2009 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting


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***  New mp3 Audio This Month  ***

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime

All these audio messages on this site are in podcast format.

Our podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space and add more audios.

There are MANY hundreds of free audio’s online.

We’re still recording the future eight camp meetings each year to post here too.

All of our retail CD’s are higher quality uncompressed WAV files.

We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a track.

The retail MP3 CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.

Links above go to our main site at http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
A new browser window will take you there so you won’t lose you place here.

All of these messages below are also available on

DVD Video

The 2009 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting



This is the entire 2009 Winter Conference in MP3 format which will play on a Personal Computer, or any CD/DVD player that says it supports MP3 audio..

Our retail MP3 CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

Order Here – 09LHMP3CD12A & 12B & 12C

Below is our “podcast audio messages” of the same, just lower quality.

Still clear enough to conserve hosting space so we can keep adding more audios.

Our podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

Carl Fox

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-1 – Carl Fox – FAITH
1 Cor. 13: 13 “Now abideth faith.” Carl says faith and love cannot be separated. The heart of faith is relationship with Jesus. Our Father says He will never leave you or forsake you and that means He is with you in the midst of the problems we are facing. Our problems are not bigger than Jesus! Praise and worship is about how you live – how you handle your life. Unbelief is a demon. Let’s get rid of it and trust God!

Don & Ada Andrews

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Rom. 8: 1 “Who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.” We are responsible for our personality – not our parents or spouses or friends, etc. The enemy loves to pull the puppet strings of our past to bring us into condemnation. Jn 3:17 “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world.” We must stop living in the natural realm and move into Jesus having our life in Him. Our flesh will suffer but the long term rewards are unbeatable. We can have as much of God as we want and He gets the glory.

Tom & Dianne Stone

.Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-3 – Tom Stone – FREEDOM
Are we walking in the kingdom of God or are we walking in the church realm. God wants to have control of our lives. He will change us a little at a time. He wants us to walk in the love that comes from Him: Love God, love our self, love our neighbor. There’s freedom in that! Unforgiveness is one of the things that keep us bound and in addition, it brings physical issues. If we want to be free in all areas of life, we must relinquish our hold on our life.


Carl Fox

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-4 – Carl Fox – FAITH OF JESUS
Deut. 28:1 We must diligently hearken – make the choice to obey God. He delivers us from this present evil world. What you hang out with will leave it’s odor on you. The world affects us. Know the Word of God. He honors it. The Word has life. Having Jesus fully living in our lives makes the difference. Just start doing what He’s telling you and as you believe and obey, He’ll be faithful to continue to guide you. Gal 2:16 says we must have the faith of Jesus. Vs. 19 says we are crucified with Christ. We live by the faith of Jesus. We obey Him because we love Him!


Richard Tate 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

God will not work His program on your time frame. God brings change & so does the enemy. We need to hear the right voice. The tabernacle of David has fallen. We have lost the glory. God wants to rebuild what has been lost but it takes time. God has eternal purposes. It’s not about us- or even about the present – it’s about His presence operating thru us for others. Mt 22: 14, Rev17:14.  Overcomers have overcome some things. 1Sam 17 says David ran to the battle without Saul’s armor. He had God’s provision and he overcame. Be available, willing and obedient.

Don & Ada Andrews

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-6 – Don Andrews – EMOTIONS
Negative emotions affect our body as well as our spiritual development. Continued stress causes physical illness. However, it is possible to be stressed and not react. We can respond in the Spirit — choose our “self” or Jesus. Our response to Him gives Him honor. He is setting His church free to worship Him. Heb 12:14,15 says that with this He is well pleased. Our negative reactions do much to defile us. Know that what God is doing in us now will help someone else down the road.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-7 – Geri McGhee – PERVERSE SPIRIT
Steadfast = no compromises, stubborn, perverted, crooked, unteachable. If we are perverse, we are not one of God’s children but we can have a perverse spirit in us. Rev. 9:20. Geri gives characteristics of a perverse spirit and it’s all based in idolatry and we have no protection from the enemy if we have other gods in our life.

