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Geri McGhee 1-of-32000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-32009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Geri begins by admonishing us to be full of the Word of God for these times of need. Her text for this teaching is taken from Jer 23:1-3, 10, 14-22. The so-called prophets today are about another gospel, another Jesus with no conviction of sin and no righteousness. John 8:32 – understanding is the truth that sets us free. Discernment is lacking in the church today. If Jesus isn’t Lord in my life something else is. In the one world religion there is no Word, no repentance, no cross and no reverence, etc. Ezek 13, Matt 12:33. God wants us to overcome. Prov 24:3, Ps 119:34 shows our need of understanding. The fear of the Lord is wisdom. Wisdom is your sister – understanding your intimate friend. Our parents are models for us in what God is like. The more pure our own hearts are towards our parents the more we really know God. Geri has many scriptures showing why we need understanding. She shares her “snake story” with us. Then she shares many more scriptures to show how we lose understanding. II Thess 2:10 -she explains how to get understanding; Prov 1:23 – by digging for it – Prov 2:1. The gold is the Word of God. True revival is when you and I make Jesus Christ Lord and master of our life. A time of repentance and deliverance concludes this teaching.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-42009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-42015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


08LHCD5-1LA – Carla Butaud – LOVE 1-of-2
08LHCD5-1LB – Carla Butaud – LOVE 2-of-2
How is your love life? Carla begins with a personal experience of how to love her children, husband and the Lord. When the Lord tells you something to do, don’t pray about it again, just do it. Her main text is taken from I Cor 13:1-13. She explains each verse and adds personal examples of how love works in your life. If what we do is not motivated by love we are wasting our time. The end from the beginning or “revelation” in Carla’s way of thinking is that the love of God will transform and heal your life. The enemy wants to isolate you so he can destroy you. She gives an illustration of how “satan threw a party and her and her husband both went”. The way God loves us is the way He wants us to love others. Love is the major key to the kingdom of heaven. Carla links her personal experiences throughout this teaching. Love is compassionate. Women want someone to relate to their pain. God is man and woman. Adam’s rib was everything soft and compassionate taken out of him to make woman. We need to learn to release love but we can’t release it until we have it. Check your love life. If you have issues with these things listed in I Cor 13, you have a problem with your love. Fear has torment, love does not. Ask God for a fresh anointing of love. Eph 3:14-19 – love is more important than knowledge. If you only have one gift of God let it be love. The chief thing we should seek after in God’s Word is love. Work on receiving more of God’s love so you can give more of God’s love. We have spirits that keep us from the love of God such as the bastard spirit. Carla opens the meeting to participation asking who feels that God does not really love them and why? And who feels that God does really love them and why? We want to get rid of the tormenting demons that keep us away from the love of God. Carla closes with deliverance prayers for these things.

Tom & Dianne Stone

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

08LHCD5-2 – Tom Stone – REPENT QUICKLY
Tom begins by giving 2 testimonies. One is about “bull knats with long teeth” and the other about “take care of your keys”. God wants us to repent quickly because everything we do and say affects us. Prov 18:21 – what kind of appetite do you have; to bless people or to curse people, especially children. We better be careful about the fruit we like to eat, in our mind, will and emotions. Matthew 12:36, 37 – if we condemn people what will boomerang back to us? What do you think would cause an ear ache? Anger in the household between spouses can cause it. Also hernias and varicose veins are caused from anger and rage. Matt 16:19 – if you live in fear it will manifest in you. Matt 6:9-15 – “in earth” means in us, forgive ourselves and our debtors. Matt 7:1, 2 – how much weight can we carry? II Tim 2:24-26 – the key is to repent and recover yourself. Take ownership of our sins and faults and repent. You can be healed of anything that has ever attacked you. Tom shares many more scriptures concerning getting to the root of the problem, fear and anger. Prov 14:30 – envy and jealousy causes arthritis, osteoporosis, bone cancer. He closes this teaching with prayers of deliverance.

