2016 Thanksgiving Camp Meeting

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Published on: September 26, 2017


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2016 Thanksgiving Camp Meeting

All 8 messages of the 2016 Thanksgiving Camp Meeting in MP3 format on 1 CD disk – Donation $10.00.  Order # 16LHMP3CD11


Nickie Pinson 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

16LHCD11-1 – Nickie Pinson – WHOSE KINGDOM ARE YOU IN?
If you are not alive in Christ you are not in His Kingdom. This Kingdom is populated with people who have beautiful feet because they preach the Gospel. Citizens of God’s Kingdom speak truth, love good and hate evil. Because they trust in the Lord, they dwell in the land and shall be fed. They are just passing through Caesar’s Kingdom. Kingdom of God people know that tithes come out first, then they pay their bills. The love of God dwells in them as citizens of the Kingdom of God. Kingdom people bear one another’s burdens, restore one another, do not think too highly of themselves, and they take care of their pastors. They do not know each other after the flesh but after the Spirit. The citizens of the Kingdom of God seek after the gifts of the Holy Ghost. They have poor, broken and contrite hearts and spirits and they tremble at God’s Word. Kingdom people weep before their God because of their sins. They seek the Joy that is set before them. Their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Personal ministry follows this teaching.

Deborah Vails 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

We must first identify demonic strongholds, expose them, and take them apart. PRIDE (Leviathan): disobedience, rebellion. LYING: gossip, tale-bearing, flattery, slander. FEAR: torment, anxiety, worry. BONDAGE: addictions. INFIRMITY: all forms of disease. DUMB AND DEAF SPIRIT: physically and spiritually mute and deaf. JEALOUSY: cruel spirit, competition, murderous. FAMILIAR: peeps, mutters and whispers to deceive. DIVINATION: drawing from the wrong spirit (Python), constricts, hinders and deceives. WHOREDOM: unfaithfulness, dissatisfaction, worldliness. PERVERSION: evil actions, filthy mind, chronic worrier. SEDUCING SPIRIT: (Jezebel) draws you away from truth. ERROR: un-submissive spirit, unteachable, contentious, defensiveness, argumentative. HEAVINESS: excessive mourning, self-pity, despair, depression. ANTI-CHRIST: denies the deity of Jesus, a deceiver, promotes lawlessness. DEATH: life and death is in the power of the tongue. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Kyle & David Nees

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

16LHCD11-3 – David Nees – REFINED IN OUR FIRE
God is going to bring you through your trials, not away from your trials. You will be changed in the midst of trials, despite the circumstances. These fiery trials purify us and shape us into the image of Christ. Turn off the fear-mongering TV. God wants to silence all that and deal with your heart today. Minister to others out of the love of God and His light that shines within you. Hear Him pleading with your heart. As God refines you in the fire, get strength when you fix your eyes on Him at the Cross. He will be with you even to the end of the age. If you are not getting set free, maybe you need to stop playing games with God. You need to crucify the lust of the flesh daily if you want to get set completely free. You need a pure heart in order to not crumble under the pressure of the enemy and the pressures of this world. Only a pure heart is useful for His purpose, broken so you can be poured out. When you can say you desire nothing in the earth more than Him, then He can be glorified in you. Personal ministry followed this teaching.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

16LHCD11-4A – Geri McGhee – THE WISE OR FOOLISH VIRGINS 1-of-2
16LHCD11-4B – Geri McGhee – THE WISE OR FOOLISH VIRGINS 2-of-2
Mathew 25 tells about the wise and foolish virgins. This applies to both men and women. The virgins are supposed to be the pure bride of Christ, those who enter into a covenant relationship with Jesus. He is coming for a pure Bride, full of the Holy Spirit. Characteristics of the wise and foolish are named in Psalms and Proverbs. The foolish virgins are simple, silly, easily seduced, showing a lack of sense, foolish in actions and speech and they babble non-stop, are arrogant and careless. But the wise have the power of discernment, and judge properly as to what is true, discretion, prudent, knowing the Word of God, a disciple. The wise person will hide the Word of God in his heart, will try to increase in learning, will accept wise counsel, will live soberly. A wise person will love you if you correct them but a fool will hate you. So stay yielded to the Potter, abide in Christ, keep on confessing your sins, line up your life according to the Word of God and He will change you into His likeness. Deliverance prayers follow this message.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

