2019 Summer Camp Meeting

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The 2019 Summer Camp Meeting
is also available on 9 DVDs for $45.00

The 2919 Summer Camp is also available on MP3. All on one CD disk.
The format is CD-quality audio at 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, stereo, mp3

The retail MP3 sets we compile can be 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. It really depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a track. Our camp meetings now are 6, 8 or 11 full messages, and most of the time it can fit all on one CD at 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, stereo, mp3. Better deal than just buying individual CDs of each speaker’s message at $4.00 each.

The following below is this camp meeting, but only in our FREE podcast format. Our podcast format is 24kbps at 24Hz single track mono.”
They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space.

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Minister web-sites for this camp meeting

Carla Butaud – Healing and Deliverance
Geri McGhee – Abiding Life Ministries
Kernaa & Jean Williams – FireAndGloryEndTimeDeliveranceMinistries/
Randy & Callie Richey – ChristOutreachOklahoma

LHBC camp meeting messages on YouTube

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Randy & Callie Richey
Click above to see their other podcast audio messages.

19LHCD7-1A – Randy Richey – IDOLATRY 1-of-2
19LHCD7-1B – Randy Richey – IDOLATRY 2-of-2
God says we are going from glory to glory.  That means something has to change to put us at that next level.  Generally, that something has to do with us changing!  God’s goal for us is to be made into the image and likeness of Jesus.  God loves us just as we are but He loves us too much to leave us there! We are to live the life God puts before us – not someone else’s life.  Our number one enemy is ourselves – our flesh.  Number two enemy is satan and demons.  Our third enemy is the world’s system. The thief commeth to steal, kill and destroy.  Why would we want to help him?  Be quick to repent and quick to forgive.  We are spirit, soul and body.  Freedom only comes when we are walking it all out.  Just casting the demons out doesn’t solve all your problems.  That flesh is still going to have to be crucified.  You are going to have to do something else with your body that is different from what you have been doing.  Randy makes the comment, “If everything that we have been doing was working, we wouldn’t be here!”  Randy covers a whole plethora of potential idols in our lives and most of them are not false religions. Whatever you choose to do that is contrary to God, you are literally bowing down to that.  The question is: “Do we take idolatry as serious as God does?”  There is a reason He lists it as the first Commandment [Exodus 20:3] “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”  Randy concludes with extensive prayer and ministry for deliverance.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above for other mp3 audio messages

19LHCD7-2A – Geri McGhee – BESIEGED 1-of-2
19LHCD7-2B – Geri McGhee – BESIEGED 2-of-2
Geri practices and teaches the Word of God.  She has learned to defeat the enemy with God’s Word.  When the enemy projects lies to her, she counters the lies by speaking the Truth.  That’s what Jesus did. You have to be in the Word of God to know how to line yourself up with the Word of God!  We are all a work in progress and God wants us to overcome. A person that is besieged is overwhelmed and overcome by the enemy. He has no defense against the enemy.  The dictionary says, “to surround with hostile forces”. A person who is besieged has had their spiritual walls torn down or breached. Geri explains the “breaches” in our spiritual walls. Victory comes by dealing with sin, repentance, curses and deliverance. Geri traverses through the blessings and the curses found in Deut 28 relating them to her topic on “Besieged”.  Many Scriptures are shared on our responsibility and need to “stand”. The purpose of your trial is to conform you into the image of Christ. Do not be overwhelmed by everything that is wrong with you, or that you think is wrong with you.  God is the potter and you are the clay.  Stay surrendered to Him and He will do the work.  He looks at our hearts!  This message ends with extensive prayer and deliverance.

