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The 1986 Labor Day Camp Meeting

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Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

86LHCD8-1 – Tommy Cook – HAS WINTER COME?
We’ve got to go up higher in God. If you’re cold in your soul, if you have winter in you, you’re not going to make it to the mountains–spiritual heights in God. Iniquity will cause us to lose our first love, that zeal we have for God, and our love will turn cold. With winter in your heart, you can’t reach out to others and be effective. You are wretched, miserable, blind and naked. Anyone called to a high calling is going to be tested. It’s going to be God’s strength, not our own ability, that brings us through. God doesn’t want us in the fire or next to the fire. As we begin to hate iniquity and love righteousness, WE MUST BECOME THE FIRE. If you’re in winter, come up higher.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

86LHCD8-2 – Tommy Cook – GOING TO THE FATHER
A message with a vision! Our path is to the Father – “Where I am, there you may be also.” “I am in the Father.” The place that is being prepared for us is “in the Father.” It’s not without trials, sufferings, and testings that we attain that position where when Satan comes he can find nothing in us but Jesus. “There is a people that will remain on the earth,” Jesus says, people that are moving into the Father, the remnant that’s hearing the trumpet sound! Don’t lose sight of your destination. This message will keep you on the right track.

Steve Bell
Deliverance Ministry

86LHCD8-3A – Steve Bell – A WOUNDED SPIRIT 1-of-2
86LHCD8-3B – Steve Bell – A WOUNDED SPIRIT 2-of-2
A WOUNDED SPIRIT – What is a wounded spirit? Will time heal a wounded spirit? How does the spirit get wounded? Answers to these and other questions are revealed. With this information we can appropriate for our lives Christ’s provision on the cross – He was “wounded for us.” Deliverance ministry follows this teaching.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom

86LHCD8-4A – Jack Harris – THIS IS THE DAY OF RESTORATION 1-of-2
86LHCD8-4B – Jack Harris – THIS IS THE DAY OF RESTORATION 2-of-2
We are those that follow the Lamb wherever He goes. God’s eternal plan of the ages just keeps slowly grinding on toward the Kingdom. Nothing can stop it. God is testing those whom He has called, to see if they’ll be faithful. We’re going to press the enemy into a defensive position. If you hear deep calling to deep, know that you are a candidate for Zion. Come to Zion. Come to God with all your heart. What can we hope for? To reign with Him in his kingdom – to go through the processing of life and be matured and come into the image of Him. This is the day of revelation when all is being unfolded. Before now it wasn’t the time for our eyes to be opened. God is unfolding it just a little at a time, and keeps us grasping, reaching, and stretching out in this race, with patience. It’s only a matter of time – He’s already set His King in the Holy Hill of Zion!

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

God wants strong leadership in the Church. Ministers are to feed the flock – not fleece it. Leadership cannot manipulate the people of God to get something out of them. The spirit of Balaam causes priests and prophets to do everything for money. (Micah 3:11) Stand against it! Revelation talks of the doctrines and deeds of the Nicolaitans, where people cannot make decisions for themselves. When leaders take the place of the Holy Ghost, God hates it. Any kind of ungodly control is witchcraft, whether it is coming from men or women! “He who is great among you, let him be your servant.”

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

86LHCD8-6A Glen & Erma Miller 1-OF-2 – LISTEN UP! –
86LHCD8-6B Glen & Erma Miller 2-OF-2 – LISTEN UP! –
Contrary to popular opinion, curses are very real! Curses can come through disobedience to the Word of God. To protect ourselves from curses we must walk in obedience to His Word. Jesus became a curse for us, but we must appropriate that work in our lives – it’s not automatic. The occult is a direct rebellion against God. Contact with the occult may have occurred in childhood or it can come through previous generations. There are numerous types of occult involvement discussed in this message. It all must be renounced, the curses are broken, and the evil spirits cast out. There are too many quitters in the household of faith. God is looking for men and women who will get in there and get the job done! Casting out of evil spirits takes place at the conclusion of this message. Deliverance is not for the passive Christian – it’s for those who are determined to see God’s kingdom established.

Steve Bell
Deliverance Ministry

Do you understand how witchcraft operates in the church? How do you recognize its practices? What motivates Christians to become involved in witchcraft? Believe it or not, the primary reason is, “Because I feared the people” (I Sam. 15:24) Spirit-filled people begin to expect the supernatural to be manifested in their services. Can you discern if that prophet is prophesying a true, pure word from the Lord – or is it coming out of a soulish heart? (Ezek. 13:17) Are they prophesying because God has a word for the Body or because they know they’ll receive a better offering? Sorcery and divination are operating within the church – it behooves us to wake up to their activity! We all need to get cleaned out so we can minister in the purity of the Holy Spirit. We can’t force the miraculous or the supernatural!

James Golden
Missionary LHBC supported before he passed

86LHCD8-8 – James Golden – MEANS TO AN END
Bro. Golden’s wife, Murlene, testifies of the marvels of God’s provisions in their lives. God incredibly supplied finances on three separate occasions when “pack rat” nests were discovered. A tremendous witness of the sovereignty of God! God is showing us the end of the matter. It is our responsibility to keep in focus that end, and not become fascinated with the means to that end. Christians can easily become entrapped with the things around them, material belongings, even the working of miracles and spiritual gifts. They are all merely a means to an end.

Steve Bell
Deliverance Ministry

Many people received strong deliverance with this message. We must remember that warring in the flesh brings no victory – it’s the spiritual battles we’re to be concerned with. Principalities primarily rule over cities, states, nations, etc. They have an indirect influence on your life. Example: If you live in a city whose principality is pleasure, you could be easily lured into pleasure-seeking activities. The same would be true for lust, success, pride, etc. Our #1 worst enemy is oftentimes ourselves, with rejection being the tool the enemy uses to project self-rejection, self-condemnation, guilt, self-consciousness, unworthiness, self-accusation, etc. Much deliverance in the area of rejection took place.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

Hear the prophets! They are the voice of God in the land today. The true prophet knows the Lord, spends time in His throne room, and speaks in His nature, character, and authority. Beware! Many claims to be sent of the Lord but in actuality are of the flesh. You’ll know them by their fruits. II Chron. 36:16 says the people could not be healed because they mocked, despised and misused the prophets of God. The church that rejects the prophets rejects fresh revelation from God. The Lord will do nothing before He reveals His secrets to His prophets. Don’t miss the visitation of God!

Steve Bell
Deliverance Ministry

Excellent instruction on avoiding many after deliverance perils. Understand that you will be tested. Undoubtedly, the attack will be on your mind. Beware of symptoms you felt before you were delivered – the symptoms aren’t the demons or the diseases. Stay on the defensive – don’t wait until you’re on your hospital bed dying of cancer to start warfare! Pray in the Spirit – ALWAYS! Beware of driftings in your life – they’re lethal. Don’t blame the deliverance preacher if you allow something back in.

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