Clement Humbard 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-8 – Clement Humbard – THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD
Jesus is the Word in human flesh. We are an eternal spirit in a fleshly body. God’s Word is eternal – your name is eternal. We have a new name – a God-given name. We are one with Jesus. We need to start being what we are called to. God is trying to answer Jesus’ prayer in Jn. 17 for oneness with Himself and with each other. When we keep the hindrances out, God will be there.


Carl Fox

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Gal. 3:13 is taken out of context to teach that Christians cannot have demons. Curses and soul ties are legal means that can take you away from the fear of God that causes you to depart from evil. Prov. 16:1 Curses come when there is a cause. Take away the cause by repentance and the curse can be broken. However, if the door remains open, the demon spirits will enter.


Howard Pittman

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – THE DAY OF THE LORD
2Thess 2:1-3, Is 13:6, Joel 2:11,12 speaks of The Day of the LORD. How terrible it is – a day of judgment, a great falling away, the man of sin revealed. However, the wise shall understand – 1 Thes.5:4. We must prepare. Bro. Pittman describes the condition of the “Cotton Candy Doctrine” church of today. We have allowed this to happen because our focus was in the wrong direction. We MUST repent and pray and stand fast – Phil. 4:1, Josh 1:9. We can win this war – on our knees.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

When we make a vow, we enter into idolatry. We build a wall around our heart – protect our selves (which is pride), rather than let God protect us. 1Jn. 3:21 says if our heart doesn’t condemn us, we have confidence toward God. Mk 6:52 a disciple can have a hard heart. Heart and eye problems can be related to a hard heart. The hard ground needs to be broken up, plowed, sowed, watered etc., to get a new crop. Keep God’s Word in the midst of your heart.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


09LHCD12-12A – Carla Butaud – WARFARE 1-of-2
09LHCD12-12B – Carla Butaud – WARFARE 2-of-2
1Jn 4: 4 tells us that the greater One lives in us. Our birthright was given up to satan by Adam and it’s his job to fight us but we have been given dominion. We are in close combat with unseen enemies but we can win. Mt.11:12, “The violent take it by force.” However, it is all dependent on relationship – ours with HIM. “We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.” When we do what God tells us, He’ll do what He promised. Words have power. Speak to those dry bones and the dry places in your life.

Howard Pittman

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – WILDERNESS LAND
Mt 24:15-37 God does nothing except He first tells His prophets. Bro Howard says that this is the “fig tree generation” – the end of time as we know it – beginning with the rebirth of Israel in 1947. He says 2017 will be a very big year in the church. Which way will it go? If we be Christ’s – we are adopted Israelites. Israel will be planted in a new place, 2nd Samuel 7:10. God has said He would hide, feed and protect in the midst of the turmoil. Those that make it to the end will be saved.

Richard Tate

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-14 – Richard Tate – IN TRANSITION
Of what Spirit are we? The Holy Spirit will teach you all things-lead you into all truth. Gold has to be found, dug and purified and then formed into the desired product. Fit scripture to scripture, allowing yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Richard also talks about the salmon and how, at the end of it’s life, it works it’s way back to the place of their birth, lays eggs and then dies. If we return to our first love and then die, allowing God to take over, He will bring His desired results.


Tom & Dianne Stone

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Sexual sins are cutting our nation off from God’s blessings. They cause confusion and insanity. We perish for lack of knowledge. Sin breaks down the immune system and opens us up to illness. Confess, repent and get free. How serious is it? God wants to bless us and free us from the curses. However, we must hear and obey His word in order for Him to bring life abundant.


Carl Fox

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


09LHCD12-16A – Carl Fox – GOD WILL MAKE A WAY 1-of-2
09LHCD12-16B – Carl Fox – GOD WILL MAKE A WAY 2-of-2
Our words may come and go but you can depend on God’s words. Eph 4:30 says we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. It is not our job to convince those in deception – just love them and tell them what God says. His Word makes you wise. Carl tells us of how, in Romania, where it is so cold, they heated the churches and as people came to get warm, they accepted Jesus. They baptized 1200 in one day. We must become familiar with what God has said and be quick to obey and He will do the rest.

