2019 Thanksgiving Camp Meeting

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Randy & Callie Richey 
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19LHCD11-1A 1-of-2
19LHCD11-1B 2-of-2
Randy gave instruction on how to co-operate with those ministering in order to receive.  He begins his message telling us that he will mainly be renouncing things.  He opens with Proverbs 28:13 which speaks of confessing and forsaking our sins.   Is. 54:17 tells us that no weapon formed against us will prosper. James 5:16 says the prayers of the righteous avails much. He then takes us thru prayers of repentance, forgiveness and blessing toward those that have spoken against us, calling out spirits that may have resulted. He also gives instructions on how to stay free. True repentance includes change of mind and change of behavior. We confessed our sins of pride and blaming God for not protecting us, coming against anti-christ spirits that cause us to blame Him. Hindrances to receiving deliverance are sin, pride, passivity, ungodly soul ties, fear, embarrassment, unbelief, apathy, lack of desire and lack of knowledge. He goes on to remind us in order to keep our deliverance, it’s vital that we read God’s word daily, fellowship with other believers….even if they don’t believe the same as you do and we need to pray. Demons regain entrance thru an undisciplined thought life. 2nd Cor. 10:5 gives our instruction. We need to speak out…’life and death is in the power of the tongue.”  We thanked God for giving us the Holy Spirit because it is the anointing that breaks the yoke.  He continues this message by leading us in renouncing numerous areas of demonic influence and control, praying deliverance as he proceeds.

Deborah Vails
Click above to see all her other audio messages

19LHCD11-2 – Deborah Vails – MATTERS OF THE HEART
Deborah begins by making heart comparisons.  The heart is a vital muscle in our body.  If the heart muscle isn’t strong, it can’t pump the necessary blood to our body, thus causing our body to be weak or totally unable to operate correctly. A recent death in her family brought this home to her.  She also saw examples of the necessity of a right heart concerning past relationships. Then we begin to look at the church…if we aren’t loving, forgiving, etc. correctly, we will see problems. Are we really loving or just going thru the motions?   We are reminded that it’s not how people treat us that is so important, but it’s our reaction…response.  She then goes on to list 9 heart ‘conditions’ beginning with a heart of love which gives without reservation, serves, is kind, merciful, forgives and doesn’t keep a record of wrongs 1st Cor 13. says ‘thinks no evil’  True Godly love will cause your mind to change!  Next she talks about a heart that is sincere using Joseph as our example Gen. 37 how he went through various hard places but stayed faithful even though he was grossly mistreated but God was faithful to him.  She also points out that sometimes it’s God that puts us through things that we blame on the devil.  Often we have to learn things the hard way.  Next is the heart that remembers Ps 78:35, that God is our rock and redeemer.  We must keep our focus on Him.  Deborah continues to list and elaborate on conditions or matters of our heart reminding us how important it is to always use God’s Word.  She says His Word is medicine.  Take it like a prescription.  It will change your heart, actions and attitudes. It is life, light, and hope. She reminds us that we can get prayer all weekend but if our heart isn’t in it, and we’re just going thru the motions, we’ll go home just like we came.  Then comes the heart of forgiveness.  Jesus said ‘if we don’t forgive, God doesn’t forgive us’. according to Mt 6:14,15.  We learn of a wise heart in Prov.2:2, a heart of integrity, Ps.26:1, using David as an example, and finally a pure heart.  Lastly she gives a word from the Lord which included reference to a healthy heart. 3rd Jn. 1,2 and Prov. 4:23.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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This is the 1st time for Deon to speak here but he has been coming here for many years, He learned about deliverance in the late 1980s but after his experience continued to believe Christians can’t have demons. Later he was involved in a ministry where he sought to lead people to Jesus. A 16 year old boy came to him asking for deliverance from rock music and he began to pray as he usually did and that which he didn’t believe in, began to happen! At that point he knew that he was missing something that would enable him to better help those to whom he was ministering. He ended up at LHBC and his theology was dramatically changed requiring him to begin to search the Word of God. The result was not only a belief in deliverance but an enabling to teach and minister and see lives changed. It’s not a one time event.  We live it everyday…a lifestyle of walking in repentance. 2nd Cor 2:11 tells us to be aware….’.for we aren’t ignorant of his devices’ {satan’s}. We know he sometimes fools us but ignorance can be fixed.  Deon gave us a very interesting example in the natural, comparing worms that attack a plum tree to what satan does in the spiritual concerning generational curses.  He says that our enemy knows our call before we do and sets out to ruin us…and it’s actually through no fault of our own but because of something that came down our family line.  God has made promises and provision for us but sometimes we have to fight for it.  Deon references the promise to Abraham, the guidance of Moses but still when they arrived in the Promise Land, they had to do battle for it…so it is with us.  There are instructions involved that we must follow in the Word and it’s one battle at a time. He goes on to give examples of areas that we should all look at in our individual lives. Let’s not be ignorant of the devices of the devil pointing out that flesh and blood is not our enemy.  The enemy is the one controlling them.  So, who or what is controlling us?

