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Linda Sutter
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Audio dates listed are from older to newer. Example: 88 = 1988, etc.
Linda Sutter Music
Anointed music. Recorded in the later 1980s. Glen and Erma Miller and Linda Sutter were singing a playing their guitar. Later on, Erma Miller gave a Prophecy, then the singing started again.
Deliverance Song,
Written by Linda Sutter.
Called, “ Shout It Out ”
Ministered here at LHBC
Spirit of Asmodeus – By Linda Sutter Free PDF
87LHCD12-17 – *Linda Sutter – OUT OF CAPTIVITY / **Blanche Reynolds – DOUBLE PORTION OF A NEW BEGINNING
*The extension of God’s mercy, grace, and longsuffering is illustrated both in personal testimony and teaching from the book of Nehemiah. The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem is likened to His handiwork being performed upon the old ruins of our lives. Reflecting on this theme of restoration, one gains a sense of deep appreciation for the sovereignty of our God. **The kingdom of God won’t be seen through the eyes of the natural man; it must be viewed by the Spirit. When God calls you to drink of the Living Water there comes a time when you have to make a decision to no longer be desirous of the things of this world that have bound you. Only then can we come to the place where He becomes more important than anything in this earthly realm. There is yet a greater manifestation of Jesus Christ awaiting us! This service concludes with the watch night communion.
88LHCD7-2 – Linda Sutter – THE LAW OF GOD
The world’s emphasis upon individuals’ rights has programmed the body of Christ to have things “my way.” God is calling out a people who are willing to submit unconditionally to “His way.” They embrace the laws of God as a reflection of His love and mercy, given for our good. The enemy would keep you blinded to the true purposes of these laws with the flippant idea that “I’m not under the law; I’m under grace.” Allow the Lord to deal with that perversion of grace and reveal to you the true intent of His ways. The Holy Spirit will never lead you to break any of God’s Laws. But you can get willful and choose to yield your members to sin. Linda shares a pertinent vision the Lord recently gave her concerning how perversion is infiltrating the homes of this nation via the airwaves. Only by the blood of Jesus can your home be spared from the judgments of God that are about to come on this land. The Spirit of the Lord wants to bring repentance in YOUR LIFE. Sin over a little time causes you not to feel convicted about much of anything. Pretty soon people can’t tell you from anyone else in the world. We’re all going to give an account when we die. Better to learn to walk closer now. Cry out to Him. Let Him have your heart & life.
God is positioning His people in a place of authority in His Name to take the background. Various circumstances, which often are related to sin, have caused the land to be defiled. Such things as the Civil War, Indian occupation, witchcraft practices, abortion, and homosexuality are only a few examples of things that happened on the land which hinder the flow of the Spirit today. Just as the Word of Life is entering into the hearts and lives of the people of God to transform them the land must experience spiritual as well as physical redemption. Today the Blood of Jesus has been shed for total redemption. We have the privilege of breaking these strongholds and redeeming the land for the purposes of the kingdom of God.
88LHCD7-23 – Linda Sutter – LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU
The truth of the message of the kingdom of God is a glorious one, and God is graciously revealing more all the time. Those who are hearing what the Spirit is saying about this message are aware of the pitfalls of getting ahead of ourselves. The manifestation of the kingdom of God will come about only through a people who have sovereignty been made into the likeness of Jesus. They will have His attitudes. Their flesh will be crucified because they have been willing to be obedient unto death. Their minds will be wrapped in His righteousness with no trace of carnality. The Overcomers! This is the highest calling in Christ Jesus. Those who love Jesus more than this world and pay the price in total surrender to the Holy Spirit and His leading.
88LHCD9-11A – Linda Sutter – CLOTHED IN HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS 1-of-2
88LHCD9-11B – Linda Sutter – CLOTHED IN HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS 2-of-2
God’s glory is being revealed! He is dawning a new day, and a mighty army is appearing upon its horizon, arrayed in His righteousness, fully equipped to consummate His eternal purposes. As this remnant presses towards the face of their God, they are being changed to be like Him. As we tabernacle with Him. He causes our iniquities to pass from us and clothes us with His raiment. You saints of the Highest who have been strategically placed in seemingly obscure placements, some even in local churches, will be encouraged to remain faithful to the call of God upon your lives. Because you have set your love upon Him, He will deliver you! (This message also includes the entire individual ministry that took place at the end of the message.)
