2002 Summer Camp

Published on: July 31, 2018


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All of our retail CD’s are high quality uncompressed WAV files.

We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a single track.

The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.

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  The 2002 Summer Camp

Our retail CD’s, or DVD’s are better quality.

The following is this camp meeting, only in podcast format.

Our mp3 podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.

They are clear enough, so we can conserve hosting space while growing.  

Melvin Creason

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02LHCD7-1 – Melvin Creason – THE LIGHT OF GOD (1 of 2)
God said, let there be light, and there was light, and He separated the light from the darkness. Because Adam loved the darkness more than light, man was put out of the light. But even in the darkness, the LORD never left man without a light. We have to have a clear understanding of what “saith the LORD”.

Dale & Junie Copeland

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02LHCD7-2 – Dale Copeland – THE NATURE OF STEWARDSHIP (Part 1 of 2)
We are God’s stewards over time, talents, and treasures. Jesus showed us a proper steward, who did solely the will of the Father. God is the author of stewardship. When we make God the author, it will affect our attitude. The attitude of the steward does not forget its source. It is an attitude of gratitude. 

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003

Dr. William Null  – 2004 to 2008

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02LHCD7-3 – Dr. William Null – MAGIC
Magic controls forces or people by supernatural means. There are three parts that make up magic: sorcery, witchcraft, and divination. Learn the forms that these demons take, and how some of them have become a daily part of society. The only true power is in the name of Jesus Christ! 

Dale & Junie Copeland

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02LHCD7-4A – Dale Copeland – THE NATURE OF STEWARDSHIP (2 & 3 OF 3)
02LHCD7-4B – Dale Copeland – THE NATURE OF STEWARDSHIP (3 & 3 OF 3)
We are not owners, but stewards of His Ki ngdom. Knowing the truth that sets us free. The LORD wants to manifest who He is in another realm, through His people. The authority of stewardship is the Word of God. We are stewards of God to bring increase to God. We are going to have to be accountable for our stewardship.

Melvin Creason

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02LHCD7-5 – Melvin Creason – THE LIGHT OF GOD (2 of 2)
A continuation of the study of the light God spoke into existence in Genesis chapter 21, verses 1-5, from 02LHCD7-1. It is God’s desire to enlighten us, to give us light. He has never left man without a light. The light is the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ.

Jim & Mildred Coffey

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02LHCD7-6A – Mildred Coffey – BINDING-LOOSING WARFARE 1-of-2
02LHCD7-6B – Mildred Coffey – BINDING-LOOSING WARFARE 2-of-2
We need to take a hold of the authority God has given us over the devil. We need to discern, and to know what we’re fighting. Mildred discusses a variety of spirits and their manifestations. We need to stand and do the work we were intended to do, and be doers of His word. Binding and loosing should be a daily battle. We need to fight the devil and loose the power of God!

Bill Smith

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02LHCD7-7 – Bill Smith – A PURE SEED
God is after a pure seed on the earth. It’s time today that we see the seed of God brought forth. He needs a people to rule and reign on the earth. There are two natures of man: one that strives for the heart of God, and one that wars against it. We have to decide if we serve our flesh, or our Father. God is looking for total commitment. An inspiring message!

Miscellaneous Speakers 

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This is a Christian nation, and as Christians, it is our responsibility to be involved. The rumblings of revival are beginning to sweep across our country. Let’s go past revival into reformation! To sustain the revival, we need a healthy church, family, and government. We are responsible for turning revival into permanent reformation. A special Fourth of July message delivered by the Garland County Coordinator and District Wide Faith Based Director for Congressional Candidate Jay Dickey.

Jim & Mildred Coffey

Click on name for other podcast audio messages.

02LHCD7-9A – Mildred Coffey – THINGS GOD CALLS AN ABOMINATION – 1-of-2
02LHCD7-9B – Mildred Coffey – THINGS GOD CALLS AN ABOMINATION – 2-of-2
Sister Mildred share with the ladies a number of Scriptures on abominable things. Topics include incest, sins of the fathers, adultery, and idolatry. God wants his people to be faithful. Many times people are ignorant of God’s laws, beyond the Ten Commandments.