Geri McGhee 1-of-32000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-32009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


The gold is in God’s Word. He sent His word to heal you. The more you repent the more of God’s glory you get. Geri uses a computer to begin illustration of this teaching. Just as a computer has defaults, we have acquired defaults also from our parents. Whatever area your parent does not train you up according to the Word, provokes you to anger in that area. She gives personal examples. Our parent model for us is a picture of what God is to us. We are wounded in all the areas our parents failed us. It is not acceptable to God for you to keep your fears, etc. Never think the second time around will be better. Remember “the grass is greener over the septic tank” not on the other side. Matt 7:1 tells us to judge not lest you be judged in the same way. When you have a problem say, “OK Lord, what are you trying to show me?” God sends a “turkey” to show what we haven’t repented of. In Deut 5 – Honor your father and mother – there are 2 promises here and the “honor” means to forgive. It is in an area where you have let the sun go down on your anger. Prov 32 tells us we gain understanding by letting God correct us and this sets us free. Thank God for the “turkeys” in your life. Problems teach us but they are not fun. Whenever you take accountability for your sin then you can forgive. Pro 30:17 – forgive them. When parents do not train you then Christ does. God breaks the default and changes it from something negative to something positive. Geri closes with questions and answers and everyone present repeats deliverance prayers.

Dr. William Null 1990 to 2003

Dr. William Null 2004 to 2008

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

08LHCD5-3A – Dr. William Null – FORGIVENESS – THE KEY TO HEALING 1-of-2
08LHCD5-3B – Dr. William Null – FORGIVENESS – THE KEY TO HEALING 2-of-2
Matt says in the Amplified Bible that offenses of necessity must come. Using many scriptures, Dr. Null shows where Jesus could have been offended and how He reacted to them. He shares personal testimony of his background of searching in all the wrong things and places until being prayed for, healed and delivered when Francis McNutt prayed for him. He explains how an open vision brought unforgiveness from the distant past and God began to teach him about unforgiveness. God told Doc that he would heal him and explains how this happened. Doc says unforgiveness will give you cancer and other diseases he names. Ps 86:5, Dan 9:9 – to be able to forgive is a gift of God. When you have forgiveness you will not respond to the person or circumstance with anything but love. Lev 19:18 – God desires us to be kind and forgiving towards each other. Luke 6:37, Matt 18:32-35 – unforgiveness gets you turned over to the tormentors. Cry out to God for mercy. Gal 6:7-8 are fine verses on sowing and reaping. Matt 5:43-45 – sow mercy. If you judge you will be judged. Hidden memories that resurface is God speaking to you to forgive and be free. Begin to pray mercy for them. See where bad thoughts come from. Ask God to help remove them and restore your mind and memory and be like Him. Help us to die to our soulish life and be like Him. He closes with many deliverance prayers specifically naming and casting out demons in the name of Jesus.

Miscellaneous Speakers 

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08LHCD5-3L – Judy Duffey – THE TONGUE
We have 7 openings in our head; 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, and 1 mouth. How many of you wish we had two mouths? This one opening causes more problems than all others combined. There is a lot of material in the Bible regarding the mouth, tongue, lips, speech, and words. There are over 2,000 references alone in the Old Testament. How was everything created and what is Jesus called in John chapter 1. The Word! Jesus made it clear in Matt 12:34 “for the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart”. Or the heart overflows through the mouth thereby revealing the true condition of the heart. James made 4 analogies of the tongue in 3:1-12 using a horse’s bridle & bit, a ships rudder & a small kindling of fire. Each was explained. Judy shares 6 diseases with scriptures for each; excessive talking – Pro 10:19, Eccl 5:3, Matt 5:37 and James 3:8; idle or careless words – Matt 12:36; gossip – Lev 19:16, Pro 18:8, Pro 20:19; lying – Pro 6:16-19, flattery – Pro 29:5, Rom.16:17-18, hastiness of speech – Pro 29:20, James 1:19-20. An excellent example of a man hasty in words in scripture was Moses; see Num 20:8-13. The root of these diseases is the condition of the heart. She closes with 3 steps to the healing of the diseases of the tongue: 1) Call our problem by its right name – SIN. 2) Confess your sin and receive forgiveness and cleansing – I John 1:7-9 3) Refuse SIN – Yield to God – Rom. 6:12-14; Col. 3:5-11. In closing prayer follows to yield our tongue to Jesus.