88LHCD12-2 – Linda Sutter & Glen Miller – I WILL PRAISE HIM
“Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk O Lord, in the light of thy countenance.” (Ps. 89:15) God is perfecting praise in His people. This service was literally “living praise.” The entire service consists of Glen reading Scriptures that declare the praises of God and Linda singing psalms and spiritual songs relating to the Scriptures he reads. Everyone was in one accord, singing and making melody in his heart to the Lord. See His glory revealed as you listen to this tape and enter into the flow of the Spirit, for the Lord inhabits the praises of His people.
Linda shares about her fall trip to the USSR and some of the warfare as well as the mercies of the Lord which her group encountered. The door is open and the Holy Spirit is moving behind the Iron Curtain. God’s purpose is still to have people who are undefiled by sin or by the practices of those around them. Even our land has been defiled, not by past events and by the current epidemic of abortion. If you see sin and don’t do anything about it, you are responsible. God forgives if we repent. No repentance, no forgiveness. There has been a laxness in our walk before the Lord, but God is changing that. A call to repentance and rededication concludes this message.
89LHCD7-11 – Linda Sutter – Deception In The Church And Music
Deception has entered the church because we have not put the emphasis we should upon “redemption.” Without shedding of blood there is no redemption. For every truth God has created, Satan has a counterfeit. There is a true moving of the Spirit and a false. Sis. Linda reveals how the gifts of God have been changed “a little bit” through deception and gives instruction on how to discern the difference between the things of God and deception. Secondly, deception has come in through music. Music is being sung that does not glorify God. A study on the pitfalls of minor-key music is presented in this message.
The powers of darkness that came against Jesus were primarily religious spirits and they are the ones that will try to kill our relationship with God, or at least stunt our growth. Sis. Linda uses Luke’s account of the institution of the Lord’s Supper and the crucifixion to illustrate how we may be bound, perhaps unknowingly, by religious spirits due to teachings which we have received in the past. She then discusses some of the ways in which these spirits work, including causing us to separate ourselves from the body of Christ and causing false teaching and belief about marriage and singleness.
89LHCD12-5 – Linda Sutter – REJECTION
Jesus can identify with your rejection. He was familiar with this enemy from before His birth to His death. He gave His life for redemption from all rejection. Linda emphasizes that the fullness of life comes as we concentrate on our union with Christ and His provision. Guard against feeding on the negative aspects of what rejection has done to you.
89LHCD12-24 – Linda Sutter – THE YEAR UZZIAH DIED
This is a message that will challenge you to search your heart to see if there are any Uzziahs residing there. God has been doing a cleansing and purifying in the lives of His people and, as we allow Him to continue, our spiritual senses will be opened to begin to hear His voice in a new capacity to know His will. The admonition is that we must let our Uzziahs die before we can see the Lord in the way He wants to reveal Himself to us. The last part of the message includes the communion service, with Glen presiding.
90LHCD5-8 – Linda Sutter – ON TO TABERNACLES
The service begins with a time of worship and personal ministry. In the message Sis. Linda shows how the feasts of Passover and Pentecost have been fulfilled in the life of Christ, but the perfection and holiness that God is calling us to can only be fulfilled as we press on to the feast of Tabernacles. This is the feast that is upon us — the only one that hasn’t been fulfilled historically. The message concludes with a call for us to be His light in the places where we live.
Because of the response to the article in the May-June 1990 issue of “Voices From His Excellent Glory” Sis. Linda spoke on the spirit of Asmodeus, going into greater detail than was given in the magazine. Asmodeus is a ruler demon and spirit of this age that, in addition to many other evils, breaks up marriages, prevents others from marrying at all, and is the spirit behind the women’s rights and gay rights movements. Deliverance prayer and ministry are given at the conclusion of the teaching.
Spirit of Asmodeus – By Linda Sutter Free PDF
Many times we see things happen and know something is wrong, but we don’t know exactly what it is or what causes it. This has been the case with many of the things that have been destroying marriages and families, seemingly with more frequency and intensity in the last few years. The revelation followed by research has provided the answer: the spirit of Asmodeus. This message includes information on his origins, history, functions, and manifestations. Many were set free during the deliverance session that follows the teaching.
If you have never married or have been in one failed relationship after another, you may be affected by the marriage breaking spirit, the “worst of demons” according to many ancient historians. Many times we think the reason for the break up of a marriage is infidelity, abuse, or excessive living. In this message, we learn that the ruling spirit over many lives is a king of demons and wants all marriages and potential relationships to fail. Sis. Linda details many of the identifying marks of this destroying demon and how you can be free.
90LHCD12-1 – Linda Sutter – HAVE YOU GROWN UP
Jesus is the pattern for us as we grow up in God. A baby is beautiful, but a five-year-old developmentally stuck in infancy is a tragedy. God is calling us to be placed as mature sons in His purposes.
