In conclusion, Win speaks a group renunciation on certain soul ties, repeated by the congregation, advising all to continue to break soul ties as you are reminded of them. This teaching is very informative.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gifts

79LHCD6-15 – Chuck Flynn – COME UNTO ME
A look at the “mark” of God, the high place in God. Sin is missing the mark. The different anointings of God will bring forth revelation and set us free to attain unto that mark.

Joe Williams
Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-16 – Joe Williams – SIN: SATAN’S BASIC POWER
Satan came into the human race on the basis of sin – disobedience to God. Sin is anything that you think or do which is displeasing to the Lord. Sin gives the enemy rights in your life – repentance breaks his power over you.

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom

The drama of the Second Coming of the Lord is in the Book of Revelation. Even the descent of the New Jerusalem is part of it. The Day of the Lord begins with a sunrise. Jesus comes as the Sun rising, His countenance like the sun shining in its strength. Then He apprehends a handful of people and they are called, ‘The Messengers”, or “The Stars”. This is the most wonderful treasure that God has. Right now He is forming a handful of people who are above all the treasures of His universe, this beautiful handful of people is the treasure of all His treasure. Malachi saw this and he called it the ‘segulah’. After these people come into their changed bodies, they come into the realm of the spirit…then He brings them back and they purge the Church. This is the story of Revelation 2 and 3. Then when they have purged the Church they are caught up into the heavenlies. From that vantage point, they purge the Outer Court. People are looking for a world-wide revival, the gospel preached to every nation, a harvest of souls, the restoration of the Church, a Church without spot or wrinkle. Jesus will bring all this with Him when He returns. His coming will be an acceleration of what He is doing now. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gif

79LHCD6-18 – By Chuck Flynn – Release Class
Instruction and exhortation to move out in what the Lord has already placed within each individual. Ministry is provided for everyone’s release to comfortably allow the Holy Spirit to flow through them in the gifts of the Spirit.

Win Worley
Deliverance Ministry

Win Worley – Forgiveness – The Occult – Prayers of Deliverance
In this message, Win focuses on 2 areas that are open doors for demons. First, he talks about the necessity to forgive and then keep short accounts. He notes that those closest to us are the ones most likely to hurt or disappoint us, i.e. parents, children, siblings, spouses, ex-spouses, pastors, teachers, etc. If we hold unforgiveness, God will not forgive us AND because we are in rebellion, demonic powers have the right to torment us. We have given them the right. (Mt 18) It is imperative that we repent, get rid of the tormentors, and close all doors and keep them closed. Win then takes the congregation through forgiveness prayers as a pre-requisite to later deliverance prayers. (We urge you to participate as you listen) In the next part of the teaching, we learn about the seriousness of any encounters with the occult, namely such things as sorcery, drugs, crystal balls, tea leaves, astrology, zodiac, hypnosis, ESP, Italian horn, hexagrams, freemasonry, Mormons, Jehovah witnesses, etc. Win points out that yoga positions, karate, and kung fu, are all mind and body openers for demonic spirits. This is idolatry – turning to another god and brings curses to the 3rd & 4th generation. He then leads the congregation through prayers to break these curses, renounce demonic works and close doors. After all legal grounds are destroyed, the demons can be cast out. Deliverance ministry follows this teaching.

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom

79LHCD6-20 – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #3 (6-of-10)
God brought Deborah on the scene in Chapter 4 of the Book of Judges. She was a ‘shophatine’ and shows us how a woman can be female in body and yet ‘male’ in the realm of the spirit without losing femininity or dominating men. The aggressive male gender is expressed spiritually in the Holy of Holies. Right now God is looking for a people with willing hearts and a lot of fight in them. Judges 5:2 “Praise the Lord for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves.” Jesus said first we have to bind the strongman if we are going to spoil his house. Gather together with other believers in prayer, wait upon the Lord, and let His Holy Spirit operate among you. You can lay hands on a map of the world, globes, and telephone books to bind those evil strongmen over people, cities, and nations. Whenever He leads us to battle, you can trust Him to get the victory. Unfortunately, so many mighty men and women are sleeping. Wake up! You are one of God’s mighty ones! “There’s nothing but victory”, says the Lord. Lay aside the garment of discouragement, the garment of weakness, for the Lord says that there is nothing but victory. He calls us to walk in a highway, a highway of victory.”

David Bunch Sr.
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-21 – David Bunch, Sr. – THE MANCHILD’S WAR IN HEAVEN
Contained within this message is a description of the realms and structure of Satan’s hierarchy, as revealed to Bro. Bunch.

Joe Williams
Deliverance Ministry

God has equipped us with the same power and anointing that He gave Jesus in order that we might carry on the work He started – sharing Jesus with a lost and dying humanity. See Jesus revealed as you hear these words.

