2001 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

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 The 2001 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

Clement Humbard
Click above for other podcast messages.

Every promise of God is conditional. He will be with us in proportion as we obey His divine Word. In Jesus’ day, Christians were known as disciples. The word Christian is mentioned in the Bible only 3 times, but disciple is used 265 in the New Testament alone. Discipleship means obedience, submission; it is the greatest thing that is discussed the least. The discipleship message is New Testament Christianity – there is no other message Jesus taught.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
Click above for other podcast messages.

01LHCD12-2 – Mildred Coffey – UNFORGIVENESS
Lots of times we say we forgive, but we don’t repent of having held unforgiveness. Jesus forgave us everything, so we have no right to hold anything against anyone. Holding anything against even one person will create an open door for demons. If you continue to remember their fault after you say you’ve forgiven, then you haven’t forgiven. As long as you hold unforgiveness towards anyone, you’re binding yourself to them. You can’t bless the LORD, or receive His healing with unforgiveness in your heart.

Glen & Erma Miller
Click above for other podcast messages.

01LHCD12-3 – Glen Miller – GOD SAID – THOU SHALT NOT
Many of the problems we have in our country today have been caused because we were never taught what God said. There are many statutes that God has written in His Word that many people are unaware of, and not obeying these laws can bring a curse on your family for generations. We are commanded to follow all of His statutes, the dietary laws, the sexual laws, and in doing so our days, and the days of our children shall be multiplied.

Clement Humbard
(Were missing # 4 cassette Master)

01LHCD12-4 – Clement Humbard – GOD’S MAN OF DESTINY
You are a person of destiny. God took up the human nature that we could take up the divine nature. We have the mind of Christ – claim it! Clement defines the seven spirits of the seven-fold spirit – wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, faith, and love. He also discusses the gifts, administrations, and operations of the Holy Spirit. If you deny any of these, you deny the Father.

Rod Johnson
Click above for other podcast messages.

01LHCD12-5 – Rod Johnson – BECOMING HIS BRIDE
Ours is the privilege of living in heaven on earth. We are the body of Christ. Our job is to minister to the body of Christ, until we all become one. You must walk in the Word of the Lord to walk in the joy and victory of the Lord. We must learn to come together in the unity of the spirit. Though we live in the world, we walk in His light. Though He has us go through tribulations, He is preparing us to be His bride.

 Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003
Dr. William Null  – 2004 to 2008
Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
Click above for other podcast messages.


01LHCD12-6 – Dr. William Null – THE WORDS YOU SPEAK
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21. The tongue is the launching pad for blessings or curses. There are two ways of speaking – you can speak in the Holy Spirit, or you can speak from your soul. When you seek vengeance upon someone, you are putting a curse on yourself because you are robbing God of what is His. Doc uses scriptural examples showing how parents can curse their children and how spouses can curse each other.

Clement Humbard 

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01LHCD12-7 – Clement Humbard – WHAT IS MAN?
We are the greatest handiwork of God. We were created in His image as an eternal spirit – a soul that inhabits a physical body. We are possessors – we are more than conquerors. Clement gives us inspiring Scripture on the nature of man and his purpose in the world for the LORD. We must learn to love each other, to look out for each other. He is the chief cornerstone and we are lively stones in a spiritual building!

 Rod Johnson

Click on name for other podcast messages.

From the moment of conception, you receive spirits through the bloodline. Spirits of rejection are received even while in the womb. They are fed and reaffirmed during life. Rejection wounds the soul. There are many ways this spirit can be manifested. Our Lord has a house of security provided for us. You have been adopted – you are the son of God!

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003

Dr. William Null  – 2004 to 2008

Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s

Click on name for other podcast messages.

We have a rebellious nature we inherited through our father Adam. Rejection entered mankind in the Garden of Eden. Rejection often can be manifested in rebellion through pride. He has adopted us and made us a child of the Living God. We are chosen, destined to be a Holy people – no longer rejected! Includes group prayer and deliverance from rejection and its manifestations.

Howard Pittman

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01LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – BACK FROM DEATHS GRIP
Published author Bro. Pittman shares with us his experiences while being declared legally dead. He shares his background, as a police officer and a Christian, yet he had no experience with demons or the supernatural. He describes being in the Veil, the darkness, and the spirits that spoke to him there, and going to the other side, until God returned him to his body. Even if you have heard his testimony before, it is a unique and inspiring message.