Deborah Vails
Deliverance & Holy Spirit Ministry 2015 – 2019
Click above for other mp3 audio messages

Deborah opens in prayer then goes right into her message by making it clear that depression, oppression and mental bondage should have no place in our lives.  She begins in Isaiah 61:1-4.  Jesus says this also in Luke 4. This message is about total restoration. She reminds us that we should not always be looking at events or happenings negatively.  Even death which God does allow, has a positive side.  She gives definitions and examples then takes each situation we may find ourselves in and shows us that the remedy is provided.  This scripture tells us that He is available and able to heal broken hearts, set captives free, give beauty for ashes, as well as joy for mourning and praise for heaviness, explaining as she goes. However, we are also reminded that we must be willing to do our part … receive from God, and be obedient to His instruction … be willing to let go of the past, face your issues, forgive.  There are tests that we must pass and then final exams to see if we are prepared for the next level.  We learn that mental bondages can keep you bound if you continue to be offended.  Forgiveness is vital to get free.  Be willing to be corrected and be self-disciplined.  Watch where you go, what you watch or listen to … your mind records.  She lists 7 ways to pull down ungodly thoughts then lists ways we can build a hedge to protect our mind. Give God a special place and time daily and pay attention to what He says.  Renew your mind, keep heart pure, watch what you speak and what you do. She prayed many scriptures that give us instruction as to how to live in victory.  She then prays deliverance.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 –  2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 –  2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2019
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015
Click above for other mp3 audio messages

19LHCD7-4A.mp3 1-of-2
19LHCD7-4B.mp3 2-of-2
This message pertains to equipping us to stand, giving us tools, sharing strategies that the enemy uses, and then what to do when those strategies show up.  The enemy came to Carla’s house and gave her a “sucker punch” and left her laying there gasping for breath.  God began to show her what was going on and now she teaches others about God’s order and how to walk in the path He has made available to them.  One thing to learn is that “God said” and we need to learn to speak out loud, not just think it in our head or pray it in our prayer closet. One day God said to her, “Did I say if you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed, ask Me to remove that mountain?” Truth came to her that day. God’s Word says, “…ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place: and it shall remove …”  She believes many of our prayers go unanswered because we are asking Him to do things that He has already given us to do.  Prior to this verse, Jesus is addressing the unbelief in the disciples.  His reference to fasting is not to cast out the demon, it’s for them to deal with their unbelief.  Fasting in this reference is not about moving God to do some thing, it’s about moving the disciples into having more faith.  Carla shares multiple strategies the enemy uses to throw Christians off guard and distract us from what Jesus has given us the power and authority to do.  Prayer for deliverance concludes this helpful and practical teaching.

Randy & Callie Richey
Click above to see their other podcast audio messages.

19LHCD7-5 – Randy Richey – SPIRIT OF TRAUMA
Randy begins by reminding us how important our words are and that if we would read a Proverb a day, it would change us.  He then leads us in deliverance over some Proverbs reminding us to be agreeing with God’s words and repenting when we aren’t obedient to them. There was a disturbance at one point in the service that had to be dealt with and prayer was the weapon of choice.  Randy then goes on with the service reminding us that we must respond, not only with prayer, but with forgiveness.  We must not hate or be in fear.  Moving into his subject of trauma, we learned that it may come in various ways … accidents, any type of abuse, wartime experiences… anything that overwhelms us outside the range of normal experience. Firemen and policemen see things on a regular basis that may be a cause of trauma.  We may not remember but it remains in our mind, sub-consciously causing emotional or even physical symptoms.  Fear, anger, stupor, anxiety, agitation and stress can all be resident with trauma.  We must battle to agree with God, fighting the lies, facing facts, but not allowing our emotions to control our life.  The goal is that we get free and continue to walk in that freedom.  He talked about rooms in a house … Jesus may own the entire house – but the rooms might not all be cleaned out yet. The anger and fear rooms may be clean but the rejection room is still occupied. So we asked God to shine His light on anything hidden.  We still need healing of the trauma after we get the deliverance. There can only be total deliverance when we deal with the obvious and the hidden and walk out the requirements.  However it is ultimately our choices that decide the outcome.  Do we choose God’s way or our own?  Randy prays throughout the message and continues to pray deliverance at finish of message.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 –  2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 –  2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2019
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

