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All of our retail CD’s are high quality uncompressed WAV files.

We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a single track.

The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.

Links above go to our main site at
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.Our mp3 podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.

They are clear enough, so we can conserve hosting space while growing.


Audio Ministry


Bob Buess

Ministered here at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp

90LHCD4-1A – *Jack Harris **Bob Buess – OBEDIENCE 1-of-2
90LHCD4-1B – *Jack Harris **Bob Buess – OBEDIENCE 2-of-2
*Word of the Lord through Jack Harris concerns growing up in Him who is the Head of all things. **The move is on to holiness, based on obedience to God’s Word. The blessings of obedience are almost endless and far outweigh what you are reaping by being disobedient. Obedience restores what disobedience has taken away. How do we become obedient? By simply doing that which is right. Cages get rattled and doctrines shook as God uses Bro. Buess in a unique way to get His message across. Personal ministry to specific individuals follows this teaching. This tape also includes about thirty minutes of anointed praise and worship.

90LHCD4-2 – Bob Buess – HUMILITY
One of the finest attributes of humility is remaining teachable. Too many of God’s people are so locked into their beliefs and doctrines they don’t leave God even a remote possibility to reveal His truth to them. Their minds are made up, not to be confused with the facts. Humility means to obey the voice of God and not necessarily what you’ve been taught in your church. Stupidity is not humility! Humility comes through various processing’s of the Lord that are identified in this message. Many are in the mess they are in because of their own haughty, stubborn, and rebellious hearts. This is a message that will likely break up some fallow ground, preparing the way for God to have his way and fulfill his purposes in your life. We encourage you to take it to heart.

90LHCD4-5A – Bob Buess – THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT 1-of-2
90LHCD4-5B – Bob Buess – THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT 2-of-2
This message identifies the many operations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and then centers on prophecy. One must understand that there are different levels of gifts, maturities and anointing of God. The degree to which you are able to function in these gifts can depend on some things over which you have had no control. The important thing is to begin moving in whatever capacity you are able, then God will bring the increase. The service ends in a workshop type situation and various individuals are given the opportunity to exercise spiritual gifts as God quickened to them during the service. Wonderful service and many were edified.

90LHCD4-7A – Bob Buess – GRACE AND FAVOR 1-of-2
90LHCD4-7B – Bob Buess – GRACE AND FAVOR 2-of-2
God’s nature is resident in you and that old “yuck” personality should no longer be governing you. Shake off your “demon hangovers” and let the Spirit of the Lord bring forth the attributes of Jesus in you. When we really start believing in the personality of Jesus Christ it will help bring forth the true sons. Like Jesus, we are able to increase in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. A favorable admonition given herein is, “People can handle you if you’re honest, but if you try to cover things up and they see you’re a snake looking like a saint, they won’t trust anything you say.” This message, given time to cultivate in your spirit, will birth a new appreciation for the blessings of God towards you.

90LHCD4-8 – *Mary Die – GETHSEMANE **Bob Buess – THE VOICE OF GOD
*Mary Die’s teaching will provide you with new insight on, “Not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” **It is imperative for the Body of Christ to learn to discern the Father’s voice in these end times. We all know that those who are led by the Spirit of God are considered the sons of God. This discerning comes as we set ourselves apart, allowing God to train us to hear his voice. We must also quit serving sin and receive with meekness the engrafted Word. This message provides many wise, practical tips on learning to hear the voice of God. It will help everyone who listens to it walk closer to the Lord.

98LHCD12-1 – Bob Buess – YOU ARE GOD’S PRIEST
When we stand in the office of God’s priest, we have been given the anointing to alter the destiny of peoples and nations by interceding for them and exercising God’s authority to further His purposes in the earth. We really can release the love of God and tear down the kingdom of the evil one. We are His battle-ax to “break in pieces the nations” (demonic forces). This is one of the strongest messages of encouragement to “make a difference” that we’ve heard. We believe it will change your life if you will take it to heart and apply the principles set forth.

98LHCD12-7 – Bob Buess – THE RIVERS OF GOD
Bro. Bob first of all shares his personal testimony of his miraculous deliverance from death due to a fall. Then, using Proverbs 21:1 as his text, he continues the teaching started in tape 98LH12-1 by explaining how we have the authority to direct the flows of the life of God in the earth, both to increase the rivers of God’s glory well as to dry up the demonic rivers of iniquity which are destroying the very fabric of our society. Again, he builds our faith to believe that our prayers really do make a difference, that we can shine God’s light, not only into our individual lives and circumstances, but also into the affairs of peoples and nations of the earth! This is our responsibility as kings and priests unto God! Bro. Bob has put this into practice in his own life, and this authority is “better felt than telt.”

98LHCD12-16 – Bob & Lillian Buess – THE FIRE OF GOD
The Buesses address several aspects of the fire of God that can revolutionize our lives. Fire is a shield of protection – God’s glory is a defense. The Word of God in our mouths is a fire, releasing judgment on God’s enemies. The fire of God is a purging fire, to burn up the chaff in us and to consume the “scum” of the Church. The fire of God’s anointing is on this message, an anointing you will experience as you hear it!

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.

Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry.

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!

Read all about the founders of LHBC.

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