Lester Sumrall

Categories: Family, Spiritual Warfare
Published on: November 22, 2013

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Lester Sumrall
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72CFO81 (1-of-4) – Lester Sumrall – SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY (1 of 4)
Lester says these 4 sessions will teach you more about dividing Spirit and soul that he learned in 20 years. Man’s spirit is that area of him that is absolutely different and separate from his soul nature and his body that comes alive in the Father’s house. If we are made in the image of God we are made in His proportions, too. When you become born again your spirit and God’s Spirit become one and walk together. The soul, the adamic nature, is in battle with the spirit nature. Heb 4:12 – quick is an old English word that means not dead; living, moving and it is powerful and sharper than any two edged sword and piercing to the dividing of soul and spirit, the most important part. I Thess 5:23 – that your whole spirit, soul and body be blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Two categories of truth are historic truth and pertinent truth. Historic truth is full truth; there is no error in it. But it does not show you how to set prisoners free from dope, sex, frustrations, free from the devil’s power. Historic truth is not the kind of truth that will save this world right now. On the other hand, pertinent truth is that truth which God has designed for this particular hour of human history. It is truth that delivers from the problems of this day and will help you in the toils and fears of right now. Lester gives example of each kind of truth. You can set your life to deal in historic truth or in pertinent truth. He gives an example of a historical museum of animals and a real zoo. There is a difference in truth. We are living in an age of emergency when the world could come to an end. We need the kind of truth that will help us in this hour. What is the human spirit? What is the mind of a human being? What is the human heart? Lester does not believe that man is only breath and matter; that man is only a dualism; an inside and an outside, the visible and the invisible. He believes man is more than just mind and matter. He said 95% of Christians live in their soul and not in their spirit because they do not know the difference. People who are not born again do not know anything about spirit. Something comes alive in the second Adam that does not come alive any other way except through the Lord Jesus Christ to bring new life and new spirit into a man and into a woman. God made Adam to be spirit, soul and body with the spirit to be king of his life. God made his soul (mind, emotions and will power) to be a servant. You don’t find God with your mind, you find God with your spirit. Man has real life in the 3  departments of his total being. The body will follow anything that is on the inside. It will follow the mind, emotions and your will. If the spirit is king then the heart is a good thing but if the spirit is dead the heart is an evil thing. The body is a slave that takes orders from the (soul) servant. Every human being has to be born in the spirit area of his life, a new nature, a new life and a new force comes into you that becomes a king. Lester gives a word in tongues with an interpretation. Then he opens the meeting for interesting questions and answers.

72CFO82 (2-of-4) – Lester Sumrall – SPIRIT SOUL AND BODY (2 of 4)
Lester begins by sharing some of his missionary work with orphans and his travel tours. This teaching deals with the unity and identity in the human personality. He begins in the way of an illustration. About 95% of all religion in America is seated in the soul and the mind. The emotions and the will are in the body senses of the people and not in their spirit; the human spirit. We have to bring religion out of the area of soulish into the area of spiritual application to get to the “old time religion”. Anytime we identify God’s blessing with a material thing we have missed God. Anytime you identify a spiritual blessing with a denomination you are wrong. Anytime you identify Pentecost with Pentecostalism you are wrong. You are then identifying a spiritual thing with a soulish, natural, carnal thing and you cannot do it. The bible says that which is spirit is spirit, that which is body is body, and that which is soul is soul. They are absolutely separate. God wants an ever increasing revelation of Himself. Matt 11:25 – God has revealed it unto babes. The body was made by God. The soul is the inside shell from the body. This part of man is his real self, his personality. The soul is made up of intellect, emotions – the part that feels things and will power where man makes his decisions. God made spirit, king in your life. If these 3 areas become disjoined then soul becomes king. And when your mind rules, you believe all kinds of cockeyed things like man came from a monkey. God joined the body and soul together by His breath and these two are to be subservient to the spirit. When the spirit is the king of your life you don’t have nervous breakdowns. Once the spirit has become king, the soul is a good soul and the body is a good body. Inside the clay house, behind what we call body, behind the soul which is your thinking and your feeling and your will, God has placed there man’s spirit. We haven’t gotten to the Holy Spirit yet, it is man’s spirit. This spirit is distinct from the other 2 areas of man as darkness is from light. God gave man’s spirit the propensities of communion with deity. God will not commune with you through your soul or your body. The spirit must be king in your life before you can have a sanctified body or soul. You can only think spiritually through your spirit. Until your spirit directs your will power you cannot be the man God wants you to be. Lester gives examples. The spirit is a communication post with heaven. It’s a hotline! It’s a worship area. The sinner does not have it. When you have the spirit ruling, the soul is as a servant and the body as a slave, you have a perfect man.

