2009 Memorial Camp Meeting


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The Audio MP3 CD quality format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

It was established by the Lord in the early 1970’s, to be a place where families could come for prayer and to receive spiritual help. 

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month, both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Your donation support is vitally needed here.

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Read all about the founders of LHBC.

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Order # 09LHMP3CD-5A & 5B – DONATION $20.00

All 14 full messages from the Conference on two CD disks

Audio is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

Below is our mp3 podcast audio messages

Our podcast format is: – “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

Clear enough to conserve hosting space and add more mp3 audio files.




Any of these messages below are also available on

DVD Video


Bill Smith

Click on their name to see ther other free audio messages here.

Bill was in Mexico in March and saw a man in a wheel chair healed by God’s presence. He tells how God protected a man in a truck from running off the end of an uncompleted road – where seven people had already run off and were killed. God wants the TRUTH revealed today – not religion – but God’s revelation. We are moving in the realm of the Spirit today; we are being beheaded. He is raising up carbon copies of Him – Jesus is in us. Hab 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” God is telling us to dig deeper into the rock, Jesus. He is removing the flesh nature to fill us with more of Him. He is the true bread and we are eating of Him to be an exact copy – to reign with Jesus Christ. We are being changed from glory to glory into the same image by the spirit of the Lord. There is no place for the enemy in our households, we have dominion. We are becoming just like Him. We are on the winning team. We haven’t arrived until we get there. This is a battle of warfare. Learn to separate the precious from the vile. Everyday say, “God wash me, cleanse me, fill me.” We cannot be satisfied until we awake in His likeness.

Nathan & Janie Hopson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Healing is your inheritance in Christ. “And they shall recover.” (Mk 16:18) Everywhere Jesus went, He cast out demons and healed. When people want prayer, we don’t always deal with the sin question. Nathan shares an example of a young man God sovereignly healed who went back into the world and was in worse shape than before. Healing is always miraculous but not always instantaneous. Why do some receive and others not? Do we question or trust? He is still sovereign and commissions us to do good like Jesus. Signs follow those that believe. Nathan gives other reasons we don’t get healed: The abuse of our bodies as in eating and smoking; stress and anxiety (heart and stomach); if you worry, you die; if you don’t worry you die, so why worry? Overwork – not enough rest or sleep; living in unbelief. It is hard to overcome negative teaching and negative speaking. Quit claiming you have something (sickness or disease). It is imperative we learn to control the tongue. Speak life and not death; health and not illness. Refusal to acknowledge our sin leads to rebellion. Sin leads to more sin and ends in idolatry. Unforgiveness is a main root. Anger and hatred against people who have hurt you; low self esteem. It is hard to get healed with all this junk in you. Face the issues. Repent of all known sins, confess unknown sins. After dealing with these, healing and (I Jn 1:8-9) deliverance can be received. Christians, as a rule, do not really believe the Word of God. Prayer for healing follows..


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

If you are a “fretter” you have anger and anxiety. It is a state of mind. In the OT the word is “fret”. In the NT “anxiety” is used with the same meaning. These words are used 344 times in the Word. Much of this teaching comes from Ps 37. Geri shares many dictionary definitions for fret and anxious. Delight yourself means to be tender and pliable towards the Lord. She shares ways you can overcome fretting. Along with fretting comes being judgmental. God tells us to fret not because it is sin. Geri shares personal examples of her fretting experiences. If we rest in Him, He will carry us through. When we fret we are judging by what our eyes see. Remember, He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God is watching you; you never leave His sight. Evil is coming. When we fret; we do not believe the Word of God. We don’t get glory any other way except by repenting. God uses your circumstances to conform you into His image. You will either get bitter or better. Every sin we commit can be traced back to denying God. Geri shares some reasons why we fret with scripture references: Job 40:23, Isa 8:20, 21, I Sam 18:8, Prov 6:34, II Kings 19:28, Prov 19:3. She shares reasons why we shouldn’t fret because of evil doers; fretting grieves the Holy Spirit, destroys your witness, etc. Matt 6:25 be anxious for nothing. Stay submitted to God and you will fulfill your purpose. Geri closes with corporate prayers against fretting, anxiety, etc..