Don & Ada Andrews

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-17 – Don Andrews – PROMISE LAND
What is the difference between soldiers and warriors? Soldiers get paid to fight and can return home after the battle. A warrior always fights. The battle is a frame of mind – the smarter you are, the more trouble you’ll have. The wilderness is our training ground – where we get experience. We’ll not trust God, if we do not have to. Only by walking daily with God, will we come into the promise land. Let’s not be in the wilderness 40 years and still be unbroken. God isn’t required to cover us if we’re not in Jesus. Get the warrior mentality. Fight the enemy until all his works are destroyed.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


09LHCD12-18A – Carla Butaud – CURSE OF THE BASTARD 1-of-2
09LHCD12-18B – Carla Butaud – CURSE OF THE BASTARD 2-of-2
Deut. 23:2 says a bastard can’t enter the congregation of the Lord for 10 generations – that is 400 years. One way a bastard spirit can come in is when the child is unwanted. It causes you to always feel unloved. You can be in a room full of people and still feel alone. You will usually have an inferiority complex. You will also have problems receiving God’s love. That spirit of rejection attracts people who will reject you. Extreme timidity or aggressiveness may manifest. Jesus made a way for us to be free. We need to break the curse and cast out the spirits involved. Call them by the name they are manifesting and command them to GO!


Clement Humbard

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


09LHCD12-19 – Clement Humbard – COMMUNION
Clement teaches us about making sure our works are done with the right motive and then oversees the Communion service at midnight. 1 Cor 13:13 Now abides these three; faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love. Jn 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave.” We must stay anchored to the great commission. All our works will be tried by fire. Only what is done by and in the Holy Spirit will stand at the judgment. Whatever is not of faith is sin. We do not want to get to the end, having done our works in vain. If we do all the “stuff” and have not love, then what?


Tom & Dianne Stone.

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-1LA – Dianne Stone – ARE YOU IN THE SECRET PLACE? 1-of-2
09LHCD12-1LB – Dianne Stone – ARE YOU IN THE SECRET PLACE? 2-of-2
Ps. 91. The secret place – shelter. You’re hidden, can’t be seen. In these last days, we can be sheltered from danger – .. if we make Him – God – our secret place. What keeps us out of the secret place? Disobedience – refusing to meet His requirements. God has reasons for His laws. This teaching is full of Scripture references and examples. There is a price to pay if we are rebellious but the Secret Place is reward for the obedient.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here..

A fainting spirit causes you to want to give up. Instead of trusting God and seeking His help, we choose to quit. When someone pushes our button, we go to a false god. If we go to God and forgive, He resets the default and we’re at peace again. A joyful heart is good medicine. Prov 17:22 A sad heart will make you sick – Deut 5:16 Jesus endured more than we will ever know. You do not have to agree with someone’s sin to honor them …. sometimes you simply be still. The purer your heart, the more you see God’s character. 


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


Lazarus came out of the grave alive but bound. We can be born again but still dragging around grave clothes – demons, generational problems, etc. That is why we need deliverance. Satan wants you unaware, ashamed and quiet so that you never get free. Some of the sexual spirits come in thru fantasy, television, computers, etc. and becomes a secret lover – a demonic open door – the bride of satan. Lying spirits come in to keep you deceived so that you do not honor God. Carla tells of other things that open us to sexual torment. Ex. 20:2- has to do with loyalty.

Jane Hunt 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


09LHCD12-4L – Jane Hunt – AMORITE SPIRIT
The words of our mouth and our heart condition are connected. God told us to drive out all the “ittes”. Js.3:8 says the tongue cannot be tamed. It takes more than self control. We must evict the enemies out of our lives and we must make sure we get to the core of the problem. We know that at times, the actual source stays hidden for years. We must get rid of the spirit involved. If our heart is right, our speech will be right and our faith will be on target also.


Don & Ada Andrews

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD12-5L – Ada Andrews – HIS LOVE
Ada gives testimony of having a spirit of fear come in as a child from previous generations. I Jn 4:18 “Perfect love casts out fear.” As she began to know and love Jesus, the fear began to leave. Taking violin lessons helped overcome the fear of man. Jesus wants us to see the love that is in His heart for us. He created us to be in love with Him. That is what being the Bride is all about. She says, as she decreased, He has increased and she sees Him.



All of these messages above are also available on

DVD Video


**  New mp3 Audio This Month  **

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime

Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. 

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!,

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