Personality is that which constitutes an individual, a distinct person, individuality. Demons have personalities. If you do not know that “it” is a demon, then you think “it” is you. We have many “things” coming down the generational lines that define who we think we are, but that is not who God created us to be. Disorder means lack of order, tumult, commotion, disturbance, agitation, usually accompanied with great noise or uproar, confusion, violence, irregularity in the functions of the brain, derangement of the intellect, disturbed natural functions, sickness. You can begin to know “it”, what evil spirit you are dealing with, by the way “it” acts. “It” acts the same in every person. Without the ministry of casting out demons there are only three things you can do with “it”…medicate a person, punish with jail time, or take authority and cast “it” out. Break the power of generational curses, familiar spirits and soul ties, forgive, repent, and be set free. Go for the miracle! Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008

Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013

Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

Unbelief is one of the greatest barriers to healing because you have to have a clear conscience in order to believe God and receive His gift of faith. Beware of thoughts of doubt. Break generational curses of rebellion against God. Through perfectionism you can put a heavy yoke of stress on you own neck. A spirit of fear is at the root of auto-immune diseases. Another barrier to healing is leading a life that does not bear fruit for the Kingdom of God. If you “stuff” your emotions, that will cause abdominal problems. Do your best to stay free of prescription drugs because every side effect is another disease. Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue, and as you think in your heart, so your soul will prosper and you will be in good health. Anger, bitterness and unforgiveness lead to disease. Occult worship, involvement, covenants and articles lead to disease and death. The list goes on and on. Diligently search God’s Word to find more barriers to healing, then deeply repent. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Deborah Vails 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

God is rallying the Church, intercessors and warriors. Our intercession training has been like a military operation. We literally have an Alert Roster. No more silent compromise no matter what opposition or persecution may come. God is saying, “Stand up if you are on the Lord’s side!” Hell is hot and demons are real. When we go through an overwhelming storm of life, something inside of us says, “If I can just get there…get to the house of the Lord one more time, the storm will alleviate”. God is going to give us another chance to get it right. God will take us to it and He will take us through it. Now Church, stand up! We have to come together and put down our differences. God is going to use the events of the world to get the Church right. We will not bow down to the threats of the enemy. Perilous times come to make us strong. We will go into the fire bound, but we will come out free. Our enemies will be defeated by the fire and God will be glorified in the Earth. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching. (There is no DVD available for this teaching)


Nickie Pinson 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages.

16LHCD11-8 – Nickie Pinson – THE POWER OF GOD
Acts 8:18 We are not going to make it without this Holy Ghost power. The reason this nation is in bad shape is because there is no power in the Churches. For the most part, what calls itself the Church is just like the rest of the world, even trying to act like the world to attract people…marketing the Church and using high profile personalities to attract “customers”. The power from on High must be granted by the Holy Spirit when there is a need for it. Jesus’ last word to us from His Father was to tarry (sit down, sojourn, wait for it, settle down, abide, dwell in, remain or stay as in a place, to inhabit, to temporarily dwell, linger, halt, to be in readiness for, to remain inactive in a state of repose, rest, peace, calm, tranquility, until something expected happens, anticipate, look for, remain neglected for a while) for the power from on high. As we wait, the Lord will clean the junk out of our life and bring us into submission. Do not give up while you are waiting on God for His promise to come to pass. Personal ministry follows this teaching.


Debra Vails – DVD Video and CD

Carla Butaud – DVD Video and CD

Geri McGhee – DVD video and CD

Nickie Pinson – DVD Video and CD




**  New mp3 Audio This Month  **

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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

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Jesus is Your Deliverer!

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

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We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!,

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