Jim & Alberta Landry

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD5-4A – Jim Landry – RELATIONSHIP 1-of-2
09LHCD5-4B – Jim Landry – RELATIONSHIP 2-of-2
We are called to God’s Army and He will supply our provisions. There are too many talkers and very few walkers in ministry. We must be able to accept and receive correction. We ought to be “body builders” for Jesus. There are too many loners, independents in this business. Jim begins with his testimony of starting in ministry. He has many mentors who will “rain on his parade”. Many in ministry today do not want relationships. We are working with the souls of men. We need help – we need each other. He shares scriptures about the first disciples who were deliverance workers. Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1, Mark 3:13, 14, Luke 19:37, 38. Jesus is foremost among the first deliverance workers in the Bible. He is our mentor and example, preaching the Kingdom, supernatural healing, deliverance, etc. You must know Jesus to be an effective deliverance minister. If you can’t support another man’s ministry, you are not capable of starting your own. Mark 6:7, 12 they preached repentance. It is absolutely necessary to receive healing. We need to network together so Jesus will be glorified. You can be under authority, but yet have liberty. Many more principles are given. The test of leadership is discipleship. Be greatly used for He is great. Don’t limit yourselves. Jim closes with many renunciation prayers and mass deliverance prayers.

Bill Smith

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD5-5 – Bill Smith – IT’S YOUR MOVE
God is waiting on you. You are not waiting on God. The hour has come for you and me. It’s your move! Rev 22:10 the time is at hand. We are overcoming the first death with the second death. It’s time we walk out of our limitations and into God. Rev 21:1-7 co-mingled together, living in the same Spirit, over comers. Phil 3:11 God’s telling us it is now. Don’t limit God. He is deity. We need to get all we can and can all we get. I Cor 15:20-22 we are children of light. In Adam, all die, in Christ all are made alive. Vs. 23, 24 there is a difference between authority and power. Bill gives illustration to explain. We’ve been given authority over all the enemy. God called us out. It’s your move! God doesn’t use “used to be’s”; He uses what is now. Rev 21:8 it’s time we move from the shadow into the substance. I Cor 6:16, 17, Rom 8:18, 19 it’s time that we show up in the authority of God. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. Where is the door? The Word says Jesus is the door! We are going to be set free, body, soul and spirit. God is opening up these seals as we read in Rev 22. Don’t limit God. We go in His power – not ours. Ps 66:10-12 God has brought us into a wealthy place in Him. God is ready for us to walk out on a limb and watch the tree fall. Speak the Words of God and He does the work. Remember God has already moved and it’s your move now.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


09LHCD5-6 – Carla Butaud – LYING SPIRIT
Pro 6:16 – two of the seven things God hates refers to lying. Geri shares many scriptures that deal with lying. In these end times the lying spirit is a major problem. In the coming days when we speak a lie, the Holy Spirit is going to convict right then just as it was with Ananias and Sapphira, and the true church grew. When you lie, you cannot hear God. We lie to our self if we think we can hide our iniquity from God. Some will hang on to family traditions rather than the truth of God. Pray for discernment to tell the difference between the truth and a lie, between true and false prophets and apostles and liars. If someone followed you around all the time would they see a real Christian or one living a lie? Read 11 Chr 18:20. Carla shares a personal example of an encounter with a lying spirit; how it will take your words, change them and give them to another. Lord, teach me how to live and walk in my spirit man. I Sam 17:42 the lying spirit that will try to make you believe a lie. David did not believe the lying spirit but refused it. Then there is one that makes you believe a thought, not God’s thought, wants to make you fearful; feeling affects the flesh and becomes a stronghold. I Jn 4:1 try the spirits. II Cor 10:13 cast down the imaginations. Bringing into captivity every thought. Carla closes with prayer against this spirit.

Jim & Alberta Landry

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


09LHCD5-7A – Jim Landry – THE CURSE OF EXPECTATION 1-of-2
09LHCD5-7B – Jim Landry – THE CURSE OF EXPECTATION 2-of-2
God give us ears to hear and eyes to see. We are in a war. He gives us enough victories to keep us going and enough losses to keep us depending on Him. If your expectation is low it could be there is a curse on your life. David expected to win over Goliath. The bear he fought represents the religious system and the lion represents the roar of pride. David had victory over these first. Ps 43:2 I expect God to be my protector. Jn 14:1, Ro 8:28 you must have faith and trust. Our provision must come from God and God alone. The curse of expectation affects believers, back sliders and unbelievers. Just because your mother had colon cancer doesn’t mean you should expect to have it. Fear robs you of faith. Job 3:25 fear is an open door for satanic activity, Gal 6:7, in our life. Is 48:22. People who have the curse of negative expectation learn to adjust their feelings; they gorge themselves with food, tobacco, sex, alcohol, etc. They are selfish and self centered. Many wrestle with lots of worry. Mt 6:25-34 Jesus spoke against worry and anxiety. Do we trust God? What are we expecting from God? Our expectation is to be in Him. Jim shares some personal examples of trusting God. The just live by faith and the unjust live by facts. The opposite of faith is fear. Jim shares many examples of expectations and asks the question: Is this faith or the curse of expectation? Satan and the demons are trying to get God’s people caught up in the world system in failure. Cast down strongholds and negative expectations. Do we trust the Lord? Jim closes with corporate prayers of mass deliverance from this spirit of the curse of expectation. Many were delivered and set free in this service.