Jim & Alberta Landry

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

08LHCD5-4A – Jim Landry – GOOD SOLDIERS 1-of-2
08LHCD5-4B – Jim Landry – GOOD SOLDIERS 2-of-2
Jim states he believes God is going to raise up houses of Joseph – provisions for the days ahead. We must live holy and be a good soldier. Selfishness and pride must be out of the way. What He has given us is not for us, but for the Kingdom. If you are not a soldier you will be commissioned shortly. God gives each believer a mark. The standard weapon is the Word. Some use weapons that encourage them for battle; fidelity, accountability, etc. in you from your mentor of authority. Mark 16:15 – preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 9:38-40. The enemy can recognize if you are in rebellion to the authority you are under. Luke 4:18, Matt 28:18. All believers are in it to win it. Trials, afflictions, dying daily bring strength for the battle. Soldiers do not concern themselves about worldly things. Too many people are not responsible soldiers. The fruit is produced from the root. All leadership should possess the basic principles that Jesus did. The Lord is soon to come; there is a great need to do what God tells you to do. The enemy wants to pick you off. Luke 10:1-17 – we should be like Jesus and His disciples. Eph 6:10 – be strong in the power of His might not ours. Lev 15:8, II Cor 10:3 – bring every thought to the obedience of Christ. Deliverance will be the most oppressed ministry in these end times. Heb 5:14 – a lot of good works out there will tempt you away from your purpose and calling in God. Acts 19:13 – the demons should recognize our name like they did Paul’s. Are you a good soldier for Jesus’ John 7:14, 14:12 – do the same works that Jesus did. Jim says ask for help if you need it. He closes with deliverance prayers towards specific unclean spirits.

Clement Humbard
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

This generation is destined to know the Lord Jesus more than any other generation that has ever lived. Clement gives history of the great move of God that began in Great Britain over a hundred years ago. He tells the prophetic word that was given in Whittington Park in Hot Springs, AR, Malvern, AR, and California in 1914. Adhere to 1 Cor 14. Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28 are prophetic words the Lord has given. You do not join the family of God, you are born into it. The church is not a building where you teach the way to “mix manna”, etc. We are trying to get the church straightened out when it isn’t even what the Lord said to do. Eph 4 tells us to equip the saints which should be why we are here. Eph is a book of heavenly things. No person can seek God unless God’s Spirit first seeks them. You cannot get right with God on your own terms. You will obey God when He calls you or you will die. There are no dead saints. There are living saints. In Eph 1:15 Paul gives us 7 things we need: wisdom, understanding, council, might, knowledge, faith and love. We are to be the praise of God’s Glory. This is the call. Clement shares many scriptures which tell us of the “praise of God’s Glory” explaining what they mean. satan always uses 3 things: the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Clement explains, in modern day terms, the stories of how these three things were used in the Garden of Eden, with David and Bathsheba, and with Ahab and Jezebel. We are not to lay up treasures on earth. They do not pull a U-Haul trailer behind a hearse. Heb 3:1-6 says we are members of a house – not just to be a church as we are the called out ones. The purpose is manifold; God’s purpose. We are the praise of His Glory means we are to be the praise of His Glory – a super imposition of time, space, place and order. We, in the Shekinah Glory are unlimited in this. Clement shares many more scriptures on the Glory. We should not be called the glorious church but the church of Glory. Clement closes with a prayer asking “may a greater voice than man’s be heard” and to cleanse us from the lust of the eyes, pride of life and lust of the flesh.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-42009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-42015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


