2013 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

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Published on: October 12, 2017



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The 2013 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

Order Disk # 13LHMP3CD12

The 2013 WINTER CAMP MEETING on  just 1 MP3 CD

All 12 messages in MP3 format on 1 disk (Donation – $10.00)



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Howard Pittman

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD12-1A – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 1-of-2
13LHCD12-1B – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 2-of-2
Brother Pittman begins his testimony by recalling the events of his life from his birth in 1928 during the Depression. It is interesting to hear how people got along without electricity, telephones, cars and television. Sunday School and Church attendance were central to his life experience from his youth all the way to adulthood. He lived a life of caring and service as a soldier, pastor, preacher, foster parent and police officer. In the Fall of 1979, as he was about to enter the political arena, the main trunk artery in his body cavity ruptured, causing a devastating blood loss. In spite of the best efforts of local medical teams, his body died. For 15 minutes he was in the Veil between heaven and earth. He refused to obey the devil’s lovely voice encouraging him to quit breathing and die. Then angels escorted him through the Veil into God’s marvelous light. He saw the heavenly highway of the redeemed. Sadly, the Eternal Judge was not pleased with Brother Pittman’s life because he had been in Christian service to meet his own selfish ambition, not for the Glory of the Lord. In the balance of this dramatic message Brother Pittman tells us in great detail how his life was changed forever. He gives five points for the Church today so the fire of salvation will burn the world out of us.


Nickie Pinson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


13LHCD12-2 – Nickie Pinson – THE SEPARATENESS OF THE SAINTS (Part 1)
These are some of the meanings of “separateness”: to keep apart or to divide, set apart, disconnect, disassociate, to remove or sever from an association, to part company, to withdraw from personal association, detach, exist or maintain independently, to be secluded, to be isolated. It is to live a hidden life. You need to spend time alone with God and separate yourself unto Him. Every one of us is to be separated out for the work He has for us. If you get impatient with God and you go where God has not sent you, there will be many unwanted things and people that will attach to you there. If the cloud does not move, you do not move. You must have that altar of seclusion and isolation with God if you are ever going to be effective for God. Lot never built an altar…he depended on Abraham to approach God at his altar and then give “thus saith the Lord” to Lot. If some of your brethren do not seek the Lord at their own altar, do not allow them to drain you of your time and energy. A true servant of God will not confront others with an angry spirit but will humbly combat strife and immaturity with soft words. The power of the Holy Spirit will flow as you minister. Prayers and prophetic words follow this teaching. (There is no DVD for this service)


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008 

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD12-3 – Carla Butaud – BETRAYAL
Carla recounts the story in 2 Samuel 13 about Tamar and her unfortunate, devastating experience with her half-brother Ammon. Tamar was betrayed and made desolate. Recently Carla has been asking God why so many beautiful, available young Christian men and women of today are living lonely and desolate lives. Could it be that the sins of the fathers are being visited upon these sons and daughters? Generationally inherited effects of sin come down our blood line. These demons are known as familiar spirits. That means we will have manifestations in our lives as though we had committed those sins. We become desolate…the hated, the blamed, betrayed, shamed and shunned. We are taken captive by demons…swallowed up, made prisoners of war. A stupor comes upon a child who has been severely traumatized and betrayed by those they trusted to provide for and protect them. They fail to develop emotionally, often resulting in arrested development, multiple personality disorder, and repeated failures in relationships. You will be astonished as Carla describes many consequences in the spirit realm assigned to a person who has been betrayed. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Howard Pittman

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


13LHCD12-4 – Howard Pittman – THE 45 DAY MYSTERY
How can I be born again? It is a spiritual birth and it does mimic the physical birth of a three fold process…conception, development and delivery. In this teaching he develops the message in the book of Daniel about the last days for the Church. There is a mystery so terrible that Daniel stated that it would be a great blessing to those who made it through the 45 Days. In the book of Matthew, Jesus compares Daniel’s vision to the parable of the wheat and the tares. You have to be an expert to tell the difference. Tares are counterfeit of the real grain of wheat. This paints a picture of the church of Jesus. The devil plants tares in a fellowship to create discord…a host, a church member who is deceived and is a fake. In Matthew, Jesus tell us that whoever does the will of His Father who is in Heaven will enter into eternal life, otherwise he is considered a worker of iniquity. We must know Jesus Christ – we must have a personal relationship with Him. Our name has to be written in the Book of Life of the Lamb stating that we belong to Him. During the mysterious 45 days is when God’s angels will gather up the tares and remove them from the earth and the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ will begin.


