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The following is this camp meeting only in podcast format.
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Deborah Vails
Click above for her other podcast audio messages

Deborah begins by blessing us with a song, prays and then proceeds into her message. She tells us that according to Luke 10:19, God has given us authority and it’s time to walk in it. The Amplified version makes this very clear. If we are walking with God, staying in tune with Him, He will enable us to walk into every situation, prepared even for the unexpected! You see, she found out while she was on her way here that she would be speaking TONIGHT! Then after arriving, was told that she would be singing also. SURPRISE!! But … God said He had it covered, so she would just go with Him. He gave her the message and she delivered it powerfully. Jesus said that HE had given us power and authority over all the power of the enemy but it’s up to us to use it. We learned that it is vital that we have an intimate relationship with the Lord because when we are in His presence, being where He places us, the devil has no power and we can tread on him and he will flee. We must submit to God, give Him our plans, decisions, purposing to submit to God rather than our enemy or ourselves. It’s all about choices. We must start on the offense and not defense. Our enemy belongs under our feet not in our mind. In Mark 5:8, when Jesus told the evil spirit to come out, it had to obey because He was the authority. He has given us that power also. Jesus died that we could be free! We are the army of the Lord so we must stay in touch with our ‘Commander’, dressed and ready for battle. She goes on to explain the purpose for the parts of our gear. The 1st example is the helmet which protects our mind. We make choices concerning what we allow … remember we were given power over ALL the power of the enemy. She continues to expand our thinking concerning the purposes of each piece. We must fight from a high place where we can see the truth of what’s coming at us and be prepared. She finishes with a Word from the Lord and deliverance prayers.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above for her other podcast audio messages

19LHCD9-2 – Geri McGhee – A LYING SPIRIT
Merrill introduces Geri as a Lt. Col. in the Army of the Lord – not a paper pusher but one who leads her troops into battle! Geri continues in her commission to help believers be “kicked out of factory defaults” which were established in our growing up years, and embrace God’s way of resetting bad patterns. This message on a lying spirit is not to condemn anyone who has been a liar but its intent is to cause you to not want to lie anymore. The Word of God emphatically denounces lying.  The most serious consequence of lying is that you will not inherit the Kingdom of God. The Fear of God turns us away from evil. We as believers, the church, families, and our nation need the Fear of God! Why is lying wrong? When we are lying we are being a mouthpiece for the devil and that is contrary to the character and nature of God. Jesus is the Truth – His nature and character is Truth! If you don’t love the Truth, ask God to give you a love of the Truth. We all need God’s help with this. As a born-again believer, we must choose to die to be a liar. The Word of God is clear – we should be speaking, thinking, praying, living, walking and believing the truth. We must be careful not to change the Truth of God into a lie – the outcome is not good! (Romans 1) Geri breaks down at least a dozen reasons for lying, more than twenty forms of lying and six ways that freedom comes. The issue of lying all boils down to making falsehood your refuge instead of making God your refuge. An interesting testimony was of praying for a man that had a tumor on his breast. The breast speaks of feeding. The Holy Spirit showed her that he was a liar – feeding people lies. Once there was repentance and prayer he was set free and the tumor left. This message on lying concludes with repentance and prayer for deliverance. Be willing to let the Holy Spirit show you those areas that need dismantling. This message will assist you in that decision.

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above for their other podcast audio messages

A sub-title could be “America – A Call to Repentance”. Many of you are unaware of the time that you are living in. It cannot be emphasized enough, that with the things that are being released upon this earth … we must know the power and the protection of the Lord and have the Holy Spirit mark us. There are black clouds over American but in the midst of that darkness can be found God’s Glory. At times He dwells in thick darkness (1 Kings 8:10-12). A prelude to the explanation of the grasshopper invasion was the plague of locusts sent by God on the Egyptians. Kernaa presents the case for us being “as it was in the days of Noah”. Man is playing God in the laboratories – cloning and making hybrids. Demonic portals are referenced and explained. On July 27, 2019, millions of grasshoppers invaded Las Vegas. News media reported it as a “plague of Biblical proportion”. Was this a prophetic sign? Could it be the warning of a coming military invasion? Is God judging the spirit of Egypt in America? God told Israel He would make a full end of all the nations but I will not make a full end of thee. We are in a dangerous time in this nation with a threat of civil war. The spirit of Egypt is brother against brother – sword against sword (Isaiah 19:1-4 Ampl). God showed Kernaa it could be stopped through intercession. After this intense teaching is concluded on the grasshopper invasion, Kernaa spends the remaining twenty-five minutes taking the congregation into deep deliverance ministry. The anointing of the Holy Spirit was strong to deliver and many demonic chains were broken!