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom

79LHCD6-23 – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #4 (7-of-10)
In the Kingdom of God there are no ‘giants’, those with an exaggerated sense of their own importance, Philistines, an overpowering spirit that wants to dominate. The Holy Spirit works most freely in an atmosphere of humility, love, and faith. The Holy Place of the Body of Christ church is the locale where we learn dependency, the relationship of the Bride to her Beloved. Now God is bringing forth a people who are militant in spirit, as expressed by the ‘male’ spirit. This spirit is for women as well as men, a spirit of authority and power with God…the place of authority in Sonship. Deborah the Judge exhibited this spirit, yet God wants His women always to be beautiful and feminine, not mannish in demeanor, not a manipulating Jezebel. God is calling His people to war but the common reaction to His call: “too busy”, great reasonings among them. “Curse ye with curses”, says the angel of Jehovah to the Churches. “You would not fight and you gave shelter, asylum, to the enemy.” The little housewife, Jael, was used by God to destroy the headship of the enemy, the strongman of the Syrian Army, who had been dominating the land. She used weapons at hand in her poor, humble tent. She was not “too busy”. 

David Bunch Sr.
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-24 – David Bunch, Sr. – LIVING TO FULL CAPACITY
These are the Zion people, the ones whose flesh has been crucified. They are going on to experience the ways of God. (We apologize for the technical quality of this tape. It is the best we could do.)

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom 

79LHCD6-25 – Lee Ellenwood – GOING THROUGH THE VEIL (8-of-10)
God wants to share His throne with those who love Him. The initiative is on the individual…it is up to us to choose where we dwell. If we choose to “seter” with Him, we will have the radiance, the glory, the effulgence of the Mighty One who sits on the Throne. The storm of tribulation is coming and it will continue day and night. Psalm 91: “I will say of Jehovah, He is my refuge, even the most High, my habitation (seter). Psalm 27: At the time of the storm, God is going to set the headship members into position. Rejoice that the judgments of God are removing the terrible demonic forces out of the earth. Revelation 4: The four living creatures cry “Glory and honor and praise and thanks to Him who sits on the throne and lives forever and ever!” Isaiah 30:27: The general aspect of Jesus is that of the sun shining in its strength, burning with His anger. Now Jesus is giving us a probationary time when we can prepare to go through the Veil. We need to live in a state of readiness for the coming of the Lord. Pray at every opportunity, ”Come quickly Lord Jesus”. Purify yourselves. If you want to go through the Veil, if you are sincere with the Lord, He says, “I’ll show you how. I will guide you with my eye.”

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom 

This is a discussion of the structure of the coming of the Lord Jesus as Brother Ellenwood understands it. A picture is forming and is being built on some premises. 1) The Book of Revelation, Apocolypsus, is the book of the Second Coming. It means an unveiling, an uncovering. 2) The angels in the book of Revelation are people, not spirits. They are messengers. 3) The Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to His messenger Malachi who showed us things which must come to pass. 4) Time element: Brother Ellenwood is not setting dates, but seems that God is working in 1,000 year periods. The seventh 1,000 year period, the seventh day, is a time of perfection. The appearing of the Lord is not connected in any way to the seven year period or to any known date. He is coming before the seven year period to the First Fruits people. I Thessalonians 4:13-16. We will be changed at His appearing. Then Jesus will give us a job to do, and after a period of time He will “catch us up”. Jesus is coming in the midst of apostasy and ‘the man of sin’ will be revealed. The Lord will come with a war cry against our old Adamic nature. Let us prepare to be those spirit baptized people who fear the Lord in the midst of the apostasy.

Lee Ellenwood
Gospel of The Kingdom 

Lee Ellenwood THE APPEARING OF THE LORD JESUS (10-of-10)
This teaching contains about 20 teachings compacted into one. In Revelation I, all of Jesus’ words in that portion of Scripture are that “last trump”. I Corinthians 15:51-52. The Lord is bringing back the dead anointed ones, and He joins them with the living anointed ones so that on the earth the whole Body of Christ will be present. Jesus will be in a high state of passion when He comes for His people. “They shall be Mine in the day that I make up my ‘segulah’, My jewels, My special treasure.” To be apprehended of Him is the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus. He will come in the midst of the Seven Candlesticks. Read Revelation 1:13-16 to learn what He will look like. We are going to look like Jesus when He redeems our bodies. Phase 1) Isaiah 62:11 is about the cleansing of the Holy Place. Then an unknown period of time will pass. Phase 2) I Thessalonians 4:17 The Church will be purged and set in Divine Order. Jesus will meet His people in the air for the purpose of escorting them back up with honor to the Heavenly Holy of Holies. Then His First Fruits people will be sent back to Earth to administer the unmitigated judgments of the tribulation and obliterate satan’s kingdom.

David Bunch Sr.
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

79LHCD6-27 – David Bunch, Sr. – GOD HAS COMMANDED
In our lives God has appointed circumstances to come our way to fulfill His purposes and plan for our lives. Learn to rest in the assurance He is in control.

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