Richard Tate.

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Gen 1:1 says in the beginning God … it’s just GOD. We don’t live like He is in us. In Gen 12:1-3 Abram knew God was talking to him. The Word is to give us peace with God not with ourselves. When God speaks to us and we get ready to go, not everything in our suitcase is good for us. God is more determined to get you in the Promised Land than you are. The wilderness is necessary in God’s economy; this is where we learn. The children of Israel got out of Israel but then came the wilderness which is there to get Egypt out of us. They needed to learn war in a controlled environment; they needed to learn rest but don’t get settled because they moved when the cloud moved. We have to learn to trust God when He isn’t talking. We learn obedience by what it costs us. Sometimes obedience hurts; but it changes us. The wilderness is not the end. Half the battle is knowing that it is a tunnel from glory to glory and not a cave. Three things we must know for our journey; put on all the armor of God, stand fast – resist the enemy and ourselves, begin to let the Holy Spirit live through you. Richard shares more scriptures with illustrations – Josh 7:1, 21, Ps 26:2, Num 14:28-31 We need to be tested, to see where the wickedness is in us. In closing he says where does that leave us? We must be like Caleb who stood for his family and Joshua who stood for the nation. You cannot let God loose in yourself as long as you hold on to yourself. You must deny yourself. Whatever comes on you prepares you for the Promised Land.



Tom & Dianne Stone.

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD5-9 – Tom Stone – THE LAW
We are dragging around baggage – our old self. There will be no old trunk or baggage in heaven. Mark 7:6 we are judge, pronouncer of the laws over us. We need to confess and renounce generational curses and be free. Repent, Jesus wants to make you whole like the one leper who returned to Jesus. We need a heart transplant. If you get free of anger and bitterness don?t go back and pick it up again. After a gall bladder is removed, the bitter gall remains and must be purged out to be made whole. What does your life put out? Murmuring and negative speech? The pride of life, lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes are killers. God’s Word is here to bring us into a personal relationship with Him. Repent of every little thing you have done. If you don’t deal with the person, or your problem, God will send you 10 more just like them or worse. Bind, loose and forgive. Tom shares a personal example of a childhood injury that resulted in anger and a physical problem. God keeps saying “grow up”, get on with the program. Today is a start of walking into the kingdom. Lev 17:10, Lev 17:1-15 ? blood made atonement for sin. Eating of blood – makes beastly violent behavior, opens to demons in the physical and Lupus. Lev 18:1, 5, 9, 30 – laws concerning the family. Through repentance, forgiveness, deliverance, you can be set free. Abstinence is the best answer concerning sexual sins. Meditate on God’s Word. A deliberate sin is iniquity. Repent, break covenant with all sin. Tom shares a personal experience of prayer for a house and casting out a demon of suicide that polluted the land and tormented the lady who moved in there. Keep God’s statutes and judgments and we will live and not die. Deliverance prayers follow.

Nathan & Janie Hopson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here..


The word: religion – is used 5 times in the NT; Acts 25:19, 26:5, Col 2:23, Jam 1:26, 27. Nathan shares a little on church history starting with Cain and Abel. Traditions overshadow God’s commandments. Let the wild fires alone, there are always enough blankets to put them out. It is better than no fire. I Cor. 8:9, 10 several modern traditions are described from their beginning. I Cor. 10:14 avoid idolatry, anything between you and God. Demons seek to deceive believers. Doctrines not true to God’s Word are doctrines of demons. Vs. 33 – Ask God to reveal any religious spirits operating in your life. Seducing spirits are coming into churches today. Men would rather be right than righteous. Nathan shares individual aspects of religious spirits; the spirit of Cain – Gen. 4:1-15 – lying, under a curse – rebellion; the spirit of Korah – Num 16:1-50 – jealousy – would not come under authority; the spirit of Jezebel – I Kings 19:2 – manipulation, witchcraft, etc.; the spirit of Eli – compromise, did not call sin what it is; the spirit of Diotrephes – III John 9, 10 – pride, critical of those in leadership, egotistical, controlling, unteachable. Others mentioned were Saul, Alexander, Ananias and Sapphira, Absalom, and Ahab. It is imperative we get free of deception. Nathan closes with corporate deliverance ministry prayers.


Richard Tate

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here. 