Rod Johnson

.Click on name for other podcast messages.

01LHCD12-11 – Rod Johnson – THE SPIRIT OF FEAR
God has not given you a spirit of fear, therefore if you have a spirit of fear, it is demonic. God cannot set us free from our memories, for He created them, but He can set us free from the pain of the memories. The first step is to recognize that you’re hiding painful areas from God. Many times, our parents feed our spirit of fear when we are young, we must forgive our parents. You must be willing to recognize that you have a spirit of fear and be willing to deal with it.

Jim & Mildred Coffey

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01LHCD12-12 – Mildred Coffey – ABOMINATIONS
Anything that comes between you and God is an idol. Even your children or grand children can become an idol. We must also be careful about what we bring in our homes too. Pray over and break the curses off any thing you purchase that you question its origins, or you can become a cursed thing like it. Mildred also reminds us of the food law to not eat blood or fat. If we’re to be obedient to the Word of God we must obey it.

Howard Pittman

.Click on name for other podcast messages.


01LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – SATAN’S KINGDOM
While being declared legally dead, Bro. Pittman passed through the Veil and was allowed to see the workings of demons in the physical world. No spirit is all knowing or omnipotent, so satan formed a spiritual government, dividing creation into territories and put a prince to rule with a counsel. He describes the actions of a frog-like demon in our world, one of the major demons working in the world today.

Clement Humbard

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01LHCD12-14 – Clement Humbard – FAITH FOR THE END TIME
There are promises in God’s Word that have not yet been fulfilled. Faith is not the power of positive believing, that is humanistic faith. The next level of faith is inspiration of faith. God is expecting the people of the end time to have the greatest faith ever on the earth. Without faith we cannot please God regardless of what we do. If our faith is in God, and God is unlimited, then our faith is unlimited. God works by the law of faith – all things are possible to him that believe.

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003

Dr. William Null  – 2004 to 2008

Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
Click on their name for other podcast messages.

Rejection is a lack or withholding of love. It can also take the form of fear of rejection and self-rejection. How does rejection manifest itself in your life? The first sign is a withdrawal; lust will often be used as a substitute for love. Bitterness and rebellion are also closely related to rejection, and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. It can even lead to delusion and splitting of your soul. Deliverance is not an event in your life, – it’s a lifetime of overcoming everything that wants to keep you defeated.

Chris Simpson
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01LHCD12-16A –
01LHCD12-16B –
Keeping God’s Word will provide a length of days, He does not want our lives to be cut short. Dishonoring our parents can bring sickness and curses. Even television can allow the entrance of demons. Adopting a disciplined regimen of fasting should be an important part of our spiritual life. Many times people with a spirit of pride will not come in for deliverance. We must have a meek and teachable attitude in order to be healed.

Chris Simpson

Click on their name for other podcast messages.

Many times, but not all, demons are involved with sickness. Sickness and disease can also be related to sin. Often the spirit of infirmity can hide with other spirits. Pride, bitterness, or unforgiveness are often causes of illness. The root could also be generational. You need to pray for discernment, being quiet often enables the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When you walk in righteousness, you can withstand the illness, and you increase the ability of the Lord to heal you.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
Click on their name for other podcast messages

01LHCD12-18 – Mildred Coffey – THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB
We need to know who we are in Jesus, and how to appropriate the Blood in warfare. The first blood was shed when Adam and Eve made clothes for themselves from animal fur. The blood of a lamb was put on the doorpost for protection. If the blood of an animal would protect from destruction, how much more the blood of Jesus! We have the authority to come against the enemy and appropriate the blood.

Clement Humbard
Click on their name for other podcast messages

Chris Simpson
Click on the name above for other podcast messages

01LHCD12-19 – Clement Humbard – GETHSEMANE – GABBATHA – GALGATHA
Chris Simpson – BLESS THE LORD – Join us for the Watchnight Service and communion, beginning with praise and worship in song led by Christel Beckley and Bob and Juanita Banker. God never speaks unless it is for instant obedience. If you want to be a part of the Shekinah Glory when it comes, you need to fall into your Gethsemane and follow Him to your Gabbatha – your judgment hall. Chris talks about how to have a demon – free day. How? To bless the Lord at all times! Daniel made a commitment to stop and worship the Lord three times a day.

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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

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Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – Central Standard Time.

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

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