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003

Dr. William Null  – 2004 to 2008

Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s

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02LHCD7-10A – Dr. William Null – SINS OF THE FATHERS 1-OF-2
02LHCD7-10B – Dr. William Null – SINS OF THE FATHERS 2-OF-2
Our actions can bring curses on our future generation. We are also cursed by the action of our ancestors. There is a cure though, to break the curse through Jesus Christ. Dr. Null also discusses sexual immorality and its generational curses. It is God’s will we abstain from sexual immorality. Sexual immorality will not only lead to curses, but ungodly soul ties.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn

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02LHCD7-11 – Chuck Flynn – THE HIGH ARM COVENANT
The high arm covenant came when Abraham raised a hand to the most high God. The knowledge we have of God releases us to the provision that God has for us. He brought us out to bring us in. The Lord is cleansing His temple; learn the steps of His cleansing. We’re on the potter’s wheel and He is bringing forth vessels of honor. The anointing of the Trinity is upon us!

Jim & Alberta Landry
Click on their name for other podcast audio messages.

02LHCD7-12 – Jim Landry – GOD – A MAN OF WAR
Our God is a God of love, but He is also a God of war. No one is exempt from the war, because one of the attributes of God is war. We have been commissioned to His mission, but we must first submit to His plan. We need to know who and what we are fighting against, we are God’s soldiers. The Overcomers are the ones that are going to inherit the promises of God. We have been commissioned to God’s army!.

Chris Simpson

Click on their name for other podcast audio messages.

A stronghold is a power base for future demonic occupation. We need to understand the strategies and methods of the enemy in order to defeat him. Unforgiveness and bitterness open the doors to demons more than anything else. The enemy has a clear plan to keep us bound. We must commit ourselves to a lifestyle of praise and worship.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn

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02LHCD7-14A – Chuck FLynn – I BROUGHT YOU OUT TO BRING YOU IN 1-of-2
02LHCD7-14B – Chuck FLynn – I BROUGHT YOU OUT TO BRING YOU IN 2-of-2
Learn about the different levels of tongues, and how the LORD is cleaning His house. He is the living manna that sustains us and we are going to see what He has prepared for those that love Him. We are to take the Kingdom and possess it.

Chris Simpson

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02LHCD7-15 – Chris Simpson – JESUS MOVES IN – STUFF HAS TO GO
God has specific designs for where and how He would abide among His people. Your body is a temple of the LORD. The LORD’s desire is to not just be in us, but to live inside of us. Certain things must go if He is going to live in us. God cannot coexist with evil. Let Him make your soul a place of intimate conversation with Him!

Jim & Alberta Landry

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02LHCD7-16 – Jim Landry – PURSUING OUR ENEMY
If we put our trust in the LORD, He will equip us supernaturally, and we shall win every battle set before us! God will use you and I in the end time to take back what the enemy has stole from us. We must follow the Ten Commandments if we expect God to free us from the demonic invaders in our land. We must develop an attitude of warfare in our lives, to glorify God through us.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn

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02LHCD7-17A – Chuck Flynn – THE BLOOD OF SPRINKLING 1-of-2
02LHCD7-17B – Chuck Flynn – THE BLOOD OF SPRINKLING 2-of-2
There is going to be manifestations of glory and authority that will shake up communities. The LORD will allow you and I to embrace the glory of the covenant. We’re the ones who are going to put the enemies under His feet. He will sprinkle every nation, there’s going to be a prophetic anointing given to the people of the LORD!

Chris Simpson

Click on their name for other podcast audio messages.

Respect is the secret to every relationship. When we stand up for Jesus, we earn the LORD’s respect. He loves us, but He wants to be able to respect us. God always wants to give us peace. We must be willing to live out the gospel, to stand up for what’s right. That is how we earn the LORD’s respect. God is always looking for somebody somewhere who will stand up for the truth! 

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.

Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. 

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!

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