1981 Winter Camp Meeting

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1981 Winter Camp Meeting

NOTE: There were two speakers at this 1981 camp meeting that many years later had to be removed from our Library, by Glen Miller, The founder of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp. They had told Glen, they no longer believed their own teaching. So Glen erased all their audio messages.

These few messages below are the cassettes that still needed to be converted to mp3 to post here. You’ll enjoy Norman Parish, and of course Glen & Erma Miller, the founders of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp.

I was only 17 years old starting to work for Glen & Erma Miller in 1973. I was just out of high school for a few weeks. I had only been writing them. I had gotten saved through “Youth For Truth Ministries” in Sacramento, CA in 1971. My sister Cindy kept taking me there. She was the first in our family to get saved. I received my prayer language a few months later through a home prayer meeting up the street from my parent’s home. Ileen Daggs was her name who now has passed this past year. Their daughter Lisa had also gotten saved too. “Lisa Daggs” is a singer and is still recording Christian music. Glen & Erma Miller met our prayer group leaders,

In time I got a few-week trial run and took a bus down to Glen & Erma Miller’s home. I worked in their Bible Book Store in California. Thankfully they kept me on. They had bought this campground, but we’re still in the process of moving their stuff here. It took many trips. They moved their whole Bible book store to Arkansas. The book store was downtown Hot Springs which became the offices of the campground. I made the cassette and reel to reel copies and filled book orders back then.

Glen and Erma Miller were also traveling with the Full Gospel Businessmen’s fellowship and recording their conventions, I worked in duplicating reel tapes and cassette copies and filled orders. Glen at the time was authorized to record Derek Prince ministries, as well as Don Basham, Bob Mumford ministries, and many others. Glen stopped recording for them, and devote all his time to building Lake Hamilton Bible Camp.

Cassettes & reel tapes are long dead. We can still make cassette copies, but no one is interested much. I did win an auction for a used Tascam reel to reel tape recorder from my eBay account. I was still needing to convert some of Glen’s old LHBC reel tape masters to cassette and later CD, as well as mp3 to post on www.lhbconline.com That reel tape record’s power supply died years ago now. Well, I need to get back on track with my timeline.

The original wooden chapel on the campground was not finished yet till 1975. Later in the late 1970s, they put a two-story metal building over the top of the original chapel. Then began removing the old wooden chapel roof. The new upstairs is the men’s and women’s dorm. That second-floor area was built with cement & steel beams by professionals. Glen & Erma Miller also used to rent this place out to churches needing to send their kids to camp. We just fed them. Those groups had their own agenda with their own youth leaders they bought in. It all helped to pay the bills, and eventually, that paid off this whole property too.

Glen Miller married Patti and me here during the 1980 Spring Deliverance Camp Meeting. Now 41 years ago. We did leave here some years, as I found out from my sister where our dad went. He left our family when I was 11 years old. Here I am in my 40s back home in Sacramento, CA getting to know him again. It was a mixed blessing. I did get to take care of him when he got cancer. That was another healing to my soul. He thanked me for not putting him in a nursing home. We did have hospice come in to help us at the end.

After my dad passed, Glen Miller called me, asking if we would move back to the campground as Erma Miller was not well. Patti & I did in 2001. Erma passed in 2002, Glen in 2011. Glen’s son Merrill is now our boss running LHBC, and doing a wonderful job inviting speakers.

It’s now 6/2021 Patti & I are still here. Patti fills your orders, prays with people on the phone. We hope at some point Merrill Miller, Glen & Erma’s Son will open this place back up so we can have a real camp meeting. Due to Covid, we’ve only had online ZOOM meetings. I still think there is a need for that one-on-one touch from anointed ministers. Plus all the fellowship in meeting new people during a camp is a precious time for all too.

Till then, Zoom Meetings is meeting the need. The audio quality is better than even in our chapel. Glen was always having line noise issues, Something we don’t seem to have much of with these online zoom meetings. Deborah Vails hosts our Zoom meetings for us. Then sends us the link so we can process our audio/video files too. Her recordings are very good. Before Glen passed he had replaced all the wiring, mic cables, etc in the chapel here. There was always some noticeable background noise to bug me. My Diamond Cut audio filtering software does help to fix it at times. I just think it still could be better, like these online zoom meetings are.

On a personal note:

This year (6/2021) Patti & I have another large garden here at LHBC. My Patti started organic seeds this past winter under many grow lights at home. She buys her organic seeds from Baker Creek at www.rareseeds.com We now have 40 plus tomato plants. Some are just starting to ripen. We have them in 5-gallon fabric pond pots we’ve used for many years here. Many are also 3-gallon pond pots too for our bell pepper plants. I built many wooden raised beds for gardening over the years. Most of those are in need of replacing. But 2x6s are crazy expensive now. These fabric pond pots are doing very well and have lasted for over 10 years. We bought a few more replacements in 2021. We also collect water in twelve 60-gallon rain barrels on both sides of our mobile home. My Patti covers over the tops with a white fabric screen. It looks like the “bride’s vail” to me. Keeps the leaves and other junk out of our barrels. Patti ordered 3 bolts of it on Amazon. I pump out those barrels into our green 425-gallon main garden tank for later in the summer when it hardly rains here in Arkansas. My Patti read that those white water tanks tend to collect algae on the insides. While the green-colored ones which are usually bought for a sewer tank are staying cleaner on their insides. I’m sump pumping out our rain barrels into that larger tank. We’re not drinking the water. The plants are. <smile> We have lots of bell pepper plants almost ready to pick. Patti also likes to dehydrate food stored in canning jars, or vacuum bags to be used later in soups, etc. Well, that’s all the news on our side of the world. Kevin & Patti, LHBC staff.

Norman Parish
Kingdom Ministry, Bible Studies, & Deliverance Ministry

81LHCD12-6 Norman Parish
Through deliverance the kingdom of God is manifested in our midst, the great commission is fulfilled, and redemption is applied to the whole man. Deliverance is a part of sanctification. Establish your deliverance ministry on the Word of God – not on experiences. Experiences can be used to clarify the Word and confirm what is in the Word. Much wisdom is brought through this man of God whose ministry and testimony are a light to all of us.

81LHCD12-7 – Norman Parish – 8 Areas of Demon Activity
Excellent teaching on deliverance. With each area Bro. Parish highlights Scriptures to enlighten these truths. 1) Physical illness or disability; 2) Moral perverseness; 3) Relationships with other people; 4) Mental illness; 5) Doctrinal errors and beliefs; 6) Sin; 7) Personality or character; 8) Will. Questions and answers conclude the teaching.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2
The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
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Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2
The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008

Wonderful Scriptures outlining God’s plan for us to be holy. We are to walk in holiness before the Lord; then we will automatically be walking in holiness before the world. We have to be a people that God can depend on in these last days. “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” Unbelief will keep you from walking in the power and authority the Lord has for you. Tear into your hearts with honesty and allow the Holy Spirit to remove all unbelief. Ministry for deliverance from unbelief at the close of this message.

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8 Areas of Demon Activity
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