Louise Pemble


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We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost-effective than buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a track. Audio is 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3.  DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.

Louise Pemble


08LCCD2-3 – Louise Pemble – SONG OF SOLOMON – LOVE
This teaching is about the love affair between Jesus and His bride. Louise shows how this is for us today. It relates the testimony of the bride (us) and how she learns to know the love of the King (Jesus). Scripture shows us here that the bride is already a Christian. She wants to be close to Him. Then Jesus starts talking to her. Louise shows how this conversation between Jesus and His bride compares to our walk. She gives us 7 things (sevenfold) of what He is saying to us from the Song of Solomon. In chap 4:1-5, she compares the Praise of the Bride to the Spirit of God in Isaiah 11:2. Vs. 1 – Doves eyes – to the Spirit of the Lord (Holiness). Hair – to the Spirit of Wisdom (the strength of God). Vs. 2 – Teeth – to understanding. Vs. 3 – Lips – to council (Jesus says only what the Father says). Temples (fertility of mind) – to might, power. Vs. 4 – Neck – to knowledge (the battle is the Lord’s). Vs.5 – Breasts (faith & love) have no agenda – to fear of the Lord. This teaching definitely gives you a better understanding of us today with our love for Jesus and His love for us.

08LHCD12-3L – Louise Pemble – Testimony
Gal 5:17-25 Louise says she can’t give you anything that she doesn’t have. She begins with her testimony of how the presence of God came over her; she got born again, received the peace of God because she yielded to Him, and received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. The occult is controlled by the demons here on earth. Louise shares the ways she has found out that demons are real; through anger, violence, mind and emotions, hate, and physical-they do things to you physically. How do you get the fruit of the Spirit? It grows like natural, fruit, and takes time. In closing, she asked the group of women to break into small groups for share time.


09LHCD11-1L – Louise Pemble – WELLS OF LIVING WATER
– Is 12:3 says, “Therefore, with joy shall ye draw waters out of the well of salvation.” Then in Phil. 2:12 we’re told to, “work out our salvation with fear and trembling.” Becoming a Christian is not just a one-time event. It is ongoing – a process. As we draw out, we can work out. Then we can give out. Whatever is in us will come out. We hear the progression of the works of the flesh in the area of idolatry which is rooted in fear and includes envy, jealousy, and covetousness.


10LHCD9-6 – Louise Pemble – SONG OF SOLOMON
This teaching begins in Heb. 6:1-3 which tells us not to stay as we were in the beginning – that we’ve been born again long enough to begin to come into maturity or as the Word says perfection. We are told in the Word to become perfect or complete. We have not understood who we are and how God feels about us. So we’re not so eager to get close to Him. What we’ve not understood and what Louise brings out in this teaching is that what God says about us is what we will be if we cultivate our relationship with Him. Get near Him and stay there. All the descriptions of the bride in the Song were not true yet but it was what the Bridegroom saw in her. He called her the rose of Sharon, lily of the valley, apple tree among the trees of the wood, said she had dove’s eyes She did nothing to make it happen except desire Him. He did the work. We get an overview of the process and the completion throughout the entire book of Song of Solomon.

10LHCD11-1L – Louise Pemble – JESUS OUR DELIVERER
Jesus wants us totally free. So keep on surrendering until we have total victory. Several women shared a part of their deliverance process. We hear how Patti was set free from what felt like frozen emotions – Rom 1:31 by putting someone in her life that was very kind. Rom 12:10. Rhonda told us that in high school, she had difficulty and how God has helped her learn. Ada was delivered of a generational Jezebel spirit. Then Linda shared her battle to be free of a bastard spirit. Patti then concluded with very strong deliverance prayers. This is a short, but poignant teaching, after which we had unrecorded small group ministry. Louise says that saved and delivered are the same word. We are delivered from demon spirits and saved or delivered to Jesus. Mt 5:3-11 known as the beatitudes was teaching done by Jesus, to His disciples, on the mountain after His fame had been spreading because of the healings and deliverances. He seemed to be saying was that the most important thing was the operation of love in our lives. We are blessed – according to Jesus, when we we’re poor in spirit, are meek, peacemakers, pure in heart, merciful. In Gal 5:22 we read that the first fruit of the spirit listed is love. That would be parallel scripture for Mt 5:3-11. The main hindrance for deliverance is discussed as well as some testimonies of God’s deliverance in her life.

10LHCD12-1L – VARIOUS LADIES SHARING – FOCUS ON JESUS FOR YOUR DELIVERANCE – Jesus wants us totally free. So keep on surrendering until we have total victory. Several women shared a part of their deliverance process. We hear how Patti was set free from what felt like frozen emotions – Rom 1:31 by putting someone in her life that was very kind. Rom 12:10. Rhonda told us that in high school, she had difficulty and how God has helped her learn. Ada was delivered of a generational Jezebel spirit. Then Linda shared her battle to be free of a bastard spirit. Patti then concluded with very strong deliverance prayers.

10LHCD12-4L – Louise Pemble – SEXUAL SINS
We, who are of an older generation know that there was a time when, even when you weren’t “Christian,” there were certain subjects that just weren’t discussed. The morality in our country forbad it. Sex regardless of the context was one of them. In this teaching, Louise tackles not just sex, but sex with demons which probably some would still not discuss. That is one reason why these demons have so much power. We, as women feel shame and defilement and because it can’t be discussed, it stays hidden. She calls their names – incubus & succubus, and exposes them, pointing out that exposure causes their loss of power. We find when demon spirits came to earth – Gen 6:1,2. We heard that it can affect you through generational spirits, not just your own. In addition, we learned that certain personal losses such as a spouse may cause you to be fooled into opening up to them. She told of many experiences and then ended with warfare prayers against unclean sexual spirits and gave some instruction on how to get free.

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