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Jack Harris
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91LHCD5-1 – Jack Harris – PROFILE OF A SON
The fundamental church is satisfied right where it is, but a son of God has only an unsatisfied satisfaction for his God. Bro. Harris outlines several aspects of the nature and character of a son. His parable using a grain of corn to illustrate the processing of the Lord will encourage your heart to believe that it is God working in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure.

Tommy Cook
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A “stiff” message to the Church concerning from whom we take our advice and to whom we give our money. True counsel will lead you to repentance and godliness and will cause you to turn to the Lord. The wicked counselor will lead you to destruction. Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, represents the Jezebel spirit that is in the land today. Following her leads to death. Bro. Tommy presents 7 ways to overcome Jezebel. This truly is an excellent expose on the spirit of Jezebel and how she operates in our lives, our homes, and our churches. Prayer for deliverance concludes this mighty message.

Glen & Erma Miller
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91LHCD5-3A – Glen & Erma Miller – WILLFUL SINS 1-of-2
91LHCD5-3B – Glen & Erma Miller – WILLFUL SINS 2-of-2
Psalm 40:8 causes us to ask the question, “Do I delight to do thy will, O Lord, or do I want my own way?” To be willful is to be bent on having one’s own way, to be stubborn, obstinate, deliberate and headstrong – a violent, impulsive person who is ungovernable. There is always a spirit behind these various personalities. Repentance is necessary to become without spot or wrinkle. Many evil spirits were called out. 

Walter & Deede Fletcher
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Tommy Cook
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*Walter Fletcher – SORROWFUL **Tommy Cook – A CRY AT MIDNIGHT
*In I Chronicles 4, we find an account of a man named Jabez, whose name means “one who causes sorrow or pain.” Jabez did not want to be like his name, so he asked God for 5 things, which God granted him. **It is at midnight, the darkest hour, that the woman will travail and bring forth the manchild, that God’s power will be poured out and souls will be unlocked. At one minute past midnight we are traveling towards dawn.

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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91LHCD5-5 – Dr. William Null – WHY DEMONS HAVE RIGHTS
Demons can enter a person in at least three ways. First, they may enter because of our own sins. Dr. Null deals specifically with those sins that the Bible commands us to “flee”. The second way is through childhood experiences. These are primarily spirits of fear and rejection. The third way is because of the sins of our ancestors that bring not only curses, but also familiar spirits.

Jack & Carol Cannada
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91LHCD5-6 – Jack & Carol Cannada – FEAR & CONTROL
Fear and control are two of the root causes of the majority of our problems. The Cannadas share, not only on an intellectual level but on a personal level, regarding the manifestations of fear and control through testimony of their own lives and ministry. This is an excellent teaching that everyone should hear. Prayer and ministry for deliverance conclude this superb teaching.

Walter & Deede Fletcher
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91LHCD5-7 – *Walter Fletcher – GETTING RID OF THE FIG LEAVES
*The Body of Christ is suffering from the fig leaf syndrome, trying to hide our sin from ourselves and from God. The redemptive questions which God asked Adam, and which He asks us today are designed to bring us to a place of honesty so our relationship with God can be restored, our fig leaves removed, and God’s glory made manifest. **Sis. Erma shares testimony of how the enemy tore their family apart in an effort to get them out of the ministry in which God had placed them. After 17 years of separation from their daughter, restoration began as curses of alienation were broken by applying the principles in the book Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose, by Derek Prince). Jack Cannada concludes the service with song and testimony of his family’s restoration. Note: Glen’s master tape ran out at the end as the song that was recording live. Also in converting theses cassette tapes to mp3 I’m running into more tapes with “voice drop outs”, It’s pieces of the voice that’s missing. Sounds like it’s clipping. Just like how an old record could skip. I can’t fix this, other then try and close up the gap some, or not.
Kevin, LHBC staff.

Walter & Deede Fletcher
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91LHCD5-8 – *Deede Fletcher – HE HAS ANOINTED YOU
**Walter Fletcher – THE BATTLE OF THE AGES
*The Lord has anointed us with His Holy Spirit. This anointing brings life to dry bones, removes spots and wrinkles, causes us to be fruitful, and enables us to praise and worship God anywhere, anytime! **Are we front line Christians? The battle of the ages began in heaven and continues on earth. The fearful man, the people’s man, and the carnal man are not fit for battle. Only the spirit man is fit.

Glen & Erma Miller
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Glen & Erma Miller  Tumors, Cancers & Plagues: Cause & Effect 1-of-2
Glen & Erma Miller  Tumors, Cancers & Plagues: Cause & Effect 2-of-2
David said that when he kept silent about his sins, his body wasted away. He had no vitality and groaned because of his deceit and iniquity. He finally confessed the guilt that was causing his distress and found refuge in God. When the Philistines tried to place Dagon, the false god, alongside the Ark of God, the Lord ravaged them with tumors. How many gods do God’s people have? Job said, “My complaint is rebellion.” What does the Bible say about what we eat? Curses and plagues will come upon us if we don’t obey. Extensive prayers for healing and deliverance.

Tommy Cook
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91LHCD5-10 – *Tommy Cook – SONS OF OIL **Glen Miller – CURSES
*Sons of oil are those who have the Word and the Spirit within. Unless there is something in us, nothing can flow out of us. The sons of oil have the double portion ministry, the right to minister on both sides of the veil. Before we are entitled to this ministry we must cross Jordan. **Bro. Glen concludes this service by praying to break the curses that he taught about on messages 91LH5-9A & B.

Walter & Deede Fletcher
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91LHCD5-11 – Walter Fletcher – THE JOY OF FULL SURRENDER
The account in Mark 11 of Jesus sending the disciples to get a colt for Him to ride into town provides some interesting parallels for our lives as Christians. We, like the colt, were tied outside the door, in the street, loosed, released from other claims, and brought to Jesus for a purpose.

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Tumors, Cancers & Plagues: Cause & Effect 1-of-2
Tumors, Cancers & Plagues: Cause & Effect 2-of-2
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