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see all her other audio messages

19LHCD11-4A – Geri McGhee – DOUBLE MINDED 1-of-2
19LHCD11-4B – Geri McGhee – DOUBLE MINDED 2-of-2
Geri begins by leading us in prayer of Ps.51:10. She then reminds us that in Jn.12, Jesus tells us ‘that unless a corn of wheat dies, it will abide alone but if it dies, it bears much fruit.’  This is telling us that in order to really live, our flesh must die. That is a requirement by God. She testified of recently waking up blind but that one eye was restored and she is seeking to be more yielded to God and is thankful that it is well with her soul. If we want others to see Jesus in us, we have to die. We must choose His ways, attitudes, plans and works over our own. She reminds us that the promises of God are to the overcomer. Fear, hurt, anger, depression must all go.  If we are double minded, we are compromisers.  Double minded people can have more than one personality.  The Amplified Bible in Js.1:8 describes them as having two minds [hesitating, dubious, irresolute], unstable, unreliable and uncertain about everything he thinks, feels, decides. We must get free of all the minds that have ruled in our life in order to get the mind of Christ.  The people that influenced our thinking as we grew up may even seem like it is our selves but we must let that all go.  In Rev. 3:15 the Lord says He knows our deeds and if you are lukewarm, He’ll spit you out of His mouth. Matt. 6:24 Jesus says no man can serve two masters.  2nd Tim. 3:5 talks about having a form of godliness but denying the power. 1 Kings 18:21 Elijah asks how long will you be of two opinions.  Choose between God and Baal.  God requires total submission.  Geri then went through Ezek. 37 commenting on how this applies to becoming of one mind…examples of coming into agreement and submission to God.  Jesus said if we’re not with Him, we’re against Him. Mt. 12:30.  Geri continues, using numerous scriptures and leading us through prayers of repentance.

Randy & Callie Richey 
Click above to see all their other audio messages

19LHCD11-5A – Randy Richey – THE FINAL SEDUCTION 1-of-2
19LHCD11-5B – Randy Richey – THE FINAL SEDUCTION 2-of-2
The first fifteen minutes of this message Randy teaches that to walk out deliverance, we are mandated to walk in love.  He takes the listener through repentance and deliverance, for the purpose of casting out spirits that block us from knowing the love of the Father.  Next he moves into the subject of the title of the message.  He prefaces that he has taught on this before under the title of Aliens, Scientist and DNA, but is renaming it to The Final Seduction.  Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”  We must always remember that in Genesis 1, God gave man power and authority over the earth – God still owns it but He gave man dominion.  Randy goes on to differentiate and give examples between sons of God in the Old Testament and sons of God in the New Testament.  The premise here is the historical fact of beings that came from the sky, took women for wives, created giants and in most cases were cannibals.  Genetically, Adam fell so the last Adam had to come out of the seed of the woman in order to redeem us.  Randy states why it matters that we know some of this.  It’s not something to shift you from Jesus crucified. It is because “We’ve been lied to, historically, and God is a Spirit of Truth.” And this is leading up to what is coming and already happening. The world says all this came from aliens in outer space but there is a Biblical explanation.  Preparation is taking place to produce super humans. “And there is no new thing under the sun.”  Randy concludes this intense teaching, devoting the last forty minutes to a massive deliverance service.

Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013 – Deliverance Ministry
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019 – Deliverance Ministry
Click above to see all her other audio messages

Geri takes the first fifteen minutes to share several illustrations of the believer and the Potter’s wheel.  She does this to encourage people so they are not overwhelmed, thinking there are so many things wrong with them that there is no hope.  No matter how bad we are or how much junk we have, as long as we stay yielded to the Potter we can’t miss God.  But we have to die to our flesh and there are some things we are doing that we just have to stop doing.  Spiritual adultery is when you pray a prayer to receive Jesus and your heart goes after other lovers.  Anything that makes you mad is connected to an idol. The first commandment clearly identifies we are to have no other gods before us.  That has to include the god of self!  Many believe that since we are saved by grace they can do whatever they want.  That’s not the case.  Paul said he had to die daily lest he be a castaway.  We need to be living for eternity – not the “nasty now and now”.  As the bride of Christ when we have other lovers, we commit spiritual adultery.  Physical adultery is willful intercourse between a married person and a partner other than their lawful spouse.  Jesus expanded adultery to include lust.  He said in Matt 5:28, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” This also means a woman lusting. It includes pornography and masturbation.  She uses David as an example of the generational ramifications of the sin of adultery – even though David repented. According to 1 Cor 6:9-10, adultery will keep us out of the Kingdom of God. This message is not to condemn anybody. Jesus forgave the woman in adultery but He also said, “Go and sin no more.”  In the vein of spiritual adultery, if you have an occult background and you’re prophesying you better make sure that gift has been purified, because that same demon could be prophesying through you.  If today’s prophets would prophesy what God is saying instead of what people want to hear or out of their own imagination, people would repent of their sins. (Jer 23)  Geri concludes this timely message with prayers of repentance and deliverance.

Deborah Vails
Click above to see all her other audio messages

19LHCD11-7A – Deborah Vails – A HEART OF WORSHIP 1-of-2
19LHCD11-7B – Deborah Vails – A HEART OF WORSHIP 2-of-2
Rev 4:1-11 is the basis for this rich message of life.  Being in the presence of the Lord should move us to cry “Holy, Holy, Holy. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created!”  We don’t praise Him by how we feel – we praise Him because of who He is! When we think about the goodness of God and all He has done for us, we can’t help but praise Him.  If we can’t give Him a heart of worship, what impact are we making for the Kingdom of God?  We’ve become stiff, traditional, sophisticated, following protocol and religious. Instead of giving the Holy Spirit liberty in our gatherings, we’ve constrained Him to our timeline.  Worship means to honor, revere, to adore, pay homage to, devotion and respect.  All of our service should spring from a spirit of true worship and praise.  We must know that whatever He takes us to, He will take us through. God’s people come in many “flavors” that are unique to the Body of Christ. We must stop trying to change one another but instead, embrace them for who they are. We can’t be judging one another for their mode of worship.  God looks at our hearts.  What matters is if the motive is to get to God. Deliverance frees us to move into greater worship but we must understand what worship is. We must stop wasting our time trying to be like and do it like everybody else.  Become who God has created you to be! You will have to listen to this message to get the substance of the nine acts of worship and hindrances to worship that Deborah shares.  1) Ministry of thanking God, 2) Ministry of praise, 3) Ministry of rejoicing and joy, 4) Ministry of clapping your hands, 5) Ministry of shouting, 6) Ministry of dancing, 7) Ministry of lifting up your hands, 8) Ministry of worship, 9) Ministry of saying Amen.

Miscellaneous Speakers
Click above to see all their other audio messages

How are we rooted and built up in Jesus?  It is by His Word.  Most of us cannot see God outside of what we know Him to be.  But He is so much more than that!  Jesus had perfect knowledge of the Father – they were One.  John 14:10,11 “Do you believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?  The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself: but the Father that dwells in Me, He does the works.  Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me: or else believe Me for the very works’ sake.” When Jesus spoke what the Father said, He knew it would come to pass.  When we say what God’s Word says, it goes out of our mouth, into our ears and then into our hearts where it plants a seed of faith.  Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of God – Rom 10:17.  We must learn to speak God’s Word – not what we see or feel. Our feelings are tied to circumstances but our faith has to be in God and what His Word says – no matter the circumstance.  He will always watch over His Word to perform it (in His time).  We have to understand what God’s Word says in order to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.  Deon is an advocate of speaking the Word out loud.  It is important for us to speak the Word, not just read it. It goes back to Proverbs 18:1 which tells us that “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue”.  This is not a message about “name it and claim it” but truly emphasizes how critical it is for us to have His Word in our hearts and believe what His Word says.  He is the Living Word and if His Holy Spirit abides in us, then we are rooted and built up in Jesus. This is a wonderful presentation on how God’s Word makes you an overcomer.

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