90LHCD12-2 – Linda Sutter – PRAISE, WORSHIP & PRAYER
This is not a teaching service, but a time of extended worship and prayer from which all can benefit. Fill your home with the presence of the Lord!
90LHCD12-5 – Linda Sutter – SPIRIT OF REJECTION
No matter how many people accept us, rejection by one can overwhelm us. The woman at the well had ample cause to feel rejected, yet Jesus was able to minister to her and God was able to use her. We don’t have to stay bound either. Deliverance prayers conclude the service.
The office of a priest in a position of authority. One of the functions of a priest is to show God to the people. Before we can take that position or fulfill that function effectively, we must get rid of all rebellion and religious spirits. This teaching concludes with prayers of repentance and deliverance.
From Gethsemane to Calvary, Jesus shed His blood in 7 different ways. The blood breaks the curse on man and on the earth, renews minds, removes sin, heals bodies, sanctifies works, cleanses walks, and gives birth to the Bride of Christ. Many teachings have gone forth on the Blood of Jesus, but this message brings forth the truth that many have never heard. Deliverance prayers conclude the service.
90LHCD12-9.mp3 – Linda Sutter – HOW CAN SATAN HAVE RIGHTS
We need to learn to recognize the darts that Satan hurls at us, particularly in the area of the occult. We must also be aware of the things that cause “kinks in our armor” which allow the darts to penetrate. Prayer for deliverance from the occult concludes the service.
90LHCD12-20 – Linda Sutter – CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER
The Scriptures contain several strong warnings about those who will come to deceive us. We need to be alert to these things constantly in these last days. The battle is upon us. We must know our enemies and stand firm against them. The communion service is included in this message.
91LHCD3-8 – Linda Sutter – FAITH OF FANTASY
Many times we see things happen and know something is wrong, but we don’t know exactly what it is or what causes it. This has been the case with many of the things that have been destroying marriages and families, seemingly with more frequency and intensity in the last few years. The revelation followed by research has provided the answer: the spirit of Asmodeus. This message includes information on his origins, history, functions, and manifestations. Many were set free during the deliverance session that follows the teaching.
91LHCD7-2 – Linda Sutter – GOD’S PLAN FOR YOU
God has an individual plan for you that will fit in with what He is doing in the end time. Even if you’ve fallen, His plan for you hasn’t changed. Satan presents a perverted version of God’s plan in an effort to draw people away from the truth. We must see and hear by the spirit in order to discern truth from error.
We are called to be a part of the New Jerusalem. All the promises made to Jerusalem in the Word apply to us. We are called to rebuild the house of the Lord. God will have a holy people unto himself. He wants to deliver us and set us free to worship Him. In the end, we will see the city in all its glory, prepared as a bride.
91LHCD7-23 – Linda Sutter – THE LAST GENERATION
The kingdom of God is a return to normalcy, to the way God intended our lives to be. In Jesus, we are a part of the last generation before the kingdom comes. We must take care of the needs before us and occupy until He comes in order to usher in the kingdom.
Everybody has felt rejected at one time or another, in one way or another. Rejection can come from parents, spouses, children, other Christians, and the world. It will rob you of relationships by causing you to believe the lie that no one accepts you. Before we can be free of rejection, we must be honest, acknowledging that the problem exists, and forgive those who have sinned against us. Powerful deliverance prayer concludes the service. Many were set free and you can be too!
93LHCD3-7 – Linda Sutter – LEARNING TO DISCERN
Satan masquerades as a servant of righteousness, but it is not God’s intent that we are deceived. If we learn to listen, the Spirit will speak clearly to us. The Holy Spirit will only lead us to purity and righteousness. This purity will be our protection against deception.
It is time to stop paying lip service to the necessity for repentance and forgiveness. We must stop blaming others and take responsibility for our own actions and attitudes. True repentance and forgiveness will keep us under God’s protective covering. We are deceived more easily when we do not repent.
God wants to reestablish your foundation and rebuild your house so that it will be greater than anything you knew or were in the past. When God reestablishes you, it will be right on the site of your old failures. He will make you stronger and give you a greater anointing than before. Satan will tell you that you can’t be all God intended if you have failed once, but you don’t have to believe that lie any longer! A wonderful, encouraging message!
