Vito & Patricia Rallo

Dr. Vito & Pat Rallo
“Free Indeed Ministries”

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Vito & Patricia Rallo
Free Audio Messages

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10DELTRCD-1 – Vito Rallo – OLD MAN – NEW MAN
We began with a story about 4 worms and how their surroundings affected their life. He compared the worms to the church. If we are not fed and watered sufficiently, we are adversely affected. We were told that the reason the church has become ineffective, is because we’ve not gone on to maturity. There is much to be accomplished after the new birth. The Word of God will grow us up. This has to do with our minds. We are to put on the new man, in righteousness and holiness – Eph. 4:24. It takes sanctification for holiness. There has to be discipleship. We can’t teach what we aren’t walking in. If we aren’t growing, we’re dying! If we get set free, and aren’t taught truth, we won’t stay free, Jn. 8 :32. We must choose to be more than conquerors, as the Word says we are.

10DELTRCD-8A – Vito Rallo – ASSAULT ON THE CHURCH 1-of-2
10DELTRCD-8B – Vito Rallo – ASSAULT ON THE CHURCH 2-of-2
Out of the box and going to prove it! The truth sets us free. A season of change is taking place. No more cookie-cutter methods. Things we will be doing must be done quickly. Sin feels good for a while but it affects our spirit mind and body. Gen 3:1 – Eyes are the gateway to the soul – They saw. They heard. But they had a choice and we are still reaping results of wrong choices. The enemy works thru our senses. In Gen 3:11, God asks Adam, Who told you, you were naked? Good question! What has the enemy put in your mind? Who told you that you were ugly or fat or stupid? Whose voice are you listening to? We must know God’s voice or we’ll not be following HIM. 

We began with Mt. 22:1-14 where those who were invited to the wedding celebration refused to come. Many are called but few are chosen. We see in Judges 5:31-6:1 that God’s blessing and protection left because of disobedience. We continued our study in Judges 7, finding that God does not need a large number to bring about deliverance. He will use those that He chooses and that will obey Him. Gideon was used mightily of God with just 300 men to bring victory to the Israelites over the Midianites and the Amalekites. Patricia gives us many more examples of those that are called, faithful and chosen. This is a process a progression, depending on our response to God’s call. We can choose to co-operate or resist. Examples of resistance are stubbornness and pride. We must be faithful until the end. God is not looking for numbers. He requires faithfulness. She prayed for us to have an excellent spirit like Daniel. Due to technical problems there is no DVD available for this service.

11LCCD2-4 – Patricia Rallo – WHEN MERCY KISSES TRUTH
Some people resist truth. People are drawn by God’s love, but they are changed by truth. James 2:13. She gave testimony of a not so great relationship with her mother. However, her mother told her she’d never be happy if she wasn’t in God’s will. Rejoice not in iniquity but rejoice in truth.- 1 Cor. 13:6 Truth gets thru to the mind; mercy gets to the heart. Mercy without truth will keep you bound. Sometimes when we rescue people, we’re getting them out of God’s dealings. She gives several instances where love and mercy are not working together, and says, Truth without love is brutal and love without truth is fatal.


Breaking Generational Curses and Pulling Down Strongholds – by Vito Rallo
Learn to use the mighty weapons of spiritual warfare that God has provided—weapons that have divine power to demolish strongholds! Even though you may be a born-again, Spirit-filled believer, there may be one or more areas of your life in which you have no victory because of a powerful enemy stronghold. It might be an addiction, a destructive habit, uncontrolled anger, sexual sin, depression or fear. This book will teach you how to identify a curse or a stronghold in your own life and then break the curse and destroy the stronghold! Paperback – 190 pages.

Exposing the Dangers Behind Martial Arts & Yoga – by Vito Rallo
Do you know the origins of the martial arts? Are you aware of the connection between yoga and martial arts? Are you concerned about the recent popularity of these two activities, and how they are even creeping into the church? Vito writes from his own experience as a former instructor and 5-time national champion, as he pulls back the covers and exposes the metaphysical mysteries beneath the surface. In this book, which is thoroughly documented and well-researched, you’ll discover that a bruise, a sprain, or a loosed tooth shouldn’t be your biggest concern. What you don’t know, and can’t see, CAN indeed hurt you! Dare to hear the shocking truth from someone who’s been there and done that! Paper – 180 pages.

HEAVEN BOUND – Are You Sure? – By Vito & Pat Rallo
Can a person know for sure they are heaven bound? Will praying a “sinner’s prayer,” water baptism, doing good works, or faithful church attendance save you? What does God require? How can a good God send anyone to hell? Have you asked these or similar questions? Some methods of evangelism in the past have made going to heaven almost seem automatic. In this book, Vito and Pat thoroughly examine what the Bible says versus what many have implied. The choices we make here direct us toward one of two possible eternal destinations. What about you? If you were to die today, where would you go? If you don’t know for sure, this book is a must read! Paper. 230 pages.

This Is Not A Dress Rehearsal! Redeeming The Time We Have Left
– By Patricia Rallo

The urgency of the hour has never been more real. Being politically correct is quickly going out of style. Remaining neutral is no longer an option. We are currently facing gut-wrenching issues in a rapidly-changing world. Whether you are in church, out of church, have never been to church, or have given up on church, This is Not a Dress Rehearsal! will answer the burning questions you need to know about the end times. Author Patricia Rallo explains with distinctive clarity what lies ahead for those on track with where God is taking us in these final days, taking readers through a journey from the pit to the mountaintop, from self-awareness to God-awareness, from deception to truth, and everywhere in between. The Final Act has already begun…where do you fit in the last days drama? Paperback – 322 pages.

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