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above for their other podcast audio messages

Jean begins with prayer, taking authority over anything that would attempt to interfere with what God wants to do during this conference. She testified how she had to do battle in order to even be able to come to this conference. However, God is ever faithful and the battle was won and she gave God all the praise. She begins her message by saying that the revelation of grace is Jesus Christ. Revelation is the act of revealing or communicating divine truth, of the enlightening by God to mankind. Grace is our heavenly Father … His enabling power and spiritual healing are given of God to us to enable us to carry out a life of victory. It’s all about our relationship with Jesus Christ. She then takes us to Gen. 37 where the story of Joseph unfolds and multiple impossibilities are before him. Then we see how God moved to cause him to have victory over all his enemies. This is what Jesus Christ can and will do on our behalf when we have a revelation of Him and His grace. We must understand that whatever we are going through is for a purpose. Spiritual warfare is real but God uses these battles. We must begin to seek God for the purposes so they become guidelines for our walk with God. 1st Cor.1:27 says that God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. We looked at Judges 11:1-11 and saw how God took a nobody … Jephthah … and made a somebody of him. We serve the same God! The enemy does not want us to go into our Godly destiny but if we believe God, He’ll take us to ‘impossible’ places. Ps. 34:9 says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them out of them all.” We know that verse but do we believe it when the battle is on? She emphasizes the importance of staying in the Word, planting it on the inside of us, speaking it, and knowing God is faithful to fulfill His word. Jean continues to give us direction using much scripture, giving examples of types of attacks and our correct response. Deliverance prayers follow.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above for her other podcast audio messages

Are you ready to end the life of being a prisoner to band-aid methods of treating your problems? Do you long for God to plant your feet on higher ground by following His problem-solving techniques? This is not a message on “self-help”. There is nothing “academic” about it. It is a clarion call to allow the Holy Spirit access to your heart. Find the difference it can make in your quality of life, your relationship to the Lord and to others. Geri uncovers sins that hinder Christians from getting healed and delivered. Sin is behind why we need deliverance and to be physically healed. When we are going through something difficult we need to ask the Lord to show us what He’s trying to teach us. Geri states, “Nothing can happen to a surrendered Christian unless God allows it.” Get your paper and pencil ready. There are at least thirty different barriers shared that can impede or block our healing or deliverance. Throughout the message she stops on several occasions to give an opportunity for repentance that is specific to certain barriers. At the conclusion she takes the congregation through confession and repentance of many of the points shared. It is not practical to list each barrier in this summary. Just know that if you are serious about walking in newness of life, there are keys given in this message that can open those doors. Remember, the husbandman must first be partaker of the fruits. A person is not able to upload this kind of content without it first being downloaded into them. Geri doesn’t just talk the talk – she walks the walk.

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above for their other podcast audio messages

19LHCD9-6 – Jean Williams – A STEADFAST SPIRIT
Jean begins by leading us in a declaration, concerning our reception of God’s wisdom, prays and then goes into her message. Some definitions of steadfast: fixed in purpose, direction, unwavering and fixed steady, determined, faithful and dependable. We need to ask ourselves if that describes us. God is drawing us unto Himself for a purpose, so He can show us things. This is why the enemy tries to discourage us from being quick to respond by diverting our attention to other things. What is your goal? Do you have a determination to attain? In Ps 51:10 David prays to have God create a clean heart and renew a right spirit in him.. In vs. 12, he asks for a free spirit, a willing spirit. He desired to be steadfast. God is looking for Christians that are rooted, grounded. The days are coming when we must be determined to be faithful to God’s word no matter the circumstances. In the midst of the trials, we decide how to react. Will we be unwavering in our relationship with God or will we waffle or compromise? James 1:12 shows us there is good resulting from enduring temptation. Embrace it. Jesus says in Jn. 16:33 to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world. When God’s word has penetrated your spirit and you realize where you stand in Him, the situations around you won’t disturb your peace because you know He has your path ordered. Ps.108:1 speaks of a fixed heart. If we find ourselves drifting, we must go to God and find the cause. Are we faithful in prayer and regularly in His word? Eph.6-18 is our instruction. Is. 26:3 says if we want perfect peace, we must keep our mind focused on God. Intimate relationship with God is possible, but we have choices to make if we want to live there. 2nd Tim. 2:15 says, “Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” This is the necessary key to having a steadfast spirit concerning your walk with God, healing or deliverance. Without that steadfast spirit, we are vulnerable to the errors of this world including false religions. Jean finishes with several more scriptures and then goes into deliverance.