09LHCD5-11 – Richard Tate – ARE YOU A SOLDIER?
II Tim 2:1-3 there is no way to get away from real battle. Acts 16:1-3. The first soldier Richard shares about is Timothy. Timothy was obedient. God is not looking for generals, He is looking for soldiers. Any job that is honest is honorable. We must do all as unto the Lord. God’s Kingdom is made up of servants, priests, warriors. It wasn’t easy for Timothy to go with Paul. The other soldier Richard shares about is Mark. He and Barnabas were relatives and they were close. II Tim 4:11 these two young men, Timothy and Mark, were from different backgrounds but that didn’t matter – they endured and were obedient. They did not start out having anything or doing anything, they just walked before the Lord and were soldiers who persevered. It cost Timothy to go with Paul. When you are in the army you have to watch out for each other. As a soldier you have someone who tells you what to do. Jesus always said, “if you keep My commandments”. His enemies in the OT were His enemies in the NT. Both of these young men set examples for us. They persevered. It is not about how quick you can get there, it is that you get there. They never looked for position, title, recognition, etc. Richard shares personal experiences and examples of being a good soldier. John 14:26, Matt 12:43-45. In closing Richard explains about closing the front door and the back door of our minds to demons and giving Jesus the key. Rev. 3 – the front door doesn’t have a handle on the outside. Watch your back door. Prayer for your “doors” follows.

Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here. 

God wants to heal brokenness in our lives. All our life we walk around carrying a lot of garbage. When we get free and it begins to fall off we can walk in freedom. Carla shares, that looking back in her life, the events were prophetic events. Philemon 10:21 forgiveness is the key for everything you are pursuing in God’s Kingdom. She shares a personal testimony of her mother and father and their response toward her; rejection in the womb. The unloving spirit will not allow us to receive or express love as we would like to. Abortion opens you to an unloving spirit. God wants to do a healing between mothers and daughters. Carla says the beginning of 4 years of depression for her was anger towards God. Anger sets up problems in female organs. Ask the Lord to show you female problems in all close relatives where spirits may come down in family lines. Prayer for hidden anger follows; hidden things not dealt with. Ask God to forgive. Isaiah 53 Jesus took our sorrows and hurt. Carla speaks deliverance prayers for all female disorders, all spirits of regret. Diabetes can be caused by abandonment, rejection; the body cannot receive sugar. Rejection causes you to respond so that you are rejected. Carla allows questions and discussion concerning Alzheimer’s disease from the audience. If you have a problem in your life, ask if you have judged another with the same problem. Cast down word curses; the secret shameful things that cause things to keep coming down the family lines.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here..

If we are not worshipping the Lord we worship the beast. Lev 14:44, Rev 16:2. Press into God to look for spiritual answers to physical problems. You must find the spiritual root of why you are sick. God uses this to discipline his children. I Pet 2:24 – by the stripes of Jesus you are healed. The sanctification process takes a lifetime. Every ritual practiced by the masons, eastern star, woodmen of the world, etc. is building a temple for the beast. We must die to ourselves. Geri shares definitions of malignant and sores. Two reasons why people get sick are toxins in their body and toxic emotions. Sin opens you up to worship the beast. We are either obeying God or obeying the devil. Your nose has to do with judgment. A critical spirit is just misguided discernment. Rom 1:21 is talking about believers. She shares some reasons we worship the beast; we fear man more than God, worship man more than God – when we obey the demons in another we worship the beast; judging, through masonic groups, etc., sexual perversion inside or outside the marriage, rebellion, signs of the times, toxic emotions – anger, bitterness, fear, etc. She shares consequences of worshipping the beast such as sores – Lev 22:22, curses – Deut 28: 35, and others with scripture. When you judge someone else you are being self-righteous. Geri closes with corporate repentance prayers to renounce worshipping the beast.


Jane Hunt 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

09LHCD5-3L – Jane Hunt – BITTERNESS
There are three things we can do with bitterness-1) ignore it 2) argue with it 3) disobey it. Jane uses the first chapter of Ruth for this teaching. Ruth made some bad decisions which lead to bitterness. Naomi left home, went to a foreign country and lost two sons. When we run from our problems we come into a spiritual famine and bitterness. When we endure, sometimes we get bitter and hard. We need to take responsibility for our own actions. If a man says he has no sin he deceives himself. Rom 8:28 We can use our trials to work for our good and God can get the glory for it. She tells us the story of Elimelech. There are 3 testimonies in the story of Ruth: Naomi – who covered up, Orphah – who gave up and Ruth who prepared to stand up, she trusted God. Jane explains each of these. Bitterness can change your looks and affect your personality. The root of bitterness will not only defile us but the people around us. Bitterness can be accompanied by self-pity and can lower your resistance. Jane closes with corporate deliverance against bitterness.


Any of these messages above are also available on

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**  New mp3 Audio This Month  **

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry.

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!,

Read all about the founders of LHBC.

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