Joe Williams

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Joe Williams used to visit Glen & Erma Miller and stay in their home in California. That’s where I first met him.

When the Millers & I moved to Arkansas in 1973, Joe would come to stay with Glen and Erma on this campground. Glen and Erma had bought a new double wide mobile home. This was long before the main dorms, cabin building, and the A-Frame office were built. Glen and Erma did later build their own home on the campground in the early 1990s with money they inherited. The original chapel was built in 1974 to start having camp meetings. Joe Williams would come and spend part of spring or summer with them.

Joe William’s life was about personal repenting to gain authority to pray for others. Deliverance ministry is an ongoing walk with the Lord, and not a one-time event.  Repentance is not out of style. There is so much healing that will come to us if we will just humble ourselves in His presence and tell him everything. All the stuff that hinders you. Also, any ill-will that comes up in your heart when you get around certain people that presses your buttons. You don’t want to ignore all that. All of that should be confessed as sin. Then apply the blood of Jesus. There were times where remembrances kept coming back to me, I felt there must be another area I have not truly repented deep enough. When God starts changing your heart. People will feel it. You’ll then give the Lord all the glory knowing He’s the one doing this deliverance work in you.

One time I’ll never forget Joe speaking about staying with some folks.
They had a sick cat named Tommy. Joe prayed for the cat. But the next day the cat was worse. Joe said he asked the Lord why He didn’t heal Tommy? The Lord spoke to Joe and said, “You don’t have any authority to pray for cats”. Joe then asked the Lord, well, why don’t I have any authority? The Lord showed him his memories of how he used to abuse cats. Flipping them over, and throwing them up in the air just to see if they would land on their feet. When he started repenting of what he did, Joe said, more and more cats kept coming to his mind. After a time of repentance, he then asked the Lord, do I now have authority to pray for Tommy? The Lord said Yes! So he prayed again for the cat and the Lord healed Tommy.

Joe William’s whole life was about personal repenting to gain authority to pray for people. He was just another one of God’s anointed jewels!

I still hope to find this cassette or original reel master of this testimony. It was a meeting Glen & Erma was having in their home. I was using a separate microphone hooked to my own reel to reel tape recorder. That’s the master I used to make cassette copies. Both are missing. I would love to find it, or even a copy to convert to mp3 to post here. Kevin, LHBC staff

Below is taken from the 1979 Summer Camp Meeting.

79LHCD6-8 – Joe Williams – SIN: SATAN’S GROUNDS
Deep repentance brings deliverance. Satan has legal rights because we have given them to him, we have submitted to him, and allowed him mastery over us. Jesus is the way out. He is the only answer to set you free from the powerhouse of sin. Victory is when we get to the place where all we want is Jesus. Don’t be afraid to confess your sin – humble yourself before God.

79LHCD6-16 – Joe Williams – SIN: SATAN’S BASIC POWER
Satan came into the human race on the basis of sin – disobedience to God. Sin is anything that you think or do which is displeasing to the Lord. Sin gives the enemy rights in your life. Repentance breaks his power over you.

God has equipped us with the same power and anointing that He gave Jesus in order that we might carry on the work He started – sharing Jesus with a lost and dying humanity. See Jesus revealed as you hear these words.

Below is taken from the 1979 Labor Day Camp Meeting.

79LHCD9-2 – Joe Williams – HOPE FOR THE WORLD
Jesus is bigger than any of your needs. He has no problems – only answers. He wants us to come to that place where we are totally dependent on Him for our every need. He is the way out of the chaos and sorrow that is in the world. Jesus is the one to whom we must come.

79LHCD9-5 – Joe Williams – LET GOD JUDGE
There are times when we all get somewhat out of step. We don’t need someone to come along with a club and beat us, but we need one who will pour a little oil into us that we might be healed. Let us not condemn one another, but learn to love. Let God be our Judge.

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Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

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