72CFO83 (3-of-4) Lester Sumrall – SPIRIT SOUL AND BODY (3 of 4)
This teaching will deal with the chemistry of the spirit, the mystery of the human personality. The spirit being the most difficult to identify, seeing that it is dead in most people, it is most difficult to get an analysis of it. Only spirit can worship spirit. Only spirit can know/understand spirit. Only spirit can walk with spirit. Only spirit can be directed by spirit. Only spirit can serve spirit. Only spirit can receive revelation from spirit. These 6 things are the keys to how this can work. In the soul of man are 3 things; his mind/intellect, his emotions, where he feels, and his will power – the area of his rebellion. When soul becomes king everything is out of order with God. When Adam rebelled and disobeyed his God, his spirit died and he had no more relationship and fellowship with God. The human spirit is the born again nature that comes to dwell in us at the moment that we are born again. That thing which died in the garden of Eden must come alive. You don’t make a commitment when you come to Jesus, you are born again and you have a new name. You are a new being. The human spirit within us is that born again essence that comes in us through the new birth. The human spirit is when your spirit fuses with God’s Spirit; the thing that God put within you that was lying dormant. Then it becomes the king of your life. As Paul tells it in Eph 2:1- it didn’t move and now it does move. If you are not born again you are walking around dead in 1/3 of your being. Eph. 4:23 tells us man’s spirit is the renewed spirit. Rom 14:17 – the kingdom of God is within you. Your spirit is righteousness. The kingdom of God is His righteousness within us. You do not seek peace – it is within you. We are joy when the spirit is within us. The human personality becomes a dwelling place of God. Man has only his spirit to deal with the great issues of life and with the problems and needs of his human person. Lester recommends Watchman Nee’s books especially The Spiritual Man which is in 3 volumes. He is a Chinese man that God gave a remarkable revelation of the inside of man. Fellowship with our fellow man comes from the spirit part of us. Your spirit can be your conscience. Our conscience is the seed of our faith. We send forth God’s Spirit through our spirit. The kind of “companion” you choose depends upon where you are living; in spirit or soul. The place where you worship reveals if you are being ruled by your spirit or your soul. Rom chapter 7 tells you the spirit must conquer that soul.

72CFO84 (4-of-4) – Lester Sumrall – SPIRIT SOUL AND BODY (4 of 4)
Lester says what he is giving us is more like the bones; we have to put the flesh on it ourselves. This teaching will be about the dividing of soul and spirit and the controversy of soul and spirit. Beginning with the dividing of soul and spirit we go to Heb. 4:12 – the bible is the only thing that can divide soul and spirit. The dividing process – spiritual man and natural man can only be divided by the sword of the Spirit; that is the Word of God. The book of Hebrews has over 90 references to the Tabernacle of the Lord. The 3 component parts of the Tabernacle portray the 3 parts of man; the outer courts – the body of man, the Holy of Holies – where the spirit of man is and the Most Holy place – the soul of man; the altar can be the mind of man, the 7 lamps could be the emotions and the table could be the will. You have to stay in the right place to have God’s power. Lester gives examples of what happens when you get into the devil’s territory. There were 3 entrances to the Tabernacle; the gate to the outer court – Ex 27:16-19 – this, of course, is the body, it is open and it is big, the exposed part of you; then there was a door, instead of the devil getting in 12 abreast in the body now it was only 2 abreast in the soul; the 3rd spot is the veil which had no door at all, so the spirit is the hardest of all to get into, there is an overlapping in there. The soul limits those who can get in; control that we don’t have in the outer area. But only the high priest could pass through the veil, only one. This means only God can minister to the spirit. There were 3 kinds of light in the tabernacle; the sun – the outer court, open to the elements, but the holy place only had the lamp stands – the mind, the emotions and the will. But the Holy of Holies was lit by the Shekinah Glory of God; a divine supernatural light from God. Lester shares explanations of why the dividing of soul and spirit are so necessary. Now he shares about controversy of soul and spirit. Rom 7:22, 23 and then in chapter 8 shows what Paul said about this. Lester shares many biblical examples of the controversy in soul and spirit. Coat of earthly affection, coat of earthly position, coat of divine revelation were the 3 coats of Joseph. Lester explains each coat. We have to decide each day if we are going to live in soul or spirit. Joseph is the most beautiful example of living by spirit. David learned the secret of living in the born again spirit. The mind will accept a theory sometime and then refuse to practice it. At that point the spirit must command the mind to obey. Lester tells us what fasting has to do with living in the spirit. When we fast we subdue our body and get it weaker and the longer we fast we subdue our soul, our will power breaks down, we are not as determined as before and our mind gets out of the big whirl of wanting to do this and that. Then your spirit takes over and starts guiding and directing you. So spiritual fasting has the soul, body and spirit all mixed up in it. When your spirit assumes it’s kingship you are ready for action to be what the Lord wants you to be. Lester then opens the meeting up for questions and answers.

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