08LHCD5-6A – Carla Butaud – GRAVE CLOTHES 1-of-2
08LHCD5-6B – Carla Butaud – GRAVE CLOTHES 2-of-2
John 11:41-44. She says when we are “born again”, we still have grave clothes from past generations; things we just can’t get past. She shares personal family experiences of much bondage. Gen 1:11-12 – illustrating how the seed bears after its kind and how this shows up in each life; a bad habit, a belief system, an infirmity, etc. Jesus set us free and we have freedom we have not possessed yet. Ex 20:1-5, Deut 23:2 – with the bastard spirit on you, you can go to church but never really fit in because of this generational curse. Heb12:3-8 – if you did not have proper discipline, being an unloved child has symptoms of this spirit. You think it’s just me; anger, etc. Gen 12:10 – Abram was fearful. Fear can cause us to lie. Gen 26:1-7 – the son like the father. The blood of Jesus has broken these curses but there is more to this. 2 Sam 11:1 – guard what you look at. We would do well to be about what we are supposed to be doing. Tarrying gets you in trouble. What you believe does not change the truth. II Cor 1-:3-6 – the ability to be obedient takes breaking these curses to remain free. I Cor 6:19, Romans 7:15 – the flesh and the spirit are always in battle. John 2:13, Matt 21:12; 10:5-6 – freely you have received (Jesus says) freely give. Jesus was sending disciples out to God’s people. We need to quit being polite to the devil. He likes to steal the Word. Deal with him when he shows up. Luke 13:10 – spirits of infirmity travel down the blood line; some come from way back in blood lines. Matt 15:21 Deliverance is for the church. Ps 135:15, Hos 4:6 – God can tell you what your idol is. Ask God about anything in your house that is offensive to Him. Carla closes with prayers for deliverance. 

Glen & Erma Miller

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Glen said he will also be talking about “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. Micah 3:11 – they prophesy for money and say the Lord will bless it. A prophet for hire is an abomination to God. Glen gives example of a warlock and a witch and things they had done at LHBC. II Pet 2:1-2 says there were many false teachers and many shall follow their pernicious ways. Glen gives a personal experience of the knowledge of “ultimate reconciliation” also an example of “once saved always saved”. False prophets abound today. Lev 20:22 – God commands us to obey His statues and precepts. Several other examples of modern day false prophets are given. Everything that glitters is not gold. Ex 21:5-6 – pierced ears are a sign of slavery and a blood covenant and soul tie is formed with the person who did the piercing and that is the reason some cannot get free when being delivered. Deut 14:1-2;15:17, Lev 19:28;21:5 – God says we are a holy people with no body cuttings. Beware of those who say they are of God and they are of the synagogue of satan. From secular studies and Deut and Lev, trichinosis from eating pork is 70% the cause of arthritis. Lev 18:9. Glen says if this was taught by preachers and fathers today we would not have abortion, homosexuals, lesbians and other moral sins. Catfish, clams, oysters, and shrimp are scavengers just like the hog. God says they are an abomination to Him. God says keep My commandments. Glen says it is his responsibility to make the people sitting under his authority aware of these things. And then we are to study it out for ourselves, “it is written”. For tattoos, repent and break the soul ties and blood covenants. This teaching is concluded with prayer.

Tom & Dianne Stone

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

08LHCD5-8 – Tom Stone – SOUL TIES
“I’m afraid to let my guard down” is a bad soul tie with yourself. We need to stop and change gears where we are. The first thing we ask for is love with protection. God is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him. God is the author and finisher of our faith. We need to make a firm soul tie with Him. Gal 6:2 is a good soul tie. How do you bear one another’s burdens? You listen to the request and bring it before the Lord. James 2:8 – love people, love yourself, this is a good soul tie. Eph 5:31 – marriage is a good soul tie. Matt 19:3-6 – this was supposed to be a good soul tie. God’s Word was built on relationships. The ultimate good soul tie is with Him. Tom gives 10 classifications of soul ties, 4 good and 6 evil with scriptures and explanations of each. 1) Marriage – a good soul tie 2) Friendships – good soul ties 3) Child/parent – good soul tie 4) Between Christians – Eph 4:16 – good soul ties 5) Demonic soul tie with a harlot – I Cor 6:16 6) Anger, rage with our self – evil soul tie 7) Perverse relationships – Rom 1:26-27 8) Inordinate affections – Gen 2:20 – with animals treating them like they are human beings – evil soul tie. Col 3:5 – an evil soul tie amounts to idolatry 9) Evil companions – I Cor 15:33, Pro 22:5 – a froward mouth – someone who is always accusing of something. Vs. 24, 25 – “loose lips sink ships”. Ex 20:12 – a death curse when you turn it around. Tom prayed to break this curse over all present. 10) Soul ties with the dead – Gen 50:10. Center your thoughts on Jesus. Tom closes with named deliverance prayers over all people present.

