Stan & Kathy Joslin

Categories: Deliverance Ministry
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Published on: November 25, 2013

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Monty & Sharon Mulkey
In 1989 Pastor Monty Mulkey founded the West Coast Church of Deliverance in Thousand Oaks, California. WCCD, an established ministry, also hosts deliverance seminars to further train new workers and to oversee training of future missionaries to further the spread of the deliverance ministry. They are now located in Montrose, CO.

NOTE: Stan & Kathy Joslin, came with Monty & Sharon to also speak at our 2013 Deliverance Ministers Camp.  They are a part of Monty’s ministry team too.

If you need speakers for your ministry contact them.

We Highly Recommend all of them!

Our podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space and add more audios.

There are MANY hundreds of free audio’s online.

We’re still recording the future eight camp meetings each year to post here too.

All of our retail CD’s are higher quality uncompressed WAV files.

We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a track. Audio is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.

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Stan & Kathy Joslin
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God requires an army. The weekend warriors are gone and the fearful are being filtered out. He will make it clear to us whom we serve. If we have truly accepted His Son, we are secure, but unspeakable destruction lies outside God. A new level of deliverance is here and the battles are harder. In this way the secret treasures of the heart are revealed. Fear, lust and pride lead to a spirit of inferiority which paralyzes us so that we cannot do the work God has called us to do. Fear is unreasonable and prevents us from making decisions. We feel inadequate and stupid and cannot reason our way through problems. The enemy will keep at a spot until he breaks through. Remember the devil is an intimidator. Inferiority makes us impatient and impulsive and we give place to rescuing spirits. We justify those actions made in haste. When a damaged sense of our own worth is created in us, we cannot stand up against bullies. We resign ourselves to settling and we are thereby derailed and delayed from what the Lord wants for our lives. Moses, Gideon, and Job were Gods men who dealt with the spirit of inferiority and eventually embraced their God-given abilities. Like them, we will go through tribulations so we can serve as warriors in Gods army. Deliverance follows this teaching.


Jesus was speaking from experience when he told us to build our house upon a rock and not upon sand. Essentially He was warning us to beware of false prophets. If we trust in lying spirits our system will default to disaster when life’s trials come like the rain. Those wolves in sheep clothing enter where churches do not want to alienate people with the ‘meat’ of the Gospel. Scriptures make you wise. True prophecy will line up with Gods Word. Beware of the anti-Christ pretender who is full of inconsistencies. Ask, ‘Would my pastor lay down his life for his congregation?’ False Christ’s and false prophets shall deceive even the very elect. Get all witchcraft out of your midst. It brings condemnation, negative attitudes, division, separation, strife and religious spirits. Charismatic psychic witches and warlocks operate in divination. We need to ask the Lord for the spirit of prophecy for ourselves and for keen discernment. It has been noted that during a recession, the metaphysical and psychic industries make great financial gains. They develop a broad client base because people want to know what will happen to them. Build your house on the solid rock of God’s Word and you will be sure of your future in Christ.

Let us always be mindful that out of the abundance of the heart a man speaks. On Judgment Day we will give an account for every idle word we speak and by the words of our mouth we will be justified or condemned. We all have spoken hurtful words that cannot be taken back. We are sorry, but the damage has been done. Demonic words are meant to hurt, steal joy and destroy relationships. We are given guidance in the book of Proverbs which contains many promises regarding good words. Scriptures admonish us to speak the truth in love according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, but unfortunately it appears that in this country today, plans are in place to restrict our freedom to speak about what we think and believe. Our freedoms are eroding away much as termites slowly eat at the foundation of a structure. The battle is in the heavenlies, not against flesh and blood. Kathy reminds us that as Christians, we are to love the Lord our God with our whole heart and our neighbors as ourselves, regardless of our many differences. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

13LHCD9-4 – Stan Joslin – WOUNDED PRIDE
There is a component of healing that goes hand in hand with the message of deliverance from the spirit of cruelty. Often the root of evil actions of cruel people is their wounded pride. Wounded pride can be explained in these basic points: 1) most pride is birthed by wounds and insecurity, 2) wounded pride is compensation, a self-affirming treatment that has gone terribly wrong, 3) pride masks and attempts to hide the insufficiency, the inadequacy, the inferiority that some people feel inside of them. Masking never really heals the wound, just overcompensates for it again and again. Compensation is a mechanism by which an individual attempts to make up for some real or imagined deficiency of personality or behavior. Stan gives many excellent examples of how pride enters because of unbearable wounds and how a sense of shame and failure is perpetuated. When the time comes to pray for a person with wounded pride, first minister to their wounds, build the person up, and self-worth comes forth. Then it is time to tear down strongholds and let the cleansing begin. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

13LHCD9-5 – Kathy Joslin – INTEGRITY
Merrill Miller, the President of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, shares his thoughts at the beginning of this CD and can be viewed on the DVD of this teaching. Integrity means you do the right thing when called on, and if you do not intend to keep a vow, do not make it. Kathy further clarifies the definition of integrity and gives examples of people in the Bible who displayed it. Boaz had integrity when he recognized his brother’s right to Ruth’s hand before he took her for himself. Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, gives us an example of uncompromising fearlessness by exposing the plot against the life of King Ahasuerus. Extreme conditions or enormous pressures test integrity, the kind of testing Job went through. With all the testing, Job’s integrity stayed intact. Pray that when we are tested we have the integrity of Job. Joseph insisted that his personal integrity was based on his determination to not sin against God. And David, even with all his mistakes, had integrity of heart. People are watching us so our standards have to remain higher than those of the world around us. At the slightest slip-up they are right there to point the finger. Whenever the Lord reveals to us areas in our heart He wants to make ready for Himself, jot those things down. When the right time comes, submit to deliverance. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

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