Kathryn Kuhlman

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Published on: June 16, 2016

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Kathryn Kuhlman messages we’re recorded by (All Derek Prince, and Don Basham messages we’re recorded by Glen Miller founder of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp in the 1960’s to 1970’s as he was commissioned then by The Full Gospel Business Man’s Fellowship International, and other ministries during that time.) 

Kathryn Kuhlman

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The Gift’s of The Holy Spirit

72KKHS – Kathryn Kuhlman
Kathryn begins by saying she does not think she is a woman preacher and neither does anyone else. She just loves the Lord with all her heart and talks to you about the Lord and her own personal experiences. The baptism in the Holy Spirit follows ones salvation, conversion; it has nothing to do whatsoever with your salvation, being born again into Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit has intellect, emotion, and will, all of the attributes that characterize personality. Whenever He becomes a vital, living part of you, you have just started to live. But He has been here since the time of creation. When the Word speaks of the Spirit of God it is the Holy Spirit. Moses knew the power of the Holy Ghost. Read it there in Numbers chapter 11. In the Old Testament He was the sovereignty of God. Not all of the Old Testament saints were filled with the Holy Ghost. Joseph was filled with the Holy Spirit and pharaoh recognized the Holy Spirit upon him. He was no stranger to the Old Testament saints. There is such a difference between religion and Christianity. Christianity is revealing and the Holy Spirit is the great revealer. The Old Testament prophets knew the power of the Holy Ghost. David knew the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost is the power of the Trinity. The miracles did not begin until after Jesus came up out of the waters of baptism. Always remember that the Holy Spirit will always magnify and glorify Jesus. You dare not limit the Holy Spirit to just the early church nor to just the 120. The greatest gift Jesus could possibly give to His church was the gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s a part or your inheritance, it’s yours. How is one filled with the Holy Spirit? It is very simple. Now we come to the thing of tongues and the experience. He is with you the scripture says but He shall be in you. The Holy Spirit is a mighty convicting power. No man comes to the Lord of himself. If you are convicted, that is the Holy Spirit. He is with every Christian if you are born again. But He shall be in you. She gives a simple illustration. It is the hardest thing for men and women to die; none of self but all of Thee. Remember He comes in as you worship and adore Jesus. We are to seek Him, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes in through praise and adoration of Jesus. When you get to the place you love Jesus with all of your heart it is so easy to die to yourself. You don’t seek the evidence; the evidence will come. The greater of the evidences is the power that is manifested in your life. Don’t go contrary to the teaching of the Master. The greatest evidence is the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life. I Corinthians 13th chapter gives us instruction. Love suffereth long and is kind. Watch out for spiritual pride. If you have really received one of the gifts of the Spirit you are not going to boast about it; because they are so sacred, so wonderful. Kathryn shares the sweet experience when her mother received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is given for service not for our own pleasure. He knows the perfect will of the Father and talks to the Father for us when we come to the end of our own will.

This service I talk about the vision God gave me of this place in Feb, 1967, and how God gave Erma the Apollo moon paper work contract, when she pulled a handful of hair out of her head and told God “He had to count them, so while You are doing this, I want to talk to you. We need that contract.” And God gave it to us. God sold our publication company after I had a major heart attack in Aug of 1965. In Feb, 1967, I had a vision of what was to become Lake Hamilton Bible Camp. It was also our privilege to travel and record the great meetings of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Conventions and Kathryn Kuhlman’s last great service. We learned about curses through a revelation of God’s Word concerning the saying, “I Plead the Blood.” God told me to have you break the curse. Now I have a big problem. Where is the Scripture for what I have just done? To have the authority to break a curse? This is a wonderful message.

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