Cheryl Batts

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

08LHCD5-9 – Cheryl Batts – NO FEAR
Cheryl starts by saying this is the first day of your life. Take the time to really hear. She shares that for 2 years she was in a strong state of fear. Do you have profound awe and reverence toward God? This is the deciding factor concerning fear. Fear is mentioned in the Bible 485 times. Psalms 86 – a prayer of deliverance by David. You need to come to the place of reality of what you really are as opposed to what you think you are. Be quiet and listen. God may send a donkey to speak to you. She shares a personal experience where God gave her enough time to repent, and receive relief from fear, self-pity, etc. Then God opened the flood gates. Rom 8:13-30. We turn and look at our self. How about productive pain? Can we empathize with others? New level – new devil and a shift of faith for you. Stay on the potter’s wheel. Trust God and obey. Respond in faith instead of fear. Have enough love and respect for God to obey Him. Psalms 91 is the answer for deliverance from all the demons that attack through fear. Stay under the shadow of God’s wing. If you lose, it is because you choose to lose. Psalms 91 is your security blanket. Fear today should not be part of our make-up. Cheryl closes with deliverance prayers for many kinds of demons that come under the spirit of fear.

Richard Tate

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

08LHCD5-10 – Richard Tate – OVERCOMING
The harvest is really white and the laborers are few. Our life is about control. Who is going to have it – God or us? We are willing to share but God is not. We just want some kind of control over our life. Esther 4:11-14 – she had to overcome some facts. 1) May cost her life 2) Exposure – of finding out she was a Jew 3) She had a plan, it may not work out. Any way she turned, it may cause her death. God is a God of going through. We go around and around the mountain and dig a trench. God says “go through”. God has a purpose and plans – this is your time. He wants to do it through you. We are works in progress. John 10:27 – say as Jesus did, “Father you have brought me here for this hour.” Instead of trying to be an overcomer, just do what God is telling you to do. It is not about being an overcomer it is about overcoming. Heb 12:1 – don’t get in a hurry, just finish it. Our eye can’t be on the finish line but must be on Jesus. We overcome as we go; obstacles etc. II Cor 6:9 – we get up and go and that is the devil’s problem. He can’t get rid of us. You don’t get muscles by sitting on the sofa eating popcorn or watching weightlifting on TV. You can’t have a valley without two mountains. We are into signs and wonders in these last days. Hunger can be the most dangerous thing in your life. God is longing to bring a people forth. Be willing to let Him. It is time to break camp and move on. Richard closes with prayer.

Dr. William Null 1990 to 2003

Dr. William Null 2004 to 2008

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

08LHCD5-11 – Dr. William Null – WALKING IN FREEDOM
What does “Lord” mean? It means He is your boss. The first step to deliverance is to know He loves you. Matt 18:7 – offenses must come. James 1:13 – desires will arise from within you. The devil will put pressure on you and pursue you. There is a host of evil spirits out there. Doc shares personal experiences. There are evil spirits assigned to you and your family. How do you respond to an offense? Some, you flee from, such as idolatry, fornication. Some, you react in faith/love and stop and pray. Pro 15:1. Settle your anger before the sun goes down. If you judge somebody you will be judged in the same way. If you react and sin – deliver yourself. Remember, when you read the Word out loud the devil can hear it and you can too. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. II Chron 7:14 tells us to humble ourselves. Deny your flesh. Mark 12:22 – pride proceeds out of the heart. Serving others is another way to humble yourself. When you speak a curse a demon goes out to fulfill it – Judges 9. Joel 2:32 – anyone who calls on the Lord shall be delivered. Evil spirits can come out by way of a yawn, sigh, cough, belch and passing gas. The only thing that holds us together is the Word of God. Deliverance is a lifestyle – as in repent of your sin, don’t take offenses, etc. We must walk in love and control our thoughts. Like birds – “You can’t stop them from flying over your head but you can stop them from making a nest in your hair”. Drive the unjust thoughts out of your mind and heal your land. Mark 16 says believers will expel demons. You need to read the Bible every day, do routine fasts, have a good church that believes the Bible, pay your tithes, walk with Him, evaluate your day and settle things before you go to bed. Doc closes with deliverance prayers.


All of these messages above are also available on

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