Howard Pittman

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


13LHCD12-5 – Howard Pittman – WHERE WE GO AFTER DEATH
All over the world he has been bombarded with this question: “If there is an afterlife, where does the spirit of man go after physical death?” In 2 Corinthians 5:8, Paul stated that if you are a born again believer, at the moment your body dies you are present with the Lord. His Throne Room is in the Third Heaven. Brother Pittman describes the several heavens over this earth. Many people want eternal life but they do not want to give up their other gods. Pittman is convinced there are different levels of punishments in hell for those who do not belong to God…irrevocable sentences that must be carried out. That is why Jesus created the Heavenly Highway, a way of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it… Isaiah 35:8. Every generation of man has tried to deal with demon spirits. Only one group of people has been given authority to cast them out and that is Christians…and most of them reject this power. There will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth. Satan has a personal attack plan for every individual. This teaching gives vital information exposing the strategy of the kingdom of darkness to destroy us completely. Do not compromise your Christian principles…keep your light shining brightly. (There is no DVD for this service)


Nickie Pinson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD12-6 – Nickie Pinson – THE SEPARATENESS OF THE SAINTS (Part 2)
All through history there have been people who have lived a separated, hidden life. You have to obey God even though other people do not understand what you are doing. To be a washed, justified, sanctified saint you must be separate from this world, the works of the devil, from self, flesh and those who deny Christ. There is suffering that accompanies separation. We have been given to Christ by the Father. We are to behold His glory here and now on this earth. Only those who have Holy Spirit revelation can see Christ. As we behold Christ in the Spirit we are changed. We will not get into Heaven if we are not like Christ and you have to see Him to be like Him. It is a lifelong process of becoming changed into the image of Christ and it will happen until the day we die. Being one with Christ and being glorified with Him is only possible to those who suffer with Him. What is number one on God’s mind is that we become like His Son. Every son He receives, He chastens. If you ask, “What is going on?”…realize you are being conformed to the image of Christ. Lift up your heart to the Lord and allow Him to bless you as you live this separated life unto Him.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008 

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD12-7A – Carla Butaud – CONFLICT 1-of-2
13LHCD12-7B – Carla Butaud – CONFLICT 2-of-2
Carla begins her teaching out of the book of Philemon. Yes, people can change, but if you are in conflict with someone it is possible that you prevent them from changing by means of the damaging, descriptive words you continue to say about them. Because of condemning words, you will keep them locked into those unfavorable characteristics. When you have a conflict with a person, begin to pray and give them permission to allow God to change them. Scripture teaches that if it be possible, live peaceably with all men. It is not glorifying to God for conflict to continue, so we have to learn how to replace enmity with the love of God. Learn the difference between a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. A peacemaker will work to restore and reconcile peaceably. A peacekeeper will do anything or nothing just to keep the peace. Conflict is contention, strife, competition, striving to oppose or overcome, a struggling in the mind, distress, anxiety. It is not good to pretend that nothing is the matter, because in that way you become a hypocrite. Carla tells a delightful story about her experience with resolving a conflict with a sister in the Lord. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Carla Butaud 1-of-4  – 2004 – 2008

Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012 

Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014 

Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017 

Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


13LHCD12-8 – Carla Butaud – FAMILIAR SPIRITS
Webster Dictionary defines a familiar spirit as an intimate associate, companion, a spirit held to attend, serve or guard a person, characteristic of a family. We have familiar spirits that have been handed down our family line for generations. Fortunetellers, psychics and mediums can “wow” you with what they “know” because their familiar spirits communicate with your familiar spirits. In Deuteronomy 18:9 God gives us a clear command to have nothing to do with any form of witchcraft. Understand that evil spirits are attached to every book we read and movie or TV show we watch. Have we involved ourselves with something that has a death curse on it? Is that why we cannot receive healing? Galatians 5:16 … “Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, reveling…they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” Carla believes that all sickness is from the devil. In these days, these kinds of powers are going to intensify. Repent of your sins and forgive the sins of your forefathers. Take away the demons’ legal rights to afflict you. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Jane Hunt 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD12-9A – Jane Hunt – REVIVAL TIMES 1-of-2
13LHCD12-9B – Jane Hunt – REVIVAL TIMES 2-of-2
The Body of Christ means “the called out ones”…the ones who answer to a different government. Have you ever wondered what happened between the time of the apostles, the early church and now? Every wave of spiritual blessing seems to have a spiritual renewal in the generation in which it operates. God wants us to recover spiritual truths that He has for us…to bring His people into alignment with His Spirit and His Word. Jane tells us how the Church developed from its very beginning through the 4th century when Constantine put an end to the persecution of Christians, on through the Middle Ages and the following centuries to the present day Church in America. Whenever people prayed, spontaneous revival would come and sweep the entire nation. It took the spirit, fire and finger of God to bring revival…Holy Spirit electrified them with His Presence. Today in America God is trying to get the Church to wake up, but it has rolled over and gone back to sleep. If we had as much praying as we have preaching, revival would come and people would make Jesus Lord, be baptized in water and the Holy Spirit. Our desire should be for God to send His fire and move in us and bring revival to our land.


Nickie Pinson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

13LHCD12-10 – Nickie Pinson – WHO CONTROLS YOUR BODY?
The Scriptures have much to say about our body. What we do with our body, our deeds, prove who our father is. A father has power and influence over his children. Whose power and influence is your body under? The body is not disconnected from the salvation experience. We can not do whatever we want with our body. It has to be brought under the power of God our Father. One reason you are not getting anywhere with God is because you are withholding your body from Him. It is all of us or none of us…the complete person. You are deceived if you think you are your own boss. We have a Heavenly Father and we are under His power…body, soul and spirit. If you do not come under the power of the Father we will die in our sins. Whenever we join ourselves to another person we become one body with them. Whoever you give your body to is whose servant you are and they have power over you. The first temptation was aimed at Jesus’ body to see who was going to control it and the devil tempts us every day to see who will control our body. Many people have just a business relationship with God but He seeks intimate fellowship with us soul, spirit and body so allow the Holy Ghost to touch your body.


Nickie Pinson

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Psalm 91:3 “Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler.” A snare is a bird trap or anything serving to entrap unawares. A fowler traps by trickery, enticement or deceit. The devil is a fowler. He is a bait-layer, he catches and imprisons men, women, boys and girls in his trap by enticing and luring primarily through the flesh. For what overcomes a man, to that he is enslaved… morally enslaved to wickedness. When you catch yourself enslaved to anything, just break that off. If we want to be used in the ministry of deliverance we must be free ourselves from bondage to sin. They that bear the vessels of the Lord must be Holy. A person who is enslaved to sin cannot bring deliverance because the devil does not recognize or obey those who are his slaves and in bondage themselves. If you need the blessing of deliverance, ask God to grant you repentance so you can escape the snare of the fowler. Do not take the devil’s yoke ever again. Do not fall for his tricks and be ensnared. Instead, walk after the Spirit on the straight and narrow and be wise for the Lord’s name and His glory. Your ministry will come out of your relationship with God and the revelations He gives you.


Miscellaneous Speakers

13LHCD12-12 – *Zalmer Nichols / **Gail Bowen – *GOING DEEPER **THE GLORY OF GOD
*Brother Zalmer recounts stories about early revivals in America and the men and women who stirred it up. They were yielded vessels to God. Then Brother Zalmer teaches from Deuteronomy 11. The Israelites were instructed to place the Ten Commandments on their door post. Only people in covenant with God would come into their home and they were protected. We are in covenant. We could have our homes and families protected from the world as they did. Go deeper into God. When we are truly obedient, broken, and contrite the power of the Holy of the Spirit will radiate through us. **Sister Gail teaches us the brightness and splendor of God is known as the Shekinah Glory. We see the glory of God in nature all around us. God’s glory was in the wilderness with the cloud and pillar of fire. His glory was in the Holy of Holies of the finished Tabernacle. We know that Jesus is the glory of God. Now the glory of God is in us because He built His temple in us…Christ in us. We can pray anywhere and God is there. We are being transformed into the image of Christ…from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord…the manifestation of the Sons of God that the Father may be glorified..


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*Zalmer Nichols / **Gail Bowen - *GOING DEEPER **THE GLORY OF GOD
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