Ben & Polly Buchanan

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Ben & Polly Buchanan

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Who spoke here at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp over the years.

2002 Thanksgiving Camp

02LHCD11-1 – Ben Buchannan – FAITH OR DOUBT
This first message of the camp meeting lays the foundation for the remainder of the services by examining some of the reasons our prayers don’t get answered. His message centers most importantly on double-mindedness, revealing how doubt and unbelief frustrate God’s purposes in our lives. His illustrations of the differences between believing and trusting, challenge the listener to take the risks necessary to see God answer prayer and people be set free. We must do our part to “make it work!.”

02LHCD11-6 – Ben Buchanan – CALLED TO BE AN APOSTLE
The only authority in any structure is that which has been delegated – so it is in the Kingdom of God. We must be in submission to Jesus for there to be any authority in our lives. The office of an apostle is built around the submission. In Rom 1:1, Paul’s calling to apostleship is based on his being a servant of Jesus Christ. We must understand and appropriate submission in our lives if we ever presume to become effective in the calling and placement that God has for each of us.

 2004 Spring Camp

04LHCD4-4 – Ben Buchanan – THE MISSION OF JESUS
Mark 5:1 Then they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. Beginning begins with Mark’s account of the deliverance and healing of the Gadarene demoniac brother Buchanan shows the mission of Jesus. He shows through scripture how Jesus came to save, deliver, heal the captives, and announce the arrival of the kingdom of God…

04LHCD4-5 – Ben Buchanan – JESUS, THE TEACHER
Mark 1:21 Then they went into Capernaum and immediately on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and taught. Brother Buchanan continues the previous study on the mission of Jesus. He begins in Mark 1:21-27 showing how Jesus’ teachings differed. In His teachings, He demonstrated authority and power over the obstacles that hindered His “sheep” from reaching their potential. The study concludes with a discussion of fantasy and its related spirits and the problems they cause…

2005 Ladies Camp

05LCCD2-3 – Polly Buchanan – HOW CAN MAN KNOW GOD?
Gal 5:16 “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” Sister Buchanan begins this session on walking in the spiritual authority granted by God with her personal testimony. She shows how salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit changed her and her husband’s lives and those of her family. As she walked with Jesus she experienced some of life’s serious difficulties with the resultant breaking. She found that all things do work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. God can even bring good out of evil and use it for His Glory. 

05LCCD2-5 – Polly Buchanan – WEAPONS OF CHOICE
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;)” 2 Cor 10:3-4 We must choose our weapons and the battleground where we fight the enemy. The old term “praying through” means to examine the battlefield and push past the flesh and claim the promise of God. Polly uses the example of David’s mighty men to show how we must decide to defend our “bean patch” (2 Sam 23:11-12) Then we must push through the veil of the flesh, claim the promises of God, bind the enemy, and claim the victory.

Audio by Camp Meetings – Main Menu

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The Deliverance Manual – Main Menu

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

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both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.
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