19LHD7-6A – Carla Butaud – GOD’S ORDER FOR FAMILY 1-of-2
19LHD7-6B – Carla Butaud – GOD’S ORDER FOR FAMILY 2-of-2
After prayer, Carla begins by saying that family camp is dear to her because we are part of God’s family.  God loves family and He set up an order for everything … our earth, churches, government and of course the family.  She begins with a testimony of how her marriage started well but then she got saved and her husband had to deal with another man in their home … Jesus!  Neither of them knew how to deal with that!  Here is a good teaching on what NOT to do when you get saved.  The rest of the message teaches us how to find and operate according to God’s Word concerning the husband and wife … His order for the family.  Times do not change God’s Word!  He still has a plan that works for marriages and families but until you find it, things can get messy.  She describes her marriage as a shipwreck … at 6 years, three children, severely depressed, what now?  She ended up at the psychiatrist’s office, wishing to have never been born, thinking her husband and children would be better off without her.  At this point, she began to hear from God as to how to come out of this. She learned about deliverance and how those evil things were not her.  They were demons that could be cast out. He started with simple things which had long been forgotten like how to treat her husband and she learned her place as a wife and how the husband is the head of the house even as Christ is the head of the church.  There is surely something for all to learn from this teaching.  She said all this to come to the place where she will tell you what God says about order in marriage and considering that the rate of divorce in Christians is the same as non-Christians, perhaps we need to pay close attention. Carla ends this teaching with deliverance.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above for other mp3 audio messages

This message is for everyone, but especially for parents with children and for those of us who grew up without discipline being given.  Discipline includes love, protection, care, provision, instruction, and guidance.  Discipline is to correct mistakes.  God disciplines every son who He loves.  Every time we embrace God’s discipline we are changed from glory to glory.  Discipline is not child abuse. The Bible says to not discipline your children in anger. Geri has feasted on the Word of God for many years and we are nourished by her diet in this message!  Scriptures that are shared give us understanding of God’s discipline and it’s application to our lives and also helps parents as they train their children.  When a parent does not correct their child and lets them do whatever they want, they are teaching them to live after the flesh. Discipline causes us to be a happy person.  Job 5:17 says, “Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty.” Geri had to forgive her son, Todd, for being a grief and bitterness to her because of his homosexual lifestyle (Pro 17:25). Geri shares that mental illness can be directly related to disobedience to God’s Word and His commandments. Geri knows people that punish themselves because they were not disciplined – they feel guilty. There are so many insights into problems people have due to lack of discipline, that you are just going to have to get the message to hear yourself!  Prayer and deliverance ministry concludes this teaching.

Deborah Vails
Deliverance & Holy Spirit Ministry 2015 – 2019
Click above for other mp3 audio messages

19LHCD7-8 – Deborah Vails – THE FIRE OF GOD
The fire of God will help us share Jesus wherever and whenever He provides the opportunity.  We should always be ready to share Jesus.  We need more of Him – the light of His life in us.  The more of God that we have the less territory the enemy has to occupy.  The Lord wants to move in and through us but we have to have an active part.  This message contains seven parts about the fire of God. 1) Sodom and Gomorah – God’s fire brought purification.  It’s a wake up call to how sin really brings devastation in our lives.  2) Abraham’s willingness to offer Issac on the altar of sacrifice – God wants us to be willing to put our “thing” (whatever it is) upon the altar and let Him burn it. 3) God was in the fire with Daniel and the 3 Hebrew men – they were there because they would not bow down to false gods.  There are many false gods in the earth today.  God is very clear when He says we should have no other gods before Him. The remaining four identifiers of the fire of God illustrate additional characteristics of His fire.  One of them relates to prayer. Deborah shares practical principles regarding prayer.  Her prayer is that everyone’s relationship with the Lord will intensify.  God wants us to be transformed – changed! Don’t be conformed to this world. You can’t run in the new … in the old!  He that hath an ear hear what the Spirit is saying.  If you want the light of God to shine through you, do it God’s way. We must spend time in His Word, praise, prayer and repentance – that’s where we are changed.

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19LHCD7-4A.mp3 1-of-2
19LHCD7-4B.mp3 2-of-2
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