Kernaa & Jean Williams
Click above for their other podcast audio messages

19LHCD9-7 – Kernaa Williams – THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT
This message breaks down into three parts. In the first arena, Kernaa tackles satan as the anointed cherub (Ezk 28:14), identifying there is an anointing. He is the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world and is a formidable adversary. He has authority in his kingdom and attempted to impart, activate and release that authority to Jesus in Luke 4:5-7. Jesus, leading by example, allows us to pattern His victory through, “It is written.” Satan hates God, the nation of Israel and ultimately every believer especially those who cast out devils. Many Scriptures are presented in this portion of the message identifying the nature of satan and his ongoing rampage against those he purposes to steal from, kill and destroy. Points to be considered are that God chose Israel to be a witness to the world, they were given the Bible and the Word of God and through that lineage we were given Jesus. Part two of this message centers on the Abrahamic covenant with particular emphasis on God’s covenant of favor (Gen 12:1-3 Ampl). Don’t mistake Kernaa’s contagious excitement over the blessings of Abraham with anything that has to do with the “prosperity message”. He believes that to be the gospel of greed and is a perversion of the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant that God has for each of us. He answers the question, “What is favor?” It is kindness beyond what is due to you. His love of the Word of God is shown in the many Scriptures he shares dealing with favor. It is important for believers to understand their inheritance and that we are heirs to these promises. He concludes with a proclamation of favor over the congregation. Part three is the ministry of deliverance that begins with a comprehensive attack against every conceivable type of death related spirit one could have, and is followed by an all-inclusive deliverance prayer against the nest of spirits that attack marriages. Additional areas of deliverance prayers are alcohol, occultism, inner ear diseases, eye disease, feet problems, heart problems and more.

Deborah Vails
Click above for her other podcast audio messages

19LHCD9-8 – Deborah Vails – WEAPONS OF WAR
WOW! The final message of the conference concluded the underlying theme the Holy Spirit brought throughout the weekend – that being the Army of God, warfare and what we need to fulfill the position of our commission. Deborah proceeds to “give the orders from headquarters”! Be ready! Take charge! Keep the mind of Christ. It’s time to “offend the devil”. Be a threat to the enemy’s kingdom – to the point they see you coming and say, “Let’s get out of here, here comes Deborah (or you)!” You can’t war right if your mind is not right. She gives us ten conditions, along with the Scriptures, that our minds must be in. Three examples of the ten are a Stayed mind, set mind, and persuaded mind. After setting us straight on what condition we need our minds to be in, she navigates through twenty-five of the fifty weapons of war that we have been given. (Hopefully, the other twenty-five can be given at another camp meeting).  This is not a typical session on warfare tools. The staples of Ephesians 6 (armor of God), Isaiah 58 (fasting & prayer) and Matthew 16:18-19 (binding & loosing) are included, but this WOW message equips us with weaponry that will protect you when you find yourself deep in enemy territory. Putting these into action can protect you from the ambushments of the adversary. Of course, and most importantly, be strapped and armored with God’s Word. Be willing to fight. You will war but you are a winner when you are fully submitted to the will of God and actually be walking in the proclamation of, “Not my will, Lord, but Thine be done.” The surrender is that place where it’s no longer about you (me) but simply His will and purpose. This message will help you in that process. A Word from the Lord is given at the conclusion and is listed as Sunday Morning under the caption, The Word of the Lord, in the issue of this newsletter.

All 8 full messages of 2019 Labor Day Camp Meeting
on 1 CD in a much higher quality MP3 format. 
These MP3’s are of higher quality –
(128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, stereo, mp3)
Order The CD Here

DVD Videos are also available:
Order 8 DVD’S of the 2019 Labor Day Camp Meeting

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Free LHBC video messages on YouTube – New

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