93LHCD12-17 – Linda Sutter – ASMODEUS
The number one function of the spirit of Asmodeus is to destroy marriages. This teaching examines a number of characteristics associated with the operation of this spirit. Among other things, if you have a problem with jealousy, extreme anger, lustful thoughts or behavior, an excessive life-style, or a sense of being driven, Asmodeus may be at the root of the problem. Any of these things may lead to divorce or prevent a marriage from occurring. Deliverance prayers are included.
Spirit of Asmodeus – By Linda Sutter Free PDF
94LHCD11-5 – Linda Sutter – WALKING IN VICTORY
This is wonderful teaching that will be an encouragement to you no matter where you are in your Christian walk. Teaching from Hebrews 12, Linda shares many principles that will help you to maintain your deliverance and mature in Christ. An altar call for dedication and rededication concludes the service.
This is a powerful, if unconventional, challenge to move on with God, enduring the attempts of the enemy to destroy what God is trying to birth in us, because those that have gone on before, the great men and women of faith such as those mentioned in Hebrews 11, are waiting on us! They cannot be made perfect without us (vs. 40). Knowing this has birthed new sobriety with regard to our place and responsibility in the overall purposes of God.
95LHCD7-18 – Linda Sutter – ASMODEUS
Beginning with the premise that God has ordained marriage, this teaching shows how satan, through the ruler demon Asmodeus, tries to tear it down. Many warning signs of this demon’s involvement, which are actually lesser demons themselves, are discussed and deliverance prayers are included in this message. A true call by God to singleness is the exception rather than the rule! Get free from satan’s interference in God’s plan! Spirit of Asmodeus – By Linda Sutter Free PDF
95LHCD7-21 – Linda Sutter – RESTORATION
Satan keeps bringing up the past, and we let him, even though we have repented and God has forgiven and forgotten. But God doesn’t want His people living in torment! If you have failed or fallen, God will restore you. He will make you strong in the areas where you have been the weakest and make you strong, as a testimony to others. The promises of God will be fulfilled!
Satan keeps bringing up the past, and we let him, even though we have repented and God has forgiven and forgotten. But God doesn’t want His people living in torment! If you have failed or fallen, God will restore you. He will make you strong in the areas where you have been the weakest and make you strong, as a testimony to others. The promises of God will be fulfilled!
97LHCD11-5 – Linda Sutter – ARISE AND GO FORTH
The devil hates the word “Arise.” Just as Peter was bound and in prison in Acts 12, satan would like to keep us bound. But the command to us, as to Peter, is “Arise!” Excellent teaching on the meanings of that word and exhortation to apply them to our lives. This teaching will increase your faith and give you the courage to arise and go forth! A message you will want to listen to repeatedly.
Every time a marriage takes place it is a type of marriage between Jesus and his Bride. Asmodeus is the demon satan uses to try to prevent and pervert God’s plan. Deliverance ministry concludes the service. Spirit of Asmodeus – By Linda Sutter Free PDF
Linda starts the Ladies’ Conference with a timely reminder to never let the sun go down on our wrath. This is a door opener for the root of bitterness. After over fifty years of being single, Linda recently married for the first time. She had to learn to work out problems in her marriage and ministry to prevent bitterness from taking root and stopping the move of God and the anointing in her home and church. Bitterness means to be “rung out, pressed down, and dried out.” You cannot talk about overcoming and be complaining at the same time, for “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Let us put away all murmuring and bitterness, repent, and rejoice in the Lord as Linda did during the conference with her leadership in song and praise.
This message is a strong reminder of the critical importance of forgiveness. Even research by a leading secular university has demonstrated statistically the detrimental effects bitterness and unforgiveness have on the physical body. From the point of view of Scripture, forgiveness is not an option; it’s a mandate. Our spiritual, emotional, and physical health depends on it!
00LCCD2-5 – Linda Sutter Olson – THE SPIRIT OF DECEPTION
Linda plays her guitar and sings some songs first. Then teaches.
The number one identifying sign of the end times is the spirit of deception. Jesus warned His disciples over and over to “be not deceived.” There are “false apostles and deceitful workers” who masquerade as the anointing of God but are actually operating in high-level witchcraft. This can be very difficult to discern. Only by spending much time in the presence of God can we distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of error. No demon is greater than our pure desire to serve the Lord. The pure in heart shall see God!
This is a powerful, if unconventional, challenge to move on with God, enduring the attempts of the enemy to destroy what God is trying to birth in us, because those that have gone on before, the great men and women of faith such as those mentioned in Hebrews 11, are waiting on us! They cannot be made perfect without us (vs. 40). Knowing this has birthed new sobriety with regard to our place and responsibility in the overall purposes of God.
New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day there will be personal ministry.
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