1983 Winter Camp Meeting

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1983 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

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1983 Mid-Winter Camp Music – NEW

Bob Mixon was a new speaker here for this camp and came with his wife Cathy. Bob was clearly able to speak to all age groups, not just the youth he normally spoke for. Enjoy his audio messages!

Also, some audios in this camp I found had some more of those voice dropouts again. It’s like the cassette tape had bits of oxide that flaked off. It sounds like half a word in places. Hopefully, you’ll get the gist of what was said during those times. Some praise songs had glitches too.

Note: Glen Miller, our founder also had removed a speaker from our cassette library many years ago. For this camp, it was cassette master #5, #8, #9, #11, #14, and #17 that’s not listed below.

1983 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

83LHCD12-1 – Erma Miller – LIVING STONES
God is building a house that will stand. He is building by His hands, with the living stones of man. Erma illustrates a clearer picture of lively stones using some of her own experiences in and with deliverance. With the anointing that is upon this message, many were delivered from problems in the mind, as well as the oppression that keeps us from being attentive to the Word of God.

God desires a people with a faithful heart; those who want to obey his commandments – not because they have to, but because they want to. In this message the benefits, promises, and advantages of keeping the commandments of the Lord are described. The Holy Spirit will enlighten us through the Word, and then we must turn with a repentant heart from being disobedient.

Bob Mixon

83LHCD12-3 – *Bob Mixon – NOW **Glen Miller – COMMUNION
*How many of us know that God loves us more than to do things our way? God is not moved by our emotions, yet He is well equipped to meet all of our needs. As you listen to this you will acquire a greater understanding of the divine character and personality of our God and witness to the truth of a “real” God, ministering to “real” people, with “real” needs. Ministry takes place for unforgiveness and bitterness, two things that continue to hinder and plague God’s people from going on. **Communion is an actual covenant God has made with His people. (Scriptures are given.) When we partake of communion, we must understand and know what we are doing, and not just do it to be seen of men or because it’s a ritual. With respect to 1 Cor. 11:27, it is better not to partake than to participate and bring the judgments and plagues of Leviticus and Deuteronomy upon us. When we take communion, we should be saying to the Lord, “Lord, I accept your covenant. I want to live by your covenant. I want to be what your covenant wants me to be.”

Bob Mixon

This indeed is a powerful message and reflects the fulfillment of God’s glory. Many will come to know Him, love Him, and serve Him in a deeper measure as you take these words to heart and begin to apply them to your life. We all know that salvation is not just an experience; it is a work that continues on a daily basis. We have to be trained through experience and nothing can substitute for the suffering we must go through, if we are to be made conformable to His image. Be sure and share this one with your friends.

#5 Cassette master was removed out of our library.

Bob Mixon

From the text of Phil. 3:1-20, Bob extracts gems of truth that bring us life. Examples are: vs. 8, Paul had a lot of unlearning to do and so do we; vs. 10, we should be desiring not just to know Him, but to experience that intimate knowing that He makes available to us; vs. 14, the word “press” is filtered and seen as an Olympic word—one that testifies to strain to reach the finish line in our Christian walk. Ministry to many individuals takes place at the conclusion of this message. Words of life and encouragement to all!

Bob Mixon

Because of the restoration of the tabernacle of David any man or woman, whosoever will come into the presence of the Lord to worship and adore, where before, the High Priest alone was able to stand. We are shown the temple in relationship to the ministry of the Lord, and our ministry is to Him, to salvation, and Holy Spirit baptism. Every local church needs the vision that they are part of a larger body. This message concludes with anointed ministry for release in praying in tongues, receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and Power Gifts.

#8 & #9 cassette masters were removed out of our library.

83LHCD12-10 – Bob Mixon – FIVE COMMITMENTS
Bob exhorts us to keep what God has done for us and not be guilty of needing deliverance or healing for the same thing over and over again! It is possible you know. If we are to be a part of this army that God is raising up, to represent Him in this last day, there must be a commitment in every vein of our relationship to Him. Five areas are examined and expounded upon to help you fulfill your part.

#11 cassette master was removed out of our library too.

Norman Parish
Kingdom Ministry, Bible Studies, & Deliverance

83LHCD12-12 – Norman Parish – The Elect of God 1-of-2
God’s elect – who are they? What is God’s purpose in having an elect people? These and other questions are addressed in this in depth Bible study of the Elect. The Elect are a people out of a people. Just as Moses, David, Paul and others were called out ones, so the Lord is forming a company of elect in this generation. His calling and election are related to his eternal purposes. It is characteristic of Him to enter into a covenant relationship with His called-out ones. Bro. Parish gives qualities to help us understand what kind of person God chooses for his Elect Company. Much that we see is based on the condition of the heart – those whose hearts are set towards God. It is interesting to note that in the years of experience Bro. Parish has had in ministering to people, he finds those who choose not to believe in deliverance most generally come to a standstill in their spiritual growth because deliverance is the door that opens us up to other revelation truths. The Elect ones will usher in the kingdom.

83LHCD12-13 – Bob Mixon – AS TRULY AS I LIVE
Don’t settle for what appears to you to be the best thing you’ve ever had because God’s still got more! Every generation that there is, has the opportunity to go in and take the land, and we are no exception. Are you determined and willing to first run the enemy out of “your land” and then take control and give the enemy no place in you? It takes commitment. Our will is the key. Too long have we believed the enemy when he tells us the land is unconquerable! Ministry is provided upon the conclusion of this message.

#14 cassette master was removed.

Norman Parish
Kingdom Ministry, Bible Studies, & Deliverance

83LHCD12-15 – Norman Parish – The Elect of God 2-of-2
The elect of God is sometimes called the Overcomers, First Fruits, or Man child Company. When they come forth they will literally shake the world. The best is yet to be seen. God is preparing these people now and they will be the most unlikely people. He will choose the foolish, the weak and the base. They are elected to fulfill God’s purpose. The Elect are going to rule and reign on the earth and execute judgment.

Glen Miller prefaces this message with a brief report about America; who she is, and what the Bible has to say about her. This information is needful to the Body of Christ. Bob shares with us such encouragement and the hope to hold on to the promises, and not to give up, for that which HE has promised, HE will bring to pass.

#17 cassette master was removed out of our library.

Norman Parish
Kingdom Ministry, Bible Studies, & Deliverance

83LHCD12-18A – Norman Parish – WILT THOU BE MADE WHOLE? 1-of-2
83LHCD12-18B – Norman Parish – WILT THOU BE MADE WHOLE? 2-of-2
There are many things that keep us from being made whole. One thing Bro. Parish went into very strongly was rebellion, which is deep seated and must be cast out.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

We can learn much from David’s life, though he was the most unlikely one for God to choose. His heart and mind were towards the Lord in service to HIM.

83LHCD12-20 – Charlene Fite & Erma Miller
Charlene shares the first half of this message on the Power of Tobacco. It’s history and the demonic bondage within her family. She ends with deliverance prayers.
Erma’s testimony is also given on this message concerning tobacco, cigarette, and pipe smoking, and the root of idolatry coming from the Indians. Deliverance service concludes this message with ministry specifically for addictions.

Glen said at the time this was the best sermon they had ever heard on Communion.

1983 Mid-Winter Camp Music

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